Three embryonic skulls of dinosaurs, found in the Gobi Desert, have been segmented with an AI process through CT scanning technology – which better preserves dinosaur remains
Using a new modelling method to measure finer levels of nitrogen dioxide, a study finds that people had less exposure to pollution during COVID-19 lockdowns globally.
Scientists invented the ‘falloposcope’ to detect early-stage ovarian cancer - now, making history, a surgeon successfully used the device to capture images of fallopian tubes.
The Digital Services Act (DSA), a European attempt to place digital regulations on tech giants like Facebook and Google, passed with a strong majority.
Parents of babies leaving the NICU have been using an app to get real-time medical updates - giving them vital information that may otherwise get lost.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that Europe would "radically raise" microchip production - predicting that demand will "double in the next decade".
Jonathan Jackson, BlackBerry, looks at how vaccine passports and digital vaccine certificates could work - while facing off with cyber-criminals across the world.
A new bill pushes for regulation of digitally altered bodies in advertising - going up against constantly evolving online platforms, eating disorders and negative body image.
According to evidence in the Online Safety Bill report, 62% of women aged between 18-34 experience online abuse and harassment - with 50% of 11-16 year old girls also facing these issues online.
Tracking the movements of large wild animals, researchers developed the software ‘enerscape’, protecting species and helping humans avoid animal contact.