With the first annual UK-Ireland Summit tomorrow, national security, economic growth, and energy security are expected to be the main discussion topic of discussion between UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Irish Taoiseach Micheál Martin.
Additional licenses provided by local councils under the new legislation for Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs) will help stop rogue landlords
Local councils across the...
A new directory focuses UK expertise in satellite technology and how it can help solve environmental problems such as illegal deforestation, disaster response, and food production.
Charles Armitage, CEO of Florence, highlights what nursing and care home managers need to be mindful of during Brexit uncertainty and the social care staffing crisis.
Today marks one year since Amber Rudd’s formal apology for her actions against the Windrush migrants: Amnesty examines what really happened, what the effects are to this moment and where the UK government can go from here.
The UK risks stumbling into the next phase of negotiations with the EU without a plan, putting the country at an unnecessary disadvantage with the Brexit extension, according to a new report.
University of Hull and Evoco use the Agile Business Consortium’s AgileDS™ approach to give graduates the opportunity to develop and grow their skills for government and private sector.
New UK divorce law could reduce the level of negotiation, conflict and mental health degradation often found by those seeking a legal separation in the UK.
In this piece, Andy Butcher talks us through some of the general technology changes involved in the immense, ongoing machinations of government digital transformation.
The Voyeurism Offences Act 2019 has been made into UK law: Read on for an analysis of the changes to your rights, and the legal loopholes that existed before today.
Britain, France, and the United States should issue public reports on the Jamal Khashoggi murder trial: The media, UN and public are banned from trial proceedings, so who will tell the truth?
This week, the UK Court of Appeal will hear the case from Campaign Against the Arms Trade, with intervention from Amnesty, Human Rights Watch and Rights Watch UK about the UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
The work of the Government Digital Service in leading digital transformation is discussed here, with a focus on their recently promoted initiative to meet the demand for software developers in government.
The largest mainstream test of an online age verification system since the announcement of the UK’s “porn ban” has taken place, and has been described as a huge success.