The UK government hopes to improve innovation and public services by announcing its plans to change how digital projects and AI experiments are funded in the public sector.
Immigration solicitor Anne Morris questions how the Home Office will deliver complete UK immigration reform when it is already struggling under the current status quo.
In this interview, Philip Baldwin talks to Nishat from Open Access Government about Pride, LGBT activism in harmony with his religion, the increasingly hostile political climate and the impact of Stonewall 50 years on.
All new-build homes could soon be fitted with an electric car chargepoint, the government has outlined in a public consultation on changing building regulations in England.
Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey and Transport Minister Michael Ellis are leading a push to tackle the impact of particulate and plastic pollution from brakes, tyres and road wear.
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has announced the imminent launch of the latest version of the G-Cloud procurement framework with 700 extra suppliers from the previous version.
Ray Lock, CBE and Chief Executive of Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) discusses how the present delivery systems for the transition of ex-Service personnel and their families into civilian life could be improved.
The Home Secretary Sajid Javid has asked the Migration Advisory Committee to review and advise on salary thresholds for the future immigration system, which will start to take effect from 2021.
In this article, Eleri Griffiths explores the reality for refugees who survive the UK asylum process, how to help them with housing, and dismantles misconceptions about why refugees are here in the UK.
Today (20th June) the UK Court of Appeal has ruled the UK arms export to Saudi Arabia to be illegal, after an extended court case evidencing that Saudi arms enable the ongoing violence in Yemen.
In this article, Sophie Barrett-Brown and Miglena Ilieva from Laura Devine Solicitors discuss attitudes to immigration in Britain and how the Conservative Party has failed to enforce their reductions.