With the first annual UK-Ireland Summit tomorrow, national security, economic growth, and energy security are expected to be the main discussion topic of discussion between UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Irish Taoiseach Micheál Martin.
An independent report published by Professor Sir Adrian Smith and Professor Graeme Reid, sets out the new opportunities for the UK to extend its international collaborations.
Dr Thomas Fink, Director of the London Institute for Mathematical Sciences argues that Britain’s track record of scientific leadership is not the result of EU funding and the opportunity for science will be open.
Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick has announced that councils will be able to access almost £4 million in new government funding, as part of a crackdown on criminal landlords.
Twitter announced that it will ban political advertisements beginning 15 November and Facebook remains defiant on the issue despite Cambridge Analytica.
A new study links a recent rise in infant mortality in England to poverty, which they find is partly linked to the insufficient and inaccessible welfare system.
In a series of articles exposing changes to global mobility and immigration policy in Western Europe, member firms of Ius Laboris examine the developments.
The UK’s Cabinet office recently announced it is on the hunt for a Government Chief Digital Information Officer (GCDIO). Paul Jackson, head of public sector at Tanium discusses how this individual can overhaul the governments outdated legacy systems and boost its cybersecurity.
Matt Warman, MP, Cyber Security Minister at Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, tells us about the Cyber Skills Immediate Impact Fund and how it is quickly increasing the number and diversity of individuals entering the cyber security profession.