
£62 million to investigate the health effects of vaping on young people

A new major research project will explore the long-term health impacts of vaping on children and young adults.

World No Tobacco Day 2024: How to convince young people to quit tobacco 

For World No Tobacco Day 2024, we explore the addictive nature of tobacco for young people and how to help convince young people to keep off tobacco and quit smoking.

Is the Disposable Vape ban saving the NHS from another health epidemic?

While we have not yet seen the full health impact of continuous vape usage, the new UK Disposable Vape Ban may be a welcome first step in limiting the impact of what many believe could have become the next health crisis.

Hidden dangers in cannabis vape liquids

Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking. However, there are many potential risks associated with cannabis vape liquids .

The immediate impact of e-hookah vaping on vascular health

With the rise of vaping continuing to increase, electronic (e-) hookahs have been advertised as a safer tobacco alternative, but it’s not all it seems.

Strong association between vaping and binge drinking

A recent study involving over 50,000 US adolescents has revealed a strong association between vaping and binge drinking, and cannabis use.

Long-term effects of vaping on the cardiovascular system

As vaping becomes increasingly popular, with 3.6 million users in the UK alone, you may be wondering what the long-term effects of vaping on cardiovascular system are.

School children favour vaping over smoking or taking drugs

Fewer school children are smoking or doing drugs, but vaping use among 11 to 15-year-olds is increasing, a study from NHS Digital finds.


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