The UK government has announced the start of a new plan that hopes to overhaul public services through technology, promising to cut delays, reduce waste and improve efficiency across Whitehall.
In this article Jerald Solis, Business Development and Acquisitions Director, Experience Invest, reviews the successes and shortcomings of the Northern Powerhouse and provides his outlook for the future.
The Rt Hon Anne Milton MP, Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills at the Department for Education details why apprenticeships are a high-quality route to skilled employment.
Gary Smith, chartered financial planner at Tilney, responds to the Government’s proposals to deal with the current crisis facing members of the NHS Pension Scheme.
Charging electric vehicles is set to become more convenient thanks to an additional £2.5 million to fund the installation of over 1,000 new chargepoints, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps announced today.
Victoria Syvret, family law solicitor, explains what the Special Guardianship Order system is like in the UK and things that people don't realise about the financial situation.
PM Johnson has proposed that the 2000 people per year limit will be lifted and replaced with an easier immigration process for the "very best minds", purely to further the UK's scientific innovation.
Today (7 August) Matt Hancock will propose an NHS pension change, via a public consultation over rules governing the amount that senior doctors put into their pension.
NHSX and NHS England have published a list of accredited suppliers of electronic patient record solutions, to give purchasers more confidence in their route to digital transformation.
Experts respond to Prime Minister Boris Johnson's announcement for a £1.8 million NHS cash injection, highlighting the desperate need for funding to improve patient care.