Text, email or letter? Adopting multi-channel communications

woman on her phone, multi-channel communications

Text, email or letter? Jonty Fletcher, Marketing Manager at Synertec Ltd, focuses on the benefits and challenges of adopting multi-channel communications

Multi-channel communications are something that people need to think about. Every day, we receive texts, emails, messages, social media notifications, news updates and letters through our door. The question is, which method works best in communicating to the recipient? Secondly, do certain mediums fit better for certain types of communication? The first point to address is ‘‘Who is receiving these communications?’’ When you work back from there, you can understand how best to communicate.

What are multi-channel communications?

Multi-channel communication is the process of tailoring multiple mediums of messaging to engage with your intended audience. Typically, we will see this in the form of a combination of text messaging, emailing and sending physical letters. Synertec specialises in understanding the importance of multi-channel communication, and its agnostic approach focuses solely on the recipient’s preferences for communication. This ensures the most successful and effective delivery. What this means is that we understand that whether we’re sending communications on behalf of hospitals, councils, or commercial organisations, we need to consider which methods will have the most impact.

When we are considering how people digest information, we need to aim for the most effective method for the largest number of people. A report by the European Commission stated that “a multi-channel approach is recommended to increase the recall effectiveness, as opposed to use of a single channel only.” Furthermore, studies show that 72% of consumers find it simpler to remain engaged with brands that have a multi-channel presence.

How can healthcare be improved?

Multi-channel communications have been shown to significantly improve patient experience within the healthcare sector. Using various communication channels such as SMS, email, and physical letters is an effective way to personalise care and engage with patients efficiently. It caters to patients’ communication preferences and ensures that important information is delivered in a timely manner, as different levels of healthcare communication will have differing levels of importance and urgency.

Research suggests that multi-channel communication strategies can lead to improved patient outcomes. A survey by Google Health and the NHS Confederation found that just over 8 in 10 (83%) adults already use some form of technology to manage their health, and this increases to nearly 9 in 10 (89%) people living with one or more long-term condition. Using digital and traditional communication channels, healthcare providers can make healthcare more accessible and convenient for patients. Synertec develops this experience by sending physical letters to patients that have not read their messages in the dedicated patient engagement platform within a specific time frame, to prevent any communications from being missed.

Multi-channel communication methods have also been found to increase patient satisfaction and improve patient-doctor relationships. In fact, Sequence Health found that secure messaging systems provide convenient and secure communication between healthcare professionals and can improve overall patient care. Also, Public Health England study found that text messages could reduce missed appointments by 23%, showing the effectiveness of varying communication channels.

Adopting a multi-channel communication approach informed by these statistics can improve patient outcomes, satisfaction, and engagement while providing convenient access to healthcare.

How can councils utilise multi-channel communications?

In relation to working with councils at the Local Government level, using multiple communication methods in an orchestrated setup will achieve higher open rates or read rates. By utilising multiple communication channels like emails, social media, and mailing services, they can deliver tailored information efficiently and connect with a broader audience.

Research has shown that multi-channel communication strategies can significantly impact citizens and their overall understanding of their communications. According to a recent study by Ofcom, 94% of adults in the UK use the internet daily, with many using it to access public services.

Furthermore, the same report highlights that email and SMS are the preferred methods of communication for many UK citizens. Therefore, councils can enhance citizen engagement by utilising these channels to deliver information such as parking or waste management updates, all the way to blue badge updates or children’s services.

In addition, employing a multi-channel approach has been found to increase public trust in government. A study by Whispir found that community members are ‘always-on’, and multi-channel communication can make the difference between a citizen feeling like a local government is there to support them or not.

Overall, establishing multi-channel communication programmes tailored to citizen preferences can lead to enhanced experience and satisfaction while promoting public trust in district and county councils in the UK.

What are the challenges of adopting multi-channel communication?

Adopting a multi-channel communication approach presents several challenges for businesses, trusts and councils. One primary barrier is the significant investment required for the technology and resources to manage multiple communication platforms effectively. Additionally, integrating these systems to provide a seamless user experience can be complex and time-consuming.

This is where Synertec’s Prism Software comes in. Prism can interact with multiple systems across multiple data formats to provide a seamless, unified data stream. The flexibility of Prism means that these difficult integration issues are not required, and can be bypassed, while achieving the ultimate goal of providing an improved experience for the end user or recipient.

Another major challenge is data security and privacy concerns, as managing sensitive information across multiple channels increases the risk of data breaches. Synertec specialises in high security for all customer data and ensures that all precautions are taken to maintain this. Their ISO accreditations support the recognition of their commitment to protecting all data.

Implementing multiple methods of communication can yield strong results. The benefits greatly outweigh the challenges of implementing the infrastructure that enables multi-channel communication. Methods exist to streamline the process and reduce the changes to how things are currently done. The question is, what’s stopping you from doing this now?

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