Health charities have come into collaboration with the government and the NHS to promote and advance vaccine update, as UK hits its next milestone in the vaccine rollout.
Flooded by reports of sudden rises in drink spike numbers, the public have been calling on the government to enact change and protect women on nights out
Dyl Kurpil, Managing Director, District Enforcement asks, are the general public aware of what is actually classed as litter and the Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) litterers can be subject to?.
The NHS COVID Pass can now be used to show proof of a booster or third dose for outbound international travel, records to be shown on NHS App and NHS.UK.
Confronting the world’s biggest challenges such as the pandemic, climate change, and inequality, the UK led a summit of digital ministers to revolutionise technology.
The Government’s LGBT Business Champion, Iain Anderson discusses LGBT inclusion in the workplace, hosting businesses and charities at event in Manchester.
An investment for £27 million will go to productivity-boosting equipment in the farming industry, helping the UK farm more sustainably and move toward net zero strategies.
As COP26 reaches its completion in Glasgow this year, the UK pledges for more urgent action and investment protecting land, nature, and oceans on their respective summit days. Here’s the breakdown.
The Safety of Women at Night Fund will award up to £5 million to organisations looking to protect women in public spaces at night through safety initiatives.
Francesca Kirby, barrister at Red Lion Chambers, considers if there will be a shift in sentencing and UK police culture following reports of misconduct in the force.
Crown Commercial Service updates us on the Transport Technology and Associated Services framework that enables sustainable transport technology solutions for the public sector.