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Technological Innovations

New nanoscale technique unlocks quantum material secrets

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new nanoscale technique, surface-sensitive spintronic terahertz spectroscopy (SSTS), to probe the quantum behaviour of materials at interfaces. This breakthrough offers unprecedented insights into surface phonons and interfacial superconductivity, paving the way for advancements in quantum material and technologies.

Digital twins – are they game-changers in clinical research and clinical care?

Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director of Science & Innovation at the Profil Institut für Stoffwechselforschung GmbH, explores if digital twins are game-changers in clinical research and clinical care.

How can we harness information technology to be more sustainable?

Here, Defra’s Chief Digital and Information Officer and Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for sustainable technology across government, Chris Howes, tells us why the departments first Sustainable Information Technology (IT) strategy is such a significant development.

Cambridge COVID-19 vaccine gets £1.9 million to start trials

The University of Cambridge are developing a COVID-19 vaccine, which is expected to start clinical trials in Autumn 2020.

Levelling the AI playing field through low-code applications

Richard Billington, Chief Technical Officer at Netcall outlines the importance of levelling the artificial intelligence playing field through low-code applications.

Chatbots and voice technology in healthcare

Rob Bennett, CEO of Rehab, discusses the current use of chatbots and voice technology in healthcare systems and where current opportunities are being missed.

How have mobile workstations developed to meet health workers’ needs?

Paul Zuidema, Managing Director EMEA at Ergotron, explores how mobile workstations have developed to meet the needs of health workers.

How can the Government avoid yet more tech disasters?

Ritam Gandhi, Founder and Director, Studio Graphene, explains why the Government needs a startup mentality to avoid financing more tech disasters.

Matt Hancock announces end of Public Health England

Yesterday Matt Hancock announced the end of Public Health England (PHE), which will be absorbed into a new organisation.

Putting communities at the heart of policy-making

Emily Morrison, Head of the Institute for Community Studies, explains that the heart of policy-making should be the communities involved.

Championing BAME health tech innovators is key in the fight against COVID-19

Adam Bradford, CEO of AdamStart, highlights the importance of young BAME health tech innovators in the battle against COVID-19.

Through COVID and beyond: Using tech in local government

Matt Prosser and David Rees talk about how using tech in local government could be a lasting post-COVID improvement.

Preserving the integrity, accuracy and safety of the US voting process

Michael Sparks, Director of Government Sales at Zebra Technologies, explains how the safety of the US voting process can be improved with specific technology.

Animal health focus: Well-managed and healthy livestock

Well-managed and healthy livestock play a key role in the European Green Deal, Roxane Feller, Secretary General of AnimalhealthEurope argues.

AI algorithm to identify homeless youth at risk of substance abuse

Researchers at the College of Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to help identify homeless youth at risk of substance abuse.

One step closer to implanting diagnostic electronics in the body

The American Chemical Society (ACS) are closer to using electronics in the body, to diagnose tumours and track illnesses.

Why we cannot afford to let the healthtech boom lose pace post-COVID-19

Rupert Spiegelberg, CEO of Doctorlink, explains why we cannot accord to let the healthtech boom lose pace in a post-COVID-19 reality.


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