Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new nanoscale technique, surface-sensitive spintronic terahertz spectroscopy (SSTS), to probe the quantum behaviour of materials at interfaces. This breakthrough offers unprecedented insights into surface phonons and interfacial superconductivity, paving the way for advancements in quantum material and technologies.
Dr Carlos Ziebert, head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, explains how the safety of batteries for electric cars can be increased by research using battery calorimeters.
2020 was a year of IT change. Jeremy Wyatt, Operations Director at FCS explains how the last year has affected IT, Digital Transformation and modern data protection strategy.
Michael D’Onofrio, CEO of Orbus Software, investigates the vital role of Enterprise Architecture in supporting governments to meet the UN’s sustainability goals.
Prof Masahiro Kamitani, Department of Chemistry at Kitasato University, Japan, explains the significance of developing catalysts in the manufacturing industry and improvements made in iron-based chemical processes.
Jean-Pierre Leburton, and Olgica Milenkovic, Professors of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, discuss how big data processing via bio-sensing, and blue energy production revolutionise solid-state nanopores.
Michael Kauffeld – a refrigeration technology expert & Mihaela Dudita - a chemist - assess the environmental impact of HFO refrigerants & present environmental benign alternatives for the future.
This article summarises what has been done so far in Japanese higher education to develop advanced human resources (HR), which highlights the lack of programmes and teaching materials, and argues for the need to develop advanced learning support personnel (LSP).
Here, Dr Maria Cristina Diamantini and Dr Carlo A. Trugenberger offer an explanation of how quantum mechanics can solve the problem of lossless energy transport and storage using magnetic monopoles.
The Commission has launched a new antitrust investigation into Facebook, as almost 7 million firms advertise on the platform and this data could be used to "distort competition".
Christian M. Theissen and Natalia Filandrianou from White & Case LLP explore the role of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in smart cities & how new mobility concepts will change the dynamics between private & public actors.
David Knezevic, PhD, CTO of Akselos, discusses an emerging field of computing that is revolutionising how large-scale infrastructures, including onshore wind structures, offshore platforms and super-tankers are designed.
Louise Grabo, President of the EESC's Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market, looks at a green and digital recovery in Europe after the COVID crisis.
Richie Kohman, Synthetic Biology Platform Lead, Wyss Institute at Harvard, tells us all about Next Generation Sequencing in analysing synthetic biology signatures in brain tissue.