Roderick Crawford, Director of Public Sector at SAS UK & Ireland assesses the governments determination to improve the relationship between the general public and the public sector.
Winners of the government's Rent Recognition Challenge Tech will use their prize money to create a simple to use apps that will help renters towards owning their own home.
New research from the IP EXPO Europe event suggests that over a third of Brits would not trust an organisation that uses blockchain to keep their information secure, as they don't know enough about what it does.
There are over six million lone workers in the UK which represents about 20% of the UK workforce. They represent the “hidden” workforce that is under represented in an office they rarely frequent.
The UK has been listed as one of the tech powerhouses of the world, employing more than 1.64 million people and producing a whopping £170 billion a year. So with things looking up for the sector, why is turnover so high?
Richard Watts, Head of Business Development at VXFIBER assesses whether the open access model can allow local authorities to solve Scotland’s lack of high-speed broadband connectivity.
A recent survey has revealed that a whopping 1 in 3 businesses admit that they are still not fully GDPR compliant despite new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws being in full effect.
Recent patent applications from Microsoft reveal that the company is looking at the use of trusted execution environments (TEEs) within its blockchain services.
The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is launching a competition to seek innovative approaches to predict and counter cyber threats in defence and security.
The Ministry of Defence and new not-for-profit TechVets have joined forces to help more veterans become cyber savvy, in a bid to help them work in the technology sector.
Javier Colado, SVP of International Sales at Everbridge shares his views on understanding and managing lone worker risk, with a focus on helping to keep people safe and businesses running.
Blockchain has been said to have the power to change the financial world, offering efficiency, transparency and security, however, it also has its many other uses to industries outside of finance, for example, the transport industry