Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new nanoscale technique, surface-sensitive spintronic terahertz spectroscopy (SSTS), to probe the quantum behaviour of materials at interfaces. This breakthrough offers unprecedented insights into surface phonons and interfacial superconductivity, paving the way for advancements in quantum material and technologies.
Abhishek Goel, CEO, Cactus Communications, addresses the economic and mental health fallout of the pandemic and how AI can improve engagement with employees and monitor their wellbeing.
Stewart Boutcher, founding CTO & data lead at Beacon, explores the risks that click fraud poses to e-commerce businesses and explains the steps that companies can take to prevent fraudulent clicks from disrupting their online marketing campaigns.
Overheating is creating issues for agriculture across the globe - now, scientists think that adapting plant roots to the heat could protect food security.
William Quinton, Head of Elections, Idox, ponders what the Japanese relay team can teach us about harnessing technology to optimise the annual electoral canvas.
Coca Rivas, director of design at dxw, explores what she sees as the key conflict when it comes to service design in the public sector - what the organisation wants, versus what they need.
Nadeem Malik, head of UK & Ireland at Software AG, looks at how organisations can build back better and ensure their technology and processes are fit for a greener future.