The green economy & green investments

the green economy
© Jan Wachala

Gavriel Landau, Founder and CEO of Charm Impact, speaks to Open Access Government about the green economy, including the enabling of green investments

In this interview, Gavriel Landau, Founder and CEO of Charm Impact, explains why green investments need to be enabled and supported through targeted public expenditure, policy reforms and changes in taxation and regulation. He also explains how he perceives a green economy and ponders if such a notion creates a new focus on the economy, investment, capital and infrastructure, employment and skills and positive social and environmental outcomes. Finally, Gavriel details how the demonstration of a green economy provides a central focus on access to green finance, technology and investments.

Why do green investments need to be enabled and supported through targeted public expenditure, policy reforms and changes in taxation and regulation?

Ultimately and most simply because this is the way forward. Updates on public policy, changes in taxation and regulation are the key drivers for this, as we see further progression in these areas – the everyday person will be better informed, no matter what their background is or financial interests are. Enabling the environment to see how the government can support capital specifically into the entrepreneurial ecosystem that is furthering the green economy and energy transition are exactly why green investments need to be enabled and more importantly, welcomed.

What should a green economy look like?

It’s debatable as to whether ‘green economy’ is simply becoming a ‘buzz word’ as we see trends and conversation in ‘green’ increase. However, if we take this seriously, the fact is that a green economy is part of a wider government ambition to achieve an economically sustainable climate. Milestones are firmly in place to reach the goals set in the ten-point plan we are all now familiar with, but being able to visualise this in our everyday lives is the next step we should expect to see. Creating a green economy is a global challenge, not just a UK one but it’s one that can start with small steps. The government can incentivise behaviours that work towards the right outcomes, such as tax breaks like the Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) which was set up to encourage investors to support social causes. Another example is no road tax for electric vehicles – which is a tangible, visible and measurable incentive.

How does the notion of a green economy create a new focus on the economy, investment, capital and infrastructure, employment and skills and positive social and environmental outcomes?

It provides people with a new route in a number of ways, from entrepreneurs to investors who want to pursue more sustainable business goals to those within existing organisations able to channel their green agenda. We’re already seeing more corporate organisations present sustainable credentials and this positive impact filters down to employees, consumers and so forth. Green leaders will help to shape a cleaner economy because of their insight, knowledge and genuine interests.

How does the demonstration of a green economy provide a central focus on access to green finance, technology and investments?

There is a fascinating and extremely accessible ecosystem when it comes to technology, investments and climate change – we’re proud to be part of it. This coalition recognises the shared perspectives of a green economy due to their understanding of the opportunities, as well as the challenges, of the climate crisis. Tech comes into it simply because of the innovation that climate change requires, it’s becoming increasingly central to our everyday lives, whether it’s in the way we live, shop, eat and even travel. Alongside this shift, we are also seeing people starting to change how they invest their money, contributing to the rise of “ethical investing” which will be a significant market trend in 2021.

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