What are the side effects of the Pfizer vaccine?

side effects of the Pfizer vaccine
© Megabablo999

Here, we assess some of the most common side effects of the Pfizer and BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

Clinical trials have reported that the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine is 95% effective against SARS-CoV-2.

More recently it has proved to prevent patients experiencing severe COVID and dying from the South African mutation, however it is significantly less efficient in preventing infection of the virus completely.

In a previous article, we addressed numerous rumours about the side effects of the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine, but what about the Pfizer vaccine?

Common side effects

Generally, all vaccines come with the risk of side effects. Some of the most common side effects of the Pfizer vaccine include:

  • Tenderness, swelling and/or redness where the injection has been administered
  • Headache
  • Muscle ache
  • Feeling tired (fatigue)
  • Fever (temperature above 37.8°C)

Around 1 in 10 people will experience these side effects.

Uncommon side effects

The more uncommon side effects that 1 in 100 people may experience include enlarged lymph nodes that can last up to 2 weeks, but this can be expected a few days after receiving the vaccine as a sign of the immune system’s response.

A rare side effect that can occur and affects around 1 in 1,000 people may be temporary one-sided facial drooping. Some may also suffer from an allergic reaction, but the data on this is unknown as no cases have been reported.

These side effects are not life-threatening and will settle on their own, however, if you are concerned you can contact your doctor, nurse or local pharmacist for advice. You can also take paracetamol to ease some of the symptoms.

What does the Pfizer vaccine contain?

The active substance in the vaccine is BNT162b2 RNA. After dilution, the vial contains 6 doses, of 0.3 mL with 30 micrograms of mRNA each.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) gives our cells information about what the virus looks like so that it can make good antibodies in response. Unlike some vaccines, mRNA does not contain any fragments of the actual virus.

There have been some concerns about whether or not mRNA can alter a person’s DNA. These rumours are not true. The vaccine simply instructs the body on how to create an organic defence against the virus via information about the virus’ structure.

The other ingredients include:

  • Polyethylene glycol/macrogol (PEG) as part of ALC-0159.
  • ALC-0315 = (4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate)
  • ALC-0159 = 2[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide
  • 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine
  • Cholesterol
  • Potassium chloride
  • Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
  • Sodium chloride
  • Disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate
  • Sucrose
  • Water for injections

It should be stored in a freezer at -80 °C to -60 °C and once thawed the vaccine should be diluted and administered by a healthcare professional within 6 hours.

If you know are you allergic to any of these ingredients you should consult your doctor before receiving the vaccine. You should also tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and taking other medicines.

Needle phobia

You can also find help on how to overcome needle phobia here. 

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  1. I had my jab 19/02/21 the phizer bionica. And can report yes the injection site was tender for about 48hrs also around 4hrs after the jab started to feel a bit achy as though i was coming down with something but didn’t get any worse. By the following day it had gone. Within 2-3 days felt perfectly fine and fully back to normal

    • I had my Pfizer vaccine on 4th February. Three days later I started a week of being sick and unable to eat which lasted for nearly a week. I also had chills and a temperature; I was very tired and hardly moved out of my recliner. My doctor prescribed antibiotics which stopped the sickness. I was worried so took a Covid test, which was negative . The following week I was still poorly, so was sent to hospital for tests
      I had another two Covid tests, again negative
      Nothing could be found to account for my illness, although an MRI scan revealed the possibility of cancer in my liver and kidney, so that could be called a lucky break. My consultant told me my current symptoms – temperature, night sweats and loss of taste, are nothing to do with the possible cancer, so I am at a total loss!⁹⁷

      • Hi Sheila, sorry to hear about the cancer they found. I hope you are on the mend? I too have underlying health conditions and awaiting mri results that I had a scan on the brain done on the day of my vaccine. I felt fine having the vaccination but just over 12 hours later I woke with severe shaking, chills, difficulty swallowing and now I’m in bed with a temp. I can’t walk very well but was limping about before the vaccination so this has just made it worse. There were articles saying that people who’ve actually had covid can suffer worse with the side affects but I don’t know how much of this is true. I definitely think those with an already compensated immune system or underlying health problem suffer more because of the hypersensitivity. I know that long covid can give you extended loss of smell and taste which may explain yours? But if like me you’ve always been tested and had negative results it’s baffling.

        • I had my first Pfizer jab end of Feb 21 and was ill for almost 10 days with fatigue, dizziness, temp. All covid tests during that period were negative though I had high level of exposure to covid through work. Interestingly I had my second jab on 8th April (6 weeks later), felt flu-like for 24hrs then felt better than I had in the past 6 weeks. Feel like it cleared away any remnants of covid in my body

          • I had Pfizer three weeks ago this Friday 48 hours after the shot it sent me into the most painful fybromyalga flare I have ever experienced and it lasted 11 days . I was taken by ambulance because my blood pressure shot up and I passed out six or more times . I got through that barely . I didn’t know how much more I could take now each day I get dizzy and disoriented like I am drunk without drinking . My husband has been in the room and I am fine then I say I don’t feel good and he tells me my face changes like I am drunk . This last most of the day and as it leaves pain comes . My vision goes weird each day . I feel very weak and now the last two days my left leg is numb . It aches and has puns and needles. Right from my hip to my toes . Like there’s a band around my upper leg . My ears have been woo woo wooing and I am seriously getting concerned I am going to loose the ability to walk . I also got my period when I am menopausal and on birth control only for hormonal support . But that’s started four times since the shot ..

          • Hi Maria,

            We are sorry to hear of your health issues at the moment. We highly advise you to seek medical attention again.

            Good luck to you.

          • Sarah, sorry to hear about your awful side effects. I had my first jab yesterday and about an hour afterwards I developed symptoms like yours (fever, weakness, tiredness, muscle aches, nausea, etc) that are still affecting me. I made an appointment with my doctor which is in two days but if it keeps getting worse I’m going to go to the urgent care. I have an aggressive MRSA infection in my bones which is draining on my immune system so I’m wondering if my side effects are worse because of it. Anyway, I hope that you feel better soon.

          • I am having very serious side affects like Sarah wrote on June 10th and I havn’t drank in 21 years. It started on the 1st vaccine. Debilitating pressure in my head, can barely function. Have a hard time standing up sometimes. I had the Pfizer also on 5-17-2021. Will be 8 weeks Monday and it not getting any better. My doctor is finally setting me up for cat scan of head. I don’t recommend this vaccine to anyone at all. I wasn’t having any health problems at all before the vaccine. If I had of known about all these side affects I would have taken my chances with the covid virus. I am 65 and live alone so it has really been hard for me. I believe a lot of people are having side affects and it is not being reported. I don’t do e-mail.

        • Hello I m 64 and had COVID last December.I went two days ago which is july 15 and got my first pfizer shot, i went home and my chest started to tighten up then the pain went into my muscle in my shoulderblade on the same side i felt drunk, like i had drank bottles of wine. My neighbor took me to the ER the doctor ran EKG blood work xrays and i kept telling him my muscle hurts so bad i cant stand it he had the nurse give me a very strong very big needle shot that hurt like hell in my arm.They had me lay down on a bed and rest a hour later the pain was easing up .The doctor said everyday we are hearing of knew reactions to the shot.The next day i was so tired i could not fall asleep it was so strange i felt like i did after my bladder surgery when you are on meds.I woke up this morning feeling better its been. 48 hours i think its gone ,i see im not the only one who had a bad experience.

        • Clint is every limb on your body hurting? Does the pain travel from neck shoulder arm and leg on the side of the shot? My boyfriend has been in a huge amount of pain since taken the shot. What should I do?

      • Sorry about that,but I could notice that your story looks 90% as my mother’s situation 2 weeks ago,she is 64 years old!Hope that you get better!

          • Hey Becky, just got mine today and within an hour mine flared up. I hope your went away and that mine does too!

          • Same here, had mine yesterday afternoon and I bladder bowel functions increased a lot, cramping, leg pain and a horrible pressure on pelvic floor feeling it’s going to collapse. Whole time with a heat pack on my lower back.

      • I hope this isn’t the case for you, but night sweats can be indicative of splenic median zone lymphoma, smzl, which can be treated by immunotherapy. It may be accompanied by weight loss. This can be determined by a upper lower gi cat scan or splenic ultrasound. Hope it’s not & good luck discovering the cause.

    • Pfizer shot1 side effects – week 1: severe nausea and vomiting, headache, high blood pressure, pins and needles throughout – hands & feet. Cognitive dysfunctions: vision & nervous system. Heavy breathing. Chest pressure. Do I want shot2? NO WAY! I’d like to know if I can do J&J instead of shot2 Pfizer although I hear side effects are blood clots and I need to do some research.

      • I’ve had johnson on 7/7 and 27/7 still suffering symptoms as described: extremely tired, muscular weakness, tinkling hands and feet and fingers, pain in the arteries, strange tremor /rush trough the entire body,
        Concentration difficulties.
        Bloodresults and emg show nothing abnormal. I was an active and healthy 47 old woman and one day after the vaccin, this all turned into a passive exhausted situation.

        • Hi Tanya! I am sorry to hear about these symptoms. I am 33 and currently have covid, I’ve gone past the 14 days, but still have the tingling in the hands/fingers, could you tell me please if it resolved or if it resolves? I will keep you posted as well if you’d like. Thanks and best wishes for both of us!

        • Hi tanja,

          I’m sorry to hear about these symptoms. How are you now?

          After my 2nd pfizer shot 12 days go I’ve also suffered with some similar symptoms. Initially I had the normal symptoms. Headache, feeling unwell, slight temp and swollen and sore lymph nodes. I also had a weird viral rash on my chest.

          Since day 7 after receiving my 2nd pfizer vaccine I continue to feel unwell with unusual symptoms including insomnia, feeling on edge, my heart racing. I’m experiencing a hyper alterness that seems to not let me sleep. Or I sleep for just a few hours and then night waking feeling like something is jolting me awake, like my heart or adrenaline.

          I’m also seeing a heart specialist as have had experienced exhaustion and palpitations. I’m currently undergoing tests privately.

          I had a sleeping tablet last night and managed to get maybe 5 hours after naturally falling asleep and being violently woken after 1 hour. I have previously always slept very well.

          I’m really unsure where to go for help. No-one seems to have knowledge re how the vaccine is affecting some bar the standard symptoms.

          • Similar reactions myself with my resting heart rate went from low 60’s to above 100 for a couple days. It subsided then occasionally peaked up again randomly. Affecting my sleep.

          • Hi Louise,

            I have exactly the same symptoms as you. I have been in hospital and have done all the tests and they’ve ruled out everything and put it under the category of “functional neurological disorder”
            It’s very hard for me to sleep, or even be in a relaxed state as everything than starts again. I would like to know as you posted back in June if your symptoms have subsided a little as that will give me some hope, as currently I’m in a bit of distress about it all, it’s awful.

            I was previously running 8km every couple of days and swimming 2km. Now I can hardly hang out the washing. I will not be getting the second vaccine. My heart is racing a lot, light headed, feeing like I have a virus, foggy, sore pain that comes and goes in my legs and tingling in my hands and feet.

          • Hi Louise I am going through the excact same thing. Everything you have described is what I am going through, it’s the insomnia and waking up to a rapid heart rate that is scaring me. I’ve been to the hospital and 3 walk in clinics and they all said I look fine. But I really believe there’s someone else going on. Please let me know how you are doing now

          • This sounds very similar to my reaction. 5 days after my 2nd Pfizer I was taken into hospital with resting heart rate of 140 (normally 55), severe migraine, what felt like 1 long panic attack. They discharged me saying it was anxiety (have never had anxiety). I didn’t sleep for days. And when I did wasn’t jolted awake by racing heart. Then started taking melatonin at night and antihistamines and a lot of vitamins. This has helped a lot, although more than 2 months down the line and I am still having daily symptoms- nausea, headaches, tingling face and blurry vision.

          • You are not alone, like you there thousands and we are all seeking for relief, cure or solution to all the adversities we are experiencing..

          • I experienced insomnia with sleep starts and jolts, tachycardia, anxiety & panic attacks, uneasiness, loss of appetite (lost 20lbs), head pressure, & elevated blood pressure. When I would sleep it was only for 2-3 hours and I couldn’t get any deep or restful sleep. It was very surface level sleep. This was all after my first and only pfizer shot on 8/19/21.
            Since then, I feel 80% better. A week after the shot I sought medical help with my heart because my heart rate was 100+ at rest & I had elevated BP (no prior bp issues). I also was prescribed meds for anxiety (previously never needed meds). Now I sleep 4-5 hours most nights —down from 6 hours a night pre vaccine. I’m hopeful that I will get back to myself with time, but this entire experience has been horrible.

          • Hi Louise
            I’ve just read your comment about insmonia and I have the same symptoms after my third shot with moderna.
            Have you got any improvements with your sleep since?
            Thank you

          • I experienced the same thing. Non of the docs believed that it was due to me second dose. Its month 7 and my sleep is still very different from how I used to sleep.

        • Hey tanja i have been experiencing similar symptoms can u contact me if you can help me
          I am 21 and after the pfizer vaccine shot i developed high bp and heart palpitations from past 1.5 month

          • hello guys!
            hope you’re all doing well by now!
            im 23 , i got my vaccine first dose pfizer ,november 5 , first day , i cant move my arm that got injected..and i felt really tired . the officials told us to sleep eearly .. so i did. then nov 6 i took a bath ,after that i felt like having a flu.. and ignored it ,, then i can already move my left arm. Nov 8 ,right now, im having colds , my nose is droopy all day. and it cause me of having “sense of smell issues..”

        • Hi Tanja,I’m in Australia I’m 68 yr old ,I had my second ASTRAZenic jab in July ,I have COPD emphasemia seems my symptoms are worse now ,I’m coughing more no energy and get so tired also puffy feet plus numbness in feet ,I also get body jerks every day where I nearly fall off lounge chair I don’t think my dr understands I just hope these symptoms go away and vaccine hasn’t effected my immune system or my heart anybody else feel like this ?? Good luck to you hope you feel better.from David

        • Same. Please see my response to Masha below for the long version. Cloudiness in right eye started 2 days after the vaccine and is still there 2 weeks later, a couple toes are numb, sore brain.

          • Hi, Georgia!
            I started to experiment some vision disfunctionalities some months ago, two months after the first dose of Pfizer. I’m having blurry vision, high sensibility to the light, my lower vision field seems like to shake a little bit. I think it’s called Opscillopsia.
            Did you get better? Did your symptoms go away?

            Greetings from Argentina!

        • Hi Belinda, Ive had phizer shot 2. First few days were the normal feeling a bit rubbish, then ok for a few days then on day 8 or so I began experiencing pins and needles (paresthesia) all over my body and feeling spaced out with decreased coordination. I’m currently day 13 and getting an MRI brain tomorrow to rule out MS. Scared as hell. Was fine before the shot- I honestly don’t know if I’ll recover. Thank you government.

          • Hello Lj,

            I had first Pfizer back in May. I’m not getting the 2nd one..I wish my dr sent me for an mri right away.
            I have had pins & needles since then. I also need to rule out ms. But it’s not likely..
            I have had a heavy feeling in my arms &legs. Sometimes as if its like my skin is being twisted. Or an alien is crawling around under my skin. This also started on day 8 for me too. My ekg was abnormal when I went to the hospital. A day after I first noticed the pins & needles & numbness. I’m hoping this will be gone soon..

          • Hi LJ, I have been experiencing similar symptoms after my 2d Pfizer shot and it’s been over 7 months now. Have you got a diagnosis?

        • Hi Belinda
          I’m having a pins and needles 4 weeks out…plus heart palpitations
          Strange things seemed ok first few weeks
          Wondering how things are for you now
          Did your symptoms start straight away

          • Hey, mine came 3 weeks after 1 and subsided than 3 weeks after the second one and still dealing with it (2nd jab was 9/aug.

          • Hi. I have had pins and needle sensation now for 11 months since 2nd Pfizer jab. Seen by GP and they ruled out neurological issues. It affects mainly my rib area (both sides), groin, hands and arms. Comes and goes but generally starts up whenever I move. Very similar symptoms to MS. Had it so long now I am beginning to think I will have to just live with it … Sarah

          • Hi everyone, Sarah from Uganda. I had amy 1st pfizer jab 37 days ago but it’s been a week when I have electric sensation in my hands when I touch metallic things with wet hands or water with dry hands. Anyone with same effects? I am worried

      • Hi Nancy, I had exactly the same issues! I really want to get the 2nd dose but I’m so scared of the side effects. My numbness is now gone but my joints are still sore. Did you get a second dose??

    • Well after my first shot of pfizer, I experience almost all side effects, and most of time Needle and pins which come and go. So now I’m hesitant to take the second shot

    • I got a Pfizer booster shot on 18 Oct 2021 after six months lapsed from the previous two shots of Sinopharm. Within 1 to minutes of the injection there was an onset of light headedness, strength in legs wavering. 1 to 2 hours into Post-inj the inj area started hurting bad with the pain travelling to the shoulders and neck. This pain lasted 48 to 72 hours. There was a pressure on the heart area that was experienced during 72 hours and minor twitch under the skin in areas around the legs and torso. However on 20 Oct 2021, there was a sudden onset of flu – rhinitis. And I am currently combating this through natural / herbal remedies. I am already vaccinated for Influenza as well. I am 42 years old male from Pakistan. My father in law who also got the booster shot with me had no side effects. He is aged 67.

    • I had a reaction to first pfizer in Apr 2021 mild itchy skin scalp took antihistamines.. In june 2021 second pfizer vaccination i was put in private area of mass government clinic and since I have autoimmune issues fibro lupus mixed connective tissue disease and hypo thyroid and drug allergies… My dr gave them a note.. Immediately after the vaccination went into my arm it was like my scalp was on fire. I was terrified. Ambulance watched me for hour. Was placed on antihistamines for a week. Red welts over my scalp and face felt throat tightening. I waw really worried. Was told by Toronto public health not to risk 3rd needle. An allergist said its my autoimmune issues most likely not tolerating it because only a few cases of glycol allergies. Best of luck as we are facing rough winter again

  2. I had my second dose 2/21/2021 and was tired but next day very very nauseous bad headache and my underarm is still sore and has a red mark like a sunburn. Plus having crazy dreams … I am not sick anymore, but arm still sore.

      • Yes I had a dream of pure white glacier trying to get on the other side. I woke up refreshed the day after the vaccine.

        • I had a nightmare and I do have them occasionally but this one was pretty bad and my husband said I was screaming and he had to wake me up. He says usually I just moan a little and that’s that. But to me better than getting Covid. I was fine the next day as well. Glad I’m not the only one. It was the Pfizer vaccine.

      • After 2nd Pfizer vac, had crazy dreams all night long. Lots of sweating and itching. No physical problems. Arm a little sore.

        • 2nd shot on Monday sore arm for 48 hours then started skin itching on opposite arm a day later around a small welt. Welt & itching disappears later in day and reappears next several mornings. Itching on trunk has lasted for 6 days now.

        • The dreams are crazy and you feel like your really there not a vivid dream i could not sleep during the day so tired but my mind would not let me fall asleep .

      • Had my second dose of Pfizer on my right arm this time as last time I had on left arm and couldn’t sleep. Not sure if jab was given on a muscle as higher up arm as compared to last time. I have had pain shooting along my arm up to my fingers and also pain in my underarm. Woke up in pain after 5am this morning. The jab area feels hot and I feel fatigued. Pain still shooting through my forearm and fingers. Worst bit is I am right handed. I should have just stuck to my left hand as I did experience as much pain after first dose. Should I contact my gp if this persists?

        • Anusha was every limb on your body hurting? Does the pain travel from neck shoulder arm and leg on the side of the shot? My boyfriend has been in a huge amount of pain since taken the shot. What should I do?

          • I got similar left half body hurting some hours after the first shot. Pain from neck, shoulder, arm, leg, half head aching. Even half vulva skin pain, it’s serious. I felt occasionally like electricity shocks in my limbs , neck and chest to trunk side. On next day , it was much better, just slightly arm pain around the shot area. I have not yet received second shot. This time I’ll chose the other side of body.

        • I had my injection in my left arm and having most issues with my right. Wondering if old injuries are inflamming, hope it settles for all of us

          • I have been having heart palpitations at night while sleeping ever since the first pfizer dose. They are so strong that they wake me up or jolt me up out bed with adrenaline. Help me please god I need sleep. It has been almost 3 months.

        • Yes I am . I’m very shaky and feel awful!! my head is very dizzy and it feels like it’s shaking too.I only grit my first shot on 04/14/21 I came home and felt so tired and fatigued. This is day 5 and I feel awful. Head he, chills, fever earlier on today as it comes and goes. The tiredness is still with me. I hope this ends soon. Alison

          • Hi Alison,
            I’m having exactly the same. Do you still have it or you are ok now? I’m worried it won’t end up.

          • Alison, sorry to hear that, i am having same now, do you feel better? And if yes, when your symptoms stopped?

          • Anyone else get like electric shocks in arms legs also numb puffy feet absolutely no energy nausea ,I had my 2nd ASTRAZenic jab in July ,anyfeed back appreciated ,good luck ! David ,PS also shakes often.

        • I get internal shaking on & off & constant tingling in arms & legs. Spasms & twitches too. I had first Pfizer 26th June. Feel like I won’t ever get better 🙁

          • I’m so thankful I came across this site. I had my first phyzer jab Sep 8th 2021 and second shot 6 weeks later.

            I was put on a medication a few weeks before the jab and had a bad nervous system reaction and was pulled off it straight away. I was put on gsbspentin to counteract the spasming and was on it when I got phyzer.

            I was getting spasms and shivers down spine as though it was a tremor/ rush. Similar sensation to someone else I read on this site. I wasn’t sure if it was from medication or phyzer but the more I’m reading I feel strongly phyzer has destroyed my nervous system. I tense up and can’t control it and I’m constantly trying to relax and loosen my muscles. I can feel my heart racing. I’m having issues with body temp and get goosebumps. I get goosebumps if I get in a warm shower too. Never had this before phyzer. But the spamming rush sensation from my head down my neck into my lower back is horrible!!! It’s like my body is trying to release a shiver.

            These sensations come in waves. Some days are really bad while others I think I’m finally coming good but then the next day it hits hard.

            I was also getting sensations of itchy brain, weak in arms and legs and pins and needles in my legs and feet. I still get pins and needles in my feet when I’m in bed.

            I’ve seen 4 doctors and a neurologist. And I’m just stared at blankly. Neurologist said my body is just remembering how it reacted to medication and I gotta just ignore it it’ll stop and told me to see a therapist!

            The rest tell me it’s just anxiety and put me on pills. And I just feel like crying as no doctor will help me.

            I finally started seeing an osteo and she said my nervous system is stuck in fight or flight and it may take time to get it moving and to complete relax. She’s given me breathing exercises when I feel the rush coming and try calm my nerves to retrain it and tell My brain it doesn’t need to panic.

            The more I read I think the osteo is the only one who may help. Massages and nervous system relaxation weekly.

            I’ve also doubled my magnesium, added iron. Drinking more water. Also sleep. The brain heals when it’s sleeping.

            I regret ever getting this vaccine. They pushed and pushed and pushed and it’s the worst thing I ever did. I put too much trust in the system. It’s been 6 months and I’m hoping so much it’s not permanent. For all our sakes.

    • I’ve had nightmares 4 days in a row after my 2nd shot of the Pfizer vaccine. Its been 2 weeks today since that shot and the nightmares have stopped,thank God, but I still get days where I get the chills.

    • I got the J and J in August and was fine after the first couple of days of pins and needles and tight chest/elevated BP.

      My wife just got the first dose of Pfizer 2 weeks ago and has a rash on her chest, numbness tingling and weakness in her arms and legs and visual disturbances. She had a telehealth visit and the doctor said they didn’t think it was the vaccine even though she is young and has had to health problems until initial onset about 5 days after the vaccine. She is breastfeeding and can’t take Benadryl and is wary of steroids but it is getting worse. We keep hoping it will go away but may have to go to a neurologist. Seems to be systemic inflammation.

  3. Had
    my pfyzir vaccine felt like I had a cold coming on and a headache for about 24hrs but was fine after that.
    I wish people wouldn’t scare monger . it’s such a difficult time to make decisions about vaccines and don’t need to hear stories without proof.

    • How is someone being a “scare monger” if they are sharing their own personal experience?? And “without proof”? You want these people to sign an affidavit?

    • People are sharing their own personal experiences. For me it was bad enough..being sick out of the blue a few days later…then nauseous and discomfort and tiredness for two complete weeks .Now I feel better…but I don’t need proof to say this ..I know how I felt!

      • Exactly! I had palpatations and shortness of breath and ended up in hospital! It’s been 3 weeks and now I have nausea, dizziness, extreme fatigue and nasty headaches.

        • Hi Donna
          Can i ask did your symptoms go away? I am experiencing nausea, visual problems and fatigue 6 weeks after 2nd shot. I have had bloods and an mri and all normal. I’m so sick of feeling like this.

          • Hi Ruth

            I have similar probelms to these 6 weeks after my 2nd shot – Headaches – heart racing at night – vision problems – has yours got any better

      • Wow… Sending love to everyone… And feeling thankful to have found these comments:

        I hesitantly had 2nd AstraZeneca 7 months ago. Fom day 1 of 1st dose I had metal taste in mouth… Then the fatigue crept in, and tingling in hands and legs, and brain fog, and an awareness of the area above left ear/temple: I can’t call it a headache, rather a constant mild awareness. I also have anxiety and jitters and wake up in morning with internal shakes and involuntary twitching. And occasional strange visid dreams, when I never used to remember any dreams. All very strange.
        I approached GP by phone after 1st and 2nd dose to be told I’m imagining it all and the vaccine is safe.
        That didn’t help me. I haven’t bothered to speak to gp again.

        I am amazed that with all my complementary background (I studied Chinese medicine and several healing modalities) I have more side effects than people I know who just go about their lives, and had little to no side effects.

        I am reluctant to put a booster into my body when I know I am not feeling “right”, and that is upsetting, also because work I do means possibly that I must be vaccinated or risk losing job.

        Thanks for reading… And again, sending love to all!

        Any advice, help, encouragement appreciated . I have always been active and no medical issues… and never thought of myself as “older” : I feel it is voodoo telling me constantly ah but you are over a certain age!!! Go away!! That is brainwashing! Horrific.
        So, love to all and may we all heal well

        Happy trails

    • stop looking and reading the forms if you don’t want to know how some peoples experience with the vaccine went.

