Water Supply

Legionella control: What we mean by ‘managing through to resolution’

HC Legionella is a water hygiene specialist focused on resolving Legionella control issues. Here, authorising engineer Claire Jackson shares an example of her team’s work in addressing temperature issues at a high-risk site that posed a threat to vulnerable individuals.

Environment Agency calls for action on water efficiency

Rivers and wildlife could be left without sufficient water unless action is taken to reduce water use and wastage, according to an Environment Agency report

Smart water meters increasingly employ cellular communication solutions to harness the power of IoT

Smart meters' ability to reduce non-revenue water losses and improve billing accuracy attracts investments, finds Frost & Sullivan

New-build market in the UK to benefit from genuine competition for water connections

John March, Water Director at GTC shares his views on how the new-build market in the UK is to benefit from genuine competition for water connections

Countdown continues to world’s first ever Global Recycling Day

The initiative from the Bureau for International Recycling (BIR) will call on the world to think “resource” not “waste” when it comes to recycling

Network Rail to provide free drinking water at stations

Network Rail has announced that it will trial drinking water facilities at London Charing Cross to help reduce plastic waste The free drinking water initiative,...

Sustainable water treatment with Arctic attitude

Professor Riitta Keiski, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu talks about the importance of sustainable water treatment in Northern Finland

Foodborne, waterborne, and zoonotic disease in the Canadian North

Dr. Sherilee Harper and Dr. Ashlee Cunsolo look at the need for integrated environment and health surveillance for foodborne, waterborne, and zoonotic disease in the Canadian North

Addressing the world’s water shortage

Acute shortage of drinking water reserves across the globe is one of the biggest problems these days. According to the study conducted by NASA...

Environmental benefits of re-using rainwater

Water UK explains the environmental as well as money saving benefits of recycling and re-using rainwater It might seem difficult to believe but it was...

An innovative technology for industrial wastewater reuse

Water is one of the most important natural resources on Earth. It is not only fundamental to life but also essential to the wealth...

Addressing EU water challenges

Pavel Misiga, Head of the Water Unit at the European Commission’s Environment DG, outlines how the EU Water Framework Directive can help to ensure clean...


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