Dr Fiona MacRae specialises in integrative women's health and bioidentical hormone balancing. She is an expert in bio-identical hormonal replenishment therapy for the Marion Gluck Clinic, which pioneered the use of bioidentical hormones to treat menopause, perimenopause, and other hormone-related issues.
Despite its prevalence and impact, PCOS remains an under-recognized, under-diagnosed, and under-funded condition. Sasha Ottey and Katherine Sherif explain why this approach to the condition must change.
In a significant advancement for breast cancer treatment, a new blood test has shown the ability to predict the recurrence of breast cancer up to three years before tumours become detectable through conventional scans.
The average age at which U.S. girls experience menarche, their first menstrual period, has decreased, with certain minorities being more heavily effected
The study led...
Stigma around gynaecological health is perpetuating health inequities; we spoke to UK charity Wellbeing of Women about the impact of unmet needs in women’s healthcare and the strategies for change.
Natalie Duffield explains how Inhealthcare – a UK leader in digital health and remote monitoring – is helping NHS organisations to develop and deliver technologies that can help close the gender gap in health outcomes and provide fair access to women’s clinical services.
Recent evidence reveals the risks and challenges women face regarding heart disease, emphasising the urgent need to prioritise heart health among women.
According to hair stylists, 68% of women are unhappy about their hair. How women feel about our hair correlates strongly with our feelings. The most common complaints are that our hair is 'too dry', 'it's falling out', or it 'grows too slowly'.