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Technological Innovations

New nanoscale technique unlocks quantum material secrets

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new nanoscale technique, surface-sensitive spintronic terahertz spectroscopy (SSTS), to probe the quantum behaviour of materials at interfaces. This breakthrough offers unprecedented insights into surface phonons and interfacial superconductivity, paving the way for advancements in quantum material and technologies.

Digital procurement: What do suppliers really need from the Government?

Adam Maddison, director of client services at dxw, analyses the recent government Green Paper on transforming public procurement, focussing heavily on the support available to SMEs.

A transparent and data-driven Government is central to public services

Alison King, CTS’s account manager for the public sector, discusses why Government needs to make modernisation a core focus in 2021, applying the lessons learned in the importance of data during the pandemic.

Local elections: Revolutionising voting through digitisation

Glen Ocsko, Head of Local Government, Made Tech, discusses how digitisation can revolutionise the local election voting process.

Three ways the Raspberry Pi is sparking a digital learning revolution

Michael Cade, Senior Global Technologist, Veeam, discusses how technologies like the Raspberry Pi are sparking a digital learning revolution.

How councils can reduce operational costs and manage tech investments

Nick Smee, CEO of Yotta, explores the digital resident demands and funding issues that councils face may this year and considers the steps they can to take re-evaluate their technology investments, reduce operational costs and better manage budget allocation.

How Industry 5.0 will transform the working environment

Marina Ruggieri, IEEE fellow and professor of telecommunications at University of Roma “Tor Vergata”, discusses how Industry 5.0 will change our workplaces for good and the technologies that will bring this change to light.

Mark Zuckerberg to create “Instagram for children” aged under 13

International child protection groups are speaking out about leaked plans for Facebook to create an "Instagram for children" - a separate version of the app, which would target children under the age of 13.

What if there was an ‘Alexa’ for smart infrastructure solutions?

Leading smart infrastructure solutions company Costain discusses the countless benefits of setting up the right data-sharing platform to help organisations transform business performance and meet carbon reduction targets.

The dangers of business and HR relying on technology in Covid times

Rami Cassis, Founder and CEO of Parabellum Investments, discusses the dangers of relying on technology to judge how well an employee is performing and also looks at which cultures expect different things from their HR leaders.

A new technology paradigm for your remote workforce

David Turner, Managing Director of MSC Digital, outlines a simple approach to transform your technology to support your remote workforce.

Innovative solutions for IT workers at home

Maintaining business as usual while IT workers are at home can be challenging, but with some innovative solutions it doesn’t need to be. Here, Sam Newman, Managing Director of OGEL IT LTD explains how.

Citizen experience: Frictionless operations to improve people’s lives 

When rethinking service transformation, the focus should be on reshaping - Christopher Sly, AVP, Digital Transformation, HGS UK, explains why knowing the limitations to emerging tech reshapes a far greater value story.

Mobile app acceleration during the pandemic

Mike Rhodes, CEO of ConsultMyApp, discusses what businesses must do to leverage their mobile apps/digital brand and survive in a post-covid era.

Brexit and COVID-19 will combine to cause an outsourcing boom

Richard Leslie, CEO, The Sourcing Hub, discusses why the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit could create a boom in outsourcing technology development.

Protecting and experiencing local nature in a pandemic

Studies from Denmark’s Ministry of the Environment show a dramatic increase in the number of people turning to nature amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

Smart cities are only as smart as their cybersecurity protections

Adrian Crawley, VP of Synack’s EMEA region, looks at the challenges ‘green’ measures place on cybersecurity protections, vehicle safety, data, city planning, personal information and payments and how a collaborative approach is needed to overcome them.


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