    • My husband has been sick for over two weeks since getting his first shot. I’ m glad to be reading these as it provides comfort. We know he is not the only one experiencing covid systoms. He too has tested negative. Would like to know how much longer before he will feel well again. This is not fear mongering!

      • I remember when my Father was in the military. He was required every year to take the latest round of Flu Shots. And every year, he was sick as all get out for at least two weeks. This kind of reaction to medications runs in our family: my Father, his Aunt, my Sister, Me. I keep a long list in my computer of every medication that I have ever taken and have had serious side effects. Periodically I hand the list over to my doctors. I can see the skepticism in some of their faces. Though, I have been lucky, I have had a few doctors who do believe me. I hope your husband starts feeling better. Write this stuff down for your doctors and send them a copy. Write to the FDA and Pharmaceutical companies. People need to know. I read a news article the other day in which Women were alarmed when someone in the medical world voiced scorn when HE said: Well, Contraceptives carry a greater risk of Blood Clots than the Vaccines… A number of women responded with deserved anger, saying that the medical world needs to make better drugs to protect people and stop making drugs that carry significant risk. As one women put it, if male contraceptives carried the risk of blood clots that women’s contraceptives do, men would be raising the roof. They would not stand for it. But we are only women, so it doesn’t matter. I am ranting on and on. I realize how angry and frightened I have become in the past week since getting the vaccine. I am NOT against vaccines. Truly. But I am frightened by the adverse effects. I live with chronic migraine and I am in pain every day of my life. I have been on scores of medications, most of which had serious negative effects and did little to nothing for the migraines. I have stopped the medications and am trying to live without them. They really don’t help anyway. I want to be free of the side effects. I am trying to stop talking, so I guess I should just do that!! Good luck to your husband.

        • I’m Sorry Ellen you are
          Living with pain since your vaccine. I believe you. I only got my first shot and I have a migraine ever since and pin and needles in my limbs. Mostly in my left arm. Had a negative covid test. CT scan appeared to be normal and same for blood work. It’s been over a month and I still have a lingering headache and pins and needles. Going for an MRI Monday. I hope you feel better.

          • I also have pain in my left arm (where I received my shot). I get an electric shock sensation if I stretch my left arm. Pain is located opposite side of where I got my vaccine near under arm.

          • Good luck Candide! I feel the same pins and needles on my limbs and it’s been three weeks since my second Pfizer dose. Time to make a medical appointment cuz this does not seem right.

          • Hey Candide,

            Sorry to hear about these side effects. I think I may have similar ones. What did they tell you after the MRI scan?


      • J is every limb on your body hurting? Does the pain travel from neck shoulder arm and leg on the side of the shot? My boyfriend has been in a huge amount of pain since taken the shot. What should I do?

        • I had the same, when I had the second shot the neck pain went away. I still have fatigue and brain fog, tiredness. I felt nervous but I did the second shot. The reaction was not as bad. It is worrying. I hope we get our brain function back. Also I started trying to get my heart rate up by excercizing a bit. Zinc and vit C and tons of water, so thirsty.

    • Unfortunately it’s not scare mongering, it is actually happening. You’re lucky if you are fine and be thankful for that but don’t dismiss what is happening to others.

    • Yes, I agree with you … All I know is every single family member , friend & neighbor of mine who’s been vaccinated have been FINE !! A close friend only had a moderate head ache & felt fatigued for 2 days but rested . My 77 y/o mom only got a sore arm & zero reaction to either Pfizer shot. My husband has had no reaction whatsoever . brother in law & his wife felt flu like symptoms for 2 days then were both ok. Most people in my circle have experienced no negative response, except as I mentioned a small few had very temporary flu like symptoms. What’s so interesting is, whenever I read about the so called worst case scenario reactions to these vaccines are only on Facebook, YouTube responders & then seeing so many crazy stories here . if there was even one person I knew personally who experienced any of the stuff written here I certainly would not get Vaccinated. Gosh … Are all the 135 people I know ( so far 2b VAXXED ) just “lucky“ to be ok ??? Oooh & what about my acupuncturist s wife who’s a doctor~ btw she’s in contact obviously with countless patients & if there were ever any health related complaints regarding this vaccination ~ it was just typical temporary side effects of flu like symptoms which ranged from a few hours & for a small few up to a week . so I agree with you~ the perpetual instigation of fear from so many peeps is disheartening, unnecessary and utterly ridiculous . there’s a friend I know who won’t even speak to me right now b/c I’m getting ready for my 1st jab….she’s one of many around the Woodstock vicinity who actually believe this is all a mass set up for depopulation by the government & that the vaccines contain chips in order to track us down LOL!!! She even asked me several times if I’d placed a magnet on my mothers arm at the site of her Pfizer injection (Rolling eyes ) ok I’m done with the freaks now & opt for a Pfizer vaccine so I don’t get Covid19 again , and btw my husbands best friend unfortunately passed away from the covid19 virus in April 2021. Rest in peace jack Shapiro !! I’m so sorry the vaccine wasn’t available to you at that time ! I know it wouldve saved you !!!

      • Interesting, all my friends who have been vaccinated seem fine, then I go on FB or twitter and see hundreds of comments from people who are not fine and suffering badly, so what is the truth?

        • Is it really that hard to comprehend that people who are having problems are coming online hoping to find support from others like them?

        • The truth is that some people are suffering badly from side effects of the vaccines…just as some people can’t tolerate aspirin or paracetamol. A forum like this is the ONLY place where we can share experiences because the medics brush off our concerns.

      • then why are you here? people who were experiencing symptoms, they came here looking for support/answers, they got the vaccine, they are not anti vaxers. they are not stupid or delusional. Hopefully we wont see you anymore.

    • I’m so amazed with the dreams I just had last pm. Unreal. The most scary, fun, realistic, tripping ones I’ve ever experienced in my life

    • I’ve had nightmares 4 days in a row after my 2nd shot of the Pfizer vaccine. Its been 2 weeks today since that shot and the nightmares have stopped,thank God, but I still get days where I get the chills.

  4. Woke up at 4am today shivering uncontrollably with a bad headache and brain ‘zaps’ radiating down both arms. Eyes jerking left and right on their own. Arm injection site very sore. Very weak, struggle to get out of recliner. My first injection had no side effects.
    BP 95/65 pulse 101. Temp 100.

    • Interesting about the brain zaps. I had them about 12 hrs after my first vaccine and they lasted about 4-5 hours along with chills and a headache.. I had my second one yesterday at 4pm. Woke up at 7:30 a..m. with a headache and by 10:00 a.m. I am also having brain zaps every time I move my eyes. I am exhausted and now I’m starting to get cold. I am concerned about the brain zaps. How are you feeling now?

      • After reading all the unfortunate side effects people are having, I feel blessed not having one single side effect, not even a sore arm.
        However, my husband has all the above,
        Not brain zapping, but pain behind the eyes, legs feel like they are burning, slightly nauseous, headache, feels like he’s been punched in the stomach, this is happening four days after the Pfizer shot .

        • Since I had my second I’ve been ill for 3 weeks got numbness down my face kneck plus I have bad burn like painfull sunburn all on back head kneck plus it has now attacked my liver this pain has not gone away at all and it’s getting harder to deal with.

          • I have had numb face mainly bear jaw line and chin only on left side since 30 days after 2nd shot. The only thing that leads me to believe it is covid vaccine related is that when I received my first shot (pfizer) I immediately had jaw pain (subsided after a week) in the same area that I am numb now. Did yours ever Go away? Mine started may 4th and am still dealing with it 2months later

      • I’m having this eye pain too now, 2 days after shot. It used to be part of the headache, but now the headache is gone and the only thing is that when I move my eyes, I get a stabbing pain in my head. I did call my doctor because I’ve read that this is a sign of optic neuritis, which can result from some other vaccines. However, it usually has a loss of vision with it too, and I don’t seem to have any issues yet. Did your zaps ever go away? Did you take anything for them? I’m avoiding anti-inflammation meds because I want my immune system to do all the work.

      • My side affects have been going on 8 weeks come this Monday and are not getting any better. My head feels like someone is stabbing me in the head with ice picks. That comes an goes, so I do understand.
        I don’t do e-mail at all.

        • Hi. I had my second vaccine two days ago. And Just some hours later I got this strange head ache, on my right side only, just over the ear. Just for a second I feel like someone is stabbing my or a sharp pain, and then it is over. I have many of them each day, like 50 og 60. Is that similar to your experience ?

          • Hi. I had my first Pfizer four days ago. Within 5 hours I was getting ‘stabbing pains’ shooting up from the base of my skull into my head. About two minutes after that I had the same type of pains shooting downwards in my left eye socket. Then they stopped.
            Since then I have experienced burning in my chest and stomach (Gaviscon does very little for and the same for pantoprozole), burning pains across my back from shoulder to shoulder, chest pain- most times a dull ache and other times intense for a few seconds , constant headaches, lethargy, breathless when walking a short distance, sore shoulder on the same side as injection site.
            I was admitted into hospital last night.
            I have had blood tests, an ECG, chest x-ray and an ultrasound on my heart, pancreas and liver. All the tests have ruled out anything life threatening. Doctors can not explain why this reaction is occurring because there isn’t enough data about effects of vaccines. I am hoping the second shot won’t be as bad as this for me.
            Has anyone else had burning sensation in their chest and stomach after their Pfizer shots?

          • Hi, Rikke and guys on these comments. I got Pfizer in the 8yh and 27th of January and developed Eustachian Tube dysfunction three weeks after the second shot and I’m living with it. In June and July, I had chest pain which responded to nitroglycerin, though when my cardiologist heard about this in Oct he wanted an echo stress that I passed. In April and May, I had a migraine and fibromyalgia, which was pretty bad. The migraine has resoved and the fibromyalgia comes and goes. Most recently, I have tooth pain and my endodontist thinks it was my toothpaste, but now because it’s most of my teeth, I think it’s another side effect.

            I’m telling you this, because I feel like I’m going nutty. I’m newly widowed and not a little anxious. The cardiologist doesn’t think I should get an mRNA booster. I’m nearly 73 and have been in good health generally and worked as a nurse full time until March 2020,in order to protect my husband, who was terminally ill and we knew nothing about Wuhan virus, at that point.
            I’m getting blood drawn at the end if the week and follow-up with my family doctor who has taken care of us for 20 years. And, I suppose we’ll figure what to do then.
            I’m getting a quick test and having it in my house. I’ll do it if I feel sick, and call the doc if it ends up positive.
            Best wishes to you and thanks for letting me share my story. I wish you all good health!

          • Hi Claire,
            5 weeks after first dose & now 2 weeks after second, after evening walk including 5mins jogging, afterwards I start getting this burning feeling in throat & chest like severe acidity followed by heart palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, shaking & feeling really cold. Not to mention health anxiety & feeling of doom, which I truly hate.
            During first episode I panicked, called ambulance & was taken to ER. Blood test for cardiac/ heart attack was done (troponin) 8 hours apart which came back fine & chest x-ray also fine.
            Went to see GP & got recommended for gastroscopy, came back normal as well.

            Tomorrow will bog back to GP again & have read about vitamin B12 & iron deficiency (anemia) will ask for blood test to rule these out.

            Till now what I’ve found out, exercise, running jogging anything that puts strain on body & heart, brings out these effects, even though I have been exercising everyday for past five years BUT suddenly after Pfizer, I can’t take physical exertion.

            44 yrs old & feeling really SAD & feel OLD ahead of my time. I hope this will go away & I will be able to be an active person once again.

      • I have eye spasms, and pins and needles in my hands , bad headaches , waking up sweating every night and l had my second Pfizer vaccine in June 2021 , still having bad headaches pins and needles eye twitching, and pains in all my joints 3 months later

        • Do you feel any better now?
          I’ve had temple pain / headaches / feeling like top of head is sunburnt 10 days since my 2nd Pfizer vaccine and still to this day – 3 months.
          My eye lid started twitching a few weeks ago too.

      • I am having brain zaps as well. I am six weeks post vaccine and they feel like pressure waves throughout my head. This goes on all day. I’ve been to ENT and Neurologist and both say that this is my bodies auto immune response. Has anyone sought treatment for this and what has been helpful? Any long-term brain zap symptoms for anyone here?

        • Leila I had my 2nd jab 3 days ago and since yesterday I have been having wave pressure sensation in my head too. Feels like something moving about in there also been getting pressure in my left calf and stabbing pains

    • I had my 2nd Pfizer vaccine 2 days ago and I have never felt so horrible. Extreme migraine, body aches, brain zaps, chills, fever (woke up drenched in sweat), dry cough. This is my second day of misery. I hope it passes soon.

        • I also had adverse effects After dose 1 pfizer. Severe headaches, chills then on day4 experienced shortness of breath, severe chest pain, etc. also felt very weak and had joint pain that lasted a good 4-5 weeks, I made the decision to wait 3 months before the second shot and I think it was a good one. Got my second pfizer dose last Saturday and the symptoms have been much more milder and easier to handle. Main things i noticed were the headaches, sore arm, and feeling jittery & awake at night.
          3 weeks in between doses is the minimum time your body needs to create a immune response/memory but for those who have severe reactions won’t hurt to wait longer in btwn doses

          • Hi Erika,

            How are you feeling now? Has the feeling awake and jittery at night past? How long did it last? I had a 9 week jab interval.

            Since day 7 after receiving my 2nd pfizer vaccine I continue to feel unwell with unusual symptoms including insomnia, feeling on edge, my heart racing and fluttering.

            Initially in the following days from my 2nd jab I had headache, feeling of being unwell, very swollen lymph nodes in the arm, viral rash on my chest but now I’m experiencing a hyper alterness that seems to not let me sleep. Or I sleep for just a few hours and then night waking feeling like something is jolting me awake, like my heart or adrenaline.

            I’m also seeing a heart specialist as have had experienced exhaustion and palpitations. I’m currently undergoing tests for these. I’m 12 days after the vaccine now. I had a sleeping tablet last night and managed to get maybe 5 hours after naturally falling asleep and being violently woken after 1 hour. I have previously always slept very well.

    • Wow I am experiencing the same symptoms! Migraine started around 1am and still have it. I keep having brain zaps as if I am coming off my SSRI medication.

      • Got 2nd shot, woke next morning with migraine and zaps! 3.5 days out. Hoping to feel better soon. It feels just like your coming off a SSRI. Perfect analogy.

        • Yes! Me too! Thanks to all for posting this. I felt like I was going crazy. It’s every time I move my eyes, and there is a high pitched ringing as well.

          • I just got my 2nd Moderna yesterday, just started with brain zaps and a headache. Did nt have any side effects with the 1st dose. How long do these zaps last?????

        • Hi all ,

          I started to feel extremely weird after 2 days of my 2nd phizer shot . My legs are completely numb and tingly. Kind of feels like my legs are asleep . Soooo uncomfortable , and tired of feeling like this . Any idea how long this will last ? It’s already been one week .

        • Hi all ,

          I started to feel extremely weird after 2 days of my 2nd Pfizer shot . My legs are completely numb and tingly. Kind of feels like my legs are asleep . Soooo uncomfortable , and tired of feeling like this . Any idea how long this will last ? It’s already been one week .

      • Got my second dose yesterday morning and the brain zaps started about 24 hours later. Your description of it feeling like coming off SSRI’s is spot-on for me. I’ve also been feeling very achy and sort of fragile, but I am starting to feel better now (36 hours post-vaccine). Thanks for sharing your experiences!

        • Yes brain zaps – first shot on April 29th – Pfizer. I am so glad I found this site I was worried! Has anyone considered skipping the 2nd shot? I had COVID and am a little concerned as it sounds like if you had it prior symptoms are worse.

          • I received the 2nd dose of Pfizer on Friday, August 20, 2021. Exactly 4 days later, to the hour, I started having brain zaps. The brain zaps lasted for 16 days and they were very strong! None of my physicians mentioned anything about brain zaps. I thought I was having seizures. The neurologist said no. I then thought is was my heart because I have SVT. My cardiologist said no, it is not my heart. A friend of my husband’s experienced the same symptoms as me and his cardiologist mentioned to him that it could possibly be brain zaps. Why did neither of my physician’s not mention brain zaps? They symptoms I described to all my doctors are exactly the symptoms of brain zaps!!! So frustrating. So now I am trying to learn as much as I can about brain zaps.

      • I had brain zaps days 9–13 after second Pfizer shot. Now 18 days out headache lowly going away. Had some blurred vision in right eye but that started before shot and then happened again after first shot. Headaches are new after shot.

        • Hi had my injection on Friday morning felt bit fussy in the head then next day felt I bit of headache and bit cold this morning had brain zap today felt weird took some tablets it’s feels little bit better my right eye starting watering to

    • After the second dose I’ve had brain zaps begin just after I got home. That was 12/06/21. I still am having this issue. Are you still having them?! It’s anyone else still having them daily months later.
      Totally curious. Asking PCP Monday.

      • My brain zaps have now subsided and I am left with the occasional ‘normal’ headache. I found that for me the Physio was best for treatment. Relaxation massage occasionally triggered more zaps over a short period of time.
        It took nearly 6 months to get it under control and to start to feel more like myself again.
        All the best!

  5. Had my 1st jab on the 19th of feb , all fine till Tuesday, ached on that day on Wednesday had a rash Thursday spoke to a doctor got shingles, pharmacy told they have heard it’s from the vaccine.

    • If you got shingles, it was because you have previously had chickenpox, and the VZV-virus hides in the body.
      It can be reactivated by any stress to the body, such as being otherwise ill, or work/home stress, going on holiday, change in weather, extreme temperatures, a shock, etc. The delay to such a reactivation varies, and certainly might be as little as a week, but is more often 2- 3 weeks, not 4 days.

      • My mum is 84. Had the Pfizer vaccine and about 2week later was complaining of rib and back pain. After a week of this GP agreed to see her and she had shingles. She’s still in agony weeks later and is due her second dose soon but I don’t want to make her more poorly and she doesn’t want to go back

        • L-lysine has really helped to shorten my Shingles & the severity. There is research out there supporting it. I hope she’s feeling better.

        • Hi Jess, how she is doing now ? hope she is well. And, I am also suffering from same problem since very next day of my first dose and it still persists after a week now!
          Will be grateful if you can update her current status. Thank you

        • Interestingly, I was in a vaccine trial (Novavax), and developed shingles a week after my first jab. Never had it before, not the usual age group for it. Suspected it might be related. Turned out I had the placebo in the trial (saline solution only). Often we make links due to timing, when the conditions aren’t actually related to vaccination.

      • That could explain the face drooping, whixh could be Bell’s Palsey. Bell’s Palsey should be treated as soon as possible by an ENT so it is not permanent.

    • I too developed shingles ugh!! Horrible pun jabbing sensations, blisters and burning!! This was from the first vaccination but the second vaccination I did alright even though I was scared to take it!! My Doctor said it was from the Covid vaccine. I now have horrible scars. Sorry you had to experience this too because it sure wasn’t a picnic!!

  6. Had my first jab on Tuesday morning, felt absolutely fine for 2 days no side effects just tired.
    Thursday evening got really hot and had chills for like an hour. Then I got full body little pins and needle feeling and full body itch, still continuing into day 4.

    Advised to take paracetamol and antihistamines- I’m hoping that this will ease. Has anybody else felt this / know how long this may last.

        • 2 wks post 2nd Pfizer I have tingling, prickly feening on my face & a weird pressure on my nose. Anyone else with this side effect?

          • Hi Rochelle, I have tingling after the 1st shot, I still have to do the 2nd one. Are you feeling better now?

          • Hi I have this too 10 weeks after 1st jab tingling in nose and left foot slight numbness and pins and needles sensation

          • I that happen, starting at my jaw line then spread up to half my face ending at about my nose and cheek bones. It lasted about all day and slightly noticeable when I woke up that morning. My heart rate the first day was in the 120-130’s. My normal resting heart rate is in the 70’s. Did you get both shots? I’m a nervous to get the second one☹️

          • Hi Rochelle
            I had tingling on upper lip 10 minutes after first shot, the inside of nose started tingling 20 minutes after shot.
            About 4 1/2 hours later my nose got really weird pressure like you describe.
            I took 2 advil after talking to ER nurse and that helped a lot, also put ice on nose for very short time. The tingling and pressure was gone next day, but then the inside of nose felt like someone sprayed soda pop up my nose, lol, very uncomfortable! The 3rd day was so dry inside but again just putting some ice at opening for short time helped alot. I also got more tingling and numbness below lip and above chin that was very short lived. I still have mild tingling in arms and legs that started on 6th day but is almost gone now. It’s been 3 weeks since first dose. Is your nose better now?

          • 3 month after 1st dose and finished 2nd dose as well experiencing pressure around nose and jaw area. You recover from it?

      • It’s been 2.5 months since my first Pfizer shot and have been experiencing tingling in my feet, legs and hands. It went away a few days ago and I was relieved; but, it has returned today. I’ve had all the blood work and all is fine. I also wish I knew this was a possibility as I wouldn’t have gotten the shot. I also experienced heart palpitations and feels as if my legs are slightly swollen. I’m a healthy 38 year and again, all blood work and EKG normal. My doc said it’s important to get the second shot but they said that my symptoms may get worse or last longer. No way am I getting it!

        • Same here,8 weeks after the Pfizer 1 dose,tingling in my legs,heart palpitations,muscle twitches, heart issues,head tingling and pressure!All blood test fine,ecg,heart echo,waiting brain MRI results. Never ever second dose!

          • Martina,how r you feeling today? Did the symtomps go away? Did you take any medicine or supplement? I having all these one month after 1st Pfizer shot. Not getting the 2nd. Thanks

        • I have also had the tingling and prickling paresthesia for 2 months. I had blood work and an EMG test – all normal. I am scared to get 2nd dose but doctors says I should when this goes away even though they don’t know if it will get worse next time.

          • Hi Rachel I’m the same I’m still awaiting my second shot but want to wait to see if tingling sensations go away. I’ve had no pain at all just feels really odd. I had my first shot about 10 weeks ago and ive had tingling in my nose and foot for a couple of weeks and don’t know what it is! Has yours gone yet?

        • Hello the same on my side the legs are swollen and I have to tolerate quite strong jaw pain. I guess the trigeminal nerve is inflamed but why it is just one side?

          • I feel the same irina, strong pain on right side of jaw 1 day after pfizer 1st dose. How long it will last and what medication do you take..

    • I’m the exact same full body itch like crazy bad im looking on here to see if anyone else has the same side effects and how long it may last. Had my 1st jab Pfizer on Thursday I was fine that day but since the following day Friday its been uncontrollable itching and tiredness due to lack of sleep because the itchinh/scratching all night. Anybody know how long this may last please ?????

          • I’m the same from head to toe itchy. Moves around. I scratch and it leaves red blotchy marks. Almost 3 weeks since I got first does and don’t think I’ll get 2nd. Acid reflux is very uncomfortable and painful. Did your itching stop?

      • Please respond back Larry, did this subside? Tingling pins and needles feeling for me too. 1st dose Pfizer, 6 days ago. Concerned.

        Has anyone experienced this with resolution?

        • I had tingling feet and hands after the first vaccine. I was thoroughly checked out and tested by a neurologist and everything was fine. I got the second one a week ago and it was much easier than the first one. I am glad that I got the second one. My tingling had resolved, too.

          • Hi Mary, I got the first shot and I didn’t think anything about it til just now and looked online to see the side effects. I have tingling in my fingers and I thought it might be carpal tunnel but now I’m seeing your comment. I guess I should ask my doctor but I’m glad the tingling went away after your second shot. It’s got me kinda nervous now.

          • Omg I was looking for this. Just got my pfeizer yesterday and a little sweating last night, but today, the worst migraine. Had chills and body aches, I was wondering if the second would be worst because I’m scared. Glad to hear someone had it easier the second shot.

          • Mary, THANK YOU so much for this. I just got off a call with a 24 hr ER physician at 4 am on a Sunday for the pins and needles and cold, grey extremeties. I have lupus, so it was very concerning. Its been about 4 hours with them so far, but the physician said that as long as they dont progress past my shoulders or thighs to wait and see if they resolve. If they do progress, go to the Emergency room. Its good to know others had this side effect with no long term issues.

          • This is reassuring. I got my first vaccine two days ago and have felt ongoing Numb/tingling feeling in foot and sometimes on my leg and arm…

          • I have this same tingling for 7 days now – started 2nd day after 1st dose of Pfizer. I was sent to ER and all seemed normal – they told me it was anxiety but it isn’t- of course I have anxiety now that I have all this tingling – also in my face. How long did your tingling last?

          • I am 4 weeks into my 1st vaccine with the same sympons of you. When did it go, the Drs really aren’t helping 🙁

          • Mary did your tingling symptoms resolve before you got the second shot?I’m having the same symptoms and I’m not sure if I should get the second shot while I still have these symptoms.

          • Has yours resolved ? My pins and needles is driving me crazy ER and various doctors have suggested I wait it out…. I’m on day 7 with pins and needles left side of face and left arm and back where I got the jab

          • I still have it – went to neurologist and she said is immune inflammatory response to vaccine causing small fiber neuropathy possibly due to vasculitis. She said hopefully will resolve on its own and do not get 2nd dose until it is gone. Please everyone report these side effects to Pfizer at pfizersafetyreporting.com and to VAERS.

          • Im day 5 I have pins and needles all over my body but its sporadic not all the time does anyone know if they go eventually

          • I received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on April 12th and I am still experiencing intermittent tingling, pins and needles, intermittently in all extremities.

        • I’m having same issue, I got 1st vaccine 3/27 my nose and lips are tingly and pins and needles on extremities. I’m definitely not getting 2nd vaccine. I hope this goes away

          • same for me. I had my heart rate spike on my vaccine day and have been dealing with lingering pins and needle feeling for 4 weeks now. Not getting the second shot, but nice to hear that I am not alone. I have been losing sleep over this issue. Very uncomfortable especially at night.

          • Thank you all for the information on the tingling and pins and needles. Too my 2 second on the 10th and still filling the tingling and can’t sleep because am worried. Will be calling my doctor tomorrow if I still wake up with it. Soreness is gone on my arm. I am just a bit worried.

          • Susan: did your tingling/numbness resolve? I’m 30 days after my first Pfizer does and still have tingling/numbness in my face and hands, a bit of numbness in my feet. The tingling/numbness started on the right side of my face on Day 1 so I was directed to emerg where they determined it wasn’t serious. In my medical history, I have had latex allergies, shingles and HPV.

