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Technological Innovations

New nanoscale technique unlocks quantum material secrets

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new nanoscale technique, surface-sensitive spintronic terahertz spectroscopy (SSTS), to probe the quantum behaviour of materials at interfaces. This breakthrough offers unprecedented insights into surface phonons and interfacial superconductivity, paving the way for advancements in quantum material and technologies.

Bridging the gap to a decentralised energy future

Aggreko’s Managing Director of Northern Europe, Chris Rason, provides his thoughts on bridging the gap when it comes to a decentralised energy future in the UK.

How can you gain consumer trust in the age of digital regulation and cyber attacks?

Lee Parry is CEO and co-founder of Enigma Recovery, shares his top tips for business owners who are looking for new ways to gain consumer trust when cyber security is at the forefront of all our minds.

Fake news: Debunking and defeating deepfake audio

Dr Matthew Aylett delves into the use of deepfake audio; touching on weaponisation and lack of public awareness, whilst reframing the tech as a communication tool for speech-altering diseases.

New challenges for public health in the 21st century

Dineke Zeegers Paget, Executive Director of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) provides a fascinating glimpse of the new challenges for public health in the 21st century.

NHS patients will get free fitness trackers to cut Type 2 diabetes

Thousands of people who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes will receive wearable tech such as fitness trackers as part of efforts by the NHS to combat the condition, caused by obesity.

What porn research for the boy scouts taught me

The Real Risk to Children: Exploited By Commercial Algorithms. How browsing habits can link to pornography and other harmful content for children.

The advantages of using smart technologies to help commercial buildings

Frankie Bryon, Sustainability Surveyor at LSH discusses why smart technologies can help commercial buildings improve on sustainability as well introduce other benefits that include promoting health and wellbeing and enable agile working.

Wise healthcare spending can deliver better outcomes

Barbara Harpham, Chair of the Medical Technology Group, wants to see healthcare spending, particularly on medical technology, linked to tangible outcomes for patients, the economy and society.

Nearly a quarter of businesses monitor and track employees

As more businesses invest in surveillance technology to monitor and track employees in the workplace, questions are raised around whether the benefits override growing concerns around digital ethics.

A focus on battery development in Europe

Here, Bo Normark, Thematic Leader Smartgrids & Storage, EIT InnoEnergy explains precisely why the EBA is the catalyst for battery development in Europe.

Can artificial intelligence beat a human hacker?

Here, the question is asked: Can artificial intelligence measure up to the intuition of a human hacker?

In a perfect partnership: How councils can get the most out of a tech provider

London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council’s Cassandra Phillip lists the key steps to creating a successful partnership with a technology provider.

How to transition from finance to fintech

In this article, Chris Stappard, Managing Director of Edward Reed Recruitment, explains how you can make the switch from finance to fintech.

To tackle climate change we need to rethink our food system

Here, Kathleen Rogers and Dr. Shenggen Fan, discuss their opinion of what needs to change with our food system so humans can survive climate change.

Facebook cryptocurrency: Libra needs to focus on data protection

Facebook’s cryptocurrency, Libra, faces renewed questions from regulatory authorities on how it will protect user data and prevent money-laundering.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education

Dr Elaine Garcia, Senior Programme Leader at Interactive Pro explores the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education.


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