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Young People Development

Adapting the Icelandic Prevention Model to improve the wellbeing of young people in Ireland

Improving health outcomes for young people: What is the Icelandic Prevention Model, and how does it work.

UK government outlines steps to enhance internet safety

The prime minister has announced plans to make the UK the safest place to be online, making sure that what is illegal offline is...

Safer Internet Day 2018- how to keep your children safe online

BullGuard cybersecurity discusses how we can connect with our children to make their online world safer Safer Internet Day aims to encourage safe and positive...

We live in a digital world, but are our children ready for it?

Julia Adamson from BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT explores today’s digital world and asks if our children ready for it The Autumn 2017 Budget...

The global burden of cancer in young adults

Dr Miranda Fidler from the International Agency for Research on Cancer highlights the burden of cancer and the need for prevention, diagnosis, and care Cancer...

Speech, language and communication skills

Director of Education at I CAN, Deirdre Fitzpatrick turns the spotlight on speech, language and communication skills (SLCN) As I CAN’s Director of Education I’m...

£1.4 million investment in Who Cares? Scotland

Care experienced young people in Scotland will be supported thanks to £1.4 million funding for Who Cares? Scotland from the Life Changes Trust The money...

Swedish research and education is at the forefront of change

The work of Swedish Minister for Research and Education, Helene Hellmark Knutsson, is profiled by Open Access Government in this compelling article

Green jobs, bilingualism, and youth: A winning combination

A group of experts from Fédération de la jeunesse Canadienne-française lift the lid on English and French linguistic minorities and bilingualism in Canada

Promoting the issues affecting Canadian Youth

Jonathan Miles from Open Access Government profiles the work the Minister of Canadian Heritage and what she does for Candian youth

Can UK Higher Education maintain the ‘student experience’ in the age of Brexit?

Robert Stoneman from GlobalData looks at how the UK can offer a unique and sought-after student experience during Brexit uncertainty

New mental health figures show a rise in depression among teenage girls

New mental health figures revealed by a study show that a quarter of teenage girls and 1 in 10 teenage boys have suffered from depression

Public Health England launches programme to teach life skills in schools

Public Health England (PHE) has launched a new programme in schools set up to teach life skills to children, helping them deal with the modern world

The impact of stroke in young people

Jukka Putaala from the European Stroke Organisation outlines the effects of stroke in young people compared to stroke in the older generation

UK’s poorest children ‘2 years behind’ at GCSE

New research suggests that the very poorest children in the UK falling further behind their peers is at its lowest level since 2007

How adolescent experiences influence adulthood: The LifE Study

The LifE Study is investigating how our adolescent experiences influence adulthood by following the lives of individuals over the course of 30 years The data...

Helping vulnerable adults and young people in Somerset

Advocacy in Somerset has been a registered charity since 2001 and is also a company limited by guarantee. Our mission has always been to...


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