        • I’m 3 days from my 2nd pfizer n im tingly on my upper back shoulder. It comes and goes .. other thank that im feel ok I can’t remember if I hD this feeling with my first dose.

        • I got the 2nd Pfizer shot on Tues. It’s Friday and I still have weakness in my arms and legs and pins and needles feeling. I feel quite tired. I had a severe headache and a slight fever, but those have subsided. I’m just still experiencing a general ache all over. Trying to go about every day activities, but it’s been a bit difficult.

          • Hi did your symptoms resolve? After 1st dose Moderna I had a very heavy feeling in limbs, most notably in arms, and completely exhausted after exertion that would normally be fine. It went after 10 days. So I had 2nd dose and was extremely ill on first couple of days with headache nausea diarrhoea muscle aches fever. That got better but I was left with the same heavy, sometime s pins and needles feeling in limbs and exhausted after exertion, it continues the same 17 days after 2nd dose

        • did your pin and needle feeling eventually goes away? 8th days now, I still feel the pin and needle, and it did not seem getting any better.

          • I have my hands and scalp tingling started a week after my 2nd shot. It has been going on for 4 or 5 days

          • hi Justin,
            got same, 3 days after 1st pfizer pins and needles feeling all over, have had it now for 5 days, sometime less sometime more, how are you now? regards.

          • Hey Justin, I had the pins and needles for 4 days. The first 3 days were worst. It started as pins and needles in my finger, then my feets and hands and then the whole body. I was very uncomfortable, But now it’s gone and I’m back to normal! Just wanted to share my story to tell there’s hope this isn’t permanent. I just think it’s individual How much time it takes for the symptoms to resolve:)

        • Both arms and hands fingers tingling
          SharpDeep pain in both arms my wife feels like she has carpal tunnel syndrome it’s horrible

          • Hi larry, i am having pins and needles and also the carpol tunnel syndrome, can you please tell me if these symptoms have gone away from your wife and how long did it take for them to go away

          • Had 2nd dose of PHIZER
            2nd day got sick. Trouble speaking, heaviness in my lower legs and feet. Tired tired tire! Whoever don’t believe your system’s just too bad. It’s not happening to them. Just keep that in mind. Easy for them to say. I only had a little tiredness with first shot. Now because of all the problems brought on by 2nd dose, I need an MRI.

        • Hi John,
          I had tingling in my feet since the vaccine a month ago. I went to the emergency room after 10 days.
          They found inflammation on my spine. They think it might be MS but I don’t have enough symptoms to be diagnosed. The tingling had improved and the neurologist doesn’t think it’s vaccine related… but the timing has me wondering. Hope you are better now!

          • I have a very similar experience! My tingling started intermittently in all four extremities, so my general practitioner suggests that I get an MRI. She was suspicious of MS. MRI came back completely normal and now I’m being referred to a neurologist. After reading all these comments I definitely think this is vaccine related.

        • I have had numb face mainly near jaw line and chin only on left side since 30 days after 2nd shot. The only thing that leads me to believe it is covid vaccine related is that when I received my first shot (pfizer) I immediately had jaw pain (subsided after a week) in the same area that I am numb now. Did yours ever Go away? Mine started may 4th and am still dealing with it 2months later

          • I got blurred vision in my left eye (Same side as shot)about 30 mins after my 1st Pzfizer shot, which resolved about 10-150min later , then I got a numb area on the front of my left ear which spread towards my nose & up on my temple. That has continued for 3 weeks But seems to be improving. But now Im getting pain & tightnesss in my left TMJ with some feeling of numbness in my left temple. I dont think Ill get my 2nd shot which is due this week. Maybe a coincidence??? but I dont think so.

          • Hello. The same after second Pfizer. Quite strong jaw pain but why it is only on one side?
            This is strange – the trigeminal nerve runs on both sides of the face so if it is inflamed all face should be affected.

    • I had second Mederna shot about fifteen hours ago and now i have full body itchiness. Aches, low grade fever and unable to sleep.

    • I got 1st dose of Pfizer on Thursday and today, days later, the pins and needles tingling all over my body and face is unbearable!!! 30 mins after the shot I started flushing in the face and have had that off and on. But, this tingling and itchiness started after 4 days! Even my eyelids tingle! I can’t take it anymore. I don’t know what to do 🙁

      • I’m also dealing with the all over pins & needles. It started at 12 hours after my first dose, which was yesterday. Still feeling the pins & needles at 36 hours after first dose of Pfizer. Hope it goes away soon! Now I’m nervous for my 2nd dose!

          • Mine started itching a couple of days after my second dose, dull muscle ache and bone ache, and it’s been almost a month. I’ve had tingling fingers, eyelids which went away. I had vivid dreams also which hopefully won’t come back. I tripped walking which had never happened before. (my friend tripped while stood talking to me, she had her 2nd shot 2 days before) I hope no one has this uncomfortable side effects.

        • I’m in the same situation. Had my first Pfizer vaccine on 3/31 and the pins and needles started a day or two later and have not subsided much except temporarily through acupuncture and chiropractic work. I have frequent headaches. I thought it was the way I was holding myself at my desk but now I’m worried about the vaccine. My second shot is due this Wednesday, April 21.

        • I taking the first dose at 21 August, passed 1 days and I feel my stomach have a bit numb and my left hand also numb for a bit and my heart feel tight, is this symptoms normal? I thought I am gonna die for a second, if my family not forcing me to get the vaccine I won’t get it for sure, I don’t know if I want to take the second dose or not, maybe I will just get out of the house, I’m scared.

      • Has this stopped for you? I also have the tingling everywhere. It’s scaring me. I got my second dose today and it started like an hour after I got the shot.

        • Hi I also am experiencing the pins and needle feeling throughout my body, I hope the feeling resolves. I am breaking out in hives as well (might not be from vaccine)

      • Hi Cary, how are you feeling now? I had my first jab on Monday, and four days later my limbs and face are numb/heavy. The tingling has subsided slightly, but worried that things may get worse and that I might not get the rid of this numb/heavy feeling

    • I have the same pins and needles feeling after the first shot was received two days ago. My wrists feel almost paralyzed and limbs have gone cold. My hands and feet are cold and they never normally were. I noticed the wrists felt almost foreign and drooping about 15 minutes after getting the shot. My shot was more painful than most because, I presume a nerve was hit. I’m trying everything to attempt to warm my hands and feet but the temperature change doesn’t last. The limbs go cold soon after pulling away from the heat source. There is numbness and tingling like if you have been a victim of frost bite and are defrosting.

          • Hello. Do you still have symptoms or are they gone? I have had tingling in my hands for a month now after the second shot of Sinopharm. Have you received any therapy?

      • Did this go away??
        My lower arm wrist and hand feel like they are asleep and sometimes tingle or feel dead .. go tried to tell me it could be tennis elbow but I don’t even have a very physical job .. it only started after the vaccine 4 days ago my wrist is so weak.

    • Just interested to know has anyone else had issue’s with old injuries acting up. Example I have 2 knee injuries and spinal injuries and all 3 are screaming in pain. I am tired more than usual. Today I wanted to go back to bed all morning it is now 2:30 and I forced myself to tackle my house chores. My stomach is off too not throwing up or nothing just feels like I got the flu

      • Yes, my knees are so painful, I have to keep taking pain relief, I have arthritis in both knees, but since the jab, the pain has intensified, I’m hoping it doesn’t get worse after 2nd jab.

    • Yes I have! And I couldn’t find much research on it. What was your reaction post the second vaccine I’m due later this month. This is a scary side effect and is t listed as a common one.

    • Yes I have! And I couldn’t find much research on it. What was your reaction post the second vaccine I’m due later this month. This is a scary side effect and isnt listed as a common one. For anyone reading has your symptoms gone away? Should I take the second?

    • I had tingling after first vaccine but went away after a few days. Second shot did not cause tingling to come back for me at least.

    • Hi, sadly I have been going on for four weeks with the parasthesia (pins and needles ) all over my body. It still comes and goes ER was no help and neurologist said “there are things we can’t explain” and everything looks okay. Received first shot of Pfizer. Does anybody who has this did it go away ? I am really concerned

      • Hi Vivien 3 weeks after my second dose I started with tingling in my back, then feet head and face hands, it lasts about 3 weeks and now not as bad however I did see a neurologist and got a MRI I see him Tuesday for the results.

      • hi vivien, i got pins & needles sensation 20 mins after i had my 1st shot of pfizer. it’s on & off. i’ve been dealing with it for 3 weeks. I called 6 doctors to get an advice if i should proceed for my 2nd dose, most of them don’t have the answers, only 2 doctors had said i should get 2nd dose because covid is way worst rather than the pins & needles. i had my 2nd dose yesterday, i didn’t sit down after i got the shot, i was moving a lot my extremities and walking too. The pins and needles is still there but had lessen its intensity and duration. i really hope it goes away

        • Hi Trina, I hope this is the same Trina who asked me about B-12. ( I couldn’t respond to your comment below my writing for some reasons). I actually didn’t do anything special for B-12 intake as I have been taking B-12 here and there for a while. So, my pins and needles of my fingers and toes are still there but it is much milder these days. My doctor told me that the tingling hands could be the stiffness of elbows. Maybe the injection gave me the tendency of elbow stiffness. When I massage around elbows, the tingling of my hands definitely get better. Anyway, I am sorry that I cannot give you my update about B-12 intake.

        • Hi Trina, Please advise if you went for your second shot? I had the same symptoms after my first and a bit worried for the second.

    • Yes!!! On day 13 now. The pins and needles and feeling spaced out (vision and coordination) started around day 8- kind of ok before then. Wtf?!

  7. Thanks for the advice. First AZ today and sat in bed with uncontrollable shaking and slight temperature. Can hardly get out of bed. Glad it’s not just me. Cheers.

    • had shot 2 of pfizer, no symtoms ,took 2 tylenols before 2nd shot per my son’s neurologist said to do, hope the vaccine is working. still not sick, no side effects.

  8. Had phizer vaccine began to feel a sore arm later and then spread to all limbs. Went to bed woke feeling freezing cold, later felt so hot temperature of 39. As others have said vivid weird dreams. Really weak for next two days. Nausea, fatigue and slight cough. I have been told 2nd will be worse, but it hasn’t put me off at all. Just bad luck. I had Covid last April for about 12 weeks but not in hospital. Could be a connection?

  9. I got my second vaccine yesterday. Woke up around am today with nausea and vomiting. Fever, chills, body aches. Still 24 hours feel like I have the flu, nauseous, weak.

    • Hi Lisa, I’m on day 7 experiencing the same phenomenon. Can you share if and when this tingles resolved? It has me worried. It’s not painful but I have an ‘electric’ feeling throughout my body.

      • Hi I have the same thing for maybe a month and a half now. Tingling and pins and needles on my arms and legs. Not sure if it has anything to do with the vaccine or not

        • Hi
          I have experience the same already 6 weeks since I’ve had my 1st dose pfizer on 30.01.21.
          5 mins after the vaccine got a weird feeling of my tongue after 10 mins lips became numb, heart was racing..been monitored by doctor and nurses.
          After 24 hours,fatigue,diarrhoea pounding headache, tingling in both hands and feet for 2 weeks non stop. Then gradually decreases, still get it on and off.
          GP done loads of blood test and going to make referral to see neurologist to rule out any neurological disorder.
          As from last week some of my joints start hurting ,body ache and burning back pain very tender to touch.
          Not been feeling great ever since I’ve had the 1st vaccine.

          • I got the first Pfizer three weeks ago. Just seconds after getting the shot, I felt a nerve zap across my lower face and my whole lower face went numb. I also instantly got a headache. Over the next few days, my mouth and lips felt exactly like you’ve been to the dentist and the novocaine is starting to wear off, numb and tingly. The headache and tingly feelings in lips and gums were intermittent since then, getting weaker and coming and going. Then, about a week ago, my left hand and lower arm started having episodes of pins and needles too. Now it comes and goes to both hands and still my mouth and lips. I have been seen by an EMT just after getting the vaccine, and by a doctor but they don’t have answers and don’t seem concerned. I am very worried though and am not planning on getting the second shot.

          • Iam experiencing the same problems , it’s been 3 weeks now , pain in lower legs getting worse , Iam waking up in the middle of night with panic attacks , don’t know what to do , some time I can’t even feel my feet ,

          • Hi Zia. Sorry to hear you haven’t been well since getting your first vaccine. I haven’t felt good since getting mine 4 weeks ago either. My main problem is a burning pain, which started a few days after the jab. like a sunburn feeling all over the top of my back, chest area area and arms. It is also sensitive to touch. I just wondered if this has settled for you yet? Or if your doctor had any comment on it? My friends that have had their first jab all seem fine but it has really knocked me for six and I’m worried about having my second dose of the burning is still there.

          • I had my first Pfizer vaccine 10 weeks ago in January and I’m still feeling rubbish. I was fine initially but 48 hours later I became very dizzy, faint and weak and was sent home from work. As well as crippling fatigue and dizziness, I had numb hands, feet and at times numbness all over my face. The worst thing for me was the brain fog. I am a quick-thinking bright woman but everything has slowed down hugely and sometimes I desperately hunt for the words I need and it takes ages or I simply can’t find them! I’ve also had other weird stuff like small pupils (for me), jaw ache, the feeling that my teeth don’t fit and my bowels have slowed down a lot (which is a positive). It was noted on my medical record that I have had a “Drug Sensitivity” to the vaccine. Although the worst of the numbness has now gone unless I’ve really overdone it I am still a long way off being able to work and it’s all rather unpleasant. As advised by a friend with longterm ME I am trying to practice pacing which is deeply frustrating. A short walk one day can leave me staring into space for the entirety of the next day. I am being referred to the local hospital’s Chronic Fatigue Service for support and my GP has said I’m not the only one suffering like this so when I get to the CFS service at least I will meet others in the same position. I have decided not to have the second Pfizer vaccine as I cannot risk anything similar or worse happening. This is problematic as I am a 59 year-old care worker with a husband older than me who has a heart condition. Prior to this for my age I was fit and strong – I was deadlifting 65Kg with ease and working in a strenuous busy role. I hate to think that this fatigue etc. is going to be long-term so am trying to stay optimistic but it’s getting harder with each passing week. I would add that I am by no means anti-vaccination. I have an annual flu jab and a year ago had a few vaccinations ready for a planned trip to India. Prior to this I spent a fair bit of time trying to persuade reluctant friends and colleagues to have the jab. I realise that my response has been unusual and for some reason I was susceptible and I am still resolutely pro-vaccination but I have felt quite alone with this as I haven’t seen any information about others experiencing the same or similar which has led to some people thinking I’m making it up which I am not.

          • Please,
            I feel the same after first dose of Sinofarm injection.
            Tingling sensation all of my body.
            It is a bit scary.
            Are you feeling better now?

          • Hi Zia! How are you feeling? I’m having some of the same symptoms you describe. Thanks, Sa

          • Hi Harriet?

            How are you feeling? I have similar symptoms and they remain for more than 7 weeks now? Do you feel better and have found any effective treatment? Thank you.

          • Hi. I have the same as you, my main problem is a burning pain too, like a sunburn feeling all over the top of my back, chest area, arms and legs.
            With also pins and needles sensations everywhere.
            All my medical checks are good.

            I did my first injection 1 month ago now. It doesn’t go away.

            Can you tell me how are you feeling now, because i m a bit scared ?
            I hope you feel better.

            Thank you

      • Hello , for the first dose after 2 days I did feel like electric feeling through from head to toe and slowly transformed to severe anxiety , took me more than a month to fully recover !! I did not take 2nd dose !!

        Thank you

        • Lik – I have experience the same thing. I had no physical side effects (actually felt great) but after the first week I started getting really bad insomnia and a lot of anxiety. It’s been nearly five weeks and it hasn’t subsided….compounded by stress of the second shot which I had been planning to get on Wednesday. What helped you recover?

          • Hi Klara
            My dad got the pfizer shot two weeks ago. He didn’t feel any side effects until after the first week. Now he is experiencing extreme anxiety and insomnia. I am not sure if what to do to help him. His doctor prescribed a sleeping pill which gave his first full night of sleep. But he seems panicky and his hands are clammy. Will be talking to the doctor again today.

          • My dad got the vaccine two weeks ago and had the same symptoms as you one week later! Severe anxiety and insomnia. The doctor prescribed a sleeping pill but the anxiety during the day is unbearable. Any advice?

          • exactly what I experienced too. 3 weeks since my first shot, but I still have insomnia.. cannot sleep longer than 3 hours with anxiety. I am fine during the day but every night is terrible. I don’t know how long this will last…

          • Hi Klara, how is your condition now? Am experiencing the same. It’s been 45 days I took the vaccine. Please reply

          • Hi Klara,. I had the vaccine a week ago and am now suffering these severe panic attacks. They come at night. Did you guys come right? I feel I will have to go to doctor to try get anti anxiety meds

        • How do you feel now? This is exactly what I’m going through. I feel like I’m never going to get better. I have to take anti anxiety meds to get through. I am in severe panic

          • I feel the same way as you. I had my 2nd vaccine on may 26th. The only immediate side effects I had were being tired and just feeling in a fog. About a week after that I started getting terrible anxiety while driving, insomnia , heart palpitations and more anxiety. I’ve always dealt with anxiety to some degree but never like this. I’ve had to start using CBD during the day to calm me down. I’m really tired of feeling like this.

        • I also have the same thing. Sometimes the insomnia is severe. I can’t fall asleep for hours. Other nights I sleep like a baby. I also have anxiety, which is very unlike me. I’m doing acupuncture and taking a bunch of herbs, GABA, etc to help me fall asleep at night. I’ve seen my PCP and a sleep specialist, but I don’t think either of them believe that this has been caused by the vaccine.

          • This is happening to me! I got the moderna 2nd dose and some nights I can sleep a little, while others I can’t at all. I have severe ear ringing at night and bad anxiety that lasts all day. I’m starting anti-anxiety meds and my dr takes about using a steriod for the ringing.

        • That’s happening to me right now. It’s been about five days since my second dose. I have severe restless legs and the feeling of electricity everywhere. I really hope it goes away.

          • 7 weeks post 2nd P Jab, I have ongoing severe RLS. And now also nausea. Had lightheadedness, extreme fatigue and mild headaches, blurred vision, sharp chest pains, blue toes and extreme anxiety but they’ve all mainly subsided now except for the Restless Legs every single night since vaccination and past couple weeks! Nausea has started past couple weeks. And still have slight headaches. I have had next to no sleep for a whole 7 weeks and counting!

          • My feet literally feel like they are on fire every single night. Always three hours after I fall asleep. Then goes away after a few hours.

      • I got my 2nd doze and having the tingling, itching and pins and needles in various places in arm, legs , arms , wrist feel and fingers . I went to ER and they said it might be from the vaccine. I go to a specialist. Happen about 5 days after the second shot. Lower back pain and abdomal pain very irritating. Also my eyes are burning sometimes.

        • Hi Dee,
          Can you update when finish specialist.I have no idea what can it be,and feeling the same ,today almost four weeks from first dose.

          • Hi Jelena
            The symptoms went away. Went to neurologist and he said it was from the vaccine. They are doing test but u am good now. How about you?

          • Any findings? What do you recommend I do. I thought if the abdominal pain gets worse or stays longer than today, or any other symptoms come along I will call the health line or go to Dr tomorrow (It’s Monday). I had my shot on Thursday. 1st one. Only other symptoms are tiredness, and slightly flu symptoms, quite tired.

        • Hi I’ve just had my 1st dose of Pfizer on 8th July (Thursday). I had pins and needles to start with mostly arms legs and torso. I was fine yesterday (Day 2 post vaccine), now I’ve woken with slight flu like symptoms – runny nostril slight, slight irritated throat, cold and tired. Now I have a sore left abdominal pain. It is felt a lot more when I move, mainly sit straight up, rather than slouched like I normally do. Did your go away? Any suggestions?

          • I had my first jab 2 weeks ago and feel extremly exuasted all the time is this normal? Any one els had this

      • Hi Dee,and my simptoms almost went away.Some days pims and needles reappear but it is negligible.
        I didn,t receive second dose and i don,t know what to do with that?

        • Hi Jelena. Did you get your 2nd dose? I worry about it… same feelings as you. Please let me know.
          Kind regards.

        • Hi Jelena
          Are your symptoms of pins and needles still improved?
          I have been experiencing for 2 months with no resolution.

      • Hi kule

        I have the same. Burning sensation all on my back, feet, hands. It started on Day 1 and I am day 11 today. My GP told me to take vit B for now, it helps the nerves a bit . My neurologist asked me to monitor but he doesn’t rrally know. Your immune system is over reacting with inflammation, as mine. Try to relax as much you can as stress can only make it worst. I read medical statements saying it can take up several weeks to go away.

        • Hi Natasha

          I’m 3 weeks out after my 2nd shot and I’ve had a horrible time. Had excruciating stabbing pain without warning appear on my left ankle which proceeded to get worse. Ended up in ER found nothing wrong then went to neurologist for bloodwork and EMG test. My legs at night twitch with burning sensations from the knees down to feet. Blood work showed slight inflammation occurring in my body but nothing they thought was out of the ordinary. I’ve been miserable for the past month even after my 1st shot. I hope this ends!!!

          • Hello yours is the only comment I have seen that mentions twitching.Day 1 of pfizer vaccine I had the typical sore arm .I couldn’t raise my arm above chest level. Day 4 I felt like my period was coming early,I had all the signs but no bleeding this went on for days.Day 6?My entire arm was twitching like crazy all day.I recorded it because I was so freaked out by it.My period arrived 4 days late and is very heavy.Ive read about the period changes bu tnobody is mentioning twitching but you.Guess we are the only ones.

    • I got the 1st dose on the 10th of March. It was Pfizer. Soon after the 1st shot, my hands and arms are getting pins and needles. Day2, it went to the legs and feet to all over my body and face. It was come and go but now, pins and needles are with me all the time. It has been over 2 weeks and feels like it has been intensified and feels pain on my finger tips. I called my GP and she said it could last till 8 weeks…. It is really sad to hear…. but I found this site and I realized that I was not the only one. So, thanks to everybody here sharing the experience. My 2nd dose will be on the 5th of April. I hope this will start going away.

      • I got my Pfizer 1st shot 12 days ago Mar 17, I started feeling slight pins and needles about 30min after the shot which intensified within 24 hours. Then it went away for a few days but came back less intense. Sill feeling it but it’s not so bad, just a bit annoying. Glad to hear that I’m not the only one here. I’m getting my second shot next week Apr 7

        • I am feeling the same,three weeks from the first dose of Sinofarm vaccine.
          How are you now, feeling better or the same?

        • Hi Adam, I had a similar reaction. I got the Pfizer vaccine on March 27, And after about 45 minutes had an intense pins and needles/itchy sensation that lasted for about a week. I notice it every once in a while now. Did you have any reaction after your second shot on the 7th?

          • Hi Jen, I’m 4 weeks after the first shot and still feel pins and needles, less intense tho. I didn’t take the second shot yet. My doctor said I should consider j&j instead if I’m hesitant to take Pfizer. Now j&j is on hold in the US. I’ve never been allergic to anything and now this. It looks like this is quite rare however they claim bell’s palcy is 1 in 1000. In Israel they reported 400 cases in 4mln of neurological reactions . This is quite enjoying, I hope it goes away soon

        • Hi Adam. I am at day 11 of my first shot and I have the pin and needles.
          How did it go for you? How was the 2nd shot? Thank you for sharing as these feeling worry me

        • Hi AdamK.
          I had the same. I worry the symptoms will be worst on 2nd dose.
          How was it for you? Can you share? Thank you. N

      • I had the normal sore arm for a few days but today, a week and a half after the first Pfizer dose, I had to leave work because I feel tingly all over, plus a headache, swollen glands under the jaw, a clammy feeling but no fever, and my tongue feels funny. It’s not agony but worrisome and sleep is proving impossible.

      • I had my second shot this past Wednesday. Within a couple of hours, I started feeling somewhat weird feeling cold and hot and I went home. By the time that I got home, I could hardly walk with pain from my waist and particularly my right knee area. Thursday, both of my legs felt much pressure as if I had blood pressure cuffs on. Friday, I was fine so long as I did not walk or my right knee would really hurt and my lower back. Today Saturday, my left upper arm was hurting a lot. It is clear that for some people the vaccine stirs up old wounds or injuries and you experience the same pain as you did whenever. Despite the side effects, I am glad that I made the choice to be vaccinated. I have friends who have not had a single reaction and others have been pretty sick. It is a challenge, but in reality far better than the 500,000+ Americans who cannot complain about the side effects.

      • Hi Kono, I have been having pins and needles in hands and leg I am on day 11 after my first dose. Wondering if your pind and needles went away and also wondering how your 2nd dose of vaccine was.

        • Hi Amber, I took my second shot on April 5th. I tried to hydrated so I was drinking a lot of water one day prior and the day of, and after the shot. Also, the nurse who game me a shot advised me to relax the arm during receiving a shot. I think those 2 things really helped me. I hardly had a pain on my arm, no headache. So, the second one was actually much easier than the first one for me. Unfortunately, my pins and needles in hands and feet are still with me. Sometimes, it comes and goes, sometimes it stays all day. Also, the place I feel pins and needles shifts. But overall, the intensity has got milder.

        • Hi Nancy B, Yes, I did have my second dose on April 5th. As of June 27th, I still have pins and needles…. I see some people are talking about B-12. Maybe I should try to take it to see how it goes.

          • hi kono. did you ended up taking vitamin b12? if yes, did the pins and needles go away? i just had my 2nd dose yesterday but i’m still dealing with the pins and needles for 3 wks now, it started 20 mins after i had my first shot of pfizer.

  10. Had my first vaccine nothing but tiredness until a week later pins and needles, really hot, nausea. Had it for three days so far. Phoning Doctor tomorrow

    • I’m having the same thing. Tingling on the left side of my body but other than that I feel fine. When did it subside for you?

        • Did yoe resolve problem? I am feeling the same thing after first dose and very bad reaction.Did anyone past this and can tell did it resolve! Thanks.

      • Hi, I have tingling in my fingers for about two weeks now. Still got it. Has your gone away? I scheduled for my second shot next week. I hope it will go away cuz it’s annoying!

