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Sustainable Energy

UK Government launches Clean Industry Bonus to boost jobs and low carbon manufacturing

The Clean Industry Bonus will provide financial support to offshore wind developers, focusing mainly on areas that need economic investment, including industrial heartlands and coastal regions.

UKEF awards £230 million funding to a offshore wind farm in Taiwan

UK Export Finance has announced that it is awarding £230 million to support the construction of an offshore wind farm in the Taiwan Strait.

5 simple ways your business can become more sustainable

In this article, Opus Energy, renewable energy provider to businesses, shares its simple tips and tricks on how to cultivate a more sustainable business environment.

Composite materials for the wind energy industry

Here, Dag Kirschke, Wind Energy Segment Owner for composite manufacturer Exel Composites, explains the demand for wind energy and why composite materials are the answer to producing powerful and efficient turbines .

A focus on smart energy green cities

Peder Vejsig Pedersen from European Green Cities tells us about the use of ATES technology with groundwater cooling and heating at Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen.

Functional nanomaterials: Fit for purpose

Researchers at Técnico, Univ. Lisboa, share their expertise on functional nanomaterials and why they are fit for purpose.

Sustainability claims from the biomass industry

Sasha Stashwick, Senior Advocate at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) highlights the three most common sustainability claims from the biomass industry.

UK salaries in renewable energy sector on the rise

In 2013, a survey found that salaries within the renewable energy industry were growing at a faster rate than oil and gas sectors.

Bilateral energy dialogue between Brussels and Tokyo to become stronger

In this article, we explain how the G20 Energy and Environment Ministerial meeting led to a promise of more bilateral energy dialogue and cooperation on innovation between the EU and Japan.

How is the gas and oil industry using technology to be more sustainable?

The gas and oil industry has turned to technology to be more sustainable in today's environmentally conscious world.

APAC countries shifting towards sustainable environment

Asia Pacific (APAC) countries are adopting several strategies and roadmaps to achieve the renewable energy target designated by their nations.

Global conservationists have “core aims” but fight over solution

Research reveals rifts within the global conservation movement, on economic approaches to protected areas, which makes the achievement of conservation goals difficult.

Science and technology innovation including energy: A crucial driver for economic growth

Science and technology innovation is a crucial driver for economic national progress and growth in Taiwan. As an example of National Sci-Tech Programmes in the country, we take a look at the National Energy Program and the call for the country to achieve 100% renewable by 2030.

Coal Authority highlights green initiatives from Britain’s coal mines

To welcome Green GB Week, the Coal Authority has shown how its award-winning approach to delivering sustainable solutions has come from Britain’s coal mining legacy.

Can biofuels make Europe more sustainable?

Seb Dance MEP asks if biofuels can really make Europe more sustainable

New food production systems need sustainable energy worldwide

Sustainable energy is a crucial requirement for the future of food production.  Here Håkan Sandin discusses the requirements of energy for agriculture.

Sweden: Developing the sustainable energy solutions of tomorrow

Sweden’s Minister for Policy Coordination and Energy, Ibrahim Baylan talks to us about his government’s priorities for developing the sustainable energy solutions of tomorrow.


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