Top company for apprenticeships named

Ernest & Young has been named the UK’s top firm for apprenticeships in a new survey…

Rate My Apprenticeship’s annual survey has named Ernest & Young the highest ranking firm for apprenticeships.

The Top 60 Employers Table was drawn from over 2,500 reviews written by students. It ranks organisations that have at least 10 reviews on the website.

The survey, which offers insight into the status of training across the UK, revealed that more than 50 per cent of parents and teachers want to see compulsory apprenticeship targets. This would apply to the number of under-25s taken on by firms.

Ernest & Young currently has over 100 people on training programmes at any one time. Students involved in the survey gave feedback on areas such how valued they felt within the company to how much they earn.

Maggie Stilwell, Managing Partner for Talent in the UK and Ireland, EY, said’: “Our number one ranking is a great achievement and it demonstrates just how much our trainees and interns value their experience with us.

“We have invested heavily in our school-leaver programme since its launch three years ago, and a key part of that has been listening to and acting on feedback from our trainees, as well as involving them in shaping their own training and development.

“This not only helps us to stay competitive, but also ensures our trainees are prepared for a successful career in business.”

The respondents gave an interesting insight into who is responsible for recruiting young people. A total of 32 per cent said pupils, 50 per cent parents, 44 per cent teachers, and 48 per cent of businesses said employers were responsible. A total of 51 per cent agreed schools should be doing more to tell pupils about non-traditional routes into employment.

Ollie Sidwell, co-founder of, said: “The Top 60 Employers Table is a great chance to celebrate and reward those companies that are leading the way in this area and really providing opportunities for the next batch of talent, across the UK.

“In the last year EY has demonstrated their commitment to their school leaver programmes and the benefit it has, not only to the company, but to their industry as well.

“EY has become a great role model for companies looking to do the same.”

He added: “The latest apprenticeship report from IPPR suggests that apprenticeship figures have become heavily skewed towards older workers – as the UK’s voice for student apprentices, this is shocking.

“A quota on the number of under-25s on company programmes would help raise the bar, but it shouldn’t be seen as a tick list process.

“Targets could be a good way of ensuring that all school leavers have the opportunity to choose the path that’s right for them.

“Eventually this broadening of choice could mean that more women and those from ethnic minorities will end up in the boardrooms of the UK’s top companies and everyone can play a part in making this a viable option for young people.

“Young people now have more opportunities than ever to make an excellent start in the world of work and they can do so in the knowledge that non-academic routes are no longer seen as the poorer cousin of traditional degrees”.

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