        • Hi Kat! Did you have your second shot? If so, what were your symptoms like? I had a similar reaction to my first vaccine on 3/27. Intense pins and needles sensation in both arms that lasted in intensity for about a week. I still have it now, though it’s much less and varies day-to-day.

          • Hi Jen,
            Yes, I got the second shot and I still have it. It’s been 6 weeks now since the first shot. I’m going to doctor next week to see what is going on. My hands feel cold all the time. It’s driving me nuts.

        • I have been having numbness, pin and needles, and cold feet/fingers for close to 3 weeks now too and it has also been driving me nuts, making it hard to use a mouse and sometimes to type.

          • I started with cold toes now feet and lower legs.
            Feels like frost bite, docs told me it’s nerves in my legs.
            3 weeks after my second jab.
            This is getting scary.

        • After Pfizer shots, my cold toes and feet have been experiencing frost-bite like tingling for almost 4 months now. The only relief I can get from this is to go run a short distance which I think gets my heart rate up and overcomes poor circulation in my feet. If I do not run, after about two days my feet become extremely cold and painful from the tingling. Has anyone stopped having these symptoms and if so how long did they last?

  11. my mother who is 83 is having a terrible reaction to the second vaccination . she had them 3 weeks apart in the first phase . the second vaccination has made her ache all over. feel cold. cant sleep . the strong painkillers from the doctor made her seize up. the vitamin c and d also from the doctor made her nauseous so she stopped . On a morning it talks her 10 minutes to get our of bed. her upper arms are so weak she cannot get herself up easily. she suffers from arthritis and this seems to have made every muscle in her body and every bone ache. only her head is ok as she jokes. from an active 83 year old she has not been out to get her shopping or do anything like sweep the garden path SINCE TEH 5TH JANUARUY . she just sits and keeps warm and complains of aches and pains. had an x ray. nothing internally wrong. so definitely side effect of the vaccine. the first one was ok. just a pain in her arm the last week before her second vaccination was due.

    • Unfortunately this is normal. People with autoimmune conditions like arthritis, are going to see their immune systems kicked into overdrive for several weeks. However it should completely stop afterwards. Just got to ride it out.

      • Hi Bon.. I have hashimoto and psoriatic arthritis and bad reaction after 2nd shot of sinopharm vaccine.. Numbness, pins and needles for more than 2 months. Do you know what kind of medicine would help with this? And how long does it last? I also have and bad insomnia.. My ER doesn’t know anything about connection between vaccines and my condition..

      • Hi had severe abdominal cramps after first Pfizer, 2 weeks later intermittent agonizing to unpleasant cramps. Helpful to read how people are suffering. Feel like reporting to Pfizer Giant how we mere mortals are suffering.
        Regards Cyndi from South Africa

        • Yes day 3 after 1st Pfizer, nasty persistent abdominal pain on left. I had my injection on left arm. Same intermittent to unpleasant cramps. No other symptoms today except for waking up earlier than I normally would, and severely cold. Tired. Slight sore nostril and irritated throat on left.

  12. Had my first vac on 19 Feb 21 the next day felt like I was lethargic and feeling annoyed and achy all over my body like having a flu without all the symptoms. Within in 6 hours of the vac my lymph nodes on my left armpit start to swell and sore lasted for about good 5 days. Since Thursday until now I am having a severe rash like reaction all over my body.

  13. i hadmy second shot on3/2/21 after about 10 hours i woke up shaking all over and could not stop my body was not cold but could not stop shaking and had a very bad head ache some nausea the nausea went away the next day. i went to work left before lunch because i could not quit shaking then the headache came back the shaking lasted about 2hours this time then it and the headache went away. then about 10 pm i woke up with another shaking spell which lasted about 30 min i got up and came to work this morning no more symptoms yet i hope they are over .it is a strange feeling to shake like that and not be cold

    • Hey Carolyn….my wife is experiencing these exact symptoms. Did this resolve itself? She’s going on day 4 now.


      • How does your wife feel now? Did the shaking stop? I’m shaking on day 5. I’m scared. Going to neurologist tomorrow. Please share if wife is ok. I hope so

  14. Had the jab on the 11th Feb and was ok until the 18th when I was wakened in the middle of the night by fairly severe pins and needles in the same (right)arm. It is fading now (after another week) but if it was a reaction to the jab it was not expected.

    • I had phizer jag 2 weeks ago, as did my husband, we now have terrible tinnitus in right ear, impossible to sleep as its like someone blowing a whistle directly into your ear, daytime it’s like we’ve got an earful of cottonwool and underwater, not sure whether I’ll get the 2nd dose, my hearing was great prior to this jag

      • Interesting…I have that exact side effect that began 9 days after my first shot- no ear infection, but I’m basically deaf in my right ear, except for a faint echo/whistle from every sound I hear. I use a white noise machine to sleep and always have- really helps. In fact, I keep thinking it’s gone until I turn off the machine!
        The doctor is trying to say that it’s an allergy that I have and they’re giving me steroids, nasal spray, and antihistimine/decongestant to attack try to clear the tube that runs between my throat and ear. It never occurred to me that it could be a side effect of this vaccine until I saw this article and searched up hearing loss.
        Did yours ever go away? Did you get the second shot?

  15. Had vaccine on 15 Feb, after more or less shaking off “Brain Fog”, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, lost appetite and extreme fatigue after 2 weeks or so I am left with what appears to be permanent severe tinnitus which started 12 hours after jab. Perfectly fit before hand, having the vaccine was the worse thing I ever did. Of course it is impossible to actually see a doctor or get any treatment.

  16. I had my first pyzser (Soz about spelling) about 3 weeks ago felt ok till 24 hours after then began severely shaking all over through the night twice lasted about 30 mins. Weird feeling in head mentally!!!!
    Lymph nodes are swollen and anxiety been up slightly and brain fogginess, words getting jumbled up a lot anyone else experienced this? Was fine beforehand not sure whether to get the second one now? Don’t fancy going through side effects again!

    • Hi Jane,

      Radiologists have confirmed that lymph node swelling is a quite common side effect of the COVID vaccine. If this doesn’t go down by itself, please contact your GP.

    • I’ve had my second dose, yes I feel like my brain isn’t working as well as before. Can’t find the words. Get stumped when trying to say something. Now for three days I’ve had this horrible anxiety, like I’m going to throw up or swallow my tongue. I’ve taken hydroxine, even a valium. Nothing works. I feel like I’m going to loose my mind. I dont know of it from the vaccine but I wasnt like this before. I do struggle with anxiety in spots but never for 24,48,72 hours straight.

      • I have had terrible anxiety as well, feel like I am ready to bust out of my skin. I thought that my zytec for spring allergies was causing it, so quit taking it a couple of days before my second pfizer dose on Saturday. The anxiety was a little better, and I was exited to get second. Feeling pretty anxious again today. I took a long walk on the day it was the worst, which seemed to help. Think I am going to ride bike after this post. Started itching a little on Sunday, which has gotten worse. Had splotches on my belly earlier today, which have faded. Repetitive dreams that leave me awake in the wee morning hours. I am hearing that it gets better, so I will take these side effects to not die like two of my neighbors.

      • Hi Angie. I had my shot 11 days ago and I’ve been having very bad insomnia and anxiety attacks ever since. I was on Prozac for my anxiety and they were working, I was feeling fine. It’s become really bad now. Has your anxiety improved at all?

        • How you feeling now I had anxiety on and off my whole life I was fine before the the vaccine but I do believe it’s all the worries about the vaccine that cause the anxiety rather than the vaccine itself I know I can self sabotage with googling ect looking into symptoms ect
          But yes like a lot on here I have heavy head brain fog ect after vaccine
          But I’m sure I’m doing this to myself looking for it and constantly looking at how I’m feeling

          • Hi Andrew
            It’s been 4 weeks since I had the vaccine and my anxiety has improved. However Im still not back to normal. I feel dizzy all the time and brain fogs. I kept believing it was me doing it to myself, thinking too much but I have episodes where I feel like Im gonna faint and I start shaking so I had some blood tests done waiting for the results. I feel like I never experienced anxiety this bad before in the past 10 years and I’m on 40mg of Prozac so this is not very normal.
            I always had low blood count and bad immune system so Im not sure at this point if its just the anxiety. Its quite scary really. If the blood test comes back clear Im gonna ask for more tests.
            GPs seem to think this is just my anxiety but seeing that these vaccines have been rushed to the market and not knowing how every individual is going to react and also the fact that they dont want people to be scared of getting the vaccine, I don’t think this is just my anxiety. Even 20mg of Prozac used to work for me but now 40mg doesnt seem to be really working. I really hope this settles soon.

        • Hi Melis,

          How are you now?

          I too have had anxiety and insomnia since day 6 after 2nd pfizer. I’ve also had palpitations and heart fluttering so I’ve seen a cardiologist but the insomnia is terrible. I sleep for 1 to 4 hours waking like something has jolted through me. Weird dreams. Had a sleeping tablet last night and got 5.5 hours sleep.

          Take care

          • Hi Louise,. I had the vaccine a week ago and am now suffering these severe panic attacks. They come at night. Sounds exactly what you’re experiencing. I wake up with a jolt. Did you come right? I feel I will have to go to doctor to try get anti anxiety meds

  17. I had 2 Pfizer vaccinations and my wife had 2 from Medrona. We both had the same reaction after the second shot namely itching all over the body. We apply Benadryl topically every night and it gives temporary relief. The itching and red spots on the skin have been going on over a month for both of us. How much longer will this go on? She is 85 and I am 95. Noone else seems t have this problem. Thank you. Patrick Zilliacus

    • Patrick, I am experiencing the same symptoms as you and your wife. I got the second Pfizer vaccine on March 8 . Shortly thereafter I had the red dot rash and itching on my arms and legs. I went to a dermatologist as it didn’t occur to me that it might be from the vaccines. He checked me out and did a biopsy on my arm. Nothing showed up. A few days ago I went to a general practitioner (not my regular doctor as she was booked up for weeks). I didn’t know this doctor and it was a waste of time. All she did was show me pictures of people with a rash and told me it would go away, I said I had this rash for a month and she again told me it would go away as she was walking out the door, Today I went to a drug store and talked with a pharmacist as they are usually very knowledgeable. She said it’s nothing to worry about. She said it should go away in a couple of weeks. Even though it’s been longer than that she said it’s a normal reaction and not to worry. So that’s where I’m at. My arms and legs don’t itch much anymore so I’m hopeful this will be over soon. I hope you and your wife are doing better.

  18. This is the 4th week of having Oxford vaccine I can hardly lift my left arm now it keeps me awake the pain going down arm most of night I have been putting hot water bottle on left shoulder to help with the ache in going down my arm this side effects come on 4 weeks after having vaccine shall I consult my dr or will it go I am worried about having 2nd injection now .

    • Hi – my arm is till aching two weeks after the AZ jab too. Think you should definitely speak to your doctor to be on the safe side. Hope you feel better soon.

  19. Until I found this thread I thought I was the only person having weird vivid dreams after Pfizer jab. Seems like a really crazy side effect but easier to handle than others.

  20. I took Pfizer vaccine on March 1, 2021. Next day arm was sore at injection area. Also, I have large dark not red circle on injection area. Informed Methodist Hospital on March 2. Arm is no longer sore, but dark circle remains and today is Sat. March 6.

  21. I took my second Pfizer vaccine on Monday 3/1/21. I felt a little nausea immediately after injection with a weired taste. Arm was very sore at site on second day but went away. On 3rd day(3/4/21) from injection, I had this severe deep, deep inner ear inching, running nose , sneezing and nose also itch. The worse is the inner ear itching. I took some Benadryl (25mg) antihistamine on3/5/21, it has help a little but here I am on day 3 of this episode of inner ear itch, running nose and sneezing. Have anyone had this problem and what did you do? I am 70 yrs old and in good health not on any medication.

    • I have the same issue now. On the third day after the second dose i started sneezing and my nose is so itchy. How long did it last for you?

      • My nose and sinuses behind my nose started itching soon after the first Pfizer dose. I had sneezing jags that lasted for about 24 hours, and then the sensation went away. I’ll post again after I experience the second dose, whether the reaction was worse, better or about the same.

      • I had the runny nose and sneezing on the third and fourth days after Pfizer. I have been reading about side effects and haven’t seen it listed. Although I am on a Texas A&M forum where someone else mentioned they had sneezing fits as a side effect. Now, I see several folks here also.

    • I previously posted my symptoms after first dose but didn’t realize that the inner ear itching is another one! Feels so odd.

    • I’ve been sneezing off and on, too. And coughing, but I’m prone to cough so I don’t necessarily blame that on the vaccine. Hope I don’t get the itchiness, that sounds miserable.

  22. I have had my first vaccine with Pfizer. It brought on my asthma within 12mins of having the jab and lasted about 5days. I’m still having vivid weird dreams

  23. I had my 1st vaccine Thursday. I have felt unwell ever since. I’ve had acid reflux which I needed medication, I now can’t keep warm n got the runs, nausea stomach cramps n a little shaken. Hope it settles down soon.

    • I, too, have had acid reflux after each of my two Pfizer vaccines. I thought it was just an odd coincidence after the first shot, since I haven’t been treated for reflux in more than 20 years. But it finally subsided. Until I got my second shot. It’s back, and it’s uncomfortable. I feel as though something is lodged in my throat and I have what my grandmother used to refer to as “sour stomach.” It helps to know I’m not the only one. Thanks!

      • I just got my first dose and within 15 minutes also felt like I had something stuck in my throat. Subsided within about an hour.

      • i got my first shot of PFizer in late may 2021 and 2nd on 12 jun… after a first shot i started getting acid reflux… specially when i was laying down i feel some session in throat line as if smth is running over middle line of chest, secondly belching is not stopping yet… i got chest xray which came fine than i got ultra sound of throat for thyroid which also came fine.. but these continuous belching and strange sensation is not leaving me… this condition has never happened with me ever before until i got pfizer shots, i never tested positive for corona…. what is the solution ?? i got antibiotic which made better from being worst (sleepless nights) but belching is continuing and sensation triggers often…

        • HI I also had a terrible flare of reflux and belching, so bad I couldn’t almost breathe. It was very quick after the shot, about 30/40 minutes later. Also insomnia and extreme thirst. It was like the whole digestive tube was acting crazy..

        • Its been 2 months for me after the 2nd shot. The belching, abominable pain & acid reflux been going on since then. Have shown to multiple doctors, taken many medications, got Endoscopy done as well but no diagnosis yet. Even doctors do not have an answer to this. The struggle is real. I am so scared to eat and drink now that am losing weight as well. Just waiting for this bad episode to get over.

          • Aditi, I had my second dose last week and the acid reflux symptoms started 2 days after. Yesterday I have not been able to sleep as I felt uncomfortable feeling in my chest area. Once I start eating during the day, I feel the need to burp but cannot. When I burp the relief is just few seconds and then the uncomfortable feeling once again. Feel lump in my throat, shortness of breath, weird discomfort in chest area. Do you resonate with these symptoms ? Reading your post and seeing you are suffering for 2 months worries me. I am losing the desire to eat as well.

          • Hi Sowmya,

            This is my exact state of health right now & have been since taking the 2nd dose. I feel each and every word that you have written. I know it’s frustrating but start distracting yourself after eating. Best is to take a walk or just engage in some chores. Be very careful of what you are eating, starting noticing what’s suiting you or not. Also, try cold water rather than normal one. I found this out a week ago only that cold water isn’t giving me much trouble. No Coffee/Tea/lemon water/Pineapple/ Orange. Keep eating in small portions. Don’t let your stomach be empty, will give you more problem.
            Lastly, go visit a doctor and get yourself checked to rule out any other condition (just in case).
            Hope both of us get well soon & this trauma ends asap!
            Let me know if you wanna to talk it out.

          • Hi Aditi and Omar, my experience is pretty similar to yours. My acid reflux also started a few days after my second shot and have been presenting since. I do not know if my reflux is worse compared to others or not. But I do not experience chest pain or heartburn. My chest pain only starts if I run or walk fast. I have a sour taste in my mouth and acid coming up mostly starts in the afternoon. I am really bothered by the bad breath and breathing difficulty that it gives me. My GP tried to convince me that it could be GORD and has nothing to do with the vaccine, but reading through the comments I feel odd. I have got my heart, blood and liver checked and all are fine. I was prescribed PPI and antibiotics but did not see a noticeable difference after I finished my courses. GP is suggesting endoscopy as at some point I was convinced I had a hiatus hernia. I will see what will happen. But you are absolutely right that drinking cold things make me feel better too. My GP said I could have iced lattee, which I tried and feel fine as well. I think the key is avoiding hot stuff and avoid drinks before and during a meal. Ice cream was also fine if no too much chocolate topping etc.

          • Hi Bext,

            Even I had thought of Hiatus Hernia because of similar symptoms. Best is to get Endoscopy done and have peace of mind that it’s probably nothing, just the vaccine side-effect. This actually helped me to cope up with anxiety. Are you by any chance having localized pain in left side of lower abdomen? This has been there for me since the start.

          • Hi Aditi
            Thanks for the reply. A month+ has gone by and it did subside a bit but back to square one this week. I haven’t seen a doctor but tried some home remedies which were only temporary relief. The new thing is a bitter taste in the mouth on and off. Do not know if there is any end to this. With the Pfizer 3rd dose being recommended world over I am wondering what will be the side effects. Will try the cold water in place of room temperature. Many of them recommend Apple Cider Vinegar will help but not tried it yet.

          • Did you get better. Same here had vaccine on sept 1st. And 4 weeks now 3 weeks burping, not digesting properly, feel food stuck in my chest at times feel like I have something stuck in my throat. I’m scared to eat and lost like 8 pounds . I feel that since the vaccine mimics the virus and some people that get the actual virus have had faster intestinal issues perhaps this can be a cause . Or maybe it’s silent reflux we had all along and didn’t now about and it exacerbated it

          • Glad I came across this forum as I was losing my mind! I also started getting reflux all the time (mild pain behind ribcage, soar throat, feeling of food getting stuck) and excessive belching within a week of getting 1st dose. Now it’s been 3 months after 2nd dose and it has gotten a bit worse or rather happens more regularly. It’s made me anxious which makes it even worse (vicious cycle). Had endoscopy and they said it’s ‘likely’ gerd and put me on nexium. Don’t feel like it’s helping much. Since my anxiety peaked I also got insomnia and tinnitus! I’ve NEVER had any digestive issues in the past or any other medical condition. Typically very healthy and eat very well so it’s a massive coincidence to be something else.
            I’ve started looking at alternative therapies/supplements etc to try to detox myself from the vaccine (if there is such a thing). Will be starting on a regimen of various supplements soon as suggested by my ‘naturopath’ who said that they had seen several cases of gerd immediately after taking the vaccine and were confident they could fix it. I guess I’ll find out after some time and will be happy to report back.

      • I have terrible acid reflux too. I was blaming myself for not having a good diet … but I never have acid reflux before and this comes just two days after pfizer second shot. Anyone got an idea when it’s gonna go away?

        • Same for me. 2 days after the shot, now going on 6 days I’ve had the worst heartburn of my life. I’ve rarely experienced heartburn in the past. It’s extremely painful. I hope it goes away soon!

          • Pfizer 1st dose Same here extreme heartburn I spent entire night without sleeping…. A bit scary also.. taking medicine for GERD. Hope you guys recover soon. Take care.

          • I have the same,two days after first pfizer jab,terrible heartburn and sore chest. Pain travels to both shoulders and back of neck pain into head and sore eyes. Goes away for a day then returns for two days have tried nexium ,gavascon,quick eze, panadol. Nothing seems to work.Seen my doctor ,says Iwill have to ride it out. Has no idea.Do i have my second jab? Will it get worse? No one seems to know, even the doctors don’t know. Makes you feel very uneasy about the whole situation.I know a lot of people that have no side effects what so ever.when you tell them they give you the impression that you are imagining it. I would like to trade places with them and see how they go.This forum confirms the side effects. Hope all come good sooner than later.

          • I had myocarditis diagnosed and my main symptom was a strong pain like heartburn, followed by neck/jaw pain and tingling in the hands. Hoping others with the feeling of heartburn got it checked out and are okay.

        • omg same with me…i am experiencing this after my 2nd dose ..it started 2 days after the dose.
          Its very uncomfortable. its been 4 days and its not going away. Did the reflux subside for you?
          Good to know that I’m not the only one experiencing this. Hope it goes away soon.

        • I have the blerping 5 weeks after my first shot it’s getting worse and worse. Also the feeling of a lump in my neck. Hesitant to do the second shot now…

      • Hi I’m the same. Acid reflux. Never had it before. Can’t sleep at night hard to swallow. I’m on 40mg nexium twice daily. Has this gone away for you. I got my pfizer jab on 1st July nearly 3 weeks ago

      • I’ve been having horrible acid reflux after both of my Pfeizer vaccinations. I’ve NEVER experienced acid reflux before, and thought it was just weird timing. I got better very slowly with the help of medication prescribed by my doctor at a maximum dose, and being very careful with what I eat.
        After my second vaccine the reflux has returned.. so not just a coincidence I guess. This makes me feel so much better that I’m not the only one experiencing this.

    • Hi,

      Did the reflux subside. I took my second dose on 26th June . First dose nothing besides arm pain but second dose, first two days arm pain, chills and lethargy.. then post that lot of headaches which come and go..but theu are acute. Acid reflux for past 3 days. Plus hands and feet always chilly, cant concentrate, got an attack of panic too. Sleep is very disturbed and there is inner shakiness sometime. Did any one feel same or has your reflux subisded ?

      • I have bouts of acid reflux since getting my first injection, I’m not use to it and the first night the heartburn was so painful it was scary. It’s a comfort to know I’m not alone hopefully it will get better but it’s been over two weeks ago since my second jab,

      • My experience is pretty much similar to yours, apart from the panic attack, which I did not have. I have never had severe acid reflux before. They were usually one-off if I had something bad. But since my second dose, I started experiencing weird acid reflux which started two days after and is persisting. It has been a week now and it is getting worse and my sleeping is very bad. I started taking OTC medicine today, I don’t know if it will help. At the moment, I am not sure if it is linked to the vaccine or there is another coincidence.

        • I had mine two days back and the acid reflux is too much. I cannot breathe properly. The lump in throat passing sometimes to the chest area. I experienced nothing for the first dose. Did it subside for you all ? Can anyone please pls update here. Do I need to see a GP?

          • I got the lump feeling and blerping few days after my first shot. It’s been 5 weeks now and still going on, if not worsening. I have the second shot scheduled next Tuesday but I am highly hesitant about doing the second shot. After reading what everyone writes here, I am sure it’s due to the vaccination.

  24. I had my first dose on Thursday. My arm was urging. Body aches and fatigue. Slept almost all day Friday. Have crazy dreams it disturbed my dog. She woke me up. Also have a cough and some pimples on my face.

  25. Has anyone experienced abdomen pain, uti-like symptoms, frequent urination, overactive bladder and pressure in the pelvic are? I only got these symptoms the day after I got my first dose.

    • Yes, I have horrible stomach cramps , started 2 days after first jab, now shivering and feels like when you have flu, body sort of jumping x

      • My friend had hers on 9 March and she is having stomach cramps – I had mine same day and feel very nauseous with bad headache still. Like a stabbing pain.

    • I had my first Pfizer shot 2 days ago and have experienced frequent urination/over active bladder. On the 2nd night, I woke up almost every 2 hours to pee. It’s been very disruptive to my sleep.

      • I had the same thing the first night after shot. It has continued for the past few days. So glad to hear other had the same.

      • I am seeing an MD this week because this has lasted 3 weeks. I didn’t match it with the vaccine shot until yesterday. I’ve been fearing diabetes. Second shot scheduled on Sunday.

      • I had my second dose of Pfizer yesterday at 3:40PM. Speed forward to today at about noon… headache resolved by caffeine. But I have been urinating excessively every hour. (I did not drink much caffeine) I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin, and suspect fever but cannot find my thermometer. I know urinating is one way the body gets rid of heat. My ribs, back and knuckles are sore. Just a healthy immune system doing its job. I do hope the frequent urination let’s up.

      • Yes. The first night after vaccine woke up 3 times – frequent urination. Hadn’t heard of this side effect, but appreciate seeing it listed here. I guess it (getting P. vaccine) beats dying……………………………….

    • Yes! First shot 3/9. On 3/12 started itching all over my body then frequent urination especially at night – I go and within an hour I have to go again – pelvic pressure but it’s not a UTI. 3/15 and itching is nearly gone but peeing like crazy especially at night. What a crappy side effect!

    • Yes, Olga….I am also having frequent urination, slight pressure on abdomen area, sort of uti-like symptoms. Started the day after 2nd dose. Has this gone away for you since you stated this? Thank you!

      • So I see that I am not the only one who is experiencing the frequent urination. After my second Pfizer shot, I felt well for the remainder of the day, but the next day I was feeling as if I had been punched in the legs, knees and back by a mob. I also started to urinate with very annoying frequency, even waking up at night several times. No fever, no chills, no headaches. Two doses of Advil solved the body aches.
        However, all this is preferable to getting the full blown COVID. Every single person I know who has gotten the symptomatic version tells me that it’s a horrifying disease.

        • did the frequent urination problem end and if so how long does it take to go away? i got 1st Pfizer shot yesterday and have had the frequent urination problem all day today so far…

      • Aaahhhh I’m so relieved to be reading this. This is exactly what I’ve been experiencing today. How long did it take to resolve?

      • This is my second day after my second shot and i have been urinating frequently since this morning. Im so glad to read all these comments as i was thinking i had a infection or kidney problem (Dr Google said so LOL). Yes, very annoying, but still better than the fear of getting COVID.

      • Hi Laine

        Just wanted to see if your symptoms subsided? It’s been 10 days since my second dose of Pfizer and I’ve been having uti symptoms but no bacteria (as confirmed by 3 urine samples)

      • I’m also having frequent urination that began the evening after my second shot. I’m going about every hour and have constant pressure. I’m only on day 1 after shot. I hope it subsides. Anyone elses subside?

        • Hey Kelli, just wondering if your frequent urination symptoms have gone away? and if so, after how long? My dad is experiencing the same symptoms after he got vaccinated with his second dose yesterday and I am just slightly worried. Thank you 🙂

    • Had my 2nd Pfizer dose 2/22, arm soreness, slight fever, and body aches, went to work the next day, a few days later noticed some Pelvic tightness and soreness, Yoga stretching helps alleviate that.

