With the first annual UK-Ireland Summit tomorrow, national security, economic growth, and energy security are expected to be the main discussion topic of discussion between UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Irish Taoiseach Micheál Martin.
Backed by government investment of more than £150 million, 3,300 new long-term homes for rough sleepers will be made available by the end of March 2021.
In the north of England, renters have been fighting a quiet war against the UK private rental sector - how has COVID-19 impacted their quality of life?
The Government has confirmed that working parents who are on the coronavirus support schemes will still be eligible for childcare support even if their income falls below the minimum threshold requirement.
It has been revealed that taxpayers money is being used to clean up fly-tipping incidents as opposed to being allocated to police and fire brigade services.
Paul Green, Founder and CEO of Over50s Money, discusses what he sees as the only options available for the Over50s after being overlooked by the Government when it comes to financial and commercial support during the pandemic.
On 12 October, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a “three-tier” system to override previous COVID-19 measures across England - what does that mean?
Paddy Bradley, Director of Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership, underlines the strategic locational importance of Swindon and Wiltshire in the UK.
Mary Martin, director at UN Business and Human Security Initiative, LSE IDEAS, explains the necessity of open collaboration between the private sector and government.