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Technological Innovations

Navigating the future of AI in schools: Transforming challenges into opportunities

Sendient Ltd navigates the future of AI in schools, explaining how this is transforming challenges into opportunities.

Hyperspectral camera imaging promotes research of the seas and space

Mikko Mäkelä, Research Professor at VTT, discusses the possibilities of a hyperspectral camera – a device that can see things which the human eye cannot.

Why is it so difficult to book a driving test?

Investigation reveals that driving tests are being bulk booked and resold for profit with learners paying more than £200 for a test.

Artificial Intelligence: approaches to AI to solve complex problems even without data

Here Jose M. Peña Director at Lurtis LTD explores the different approaches to AI problems beyond using Machine Learning.

Hubble Space Telescope expands the search of the universe’s rarest galaxies

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has released its largest near-infrared image ever taken enabling astronomers to map the origin of our universes rarest galaxies.

A Bluetooth tracking device to aid the search for older people with dementia who get lost

Getting lost can affect caregivers and families of older people with dementia – now, a Bluetooth tracking device can assist the search for their loved ones.

Simplifying the purchase of medical monitors in the NHS

Ingo Aicher, managing director at Jones AV Ltd., promotes the easy-to-use online specialist medical monitors which will transform British hospitals.

How to prevent future cyber incidents in local schools

Despite local schools going online following the pandemic, the cybersecurity threat prevails - here's how to prevent future cyber incidents.

Why technology is key to a more sustainable public sector

Creating a sustainable public sector requires going net zero, instilling a circular economy, and increasing assurance in the supply chain.

An underwater drone can measure ocean acidification

An underwater drone can measure carbon dioxide levels in the ocean, and combat ocean acidification, monitoring global warming.

Japan: Inter-university research to generate more knowledge

Prof Dr Preethi Kesavan, Head, School of Technology at LSBF Singapore, discusses how to promote academic and inter-university.

6 steps for a successful transformation of your network infrastructure

The public and private sectors are now facing a common issue: how do you maintain legacy technology while embracing new opportunities? Simona Mazza, Head of Digital Advisory, UBDS discusses six steps to transforming your network infrastructure.

Impact of teleworking in health, wellness & well-being

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, describes the impact of teleworking in health, wellness & well-being, beginning with the implications of this in pandemic & post-pandemic scenarios.

Technologies improve human welfare and solve global issues

Shu Wei Goh, Co-Founder of the global AI ecosystem builder and VC firm, Skymind, explores how technologies contribute to the improvement of human welfare & solving global issues.

Microbial electrosynthesis: Achieving a sustainable economy

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, argues that microbial electrosynthesis is a way to achieve a sustainable economy.

Digital transformation in the future of local government

David Bemrose, Head of Account Strategy for Local Government at Crown Commercial Service (CCS), introduces a new digital transformation guide.

Using AI to support decision making & transform outcomes for stroke patients

Adam Nickerson, Head of Category, Digital and IT procurement frameworks at NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS), explains how artificial intelligence software (AI) is used to support decision making & transform outcomes for stroke patients.


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