    • Got my 2nd Pfizer yesterday afternoon. 8 hours later I’m urinating almost every 30 minutes, had chills all night and insomnia . Hopefully I kick this fast.

    • Did you ever find out anything about what was causing this? I got my second shot yesterday and I have been experiencing UTI-like urination frequency all day.

    • Has anyone had any luck with antibiotics or antifungals?
      Are people reporting this to the FDA? https://vaers.hhs.gov/esub/index.jsp

      2.5 weeks so far of UTI-like symptoms, intense bladder pain, flank pain, and tender spleen. Urinating every 2 hours, 5-6 times a night, starting 4 days after the first Pfizer dose on 3/20. It’s fluctuated some. Got my second dose yesterday, 4/10,. OTC phenazopyridine (Azo or generic) takes the edge off bladder pain.

      With posts of flu-like and UTI-like symptoms and shingles, I wonder if the vaccine impacts our ability to keep pathogens we are colonized with in check.

    • My boyfriend has had the same problem. UTI started right a day or so after first shot. Went on antibiotics to clear it up and now after the second shot it is back again…

    • Yes! I’ve been to my physician two times, have been on antibiotic and am scheduled for ultrasound. Urine negative for bacteria. Of course I have no way of knowing if this is related to my second dose of Pfizer but my symptoms appeared two days afterwards.

      • How long did this last for you? I haven’t been able to stand up straight for nearly
        a full day. I can’t even touch my lower abdomen, it’s so incredibly sore.

    • I had the Pfizer jab on thurs 10th June in the morning. By the nighttime I started spotting as if I was about to start my period (had period the week previous) then the day after felt on intense pressure pain in my lower back. Woke up on 12th with niggling pain in my left shoulder. Really hope the anxiety doesn’t kick in suffer with anxiety as it is I immediately regretted getting this shot and really don’t want the 2nd now

    • After 28 hrs after the first shot started running to bathroom every 15-20 minutes. Not like during UTI when it feels like I wanna pee but there is no pee, but actually peeing a ton each time lol
      I hope it will go away.

      Other side effects: got chills and cold feet at the same time, but it went away after an hour. Minor headache and fatigue on the first day (about 5-7 hrs after the shot).

      Age 33, no health issues.

    • I received my second dose two weeks ago and I have been experiencing UTI like symptoms. It started a couple of hours after my shot. It feels like constant pressure on my bladder, but there are no other UTI symptoms like burning when peeing or cloudy urine. I was tested for a UTI but there was no bacteria in my urine. From what I can find online this is a reported side effect, but in very small numbers. I don’t know if any of the original posters return to this thread but I’d love to hear if this horrible feeling goes away and how long it lasted.

      • My husband had similar problem as a side effect of the first vaccination Pfizer(burning while peeing ,often urination ,cloudy urine ,smells as cat pee((fever 38 ((started on the 4 day after vaccine and still having fever on the 10 day after (((

        • Hello Natalia. How is your husband? I noticed a strong smell in my urine that started two days ago, when I took the Pfizer. For now, just this reaction and a lot of pain in my arms joints.

      • Same issue (M/37). Started a few weeks after my second Pfizer jab. Got test for UTI multiple times, all negative. They also checked for prostate issues, but this was also ruled out. Because everything came back negative my gp sent me in for an ultrasound of my lower abdomen. This also returned nothing abnormal. Currently on vesicare to reduce my bladder tension. After two weeks I can finally say I see some improvement. Very hesitant to get my next booster.

        • Similar symptoms started after 2’nd shot in Summer. Now, after 6 months – still not 100% gone. I truly do not know does it happened because of vaccine or just pudendal neuralgia because of cycling or something else. Did anyone get an answer?

    • Exactly 24 hours after 2nd dose of pfizer I started experiencing UTI issues also glad to see someone else having same issue, people telling me it wouldn’t be from the vaccine I find it hard to believe its something else.

      • I have also tried to flush it out with pints of water one after another to flush my system out as I am running every few minutes hopefully it helps shift soon.

      • Hi Kelly hope your are feeling better. My mum is facing same issue now. With urine retention. Does it gets better over time or any meds to cure it? Many thanks

    • Did you continue to have this symptoms or did they disappear. I too began experiencing symptoms a couple of weeks after my 2nd shot

    • Hi Olga

      Did your symptoms go away? If so how long did this take? It’s been 10 days since the vaccine for me and I’ve had uti symptoms but no infection. Symptoms started day after the vaccine. Had abdominal pain so bad for a couple of nights that I had to sleep completely upright in my bed. Even had dried blood in my urine this morning

    • I have had UTI type symptoms. I’m officially 1 week post Pfizer 1st shot. I felt a painful heavy feeling in my lower abdomen, frequent and urgent urination. My lower abdomen would hurt if I held it. It is feeling better today. I’ve never had a uti in my life. The pain hurt enough to make me wonder if I somehow gave myself a hernia.
      I also had a visual disturbance with no migraine, which gave me a panic attack because the zigzags, tunnel vision and aura were so bad I thought I was going blind, having a stroke or dying (day 3 after vaccine). Also feel breathless.

      • FMS: For anything related to your vision, brain, for these serious symptoms go to the ER right away if you can. You should not wait, it is from the vaccine, nothing else. It can be from the high blood pressure. Take care!

    • Within 2 hrs of Pfizer#2 I had UTI symptoms that increased in severity to the point of having to sit on toilet most of night. Also had severe abdominal pain, body ached all over. A friend gave me antibiotics, ciprofloxacin 500 mg. Within 4 hrs was able to sleep in bed without wetting myself. Still burns when urinating and can get to toilet on time as long as I stay in house. I thought it was a coincidence, but the timing was suspicious. Has anyone else had UTI symptoms after their shot?

      • I also had UTI symptoms and whole pain and pressure in pelvic area. I had extreme pain and arthritic inflammation that took months to somewhat subside. My pelvic issuesare still there and low back pain and sciatica after 10 months from 1st pfizer shot. I was at the Dr weekly for the first few months. No medication would help with the extreme joint pain. Severe back pain and right foot was numb for 10 weeks and had a thumb joint that inflamed horribly. Had a ton of meds and 6 cortisone shots. I had to stop working as a hairstlyist and trying to work a little now. Glad to find this site because I felt alone in all of this. I feel that some of this will be permanent damage.

  26. I had the Pfizer jab on 19 Feb. No probs at first, but a week or so later I started to feel flu-like symptoms, felt extremely tired & sleepy, plus arm hurt at jab site, but I get that with the ordinary flu jab too. Slight temperature recorded as well. I do, however, have underlying health conditions which may or may not have contributed to these symptoms. I would like to stress that I am so very happy to have had this jab, & would urge everyone to go ahead and get it. The side effects are definitely worth it!!!

    • I was fine initially, after 2nd Pfizer sore arm but a few days later I feel that my bones and joints are sore, like I’ve walked miles and miles, my elbows are sore, its a strange one, I also have cold symptoms

      • That’s exactly how I feel. Had second Pfizer 8 days ago and have painful upper arms and just feel awful. It’s scary.

        • Had my second Pfizer on 30 March . Ok for a week and now feeling so rough. Pain in both upper arms and flu like symptoms. It is scary because other family members are fine with it

      • Hi Emma, I have the same sore upper arms and fatigue after 17 days of 2nd dose Pzifer. My pressure shot up to 157 a couple days after vacinne. Now I just feel muscle soreness on my arms and fatigue

  27. Yes, my arm was very sore. My husband said I had very crazy dreams. He said I was running in my sleep. I flung one of the cats off the bed. He had to wake me up like 6 times. I have no idea what I was dream about. I already have very violent dreams and wear a CPAP. My acting out in my sleep was the most violent I have ever been. I am glad to see other people had dreams too.

    • I had my first Pfizer jab 3 days ago and I’ve had crazy vivid dreams as well. And the dreams aren’t pleasant either. Things like cars being stolen, being chased. I almost kicked our dog off the bed. I wear a CPAP as well but my dreams are usually normal. I also woke up last night drenched with sweat although I feel fine. Not running a fever but I developed a cough overnight. That may be related to seasonal allergies. My arm is still a little sore.

      • I had my first Pfizer shot on Feb. 4, 2022 I’m also having vivid weird dreams and insomnia cared to take second one. Did they eventually go away

  28. I got my 2nd Pfizer shot on 2/10 and on 2/19 I spiked a fever every night for 11 nights. Good for 4 nights then fever back. I’ve gotten a ton of bloodwork and all is normal. I’m hoping that it’s a reaction to vaccine and nothing more. Anyone else know of someone with a delayed onset?

    • I had a delayed onset of fatigue with Pfizer first dose. I was itchy and irritated the first few days after 1st dose, then horrible fatigue for past 3 days, a week after I got the 1st dose.

      • Ditto for me – I had my first Pfizer shot one week ago today, 3/11, and was itchy all over yesterday (better today) and fatigue has been brutal the last two days. I have severe asthma and will continue with the 2nd shot – lost loved ones to COVID and just not willing to take the risk.

      • I am having really bad pain in the bladder area and a bit to the right. It was so bad it woke me up and I feel like I can’t move or it gets worse. I just received the Pfizer shot 12 hours ago. It hurts so much.

        • Hi Naomi, I’m a female 27 years old and your pain sounds like mine. Bladder pain with pain to the right. I also have pressure and burning too. I had the pfizer shot and felt this pain a week after my first dose. Did it get better for you? I’ve been in pain for several months.

    • Hope you nowbetterYes. Had my 2ndjab 31/3 . 5 days later it hit me.. had like a panic attack that started with my eyes seeing stars..then ghastly headaches and brain fog 3 days later…felt awful……donot want a 3rdPfizer vaccination.

      • I had the AZ vaccine a week ago now I see stars when I cough!
        Felt very ill the day after but feel ok now, still seeing stars!

        TBH, if it’s not dangerous I don’t mind seeing stars.

      • Hi Pamela, I had a very similar experience 4 days after the first jab. Now worried if I should opt out of the second. Did your brain fog ease over time? How are you doing now? Appreciate your response.

    • Drink plenty of fluid and take paracetamol every 4 to 6 hours side affects with eventually disappear I had mine on 16 th March muscle pain arm hurts from injection and zapping pains in my head last nigh a bit of fog brain if you have a temp monitor for 48 hours then seek medical advice I slept in a well ventilated room with fan and windows open don’t over wrap your self as it will make the Rigours worse ( shaking only occurs with temperature spike in your body ) I still say have your jab protect your self and encourage others to do the same better than being in ICU on a ventilator stay safe

    • Me too! I’m am sick right now as we speak. I had my 1st vaccine on 3/5/21 and woke up this am to loss of taste and smell. Saturday I felt so bad. I have been sneezing constantly and nose bleeds and my nose burning. I do have bad allergies and it’s bad here in NC but the loss of taste and smells and body aches has scared me today. Went to Urgent Care, had rapid test, it was negative. I also took a 2nd test to be safe. Once I got home and started thinking about it, I had about 4 headaches last week and had to use my prescription headache medication to stop it. The Nurse at Urgent Care said that they have had some patients come on with same side effects weeks later after 1st vaccination. But I not sure if that is my case or not.

      • How’s your taste and smell now, Tammy? I started losing mine after first jab, in June, still almost nothing but the occasional whiff or taste of something

  29. I had my 2nd Pfizer vaccine 5hrs later came down with shivers headache chest and jaw pains and body aches.next day continue with low grade fever body aches and headaches.how long will this last.

  30. I had my 2nd Pfizer shot yesterday 3/10/2021 at 315pm. Head started hurting about 30 mins after getting it and I was super nauseated by the time I got home. I am laying in bed been awake off and on all night it is 150am now. Woke up soaked and head hurts. Have had the most crazy dreams. Starting to get nauseated again. Every time I shut my eyes I wake up soaking wet hair and all. I do feel like I have a fever.

  31. I had my jab on Monday 8th March fine for a few days until yesterday when I have pain in opposite shoulder effecting my arm like a trapped nerve, can not raise arm without severe pain, difficult to dress, shower and am so extremely uncomfortable, had bad shakes on Wednesday evening due to the amount of pain I was in, had the Astrazeneca covid jab

    • I had my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine today and am experiencing similar symptoms. What part of your shoulder is affected? My shoulder blade (opposite the injection site) is affected, into my neck.

      • Same, Heather. While I was driving home from getting the Pfizer vax in my left arm, I started to get a weird pain in the right/back side of my neck that’s now kind of radiating to my right temple and down into my right shoulder/trapezius (sp?) area. It’s not terrible pain, just weird. I’m glad I’m not the only one! How are you feeling now?

  32. I had Covid last July, I was perfectly fine before I took my shot on Monday by Tuesday evening terrible terrible headache chills both arms hurting, by next day I was in the bed sleeping the entire day sweating chilling sweating chilling, today I feel a little better now both lymph nodes are swollen both arms hurtAnd head still hurts with fever 100. I hope tomorrow is better.

    • Hi Yvonne, not sure if you will read this, but may I ask about your symptoms for your actual Covid infection? You said “I was perfectly fine” but do you mean before your shot or during your Covid infection or both? I am wondering if the side effects we experience from the vaccine are even lighter than what we can expect from a real covid infection.

  33. I received my second shot an March 4. A few days later I began having sharp pains in my right leg. Also, my food began to have a metallic taste. This morning, March 11, the metallic taste was very strong. I’m wondering if this is a side affect of the Pfizer vaccine.

    • Hi Edward I had my first Pfizer jab 10 days ago was very fluey shaky very tired hot/cold but now have the horrible taste in my mouth after eating food tastes normal though.

  34. I had the Oxford 8hours after I had a headache, temperature, nausia, aching, legs hurting, could not focus properly, ears blocked felt like I was under water, lasted 3 days then I was freezing cold, could not get warm, tried hot bath, elec blanket that lasted 48hrs still feel really tired

  35. I had the Pfizer jab on jan 27th It’s now March 12th and yesterday I woke up with what can only be described as a hollow dimple in my arm where the needle went in, it’s painful too!

    • I took astra jab . First i had covid arm(rash, raised,and red) it went away but now i noticed a huge indent in my muscle . You cannot see it but you can feel it. Did yours heal?

      • Hey Brea, I also noticed a big indent in my muscle a week ago. Got my first Pfizer shot 5 weeks ago and also had covid arm. Will get my second shot next week, but very worried about the indent and will show my arm to the doctor before i take the 2nd dose. Hope it goes away.

          • got my second shot today. i asked to have the vaccine done in the opposite arm. so far just a little sore at the injection site. feels like someone punches me. nothing big yet…

      • Did your dent go away? I’m now 12 weeks after, I also got covid arm & have an indent you can clearly feel in the muscle. my 2nd I got in the other arm, no reaction & no dent. But After 3 months I’m wondering if that muscle will ever recover, or if I’m going to have that hole/dent thing for forever.

        • Have you noticed dark urine? My son has the same thing and I am going to bring him to the doctor as this can be a sign of muscle atrophy

  36. I just had my first dose this morning March 12th. I immediately had a metallic taste that went away, and I also felt a bit wobbly. I feel better now (4 hours later), hope it stays that way.

    • I started having frequent urination the day after I received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Today is day 2 and the urination was not as frequent. I also had soreness in my arm the day after. Day 2 my arm isn’t sore at all.

  37. Had my 2nd Pfyser dose yesterday morning felt fine until last night kept sneezing and felt flu like still sneezing this morning and still aching .any one else with the sneezing side effect?

  38. After my second shot about two weeks later I am now suffering from extreme fatigue. I don’t seem to come to life until late afternoon. I have an auto immune disease, Addison’s disease and don’t know if this is a contributing factor. Any comments would be appreciated. Syd

    • I have neurosarcoid and took phizer shot been in bed since shot on Saturday very tired and had a itch in my ear the first night.

      • I had my Phizer 1St jab on Saturday too. Had a nasty few hours during the night but it’s now Tuesday and my arm is still hot and sore at injection site.

    • I had the Pfizer shot 12 days ago. About two days ago I started noticing fatigue and a lot of achiness. Now it has advanced to a low-grade fever, G.I. pain and loss of appetite. I to have an autoimmune of fibromyalgia and this feels like a Fibro attack. However I think it’s really due to the shot I hope this doesn’t last too long because I’m very uncomfortable and I can’t take NSAIDs. I rely on Epson salt baths and Tylenol for pain relief.

  39. had a metallic taste in my mouth, went home that night nausea. headache WOW, dizzy, it has been a week and still not feeling well, crazy, maybe cause I am older woman. all we can do is pray that on 29th when I get the other I am not sick, miss one week of work already.

    • I had the Pfizer shot last Tuesday. Still feel out of sorts. My right arm feels like pins and needles. And my husband also is achy all over his body. Very weird!

  40. Had the Oxford vaccine on the 14th March, usual soreness at the vaccine site, light headed, and a night of vivid crazy dreams.

  41. Received Pfizer vaccine in left arm on March 10, felt like I had been punched in the arm for 36 hours then all was well until last night when I developed a pins and needles sensation in my left hand, no change today. Hoping will go away and not nerve damage.

    • I had my first Pfizer vaccine 3 weeks ago and I didn’t realize until now but I was having numbness with tingling in my right hand actually sometimes it would radiate up to my elbow although I had the shot in my upper right arm I thought I had something to do with the car accident I was in two months ago because every time I go to the doctor they ask me if I have any numbness in my hands but I just had my second vaccine yesterday in my right arm and woke up this morning with my hand completely numb even almost turning white and swollen and I now no it has everything to do with the vaccine. It’s much worse than the first time but I only experienced a few spells of the numbness and tingling after the first vaccine I’m hoping that it results soon but it did come and go for a couple weeks from what I remember

  42. I just had my 1st shot of Pfzire vaccine last March 7, 2021. after 4 days . I feel cold, joint pain , bad head ache.. this 12 March until 14 March. 2021. And aslo on and off fever. its is normal ?

  43. I had my first Pfizer shot on March 12. Tired the next day and soreness around shot area.

    Day 2, last night vivid nightmares of snakes and animals trying to kill me. My husband woke me up, I couldn’t wake myself up.

  44. I had the Pfizer jab on Thursday and have felt absolutely awful since and won’t continues.
    I have lung disease and wondering whether my body can cope.
    Chest tight… Waking in the night screaming in agony, In hospital with pneumonia last Christmas and where the pain is feels like it has returned. How long do you put up with it before consulting a medical professional.

  45. I had my first dose on Friday 12th March my arm sore, crazy dreams and heart palpitations… had the AstraZeneca…still feel awful

  46. I had the Pfizer 1st dose 3 days ago and have been having weird dreams every night since. I feel fine otherwise- no other side effects, just the dreams, and wanting to go to bed a little earlier than usual but feeling fine during the day

  47. Had first vaccine on Saturday, few hours later could hardly walk, feeling worse muscle pains then temperature, sweats overnight. Same three days on. I do have CFS and Fibromyalgia, perhaps symptoms have been heightened with the vaccine!

  48. i had my covid shot on wed march 10th.. I felt great.. I was in the gym lifting LOL… felt great till Sunday…man down!!! cold chills… terrible headache..weak and nausea… When I dont finish a meal I know something is wrong… glad to come here and see this is normal… I’m hoping the 2nd shot is not as bad since the first did me in.. Today I’m feeling much better just still weak and a little nauseous

      • This is my 3rd week and I STILL HAVE TAHICARDIA, Heart palpitations, higher blood pressure that I check several times a day. I walk and work only 30% of what I have done before the 1st Pfizer shot. I was in ER, the EKG was OK, also all the blood analysis but was taken the 3rd day after the side effects started. I am a 54 years old female, lost 2 kg, because of these side effects, had almost pass out from weakness, the first 10 days were miserable. It helped me the Spinach introduced in the green smoothie, the Astragalus (for weakness and also protects the heart, but I have taken very little), the Omega 369. Also, I used a tea for fast heart palpitations made of Hawthorne flower and leaves. After I feel like before, I will enter the whole thing to Pfizer and here, but I need more time. The recovery of the heart takes time. Before Pfizer vaccine, I was very OK, making 8-9 km per day walking, even if I am a hypothyroid person.

  49. First dose on 3/15/21. During the 15 minutes of observation, my arm grew sore like I just worked out and began to have a metallic taste in my mouth. A little nausea but nothing too bad.

  50. Had first Pfizer jab last Thursday ( 4 days ago) . Felt ok Friday but since then just really tired keep going to bed , flu type symptoms, slight headache, but no temperature. Blood pressure normal. Strange dreams . Im 55.

  51. I had the first Pfizer vaccine March 4, a Thursday, Sunday night I had fever, chills, and strange dreams, I slept with 2 sherpa blankets and a heater. I slept most of the next day. Fevers and chills came and went. My joints ached, I could barely walk. I was drenched in sweat in the middle of the night. By the 3rd afternoon I felt better..but it has been a week and a half and I am still having bad dreams and a pins and needles feeling in my lower legs and chills. I never had Covid as far as I know. I am dreading the second shot, none of my friends had this happen.

  52. Hi day of shot Pfizer was fine. second day so tired and dizzy. third day tired and little dizzy hope this ends soon its scary.

  53. I had my second dose of Pfizer vaccine on 3/4. Minimal reaction that day – slightly sore arm, a little tired. Next day felt fine, but 2 days later began experiencing pins and needles sensations in both arms, hands, legs and feet. Comes and goes, but still occurring every day. Taking antihistamine per doctor recommendation, not sure it’s helping. Doc says it could last 4 weeks. Has anyone had this reaction that’s been resolved?

    • I had my second Pfizer vaccine dose on February 18. I have a common reaction, sore arm fatigue for about a day and a half and then I felt fine about two weeks later I noticed pins and needles sensation in my back, as time went on I noticed it elsewhere arms especially and legs. My husband also noticed the pins and needles sensation about a week after his second dose and his results two weeks later. His was in only one arm. It’s getting very frustrating as it is now four weeks later and I still have the pins and needles mostly in my arms and my back. Anyone else have resolution of this?

      • I’ve been having pins and needles sensation on and off for 12 days, sore arm lasted 2 days.
        Second shot next week, I’m a bit nervous but glad to hear that I’m not the only one. I’m just surprised it’s not mentioned in any official warnings

        • Hi AdamK
          I am having the same symptoms after my first dose and I’m nervous now about getting my second.
          I was wondering if you got your second dose and if you are having symptoms?

          • The symptoms went away after 5 weeks!! I did not take the second Pfizer shot yet, waiting for more info on that

    • Hi, I had my first Pfizer vaccine on 3/31 in my lady arm and within minutes I felt a weird tingling in my right arm. It then spread to both arm and legs and other parts of my body too. I’ve seen a doctor who thought it was an allergic reaction – but that just complicated matters because I was in too much allergy medication- which came with its own side effects. I then made an appointment with an allergist who said it wasn’t an allergy – that it was a side effect from the vaccine. It’s 10 days later now and I still have the tingling and pins and needle feeling – especially in my hands and feet. I don’t have an answer yet – I’m hoping it will just resolve with time. But I’ll keep looking. It’s very uncomfortable. And yes, it also comes with anxiety.
      Beat of luck to you and everyone else here. Hopefully we all get these weird side effects resolved soon.

      • I had my first Pfizer shot on Jan 15th and still experiencing tingling in both legs and feet mainly. Intermittent but there especially at night. Started 10 minutes after I got the shot in my opposite side toes. I’ve had B12, CRP, thyroid and regular blood tests. Saw an allergist who ruled out allergic reaction and a neurologist who ruled out Guillain Barre and transverse myelitis which he said has been seen (rarely) with the vaccines. Still having tingling 3 months out- mainly annoying and worrisome of when it will pass and what exactly is going on. I decided not to get second dose since still having symptoms. I was on a short dose of steroids which helped, ibuprofen also has helped too. I’ve also noticed eye pain but not sure if it’s related. Thanks everyone for posting your experiences. I have posted to the CDC vaccine tracking site in hopes more information will come out.

        • Just as a follow up, after 6 months of slowly decreasing tingling to no longer being present I saw my neurologist and a second allergist who both gave me a plan if the tingling were to return with the second Pfizer shot (wait 2 weeks to build immunity and then could start another steroid dose). I went ahead and got it July 26 and only noticed very mild crawling sensations and fatigue for the first week after the shot, and mostly absent since then. I’m very glad I went ahead with the second dose and feel much more at ease with the protection from Delta and not contributing to another variant mutation. Hope everyone’s symptoms also subside soon.

  54. I had my my second dose on March 4. Had a minimal reaction that day – slightly sore arm and a little fatigued. Felt fine the next day, but 2 days after the shot, I began feeling pins and needles sensations in both arms, hands, legs and feet. Comes and goes, but still experiencing those symptoms daily, 12 days after the shot. Have been taking antihistamine, per my doctor’s recommendation, but not sure it’s helping. She said it could last 4 weeks. Has anyone else experienced persistent pins and needles that resolved?

    • I had my second dose of Pfizer on February 18. Common reaction soreness in the arm fatigue that lasted a day and a half. Gradually a couple weeks later I started getting pins and needles sensation all over my body but especially my back and my arms. It is now a month later and it hasn’t gone away. My husband experienced the pins and needles sensation in one arm but has resolved over about a week

    • Hi Jeanne – I had the Oxford AZ vaccine 11 days ago and the day after the jab I started getting pins and needles in my left arm and hand, pain around the muscle at the site of the injection, and also some weird sinus pressure around my eyes and nose. I still have these feelings now and they are very annoying because they are always there! I will be calling my doctor later on in the week and will let you know what they say. I hope you feel better soon…

      • I had my AZ vaccine on Saturday 20 March I do suffer with severe allergys they said I be OK afraid not though the night kept taking coughing fits then tongue when numb and both legs had a burning feeling went to A and E on Sunday morning doctors say just had a bad reaction to it I will not be getting my second one

      • Thanks Mandy. I still have pins and needles 20 days after 2nd dose. My PCP ordered blood work and referred me to a neurologist. Turns out I have a B12 deficiency, which they both think is the cause and unrelated to the vaccine. I’m taking supplements and will follow up in a month. Also experiencing severe tinnitus, just started yesterday. I gotta believe there’s some connection to the vaccine since symptoms began just 2 days later. Any updates on your end?

