The importance of management social-interpersonal skills

Wellbeing Dynamics

In its recent report QUALITY OF WORKING LIFE [January 2016], The Chartered Management Institute has reported that workplace anxiety, stress and depression is on the increase but that it can be reversed by skilled Line Managers who know what to look for and what to do.  But let’s be honest, some people are notoriously difficult to manage!

Working hard in a ‘heads down-get on with the job’ silo, sometimes there is absolutely no way of knowing what’s going on with someone – until it shows up in a disruptive or really time consuming issue!

Absenteeism, poor performance, low productivity or colleagues’ falling-out with each other can throw the manager’s schedule for the day.  They then go home late, have no work/life balance… and it all starts again the next day!

If this sounds familiar, what’s needed is the expertise and self-belief to deal proactively, competently and professionally with different personality types, presenting emotions and unwelcome behaviours.

Sounds easy – but where do you start?

Well, we start with a training course [Social-Interpersonal Skills for Line Managers] that addresses the points raised by the CMI.

But even before delegates arrive, we invite them to take a Personal Profile Evaluation using The Frequency Test.


Right back to the days of Aristotle, it has been acknowledged that individuals are different in four specific ways:  THINKING – which can be Intuitive or Sensory, and ACTION – we are predominantly Introvert or Extrovert.

We use the terms Driver, Expressive, Amiable and Analytical for the four ‘frequencies’ that lead individuals to notice, interact and respond most frequently in quite different and predictable ways.  We all have some of each frequency but are typically strongest in one.

You can register with us and take your own Frequency Test here:


Anyone managing or leading a team is only too aware that that we’re all different and different can be good.  But it can also mean that people face elements of their job where they struggle to deliver and are not happy. Yet in other parts of their job, these very same people will do amazing things with consummate ease and enjoyment.

“Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

                                                                                                     Attr Albert Einstein

The key skill a good manager excels in, is putting the right person in the right place.  For example:

Drivers: are really good at coming up with fresh initiatives and starting new things – but they’re not particularly good at seeing things through!  [There’s always a newer bright shiny object just over there…]

Expressives: are really good at talking to people and are great in a promotional or front-line role – but they’re not so hot on detail!  [I just need to meet and chat to all these nice people…]

Amiables: are the deliverers.  If you want something done reliably and on time, ask an Amiable – but don’t expect them to revolutionise how it done!  [Note the Amiable motto: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it…]

Analyticals: are simply amazing at delving deep, analyzing and working through complex statistical problems with ease. – but don’t expect them to organize an uplifting Team Awayday!  [Why would anyone want to go on one of those anyway when they could be getting stuck-in to an elucidating and impactful spreadsheet…]

I’ll grant that the asides in green are in the extreme, but one of the biggest errors made is putting and keeping the wrong person in the wrong position, with the choice being based more on their qualifications and knowledge than their natural passions and talents.


By understanding their own lead frequency and those of their staff, managers are able to pin-point each person’s key strengths and challenges; which allows them to build trust and bond more easily with the individuals and the whole team.

This helps build confidence in the manager, which encourages staff to feel that they both belong in – and want to contribute to – the success of the team.  The ripple effect of this bonding between manager and team members is an automatic allowing of the trusted Social-Interpersonal interactions that increase the Quality of Working Life for all.

Whilst Line Managers are not expected to be psychologists, they nevertheless maintain a huge influence over the health, wellbeing and productivity of the people they manage; and they deserve all the support they can get.

If you value the difference having better Social-Interpersonal Skills could make to yourself or  your organisation and would like to see details of the training, click on the download button below.

Download Social-Interpersonal Skills Programme here

AS A THANK YOU, we will also send you the Executive Summary of the CMI 2016 Quality of Working Life.

Wellbeing Dynamics

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