Unlocking the secrets of the Milky Way and it’s warped shape

image: @ Nick_Pandevonium | iStock

The Milky Way, our celestial home, harbours a mysterious secret in its shape, attributed to a football-shaped, tilted halo of dark matter. Unlike the familiar flat disk analogy, the Milky Way exhibits a subtle warp, akin to a frisbee disturbed by a playful child’s touch

Astronomers from the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian have delved into the enigma, proposing that the warped galaxy may be due to the halo of dark matter surrounding it being slightly askew.

This revelation offers insights into the Milky Way’s evolution and the role of dark matter in shaping galaxies.

The elusive dark matter

Dark matter, a profound cosmic puzzle, makes up 85% of the universe’s matter content, yet it remains invisible, eluding direct interaction with light. This enigmatic substance is vital to gravitational glue, holding galaxies together without sufficient visible matter.

Milky Way: The tilted dark matter halo

The Milky Way, believed to be enveloped by a dark matter halo, was found to have a stellar halo with a football-like shape and tilt. Computer models confirm that the stars’ orbit aligns with this tilted, football-shaped dark matter halo, explaining the galaxy’s warp.

Unveiling galactic history and dark matter properties

The discovery suggests that the Milky Way’s warp and tilted halo may result from a collision with another galaxy. Beyond unveiling the galaxy’s history, these findings may shed light on the nature of dark matter particles and aid in studying free-floating dark matter between galaxies.

They also hint at limits to dark matter self-interaction, challenging our understanding of this pervasive cosmic entity.

In unravelling the enigma of the Milky Way’s warped shape, astronomers have not only deepened our understanding of our celestial home’s history but also shed light on the perplexing nature of dark matter.

The revelation of a tilted, football-shaped dark matter halo challenges conventional wisdom and beckons us to explore the limits of dark matter’s interactions.

As we continue to unlock the secrets of our galaxy and the universe, the mystery of dark matter remains a captivating enigma, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of the cosmos.

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