        • Hi Jeanne. I saw my GP who referred me to A&E immediately, where I had blood tests and a few sensory checks, but they couldn’t find anything wrong. The nurse said he had already seen four people that morning with similar symptoms, but had no idea what was causing it. Today it’s six weeks since the first vaccine and I am still feeling the same, so I have sadly decided not to have the second dose. Another trip to the GP is possible I guess, and I’m going to insist on being referred for neurological tests because something isn’t right and I’m just so fed up now. I’m glad they found your B12 deficiency, but it really does seem like the vaccine is the cause of these problems, doesn’t it x

          • So glad I found this site as I feel like I’ve been losing my mind since my first phizer vaccine. Most people say no reaction yet mine was opposite. I too had worse but did not start until 24 hrs or so after shot affected nervous system (full blown panic attack on drive into work) then felt really off mentally – in fact I blew up at a co worker over a little thing which is completely out of character for me! – also internal shaking profusely sweating – barely made it home- tossed & turned all night sweating like crazy for 3 nights came in waves even during the day and nausea – survived on water soup & pretzels for 10 days, internal shaking & nerves(pins needles intermittent numbness) work is difficult it’s been 4 weeks now – effects have eased but developed itching (scalp and face is worst) and ringing in my ears around 2 weeks that persist – fatigue Intermittent nerves issues,Mental fog and depression? (all new symptoms since vac)
            I am on biologics so definetly a factor but I too am scared to get second dose now:(

  55. I had a first Does of Phizer vaccine about two weeks ago and still have slight Achiness in my legs anyone else have this ?

    • Hi deena I had my 1st pfizer vaccine the 16th March within hours I had a dead leg feeling the next day I was fine but the following day the feeling was back & my leg felt very weak I went to a & e & was told its probably a disc in my back ive never ever suffered with lower back problems or achy legs the next day I had the weakness in both legs and it felt like I had been on a treadmill for hours & got off to jelly legs as I describe the feeling. I still have it now!! I have an msk appointment next week to look into possible disc problem but abit of a coincidence for me.

      • I also have “jelly” legs and arms! So weird. I’m day 9 now. I went on a short hike today and my legs were trembling down the incline. Never had this problem before! Have you improved at all yet?

      • hmm.. i have similar weakness in my thighs…it’s the feeling I have after biking a few hrs and getting off the bike on the ground.. and my legs feel slow to respond . this causes me some imbalance at times..

  56. I’m wondering if we can have side effects almost 2 weeks after receiving the second vaccine. I am experiencing fatigue, headache, muscle aches but also the symptom that’s bothering me the most is gastrointestinal symptoms, such as heartburn indigestion and just being very uncomfortable. I just feel lousy but not sure if it’s related to the vaccine or possibly another illness.

    • Did your indigestion get better? I had acid reflux after my first vaccine. But the symptoms have been much worse since my 2nd. My stomach hurts, the acid reflux bothers me and I have developed a cough.

      • Both the wife and I had very bad acid reflux (heartburn) in the evening after our 2nd shots as well that kept us up all night. Mine was Pfizer/Moderna the wife was Pfizer/Pfizer. After one week mine persists but comes and goes and is now mild.

        • Me either feeling heartburn after the second dose, and am not sure if it’s a coincidence or side effects from the vaccine ,
          Heart burn , throat pain, burping ,…
          Is it persistent ? Or it gone by its own

          • Did it go away it’s been a month I took 1st dose or Pfizer and still having some chronic gastric and reflux indigestion. Etc . How are you holding up ?

        • Im wondering the same thing I’ve been having heartburn burping and acid reflux I have never suffered of this b4. Doctor says it can be but idk symptoms started gradually and come and go. I was hesitant to get vaccine from the get go. Should have went with my instinct.

      • How do you feel now with the heartburn? I also have the same issue. I am wondering if I should take the second shot

  57. I received the first Pfizer vaccine on March 10th and also took Tylenol prior to getting the vaccine which helped . The first day after the vaccine and the Tylenol wore off, I experienced being really tired, headache, sore arm and really weird unexplainable feelings. The next day, I tried to ride my bike and do my normal 40 mins aerobics routine and I was not able to either one because my knees are swollen and sore. Today is March 16th, five days later after receiving the first vaccine and my knees are still swollen and sore. In November 2019, I was told by my doctor that my x-ray showed a little arthritis in my needs so I think the vaccine has agitated them because it is so uncomfortable to walk up and down the stairs. not to mention I miss exercising.

  58. Healthy 39 year old got 1st pfizer shot Sunday evening. Two hours later hands turned ghost pale white and hands and feet started tingling like pins and needles. I felt exhausted, cold and very fatigued. I’ve been anxious ever since. Heart rate went up. Joints sore. I’ve felt these symptoms for two days and today is day 3 and so far I think I feel better but has anyone else experienced this??

  59. Had my first Pfizer vaccine and didn’t even feel it..no sore arm at all. However after 8 hrs I started losing my balance and started feeling dizzy and nautious. Out of curiosity I checked my blood pressure as I heard this may change… I have never suffered from high blood pressure but it rocketed up to 167/107. My neighbour is a doctor and we called him in to check i was ok.. he monitored me and my blood pressure for the following 24 hrs and it was chaotic. It settled down after 48hrs but after 3 weeks I still have dizzy spells. I am concerted about the 2nd dose but hopefully it won’t be as bad.. I do have allergies and a poor immune system.

    • I’ve had both Pfizer shots, checked my BP today and its 20 points higher than normal. 2nd shot was Mar 19 (today is Mar 24). Pulse rate is also lower than normal. Age 77 here.

    • Had my 1st Pfizer shot on Mar 6 that evening had tingling on tongue. Two weeks later ended up at hospital with bp of 203/106. Got warm sensation on tongue and in chest. 6 weeks later, with taking antihistamines, it is happening periodically. Bp will go up 170/92 with flushing feeling and eventually come back to normal 110/77. Doctors can’t figure it out. Hope it subsides soon.

      • Hi Paula,

        How are you feeling? I’m on day 8 after the first Pfizer shot and started experiencing an increase in blood pressure since day 5. Still there today . It’s not as high, been like 124/85 , it’s high since I’m use to 115/70. The highest I’ve had it was 150/95. At first I thought this may have been triggered by the anxiety attack on day 5 but I’m not sure.

        • Hi, I’m 9 days after my first pfizer jab and BP also went really high on day 5, and still hovers around 150/95. My BP was fine before the shot, please let me know if yours comes down!

  60. I had my second Pfizer shot on March 16th. I just felt very cold not shivering just as though my body temperature dropped all night. I was fine the next day however I am now on my 2 day and woke up with such pain in my jaw on the side where I got my shot. Could be swollen nodes, watching it and wondering if anyone else had a side effect like this.

    • I’ve been having horrible jaw pain on the side of my body where I got the shot 3 days ago and couldn’t figure out if it was from the vaccine or not

    • I am on week 3 of horrible jaw pain. I woke in the night on the same night as my 2nd pfizer vaccine and it felt like someone punched me in the jaw. I’ve had so much pain and a feeling like someone put someone’s else’s teeth in my mouth. My bite is off now too. My molars don’t touch now.

      • Hi, I had terrible tooth and jaw pain following the PH jab. Have seen my dentist and eventually had a tooth out. It now seems the nerve of another tooth is now dying. Dentist can not understand it. No decay or previous fillings.

        • Wondering what the status of your tooth and jaw pain is now? I had my second PH jab yesterday and woke up in the middle of the night with terrible pain in one tooth that I had a root canal performed upon about 15 years ago. That particular tooth has periodically caused me minor discomfort over the years since the root canal, but the pain I awoke with in that tooth this morning is severe and concerning because I was completely pain free in that tooth yesterday evening and for several years up to this morning. I’m wondering if this is something due to the PH jab that will be transient and resolve in a day or two or if I should be seeking a dentist appointment if you could kindly elaborate on your experience. There is no visible sign of having ground or cracked the tooth during my sleep.

          • How is it going now? I have toothache that started right the next day after the 2nd vaccine together with light headache. At first I felt it from time to time, it was very light, didn’t think it would be something serious and also thought that it is related to the vaccine/headache somehow.

            After few more days it started to react to hot/cold drinks, and it was very severe toothache, I think it is a nerve, but only while drinking, it disappears after several seconds later. I went to see the doctor and she said that these two teeth are in good condition, they have never been treated before. Made x-ray just in case, and she didn’t see anything suspicious about it. She didn’t want to do anything with it, since the tooth is completely healthy, and it reacts only to cold, so her advice was to wait, drink light painkillers, and see if it goes away by itself after some time. She diagnosed it as increased sensitivity.

            Overall it is really strange, especially that I didn’t have problems with these two teeth before and it appeared right after second vaccine.. currently it is day 6 after vaccine, and 4th day with these symptoms.

        • This how exactly my husband was!!! just prior the first Pfizer shot he had all his teeth checked had his panoramic X-ray done, no cavity, perfect teeth! After the first Pfizer shot 5 days later huge tooth pain in the middle of the night, next day went to see the dentist, X-ray show nothing , he had a major infection going on , had antibiotic for 10 days after that went back to the dentist, and the tooth was loose , had to be pulled out….. Second shot Pfizer…. week after the shot major tooth pain again same side , Xray show nothing, given antibiotic for 5 days , check up after Xray done again show everything OK….. 3 days later the tooth pain back, and back to the dentist…. he had a root canal done a perfect tooth…. now please tell me that this is has nothing to do with the Pizer shots…. and i do NOT believe in coincidences…!

    • Hi,I started to feel the same tooth ache at the second day of muy first dose. Has anyone roecovered from It? I am worried about It.

  61. I had my 2nd Covid-19 vaccination on March 8th, 2021 (Pfizer) and had very little reaction, other than a sore arm for about 4 days. It’s been 8 days since that 2nd vaccine and I’ve noticed that I have a mild headache almost constantly with no explanation. I’m not sure if it’s related the Covid-19 vaccine, but I sure hope it goes away because I rarely get headaches so it’s a little worrying. Not sure if this a very rare side-effect, given that it’s been 8 days since that 2nd vaccination?

  62. Had my first Pfizer vaccine On 10 of March 2021
    As today 18 of March still I feeling some time cold my body
    What I do now ? Before I am very strong now feeling very week

    • Hi, I had my second on the 9th March. I also rarely have headaches but I seem to have had one on/off throughout the last few days. Also pins & needles in the hand of the injection arm. A little worried this won’t stop or might get worse.

  63. I had the Pfizer vaccine four days ago. I have a real bad head cold. Nothing in chest or anywhere else but this is awful

  64. I had my first shot on March 11th and had pain in the injection sight for 3 days, feel very tired for 3 days. But after 2 days, I started feeling pins and needle in both feet and hands. It is started as come and go but now it stays all day. It is not getting any worse also not getting better either. Anyone experienced pins needle, please let me know how long did it take to stop feeling the sensation. It’s not too painful but is super annoying. Thanks.

    • Let me know if you find out anything. I am having the same symptoms as you- pins and needles in legs and feet. Started out coming and going and now it’s almost all of the time. I got my Pfizer vaccine the same day as you. I wish people would update.

      • Hi Joann my mother 61, is experiencing the same kind of thing as both yourself and John. She had her first Pfizer jab 8 days ago and not even 24 hours after felt numbness back/ stomach both legs and in her fingers. It’s been pretty much the same for the last 8 days. Hoping your condition improves.

    • I too am curious about duration of the pins and needles feeling. A few hours after the shot I began having tingling on the ulnar side of my hand on the side I received my injection. The following morning, pins and needles in L foot, and now one week post 1st Pfizer vaccine am experiencing pins and needles in both lower extremities. Not painful, but annoying, and has me wondering if I should do the second shot?

      • Hi Chris, an update. My mom is now on day 13, still feeling numbness in her back/torso, legs, feet, toes, hands and fingers. Had a few calls with her GP, and other doctors at a couple of hospitals. They do think it is related to the vaccine and believe that it is transient. They weren’t able to give a ball park on how long the numbness would last. Although in some comments I see that doctors have said up to 2 months? Would love to hear how you are doing!

        • Update – Now two weeks post my first Pfizer vaccine and the “pins and needles” feeling in arms and legs is still present. It comes and goes, but overall no improvement. Would really like to get second dose, but am unsure what to do. Has anyone had this experience from the first shot, and then gone on to get the second dose???

          • Hi, I got my first pzifer shot and I felt pins and needles on both my fingers for three weeks. It comes and goes. I went ahead and got my second shot. This is week 4 now. I still have the tingling. I dont know what to do. I’ll tried to get a hold of my doctor but she wasn’t available but I’ll keep trying, the nurse who gave me the shot didn’t seem too concerned and said probably a side effect. It’s just terribly annoying to feel it and my hands are constantly cold. I hope this will eventually go away. At least I feel somewhat at ease that other people are having the same symptom and it wasnt carpal tunnel or in my head!

          • Well since it’s been a week since my second shot and I still have the tingling in my fingers, I will update if any changes or goes away.

          • Hello all, another update. My mother is now 21 days with the numbness same locations – back, pelvic area, legs, hands, feet. The severity of the numbness moves around every day.

            Really hoping that this will go away. How are your symptoms? Any better?

          • Hi, I got my Pfizer vaccine last Friday, the pins and needle feeling start about three days after I got the vaccine, and right now it been 1 week since I got the vaccine. But this pins and needle feeling seems still persist. how long this tingling feeling will goes away?

          • Hi Chris ,
            Just wondering if the pins&needles/tingling has gone away.
            I had 1st Pfizer shot May 10 and I too experienced pins&needles 2 days later in my left arm. It then spread up to my face , head and now 24 days later in other arm AND both legs (from knees down ) . My legs are BURNING .
            I was supposed to get second shot a few days ago but am postponing. Been to neurologist – he also advised me to wait for second dose. It’s actually freaking me out !!

          • Hi Chris – have your symptoms gone away? How long did you have them for? I have the same symptoms and am 3 weeks post the first dose. Thanks

        • Hi, another update. I’m still having the tingling in my fingers only. I don’t think it’s gotten worse, just the same. It’s been over a month now. My hands are cold and it still comes and goes. I’ve schedule an appt with my doctor for the end of this month. so hopefully it will subside but this side effect is annoying as heck as I’m sure it’s worse if it’s everywhere else too.

    • Im still feeling pins and needles a nerve jabs in various parts of my body and I’m itchy, and its been 4 wks past my 2nd vaccine it started 2 weeks after the first one, Lidocaine and method sooth my itchy back

  65. I too had weird, vivid, unpleasant dreams for days after my first dose of Pfizer vaccine. Didn’t think it was anything to do with the vaccine until reading others experienced the same.

  66. Hi,
    Had my AZ/Oxford jab yesterday, today I haver a horrible headache and brain zaps, I have had brain zaps before but not quite as bad as this. Seems to be every time I move I get one after another.

    Other than that I have a slight fever which is to be expected…

    I’ll try to update people when this resolves as there seems to be a lot of worried people out there.

    • Quick update, the brain zaps seem to have subsided for now and have given way to a migraine, I don’t often get them but it’s a listed side effect so expected.

      Feeling quite sick also but not been sick yet.

  67. 100% of comments here have painful experience after having the PFizer vaccine. I am scheduled mine on the 31 of March. I hope some people that have mild or no side effects comes out and share to see other other side of the coin. I am now lost if I still go for this vaccine or wait a little more.

    • Hi Zaldy,

      Most people get here because they are searching for side effects or to see if others have had the same side effects.
      People who have the jab and have little or no symptoms wont be searching online to see if their symptoms are normal 🙂
      Two family members and a friend have both had the Pfizer one and said the worst their symptoms got was an achy arm.

      Don’t worry too much about the job, you’ll be fine.

  68. There was absolutely no information on not to take Tylenol before you got the Pfizer shot. I take Tylenol daily for pain. I am disabled. I have mitral valve regurgitation a very high heart rate, high bp, brain injury from dying 4 times.
    I’m very upset. We know for a fact we contracted this around Christmas. Our grandchildren were there. I had a persistent dry cough unproductive. So much so that I could hardly catch my breath. I couldn’t eat for days. And I am 5’” and weighed 145. I now am down to 130 q15 lbs underweight.
    I had a malpractice lawsuit where the surgeon ripped out my uterus and left ovary. I died 4 times from bleeding to death and them not getting a general surgeon in. Finally after firing my doctor a general surgeon came in and saved my life.
    I didn’t have crazy dreams because of that traumatic event being on a respirator for 10 given my last rights and remember thing that were said in surgery. Coming to after being resuscitated heading to the or. I went through 4 surgeries which also caused me ptsd.
    I take medications to sleep because of the severity of nightmare and if I fall asleep will I wake up?
    Last night on ABC world news they said not to take Tylenol before the Pfizer shot. It was never mention by Pfizer, cdc. It wasn’t on the paperwork when we went to get our shot. So THERE WAS NO INFORMATION!!!!
    It said that if I took Tylenol before getting the Pfizer shot it could lessen my immunity.
    I have mitral valve regurgitation, an extremely high heart rate, scarring in my lungs from the respirator and I was born with asthma. Not to mention right frontal love brain damage caused by no oxygen when I died 4 times
    so it said it could weaken your immunity. I have 2 young grandchildren that lost their father( my son) to intentional suicide.
    Our side of the family , let’s say a re way lees dramatic, we don’t argue and have never been physical with each other. So they enjoy this atmosphere. So now do I have to keep them away now?? We are the only peace they get.
    The other side, the paternal side is so way dysfunctional!
    Do I need a little bit more than the normal dosage next time to replace me talking Tylenol?
    I have to take it everyday for pain. I was also at a stop with a car in front of me and was rear ended at 70-80 mph down into a 70 ft steep revine and was luck and blessed enough to get the car turned around so my son side didn’t go into the trees. I have thoracic outlet compression in both arms , cervical fusion and just starting to come out of a deep depression. I have maybe been out of my house 10 times in the last 4 years.
    I also have to be fully protected around my husband who has diabetes, severe sleep apnea and fused back and copd and peripheral neuropathy?
    What’s the CORRECT ANSWER HERE ??????

    • Someone in the correct medical authority please give me insight. I have severe PTSD, depression and my anxiety is so bad that it affected my heart and now I have to take 4 white zanax bars(2) a day to keep my heart rate down and not have a stroke… only 54. I have to protect my husband. I also started productive coughing after I developed Covid. I feel like am coughing up soo much phlegm, I feel like I’m drowning

      • Robin not sure if you’re still reviewing this site. I just received my 1st vaccine today. Curiosity brought me due to mild angina, might be heart-burn. Please reach out to me if you can.

        Thank you,

  69. First Pfizer shot: I had minor ach in my arm (no different than any other shot) a few days of loss of appetite (no complaint there, lol) BUT I am losing my hair, whether I comb it or not… If I run my hand through it I get 10 to 20 hairs – every morning, not broken ones either, these are full length! So help me if I go bald – I will be fit to be tied!!!!

  70. It’s been 9 days since I got my first Pfizer shot. At first not many adverse reactions,,, sure arm, a little body ache. In the last couple of days started getting pins and needles in my arms, legs, hands and feet. Fast heartbeat, Brain zaps at night and weak legs. I’m also tired. This is so weird. Called my Drs, they don’t know if it’s from the vaccine, but it all started after getting it, so I’m convinced it’s from that. I’m also seeing similar stories here, so that just helps confirm I’m not the only one. I wonder how long this will last. So irritating and worrisome.

    • Hi Shirley,
      Just wondering how the pins&needles are going. I’ve had the same reaction . Had 1st Pfizer shot May 10th and I’m still suffering from severe pins&needles in arms , face, legs. It’s very scary.

      • I have had numb face mainly near jaw line and chin only on left side since 30 days after 2nd shot. The only thing that leads me to believe it is covid vaccine related is that when I received my first shot (pfizer) I immediately had jaw pain (subsided after a week) in the same area that I am numb now. Did yours ever Go away? Mine started may 4th and am still dealing with it 2months later

    • Hey Shirley, i got my pfizer jab at april and oh my god my brain zaps were all the time ranging from morning to bedtime and it was really annoying even thought i’m still on my antidepressant. anyways i noticed that as july started they lessened to only evening yet i got my second jab today and holy moly i’ve been feeling brain zaps since the hour i got it so it’s definitely from the jab 🙁 hopefully its nothing harmful i HATE when things get involved with the brain!

  71. I have had my first injection on 17th of March. First it was only an ache on the arm, 2 days later I started coughing and I had flu like symptoms, runny nose, sore throat etc. Now, paperwork they have me states that with the exception of pain in the arm, none of this are vaccine side effects, but I am one of those people who doesn’t get flu or gets it once in every few years. I firmly believe I don’t have flu and all these are caused by vaccine. Having said that most of my mates who got it had no side effects, so it’s not that bad for everyone.

  72. I received the first dose today and beyond a little tingling in my fingers, I feel ok. A little tired. It’s been four hours since I was vaccinated. I’ll update after after 24 hrs.

  73. I had my 1st Pfizer jab on March 12, didn’t really feel much side effects for two to three days but the fourth day I felt the flu like symptoms like chills , rib hurting, and mostly fatigue but no fever . Today is my 10th day after the jab, The rib pain and chills are almost gone but fatigue is on and off still it’s annoying, and legs are a little sore specially the calf muscles, it feels like you just finished running or something! I still have my 2nd dose coming soon , I’m hoping for the best!

    • Hello Willie,

      I have same issues with the legs: tiredness in calf muscles, burning feeling below and a bit above the knee (back side of the leg). It started few days after I got second dose of Pfizer which was on 2nd of June (for my wife the same started about 10days after the first dose of Pfizer and few days before me). We both still have it and it is scary. Blood analysis did not show anything for my wife. I did not go to any doctor yet.
      How about you, have it improved? Do you still feel it in the legs?

      • Just an update from my side.
        After a month or so both me and my wife are feeling much better now.
        We both did blood tests and it showed low level of vitamine B12. My wife started to have injections with B12 and immediatelly felt better. I did no do it yet (planning) and started to feel better almost the same time. All the sympthoms are almost gone away.
        Hope it helps.

        • Some more updates.
          My wife got 5 injections of B12 and felt good for a while. I started to get my B1 injections. Time to time I steel felt light muscel pain in the legs which has almost gone.
          Suddenly for my wife the symptoms returned. In a light way but still. After a week since last injection with B12 she started to feel her legs calf muscles especialy while stansing.
          I did some phisical activities yesterday and today feel light burning/needle effect on my legs adn arms skin.
          Looks like nervous system is still in shock.

  74. Had my first Oxford jab ,24 hours later I got the shakes lost the ability to walk or talk for a couple of hours,it felt like I was having a stroke.

  75. I had the vaccine, went cross country skiing the next day, felt great, celebrated with a few alcoholic beverages, the next day was dehydrated and headache, oh thats right, i must’ve been hungover….

  76. Hi, I had my first Pfizer jab on 25 Feb. I then had a very sore arm, joint pain and and nausea for about 2 days after. I thought I had got away with any nasty side effects but then on day 6, I started to experience what I can only describe as a sunburnt burning feeling all across my back, chest area and down my arms. Since then it has been getting more intense and at night it really burns. On day 6, my armpits also started feeling really swollen and my neck felt really sore. My joint pain is also getting worse, particularly over the last week or so in my ankles, feet and lower back. My main concern at the moment though is the constant burning across my back. Has anyone else experienced that? And how long did it last? I’m feeling worried about having my second jab as they say side effects can be worse after that. Hoping someone else has had these effects as I can’t find any mention of them when I try to find out. My GP says it’s unlikely to be connected but I was completely fine before I had the jab! It was 4 weeks ago that I had the first one.

      • I’m due the second dose in 2 weeks time. Feel a little apprehensive but still going to have it. Fingers crossed it won’t be as bad this time.

      • Hi Kristy. Yes it did eventually settle down. How are you doing now? I’m due the second dose in 2 weeks time. Feel a little apprehensive but still going to have it. Fingers crossed it won’t be as bad this time.

        • I ended up with shingles so my second dose has been delayed until I’m “healthy.”
          How did your second dose go?

    • Hi Nicky.

      I have the same. Burning sensation all on my back, feet, hands. It started on Day 1 and I am day 11 today. My GP told me to take vit B for now, it helps the nerves a bit . My neurologist asked me to monitor but he doesn’t rrally know. Your immune system is over reacting with inflammation, as mine. Try to relax as much you can as stress can only make it worst. I read medical statements saying it can take up several weeks to go away.

      • Hi Nancy,
        I am really suffering with burning of feet, hands and arms alongside lins and needles type tingling on and off, did the burning eventually go away?

  77. Has anybody had a terrible metallic taste in their mouth and a stinging sensation across their chest and arms after the first jab of AZ?

    • I had my vaccine on Saturday an immediately got a funny taste in my mouth. It reminded me of the taste you get when you are being put under prior to a surgery. I started to feel pins and needles in my hands and arms. I told one of the people running the vaccination center that I think that I may be having a reaction to the vaccine. After speaking with someone in charge he determined I was having a panic attack. I know what I felt and tasted . I didn’t have those symptoms prior to the shot.

      • John… I had my first shot ( Pfizer) in March 30… I felt the same way moments after . They said it was nerves /panic attack but I felt fine prior to getting my shot. CDC website says the 1st shot you are 80% protected from COVID virus and 2nd shot it goes up to a 90% protection considering that’s only 10% increase and knowing how I felt after my 1st shot if don’t feel the extra 10% of protection from COVID is worth me chancing the second shot. They say 2nd is worse so I probably won’t be getting it.

    • YES! Hours after getting Pfizer, I started to feel upper back pain that also transferred to the bone of my chest and 6 days later I am still feeling on my chest. I’m confused, I don’t know if it’s muscular or if the bones of my chest because when I press it hurts. I am really debating on the second shot! This feeling is horrible! The dizziness in bed outrageous, although it only lasted seconds.

      • HI Monica
        Did it ever resolve. I had the same pain in the chest bone and back. 3weeks later it is still there along with burning sensation on chest back and arms throughout the day

        • Hello Holly.. I’m in the same state now. Week 3 and still having burning pain in the chest bone ,back and arms. Did it resolve? You feeling better?

    • After 5 minutes of getting the moderna vaccine I felt the metallic taste and right after that an intense warm sensation on my throat and chest that lasted 1 minute. Then I had tachycardia up to 150 that went down to 120 in an hour, it resolved next day

  78. I got the Pfizer vaccine on Thursday March 18 in my left arm. On Friday I remember noticing that my right breast and top of my right arm (opposite arm) were tender. On Saturday my breast pain had subsided but my arm hurt from the wrist to the shoulder. By “hurt” I mean that if felt like every muscle was crying from weakness when I lifted my arm. I started wondering if I was having a stroke of something because the pain was so unusual and something I had never experienced before. Of course I researched all my symptoms and managed to find two entries on this site that describe the same thing I was feeling – pain in the opposite arm. I felt so much better knowing I wasn’t going crazy and that others shared my side effect. (ps: I also had very vivid dreams but I enjoyed them immensely. By Monday my pain was essentially gone and I’m good. I appreciate this website, thank you all for posting your experience.

  79. Had vaccine on 25 Feb, felt like coming down with something on 2 and 3 March, felt bit better then was ill for five days on 7 March and 9 to 12 March with shaking, muscle aches, exhaustion and vivid dreams. Only fully recovered on 16 March. This after one dose of Pfizer. Thought it was actual virus but still not sure one way or the other.

  80. Within several hours of the 1st. Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine my hands started tingling and are sensitive to heat, the sun, and feel cool. Day 2 seems to be getting worse and my hands feel like they have an sunburned on top of the other symptoms.

    • Hi. How are your ‘sunburned’ hands now? My main problem is a burning pain which I would describe as sunburn, which started a few days after first dose 4 weeks ago in my back, chest, breasts and arms. It is very sore and worse at night when I am lying down. I hope you are feeling a little better now.

      • My father in law is feeling the same thing… burning pain all over his back and can’t lie down even overnight. It is happening for a few weeks now. He took the 2nd Pfizer vaccine 2nd week of February which may suspect a bad LOT of Pfizer vaccines. Can someone reading this make a note of the LOT number of the 2nd Pfizer Vaccine and post here? We need to isolate this down to LOT distribution so we can all call the CDC to report it.

      • hi Nicky did your symptoms ever go away, I have had mine for 2.5 weeks so far. started with muscles aches and now the burning seems worse

  81. I received the first dose of Pfizer vaccine yesterday about 3:30 PM. I sat there for observation for 30 minutes because I do have unidentified allergies. I felt fine afterwards, I even remember thinking that’s weird the pain I usually feel in my lower back seems to have gone away. It wasn’t until after I ate dinner this overwhelming feeling of tiredness came over me then diarrhea and also simultaneously felt like I might throw up. I crawled into bed at 6:00 PM and didn’t wake up until 9:00 PM. The diarrhea and nausea had gone, but felt very heavy and tired. Slept from 11:00 PM until 11:00 AM and still had to talk myself into getting up. Body temperature has swung a little from hot to cold. A little bit of sore throat, but that’s what finally got me out of bed this morning, my eyes and throat were extremely dry. Lack of energy.

  82. I had the Pfizer vaccine on 20 Jan 21. I started noticing pins and needles in my right middle finger on 15 March. By 19th it had spread to both hands and now 24th March it is in both hands and both feet. It isnt constant but comes and goes
    I now think the pins and needles in my hands and feet are a side effect of the vaccine. GP/blood test has ruled out diabetes. Cant be carpal tunnel because it affects my feet too. Hope it goes away soon.

      • The pins & needles tingling has subsided from my feet and left hand but I still get it regularly in my right hand. It radiates from the tip of my middle finger and comes and goes. Never reaches further than the palm of my hand. I had the second Pfizer jab on 2nd April.
        I have come to accept this tingling as a price we have to pay for being safe from Covid. It is annoying but I can live with it.

    • Ihop your doing well..
      After 3 months from my 2nd pfizer vaccine suddenly I had left side body mild numbness including my left face. I went ER CT scan mri and blood work all normal.. They diagnosed me as TIA.. After 2 days the numbness come on and off migratory every where left. RT upper lower then went off for 1 or 2 days then come again.. And I still have these symptoms for 6 weeks..
      Please reply back to me

  83. Just had my first dose of phizer today March 24 after 10 mins of shot I felt dizziness and it went away; about 5 hours later headache and fatigue like I’m coming down with flu with no symptoms and my opposite arm hurts, heart racing. I hope I feel better tomorrow will let you know. I’m 55 yrs old.

  84. I had my first shot 3/24 and I just feel very hot. But no temperature. I have always run on the low side but am just a tad bit lower than usual and yet feel like I can spontaneously combust! It started about 4 hours after I received the Pfizer vaccine,

  85. THANK YOU! I am on day three of 1st shot and the dreams are unbelievably vivid. Its like theater. With the many other side effects, the dreams are CRAZY!!!

  86. I had my first shot 3/4/21 and only had a sore arm which was cured with Tylenol. About 2 weeks later I started feeling extremely fatigue, and had a runny nose and some sneezing, allergy symptoms. I kept dozing off and was super lethargic. I took allergy medicine, and EmergC. About 5 days later I begin to feel better, more like my normal self. I had Covid back in July not sure if that changes your reaction to the vaccine. Today I took my second shot. Its been 5 hours and just have a sore arm so far.

  87. I had my first shot 3/4/21 and only had a sore arm which was cured with Tylenol. About 2 weeks later I started feeling extremely fatigue, and had a runny nose and some sneezing, allergy symptoms, and hot flashes, clamy feeling. I kept dozing off and was super lethargic. I took allergy medicine, and EmergC. About 5 days later I begin to feel better, more like my normal self. I had Covid back in July not sure if that changes your reaction to the vaccine. Today I took my second shot. Its been 5 hours and just have a sore arm so far. I am 29, female, with no underlying health issues.

    • Hi Tall,
      I’m currently experiencing the same thing.. it’s so disruptive.. it started by day 9 and I had the episodes every 30 minutes, I went to the hospital and everything seemed fine, but I’m still experiencing the same thing. Did it go away completely?
      I’m exhausted, I don’t know what to do.

  88. First, I sure hope everyone is reporting their symptoms.

    Second, I got my first dose of Pfizer yesterday, felt fine immediately after, then three hours later, developed tinnitus, could hear my heartbeat in my ears, and developed mild pain in my temples. My doctor plans an MRI if tinnitus does not subside by day four.

    I wish everyone the best with these unusual symptoms.

    Anyone have their tinnitus subside? Curious also about the nature of others’ tinnitus…mine is the whine of and old electronic device, like an old tube television set.

    • Both myself and my mother experienced tinnitus after the pfitzer vaccine. Interested to know whether yours has resolved? Ours is ongoing, about 3 months now..

    • Hi Maria
      I developed tinnitus exactly as you describe after the Pfizer vaccine, a persistent 24/7 electrical whine. Hard to get doctors to take me seriously, went private with work and my ears are perfect but have been referred to an audiovestibular consultant with some knowledge of neurology as I also had some facial dropping, paralysis and numbness/tingling in the face which is worse on the right side (where the tinnitus is worse too).
      @Nadine – I had mine in late Feb and 3 months on the tinnitus, tremors etc are worse.

  89. Your reference to tinnitus is interesting. I received my first Pfizer vaccination in January and a week or so later was aware of mild tinnitus in my left ear. Sometimes a high-pitched whining, at other times a whooshing noise like breaking waves. Howver, I did not associate this with the vaccine because my late mother suffered from tinnitus at the age I am now, The tinnitus has now now largely disappeared but I have my second dose next week and will see if it returned. I am a medical writer and journalist, now semi-retired.

  90. Got my 1st Pfizer yesterday…. the dreams I had last pm were so REAL. Couldn’t wake myself up from them, which I can easily do normally. I knew they were dreams. Once I was able to come out of sleep, I’d go right back said dream. Very VERY scarily vivid and trippy. I’m thinking this was a side effect. Although(thank God) the dreams were all enjoyable, for the most part… could’ve turned into nightmares. I’m hoping I get some regular sleep this evening.

  91. Glad to have found this site. I had my first Pfizer shot on Feb.24; had arm soreness for a day or two, as well as a “pins and needles” feeling all over my body, which then went away. After having my second shot on March 17 (felt the needle go in this time unlike the first one which was pretty smooth!), I had the pins and needles feel again for a couple of days along with a momentary feeling of numbness on my cheek, which then went away. My concern, however, is the arm soreness that still persists 9 days after the shot, along with a numbing sensation and an occasional pinching in the arm throughout the day. I have been taking Tylenol, Ibuprofen, as well as applying ice to the area, but to no avail! The needle’s spot is still dark-red/purplish (turning green and yellow for the most part these days) – but the pain does not feel normal at this point, especially compared to my first shot. I also feel a throbbing heartbeat kind of feeling in both of my ears. Since I already have a history of “bursitis” and “tendonitis” on the same shoulder/arm, I am wondering if the lingering arm pain may also have to do with any of these symptoms?

  92. Pfizer vac 1st dose on March 11. Typical sore arm, headache…but the wild dreams are horrible! The worst, so far, is a bear trying to eat me with my only defense being an old galvanized garbage can and a baseball bat! Shoved the can over its head and pounded on the can with the bat. Well, at least his headache was prolly worse than mine…

  93. I am a 66 yo female. I had insomnia start (middle of the night) after first Pfizer vaccine, as well as leg pain (thighs and calves), which was sometimes contributing to the insomnia; also increase in tinnitus (already had mild tinnitus). All of this got worse with the second vaccine, and after a month, it is starting to become more moderate to mild, with some nights better than others. The leg pain is variable during the day and night, being most bothersome at night. The worst symptoms (fever, chills, shaking, terrible insomnia, body aches, exhaustion) lasted about 48 hours after second vaccine.

    However, if this is even a fraction of what one would experience with covid, I am REALLY glad I got the vaccine and would do it again. I must say I’m not looking forward to the boosters, but again, I really don’t want covid, so will take the boosters.

    I have autoimmune Hashimoto’s thyroid disease. Anyone else with this experience?

    • My wife has Hashimoto. Took her 1st dose of Pfizer 19 days ago (on 3/24). Had (sometimes still has) pins and needles throughout her body and limbs. My experience is much more unpleasant (same Pfizer, same day): exhausting diarrhea on days 3-4 with up to 100°F, and REPEATED on days 17-18. + some pins and needles.

      • I’ve had the same symptoms after 1 Pfizer dose. I went to every doctor that I could and nobody finds something. I have Hashimoto, allergies in general and low vitamin D. I am better with magnesium supplement and vitamin D, but you have to speak to a doctor about the dose. Please let me know If you got the second dose and If you numbness resolved. Thank you!

  94. I am on a heart monitor for an irregular heartbeat. Did not notice this before taking the Pfizer second shot. Has anyone else noticed this problem. Do not know if it is connected.

    • I received my vaccine 2 days ago and since then, l am feeling like an elephant sitting on my chest, along with needles and pins 30 minutes after. I took Benadryl but made my heart goes faster. Now I’m using clariton. Idk why they don’t tell anyone about the reactions. It’s almost like they keep this part hidden?

      • Hi Jen how are you feeling? I too am experiencing the elephant on the chest feeling and it’s been 7 weeks since my first vaccine dose. Docs say my heart is fine but I do not feel fine… I feel awful and it’s been a horrible experience. Hope you are well.

      • How is it now? I had this for 6 weeks after the first shot and also after the second, it still going on. I hope it will go away in 3 weeks

  95. I had my first Pfitzer shot on 3/22. Had pretty sore arm the next day and was extremely fatigued for the next 3 days. They suggested to drink plenty of fluids such as water or gatorade and keep hydrated. I started to eat an extremely heavy fruits and vegetable diet leading up to the vaccine to prime my body with nutrients so not sure if that helped with some of the other side effects. I was aware of the information to not take any acetaminophen/Tylenol or ibuprofen/Motrin before getting the vaccination only because I take a daily pill and read on the cdc website what not to do in preparation to receiving your shot. My husband received the shot at the same time. He is having other side effects. He started with a headache two days later and now he has a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. He said it feels similar to when he had strep throat last March although a trip to the emergency room yesterday and rapid testing said negative on covid and strep. During some research and postings here I have read that maybe the vaccine is resurfacing some dormant viral infections in your bodies so maybe it’s reactivating something he had prior? Or maybe his body is just responding to the vaccine with a sore throat and enlarged lymph nodes. He is not interested in getting the second shot at this point so I hope this passes soon. His doctor has prescribed an antibiotic.

  96. Feeling of nausea for two weeks. Inside of nose very sore. But the more worrying symptom was bad swelling in feet – which went bright red or blotchy red and white for most of the time for about two weeks. Might be related to my having MS. Problem finally wore off but it does make me a bit apprehensive about the second dose.

  97. I got my first Pfizer shot last Saturday. My arm was sore and swollen for about 3 days. On Wednesday I got this awful metallic taste in my mouth and I still have it. Everything I eat tastes weird now. I hope this goes away real soon.

  98. Had second Pfizer dose a week ago and have experienced crazy, vivid, scary dreams where I could hear myself calling for help. Once my husband heard me and wakened me and second time (just now) I wakened myself. Still happy to have had the vaccine though.

  99. I had my first Pfizer jab on March 23rd, and had some weird side effects. [TL;DR towards the bottom.]

    First some background: I’m a 61 year old female living in Los Angeles, and even though most everyone here understands science, wears masks, keeps distant, and the COVIDIOTS are rare, it’s hit here very hard. We’ve got 10 million people here in LA Co, which is 25% of the population of the entire state. We’ve also mostly all been on voluntary lockdown/working from home if possible for over a year, and I haven’t even a had case of the sniffles in all that time because we wear masks even to go to the mailbox in our apartment complex. My man is 50, and has cardiomyopathy while I’ve inherited my family’s high cholesterol, and am fighting against ASCVD as hard as possible. I’m also a broken ballerina who grew up riding horses and should have The Bionic Woman theme as my ringtone, (TWO titanium hips because SCIENCE and because I’m an elf and spent most of the time doing the leaping about etc.)

    We both eat healthy, exercise, and try to fight to stay as in shape as possible. I’ve also got type A blood which is 50% higher chance of ending up on a ventilator if I were to contract COVID. We’ve stuck with protocol, and spend a lot of time on zoom. (If I lose the internet I may lose my mind. Anyone need some good streaming binge recommendations? I’m happy to share.)

    When I arrived at the vaccination site, myself and everyone there were all very excited and relieved to finally be getting vaccinated. The staff were all super nice, and in great moods. It was almost a party vibe so I’m certain my adrenaline levels were high getting this vaccination.

    Thinnest needle ever, and barely felt it. Easy! Sat in my physically-distant chair and chatted with the others waiting our 15min to make sure no one had any severe reactions.

    I’ve never been allergic to anything. Not bees, shellfish, pet dander, nothing. (Well, okay, I’m allergic to stupid people. But working at Disneyland for nearly a decade was close to an mRNA vaccine in that it taught me to identify and learn to deal with them. “It may be The Happiest Place on Earth, but a moving Pirate boat can still kill you. “

    On the 5min drive home I started to get tingling/pins & needles beginning at the injection site (left arm), that spread down to my fingers. By the time I arrived home it had also gone up my neck, and jaw, then eventually filled the entire left side of my body down to my feet. Nothing was completely numb, it just felt like Novocain wearing off. My BP was 113/70, HR 65, BO 100. This lasted for the rest of the day, with BP coming up to 123/77. At one point I felt it also from my right elbow to my hand, but that only lasted 20-30min. I still feel it slightly on the left side of my neck. Also had fatigue that lasted 3 days. Woke up Wednesday and Thursday with a skull-wrap muscle headache, and for the last 4 nights my chronic insomnia has really ramped up. The tingling has by far been the most disconcerting as I’ve only found it listed under “severe” side effects. I’ve contacted Pfizer to see if they recommend I switch to the J&J as a second jab. I’m also calling my GP’s office tomorrow, but while they’re great, they’re not Epidemiology and Virology specialists.

    I’m going to do my best to report back with any updates. And thanks to everyone posting here!

      • So everything seemed mostly back to normal, except The night I posted my report above I too had a very vivid dream, that I remember in detail, and that hasn’t happened in decades. It was a nice dream too.

        1 week after my jab, almost to the hour, I felt the tingling again. It started in my left arm, went up the left side of my neck, into my jaw, down my left side to my foot. That lasted only a few minutes, then felt like I had ice water in my veins. Where the tingling had been, joined in by the same coldness in my right arm, elbow to hand. It was really strange, and very different than having chills. I wasn’t cold. The cold was beneath my skin. Lasted maybe 10-15 min. About 30 min after it started I felt cold and took my temp. I’m normally in the 97.X reptile-range, but had a fever of 98.9. Took an aspirin and it went away. Felt mostly fine today.

  100. I have my first Pfizer Jab getting on a month ago, no issues except a sore arm with swelling and redness for around 4-5 days. However now I have a massive dip in my muscle where the jab site was and the area is sore again. It sounds crazy but it’s like the muscle has been eaten away. I will be reporting this as it’s not right. But I would love to know if anyone else has or is experiencing the same?

    • I had my first dose on March 13, and I now have this same hollow/indentation area in my arm where they gave me the shot! Supposed to be getting second dose this week but unsure now.

    • Hi I’ve noticed the same my arm is aching alot and after 4 weeks I’ve noticed an indent like the muscle has been eaten away. Did you end up seeing a doctor or had the second does .

    • I have this exact symptom too. I had it a month ago now. I had “covid arm” day 8 but I’ve just noticed the dip in my arm. Have you seen a doctor about it? This is the only comment I’ve seen with this symptom and I’ve been searching the internet

    • I had the same experience. I had my first shot a little over a month ago and a few days ago I noticed a hollow indent in my arm/muscle. Anyone have an update on whether they got their second dose or if the indent went away ?

    • I have had the same experience. I got my first shot a little over a month ago and a few days ago I noticed a hollow indent on my arm/muscle. Anyone have an update on whether they got their second dose, or if the indent went away?

      • Hey, I went to the doctor today to get my second pfizer shot. I was worried and showed the indent in my muscle I still have on my left arm from the first covid shot (7 weeks ago). The doctor checked my shoulder and muscle where the 3 finger wide indent is and is very positive that the first shot was administered incorrectly and caused the issue (swelling, shoulder pain for weeks, knot, bruises and now dent under my skin). He gave me the second shot in the right arm. The vaccine should be given intramuscularly into deltoid muscle. It should not be injected intravascularly, subcutaneously or intradermally. It should also not be injected too high, too low or to far to the side. This can cause SIRVA (shoulder injury related to vaccine administration). That is probably what happend when i got my 1st shot at a vaccine center. I at least don’t have shoulder pain any more, but the indent at injection side from the 1st shot is probably not going away. Maybe a wrongly adminitered shot can also explain some of your problems.

    • I have the same indent in my muscle at the covid injection site. Any update if it went away? I also got shingles a few days after my jab.

      • Got my first Pfizer shot 5 weeks ago and had severe swelling and muscle pain. Could not lift my arm for a few days. I also developed a rash around the injection site and felt a knot under my skin. A week ago I also noticed an indent in my muscle and worried now to get the second one. Did yours get better?

  101. Two people I know who recieved the Pfizer somehow got shingles a few days later.
    I had a abscess tooth the day of the Pfizer shot. Worked a nightshift the night before the shot. Felt like heck for a couple of days. Funny thing the abscess tooth was gone after three days. Went to dentist and he said “figuring that out is above my pay grade”!

  102. Got my first dose of Pfizer on the 24 th. Couldn’t sleep that night and now been having vivid crazy dreams. Glad I’m not the only one. Been real tired too.

  103. Did anyone who had the brain zaps and mental side effects after the first shot get the second shot and if so, how was it? The brain side effects from Pfizer first dose is making me really nervous to get second dose.

  104. Had my 2nd dose of Pfizer about two weeks ago. Was ill that evening with freezing cold feeling, uncontrollable shivers, headache, nausea, then hot and sweating. Felt better 48 hours after.

    However 10 days after, my left arm started to burn like it was sunburnt. Now my upper chest sound my neck, my upper back, down both arms and my hands really burn particularly in the evenings, almost like sunburn and my skin gets red like it’s really irritated. It’s very uncomfortable.

    Somewhat concerning to see others on here with the same problem. Would be interested to hear of anyone had this and more it’s resolved as I’m concerned the vaccine has caused a problem with nerves…

    • Hi Gary. I had exactly the same thing with the ‘sunburn’ burning (chest, back and arms and worse at night) and was also worried that the vaccine might have caused a problem with the nerves. Mine lasted nearly 4 weeks but has completely gone now so hopefully that will give you some reassurance. Take care, Nicky.

    • Hi Gary. I had exactly the same thing with the ‘sunburn’ burning (chest, back and arms which got worse at night) and was also worried that the vaccine might have caused a problem with the nerves. I also had tingling down my arms and hands. Mine lasted nearly 4 weeks but has completely gone now so hopefully that will give you some reassurance. Take care, Nicky.

    • Hi Gary
      I glad I found this forum, because three weeks after I got my first Pfizer vaccine, I got some stabbing pains in my back, and my back started itching, thought I might be coming down with shingles but Doctor said no, so I had my second Pfizer vaccine, was a little achy the second day, but none of the other common symptoms or side effects, but my itching continued and sometimes have pins and needle feelings and other areas of my body, and the occasional sharp nerve pain here and there and it’s been three weeks since my second injection. I sure hope this goes away soon.
      I seem to sleep OK after I’ve put some lidocaine cream with menthol on my back. After reading all the comments I’m thinking it might be a reaction to the vaccine, it’s not debilitating but very very irritating

  105. I got J and J this morning and by 5 pm I had all the symptoms: nausea, fever of 101.5, headache, body ache, dizziness like I’ve never had before, fatigue, even brain zaps which feel similar to when I miss a dose of Prozac. I’m thinking it might be smart to report the zaps to the CDC so they know. When I got zaps, I was very very alarmed bc I didn’t expect it.

    It is 9 pm now and the zaps have subsided. I took Tylenol for the fever. I’ve read mixed advice on whether to take Tylenol, but I felt I needed to get the fever down. praying I feel better tomorrow.

  106. I had the first Pfizer vaccine 31.01.21 and had what I classed as normal side effects for the first 24 hours: shivering, fever, brain fog and sore arm.

    48 hours in and I felt awful, started experiencing a loud high pitch ringing in both ears, left ear worse. Started having high anxiety and the panic attacks.

    I haven’t slept properly since the vaccine and have tried everything from yoga to Zopiclone and everything in between but I just can’t stay asleep. I can go to sleep but I wake up every 1.5-2 hours and normally drenched in sweat.

    I’m 2 weeks away from my second shot but I doubt I’ll have it!

    Has anyone else had Tinnitus that resolved (this would be highly unlikely as once you get it it’s normally permanent) or sleep maintenance issues?

    • I had a couple of episodes of tinnitus, and an itchy back a couple of weeks after my 2 dose, I’m still itching but the tinnitus has gone away

  107. I had my first jab on 08/01/2021 which was a Friday, on the following Wednesday i was taken by ambulance to St Thomas hospital suffering from a virtual infection in my inner ear (coincidence?) which totally disabled me, constant sickness and and unable to stand up. the doctor said i had an inner ear infection. i spent 8 weeks not being at all well.
    I had my 2nd vaccination last Wednesday. since then i have had a constant headache and feel woozy.
    A small price to pay for a life saving drug.
    I am 62 and fit but you just don’t know how covid-19 will effect you if you catch it.

  108. I had swelling of the face 1.5 hrs after injection. Benadryl was ok at curbing the symptoms. I also had tingling and numbness throughout body for 2 days. Starting 3rd day I feel normal.

  109. The comments just saved me. I have leg and hands are tingling, can’t stop sleeping, my body aches, have a fever, and the dreams are out of control. It’s day 4 after getting the second shot. When will I feel better from this.

  110. After reading the comments, you made me feel less alone. I had to take off work again and I think they think I’m lying. Tingling in my hands and legs, exhaustion, my body aches and feels “weird”. I have a head ache and a fever and lastly, the craziest dreams. I woke up feeling completely delusional. Today is the 4th day after my second Pfizer vaccine.

  111. I am a 65 year old man and I got my second Phizer vaccine on Saturday the 27th. I had a horrible frightening dream last night where I was in danger, I was aware that I was in my bedroom, I think someone was coming for me. I was unable to call out and then finally I felt like I screamed and woke up. It was so scary and the fear that I experience was unreal. I also just generally feel mentally unwell. I am very worried and anxious. It has been one week since the second dose. I hope this gets better.

  112. I got tingling in my fingers a few days after my first pzifer shot. I went ahead to get my second shot a few days ago even though I still had tingling in the fingers. I feel it sometimes or maybe when I’m doing something else I don’t feel it, I’m not sure. My hands seem to be cold a lot and I feel the tingling especially when I’m cold. I’ve been wearing gloves around the house every now and then. I’ve been trying to get a hold of my doctor but in the meantime but it seems like there’s nothing I can do about it except hope it goes away. It’s been almost 4 weeks now. I’m glad that there are other people with this side effect because I originally thought it was carpal tunnel. I am very surprised that it’s not listed as a common side effect for pzifer as it seems a lot of people are having this problem. I’m just trying to find out if anyone who’s had this… did I go away after a few weeks? Months? It’s not horrible but just very annoying.

    • Did it go away for you? I had exactly the same after 1. Pfizer shot and now I’m thinking about the 2. one, should i risk it or not?

      • Hi Julia,
        I got both shots even though I got the tingling. I still have it. It’s 6 weeks now. Going to the doc next week. I hope it will go away cuz it’s driving me crazy!

    • I’ve had the tingling/burning sensation, swelling and fingernail pain in my thumb and index fingers of the left hand for 8 weeks now. This started 8 days after my first Pfizer shot. (I did get the second shot.) The first four weeks I had the “hitting the crazy bone” sensation in my forearm every time my elbow touched anything (even my pillow), along with the “frost bite” burning feeling in my fingers. It was impossible to sleep. I felt weakness in my hand — couldn’t pick up or touch anything. After 4 weeks I regained hand strength but the burning has not gone away. The forearm sensation has diminished a bit when I bend my elbow or rest it on anything. I went to an orthopedist 3 weeks ago and was given a carpal tunnel cortisone shot, but it didn’t work — the burning sensation in my two fingers still persisted. Last week I went back to the orthopedist and she now thinks this was caused by the Pfizer shot affecting either the radial or median nerve, and doesn’t think it’s a nerve entrapment issue because the pain is not radiating from my neck. She said this type of nerve damage could take up to 6 months to heal. I’ve been using a prescription lidocaine cream but it only helps for a few hours.

    • The pins & needles tingling has subsided from my feet and left hand but I still get it regularly in my right hand. It radiates from the tip of my middle finger and comes and goes. Never reaches further than the palm of my hand.
      I had the first in January and the second on 2nd April.
      I have come to accept this tingling as a price I have to pay for being safe from Covid.
      It is annoying but I can live with it.

  113. Just had my second Pfizer shot yesterday, as expected, a bit sore on the upper arm, nothing unusual about that, but for the last 2 -3 weeks after the first shot, I’ve had tingling in my arm and I put it down to my arthritis in my spine , but the more I read these posts here, I’m wondering if this tingling in the opposite arm ( right) to the one where I had the vaccine, is at all related to the vaccine. If it is, I’m actually relieved, as I thought it might be more serious problems with my loss of cartilage and the vertibrae beginning to press on my nerves. So that’s good news for me, hopefully it will fade away in a couple of weeks! Tingling is a lot better than dying of suffocation with covid in a hospital bed!

  114. Hi wondering if anyone maybe able to help me .. I had the Pfizer on the 2nd feb all I had was ache arm for 2 day … but now I keep getting pains in my arm that shoot down to my hand pulsating pain is this something to be worried about ?

  115. First injection of Pfizer I only had a sore arm and some unusual spaced out euphoria in the night, and 2 days of fatigue. The night of the second injection my arm was more sore than previous injection. Got the same spaced out euphoria, almost giddy feeling . In the middle of the night I felt suddenly freezing, and shaking with cold even though I was in the desert and our weather was hot. After wrapping up in hat and extra blankets I got comfortable and it lasted about 3 hours before feeling warm again. Also got the flulike symptom of feeling ‘run over by a truck’. It was unpleasant, but by mid-morning most aches and pains were gone. Continued to have periods of fatigue for a few days after that.

    • I had my first shot yesterday. I was manic, giddy (had a really, really good laugh), was talking fast, had super high energy late into the evening (which worked in my favor, I have a grading deadline). Had vivid dreams last night too. I had flushing on my face for about 10 minutes. Not sure what to expect for the second one.

  116. Anyone experiencing a UTI or pressure in there bladder? My daughter and I are after having the Pfizer first dose .

    • threads above about increased frequency of urination. I think all above are men. I’m on week 3 of incredible thirst and urination. Heading to an MD to make sure it’s not a UTI or anything else. Getting poke #2 this weekend.

    • Yes, I just had a constant need and urgent need to urinate. I’m five days after my vaccine and it still hasn’t completely gone away, but I’m sleeping through the night now (before I had to get up every hour feeling like I was going to pee), and I no longer feel like I’m going to piss myself (but still running to the washroom more than normal). I’m headed to a doctor to get things checked out to be sure it’s not a UTI (which I’ve never had before)

    • Hi Shannon, after 2 days of having the Pfizer vaccine I had the worst UTI I have ever experienced and had to be seen at the hospital. I’ve been searching for anybody who has had the same reaction. I haven’t had a UTI in over 6 years before this.

    • Same here, urinary frequency 24 hours after the 1st dose, no more symptoms. Two weeks and still the same, no UTI found in dipstick and all the doctors say it’s not connected to the vaccine. How did you solve this issue?

  117. I had the Pfizer vaccine in Feb. After had a numb tongue but felt ok. One week later woke up with vertigo and headache. Since then have woken with these symptoms for a week. They lessened for a while and the vertigo is improved but the strange headaches and brain fag are leaving me tired frequently. I’ve also felt numbness in my head and in some limbs. I don’t know whether to get the second jab.

  118. I had the pfizer first vaccination almost 5 weeks ago and still have the following symptoms:
    – rash which has turned into chronic ezcema all over body
    – weird bruises still appearing
    – non stop headache
    I’m really anxious about having the second vaccination. Surely it’s not normal to have side effects 5 weeks later? I was perfectly healthy before this vaccination. I have spoken to the Dr who said they still don’t know about side effects and just to monitor them. I feel like I’m alone in this

    • I would get a second opinion about those symptoms Yvonne, especially in light of what the European and UK vaccination authorities have said about potential blood clotting.

  119. In my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine I had a fever which lasted only a day. After my second vaccine later in the day I had stomach cramps and heartburn indigestion which faded away 2 days later however 2 weeks on I still feel bloated and sometimes get those stomach cramps. And now since 5 days ago I have this really bad migraine with tingling sensations on my feet and head. Just hope all this fades away soon.

    • I have had lots of stomach cramping and bouts of explosive diarrhoea every day since I had my first Pfizer jab.
      Had the jab on Wednesday morning, diarrhoea and cramping started Thursday evening and has been on and off now for almost a week. Feel fine and then next second have to run to the toilet, so inconvenient and embarrassing. Felt absolutely fine beforehand. This is seriously making me rethink my second jab.

  120. 6 weeks after the vaccine I’m still experiencing extreme pins and needles around my left face head and eye. With A month long prednisone pack and anti-convulsants the severity has waned in intensity and is now only somewhat debilitating. Really wish there was more public research on this.

  121. I had the second pfizer shot two weeks ago. Starting about a week ago had stomach pains, diarrhea, dizziness, etc. Today , dizziness, weakness in legs, weakness in abdominal muscles. Started shaking violently, couldn’t control or stop it. Lasted about 15 minutes, after it stopped,
    totally fatigued. Not good.

  122. First shot just sore arm. second shot pain on lower right stomach. all day intermittent. Anyone else experience this pain?

  123. I had my first Pfizer dose on March 21 and about 3 days later started feeling pins and needles (more like a burning feeling) in my feet, but it wasn’t constant. I didn’t associate it with the vaccine unfortunately and got my second does on April 3.. A few days after the second dose, the pins and needles got much worse and spread to my hands and wrists. Saw my doctor yesterday, and she did blood work to rule out anything else, but she thinks it’s an immune system reaction to the vaccine. If you’ve experienced this, did your symptoms eventually go away, and how long did it take? Thanks!

    • Connie,
      My simptoms are the same, they are going on and off, three- four weeks from first dose.I didn’ t take second dose from that reason.
      My dr think its reaction of immune sistem to the vaccine.
      But I am very nervous because pins and needles still here.I have this sensation espacially when I,m cold.I would like to see did someone resolve this problem? Anyone?

    • I have the same symptoms 6 weeks after the shot. The doctor is saying immune system reaction as well. I have heard from other people on this thread that it can lasts weeks to months if that helps. Very strange.

      • I just realized today that my #2 pfizer dose I got 8 days ago might be the cause of the occassional tingling in my hands and legs that I have been feeling the last 3 days. I had no immediate reactions to either shot #1 or #2 other being tired later in the evening after and have never had a reaction to any vaccine ever (have had all the exotic vaccines ). Like everyone I am wondering how long this side effect lasts if others have gotten over it. I feel absolutely fine but it’s annoying. I ran 10 miles yesterday and did a full body weight lifting workout today so doesn’t appear to be impacting my strength or energy yet (a 60ish year old guy). I saw one post where a doctor indicated it might take 8 weeks to shake the side effect- have no idea as to the truth or legitimacy of that post. This side effect is still better than covid symptoms at this point. Rather be alive and tingly than dead or walking around with damaged lungs.

    • The pins & needles tingling has subsided from my feet and left hand but I still get it regularly in my right hand. It radiates from the tip of my middle finger and comes and goes. Never reaches further than the palm of my hand.
      I had the first Pfizer jab in January and the second on 2nd April.

  124. Been reading peoples side effects and praying they resolve soon, heart goes out to you all. Let us know when they resolve so we can celebrate w you! Had some extreme muscles pains and chills at night of my own after first shot and lymph node swelling under both arms and knots in chest muscles ( which partly had a fall on a trail race a few days before shot so sore muscles got sorer) which spasm at night w the chills on and off. Getting better. It’s been 11 days since first shot, so saw my doc about it yesterday. Voltaren and muscle relaxants at night help. Still have some shaking chills on and off, a few minutes at a time, which delays sleep though but getting less.

  125. Had my first dose of Pfizer yesterday evening. The injection site got sore overnight, and I’ve had mild muscle ache. I’ve also had some coughing and intermittent sneezing, which I thought was weird. I have no underlying conditions, in fairly good health.

    My husband has rheumatoid arthritis and has had some pretty bad muscle aches, even after taking extra OTC painkiller. (He got the Pfizer shot when I did)

  126. Second shot of Pfizer 7 days ago. Nerve pain/pins and needles left lower arm and hand. Was in both hands, arms and feet a few days ago overnight. Hoping this subsides and if it doesn’t it might be time to see my doctor.

    • I have occasional tingling in hands and lower legs that started 5 days after my second Pfizer shot which was stumping me until I start searching about it. No other symptoms and was just sleepy for a day after the first 2 shots. Hoping it subsides or has subsided for you!

  127. First shot of Pfizer a week ago. Mild soreness in arm from shot. Day after, the neuropathy in face, hands, arms, legs and feet started. Random tingling and what felt like coldness in bones. Extreme fatigue came out of nowhere for several days. So much so that I literally fell asleep on the spot twice a day for a couple of days. Those things have gone away a bit but the side effects that I dislike the most have not and those are the mental ones. Constant brain fog, difficulty concentrating and what seems like depression. Just very “spaced out” with lack of interest in anything. This was absolutely not present prior to the vaccination. I am extremely fit without any underlying health problems and take zero prescriptions. There are clearly many things that have not been disclosed officially about potential side effects. “Goes away in a few days” is complete BS in my opinion and they need to stop saying things like that.

    • Hi Jackson,

      Have your symptoms become better? Have almost the same symptoms for more than 7 weeks now, however after 4-5 weeks it became much better. Tingling in right foot and hand however and general fatigue are still there. Also not very strong backbain – never had back problems before.

      I visited multiple doctors – all tests showed no illness, infection, physical issues. Although this seems good, nobody knows what is the cause of the problems.

      Has anyone a treatment that actually helps? Standard treatments with cortisone had no effect for me.

      Many thanks.

      • I also have been experiencing depression since I got the pfizer vaccine. Definitely different than how i was feeling before. I was slightly depressed before (given the pandemic and state of the world), but it has been a noticeable increase since the vaccine. Plus, the usual things that help alleviate depression for me are no longer working. Going on 7 weeks now.

  128. It was a bit of a relief when I came across these comments and saw I’m not the only one having some weird side effects. I think I should also preface that despite the side effects, I’d still get the vaccine, and will get my second dose when I’m able to (although personally I’ll be planning to do it Friday afternoon with zero weekend plans).

    I had COVID in July, and had my Pfizer vaccination 5 days ago. That evening I started to have a constant urge that I needed to urinate, which got worse in the following days. I assumed I likely had a UTI (which I’ve never had before), but after coming across some people with similar symptoms, it sounds like it being from the vaccine may be a possibility. I wasn’t able to get in to see a doctor during the work week, so I drank a ton of fluids and cranberry juice. Five days later and it’s definitely subsided for the most part, but still going to get checked out by a doctor for a UTI just in case. The first day after getting the vaccine I had a very sore arm, body aches, chills, and a headache. Advil, a hot bath and early bed time did wonders. Felt a lot better the following day, and on the 3rd day had no body chills or aches. I’m still having headaches that come and go, and fluctuate in severity. Battling a rough one this morning. My arm where I got vaccinated is still a little bit sore when I reach up, but this is pretty typical for me with any type of shot.

    • Hello, Are you still experiencing the urgency to urinate? I got my 2nd Pfizer shot & 2 days later experienced awful constant urge to urinate. Negative test for UTI but doc gave me macrobid anyway. Symptoms are persisting.

  129. Had my first Pfizer dose yesterday morning and started having pelvic pain last night like I’m ovulating which is impossible since I’m menopaused. Anyone else experienced this?

  130. Yvonne –
    Hi I had my first Pfizer jab on the 19 th February . Experienced sore painful arm at injection site only. Then 4 days later burning feet, itchy all over body and very itchy scalp . Then red skin blotches on my face and any dry skin patches on my face hands erupted red and sore – along with this excruciating pain in the top of left arm where I had my injection) but only when I raised my arm eg: when washing/pinning my hair up or reached up my back. I also had numbness in my arm, tingling and pins and needles right down to two middle fingers. I want GP because I was worried he absolutely does not believe it’s the jab! Told to do Shoulder exercises and sent for X-ray on my shoulder- there’s nothing wrong with my shoulder!!!! I told him this???? Feel frustrated and not believed.

  131. I had my second Pfizer Biontech jab in the last 24 hours and have developed very painful aching around the jaw teeth and face on the side i had the jab.

  132. I had typical flu like symptoms for a couple of days after the first AstraZeneca vaccination. I have since been experiencing the following:
    •36 hours after vaccination, I woke up and my blood pressure dropped and I almost fainted. This is extremely rare for me.
    •Night sweats for 4 or 5 nights post vaccination.
    •Headaches on and off for 10 days.
    •Sore arm – still tender to touch after 10 days.
    •Pins and needles in hands (particularly fingers), arms, calves and feet. On and off for the last 10 days. Improving but still there and mainly on non-injection side of body.
    •Strange light headed/dizziness moments. Hard to focus. Still ongoing after 10 days.
    •Fatigue and definitely sleeping more than usual.

    I am so pleased that I discovered this thread as I have been extremely anxious and I have felt alone in my symptoms. I know my body well and I just know I haven’t felt normal since the first vaccination. I have no underlying health conditions and I am pretty fit.
    I feel as though my symptoms are not well documented and many are not on the AstraZeneca documentation. You have to search hard to find similar experiences and there is some scary stuff out there relating to Guillain-Barré syndrome etc.
    I am hoping these conditions improve and I am very worried about a second shot.

  133. I had my second vaccine on Thursday 4/8. I woke up that night with intense level 10 jaw pain. I have been experiencing pain every day on my jaw now at about level 6. My teeth no longer touch when I bite down.

  134. I had my first Astra Zeneca jab on 19th March, i had the usual aches & feeling rubbish the next day & arm pain for a few days but other than that i was ok.
    However my worry is since, I’ve had on/off tingling/pins& needles in the arm i had my jab in, from the elbow down to my fingers. It happens a few times a day, usually doesn’t last long but is quite unpleasant! I just worry how long this is going to go for? Has this resolved in anyone that has had the same symptoms?

  135. I had the 2nd pfizer shot 30 hours ago. I had no unusual symptoms until about an hour ago when I woke up remembering the shockingly vivid, unpleasant dreams I just had. I rarely remember my dreams. My arm also has become a little sore but tolerable.

  136. GOOD MORNING!- My hubby and I are getting out 1st vaccine today (very happy) and prepared- As a retired R.N. , I know that to help ease some discomfort in the inj site- RELAX your arm as much as possible, and if you do start having “Pain, warmth, swelling) apply cool compresses intermittently, but, try not to baby your arm, USE IT!, if you can ,without mod-severe pain. Use your judgement, you know your body. Hubby and I both have serious issues ( COPD, Scarred lungs ALREADY so that getting Covid could kill us, so we have been as careful as millions of others, and made it this far but, I am so grateful for this site, we are ALL different, and we all have to keep info flowing so the scientists can continue to combat these viruses. I learned a lot from just this site- I knew about the headaches, body aches, (all that) but, Just reading this PRIOR to my 1st Pfizer vaccine today makes me feel more informed, So I Thank You all! I had no idea about the possibility of dreams, nor being a Chronic Pain Patient did I hear anything about people who have had pain issues in the past or currently, having symptoms POSSIBLY exacerbated would be a better choice of words! , is important info to know. So Thank you all, I’ll let you know how things go….” Oh Happy Day~!” I would like to take a moment to remember all of the souls we lost, over 500,000 in the U.S alone and their families today…it seems to be the right thing to do, I wish they were here with their families, We are human and we all have different reactions to the vaccines as some had to the Covid 19, so, we must work together, support each other, inform each other to beat this, there will be more to come and we have brilliant people ALL OVER THE WORLD who have done everything they can to stop this nightmare, as Americans, we will. That fact, I have FAITH IN! We on on our way to get ready, and I’ll update as I can. Thank you to all for your sharing, it truly has helped. Have a wonderful day! Things WILL get better! Thanks, Be well!

  137. I received the first shot on 4/8 and had ZERO issues until 4/11 4/12 when i began breaking out in cold sweats became tired with some chills! Is this normal 6 days later ?

  138. I had a completely different reaction. Injection site was slight pain – hardly noticeable. But for 5 hours after the first pfizer shot 4-12-21, I had super high energy. So much energy, I had to run in place for a bit to help to alleviate the energy. Afterward, I was slightly tired, but then I resumed normal activity. I’ve had no symptoms since then and the slight pain in the arm was gone in 24 hours.

    • I had the my first Pfizer shot on 04-17-21 and I experienced a similar reaction to the one you had. I didn’t even feel the shot when the doctor administered it, then I had a sore arm when I raised it the day of and the second day.
      But my reaction was the third day on the Monday when I went to work. I have a physical job working on a large hole punch machine called a Kugler, so I am continuously moving back and forth putting content in the machine and then taking it out and putting it on a skid. My job is tiring and it wasn’t early in the day when this happened but I suddenly felt a sudden burst of energy that I can’t explain and I felt exhilarated for no reason at all and I have never felt that way at work before and I am also a 62 year old female.

    • Laura – I had the same super high energy experience after both shots. I got a lot of cleaning done this evening and a lot of grading for the first one.

  139. I hope everyone who has commented here has reported these symptoms to VAERS. My husband just got second shot of Pfizer and 15 minutes after shot he has tingling and numbness in scalp, lips, and sinuses. I googled it and really can’t find anything except stuff on anaphylaxis which he doesn’t seem to be having. So many here experiencing the tingling and there is nothing out there about that! His tingling/numbness has not moved to arms and legs which seems very common on this thread- but I feel like if it does, now I will have seen how many other folks have had that as well. Prayers for all of you to feel better soon! I’m almost a month out from second Moderna and feel great.

  140. I am so grateful for the comments on this page. I feel less alone and less scared now that I see my experience hasn’t been completely unique! I am a healthy 38 year old woman with no preexisting conditions other than anxiety disorder. I had my first Pfizer shot on the 6th and was so excited!

    When I got home, within maybe an hour of the shot, my body felt “electric”. It may have been adrenalin, I’m still unsure. Felt okay otherwise, until I had a full blown panic attack a few hours later. Calmed myself down, went about the day, no other issues other than that kind of weird buzzing feeling throughout my body. Slight waves of dizziness, but nothing bad.

    The next night (36 hours post shot), my anxiety was through the roof. I also noticed a prickling sensation on both arms and legs. No rash. This continued for a few days.

    On day 4, the prickling turned into intermittent pins and needles all over my legs and arms. One leg also felt very weak, with a trembling muscle.

    Today is day 8 and im still experiencing light pins and needles and a slightly weaker leg. The weaker leg also is experiencing some aching in my knee and ankle, which is odd. Anxiety is finally calming down, but it still feels abnormally heightened.

    Oh! Also, my arms feel sunburned?! Definitely not burned. Not even red. Its just a feeling similar to a sunburn.

    Anyone have a similar reaction to shot one go on to get shot two?! I so badly want it, but I dont know if I can put myself through this stress again. Also, anyone have insight as to what causes these weird sensations? I cannot find any medical information that explains it!

    Take care of yourselves!

    • Nikki, I had very similar symptoms. I still have itchy sensations all over my body over 3 weeks later. Anxiety is now back to normal levels (I always experience anxiety, but it was amplified by the vaccine, especially starting about 5 days after my first shot). I couldn’t sleep on days 5, 6, and 7 after receiving the vaccine. I felt heat in my arms also. I think this vaccine definitely affects people with anxiety disorder differently than people who do not. I didn’t get my second shot because I was afraid to go through this again or worse. I think people like us already have very reactive nervous systems, and the vaccine puts the nervous system even more on edge.

      • On the morning of Day 3 I had a vagovagal syncope event in the early morning hours. I do not know if that is related. I laid down and it resolved itself quickly.

        I agree that my anxiety went through the roof starting on Day 4 after the 1st shot. I do have the quick electric impulses in my hands. It is like I am having a “fight or flight” reaction. It seems that my body is stuck there. I do not take any medicine for my anxiety. I wonder if things would be different if I did.

        I am on Day 9 after the 1st shot. I am hopeful that over time things will improve. I think they are better if I do my anxiety related breathing and sleeping.

        • Hey how are you feeling now? I’ve been having anxiety and insomnia on and off for the past 3 weeks now. I do have type 2 diabetes and anxiety as well.

    • Hi Nikki. I had my first shot 13 days ago. Had pin and needles/ burning sensation since. I was verry worried it could have been Guillain Barre Syndrome as I had it slight 5 years ago. Feels thr same but lighter. My neurologist told me he is not too concerned and symptoms should go away. But when? I am very concerned getting 2nd dose… Also, my anxiety levels were skyrocketing after jab. Panick attacks as well

  141. Hi I had vaccine on 22 Feb, I’m still having side effects I have ms, is there anyone with MS suffering like this, not enough information about people who have Ms I’m very concerned if these symptoms don’t improve soon doctors said they would ,have to take pain killers very day I’m not getting second vaccine.

  142. I suffered from severe insomnia for seven years due to the menopause. It had thankfully stopped for two and a half years until the 5th of April when I had my first dose of the vaccine and now it’s back with a vengeance. It is very distressing and if I had known this was going to happen I wouldn’t have gone. I will not be going for the second until they sort this out.

  143. Carole so glad I found thi site glad I’m not the only one suffering thisthankyou to everyone who posted hope you all improve soon

  144. Just got my second Pfizer about a couple hours ago. After the first one, I had the usual arm soreness. Two days after, I was nauseous for one day, with pain in my belly. Since then, I’ve had weird movements in different areas of my belly off and on, and I’ve been more prone to have muscle cramps in weird places that you don’t normally think would cramp, like around the hip bone area. Not pregnant! A week ago, one spot on my belly began tingling now and then, kinda numb to the touch, and seems to move, flex on its own occasionally. Not painfully, just in a weird, collapsing in on itself, what’s taking over my body kind of way. Since taking the second dose, 2+ hours ago, the tingling, numbness and flexing have definitely increased.

  145. Wow, 95% of your words are mine! My symptoms were more mild after my first shot; went ahead and got my second and now am having much more obvious side effects…very similar to how you are feeling. I regret my decision to get the second dose.

  146. I got my second Pfizer shot yesterday morning. Within 6hrs my arm felt sore and by the time I went to bed around 9 I felt like I was coming down with something. I woke up many times during the night due to freezing. I was so cold and could not get warm. I finally gave up at 6:30 and got up. I was so light headed and extremely dizzy. I didn’t know what to do. My hands were both tingling and I also felt nauseous. Extreme cold sweats and scared. I called my husband to come home. I did not know what to do. I sipped some water and it seemed to help and back to bed I went and I’ve been there all day. No appetite and had to ask my 12 yr old to open a water bottle. Feeling weak as well.

  147. I’m a 42 Yr old Male from the UK, and had my 1st Pfizer Vaccine on 24th Feb – just over 7 weeks ago.
    Approximately 14 minutes after the jab (I was just about to walk out), I had a scary bunch of reactions. Initially I felt a chemical type sensation up from my chest up to my throat. Immediately felt faint / sweaty, my tongue started tingling, my scalp was very painful and I was getting sharp intermittent pain in the nerves/muscles around my throat and under my mouth. Also realised my face was numb just under my right eye down to my jawline and my ears were popping like on a flight.
    The Dr made me lie down, and told me he was certain it wasn’t an anaphylactic reaction (my tongue and throat had not swollen and I could breathe normally) – but he could not explain why this was happening.
    7 weeks later, it is not as bad – but my tongue is still tingling, and I am still getting the sharp nerve/pain in my throat. Sometimes when I inhale, it feels like a cold nerve sensation in my windpipe/throat.
    I still have intermittent facial numbing – although now it is on my left hand side. (The jab was given in my right arm and it was numb on the RHS at the vaccination centre).
    I have also developed extreme pain in the tissue between my ribs just under my left pectoral next to my heart. It fluctuates in severity – when it’s bad I can only get semi comfortable lying on my back, and hurts when I inhale. The Dr has told me I have Costochondritis. I also have intermittent numbing of my fingers/hand.
    I am convinced this nerve pain in my chest is caused by the same reaction which is causing my tingling tongue/facial numbing/Throat nerve pain sensations.
    I should mention I have been treating Lyme Disease + Coinfections for years – and I suspect my overactive/suppressed immune system, has produced an exaggerated response to the vaccine. I wish I had not had it.
    I got my blood tested for post-vaccination antibodies last week and still very high, and will re-test again in 6 Months.
    In my opinion, the Pfizer jab should not be given to anyone who has a chronic condition like Lyme Disease or ME for example, as our immune response is different to that of a healthy person.
    Misery likes company, so I am oddly reassured that others are having side effects. From what I read – there haven’t been many studies of the duration the immune system responds with 1 vaccine jab only. I’m hoping after another 3 – 6 Months it will reduce, and my side effects will improve.

    • How are you doing now? I had exactly the same reaction as you. In addition my mouth is very dry. Do you have that? I have autoimmune conditions. My tongue is still tingling 7 weeks after the vaccine.

    • I’m a 41y male and was diagnosed with Costochondritis after my first Pfizer shot on 12 Aug. The night after my jab I couldn’t sleep on my side or on my stomach and was forced to sleep on my back due to pain in my chest. I thought it was Myocarditis at first. Apparently the immune system overreacts to the virus/vaccines and causes inflammation issues like Costochondritis and Myocarditis. I got better after 3/4 weeks and then I got Covid and fortunately, it was a mild case.

  148. Runny nose, Tired, sore arm and a bit of almost a headache. But the dreams which I cannot remember were the strangest ever.

  149. Infected with covid back in Dec. Then vaccinated after a month.
    1st vaccine only arm sore where the injected. Injected 2nd vaccine sore in arm. Then evening the next day thighs and feet/toe burning and tingling sensation. Couldnt sleep as duvet was like hurting me.
    Im 28 year old diabetic but blood sugar not too high. Blood sugar was up few months but now under control even before covid vaccine. Doctor in A&E and 2 doctors in GP ruled out diabetes and one of them said it could late reaction to the vaccine. more than 3weeks now. Burning is not as bad as the first episode but still feeling tingling and burning sensation to some part of my thighs and tingling on feet. Still no diagnosis to this but recent blood result showed i was high in ferritin was told its marker for inflammation or infection.. Hoping tingling and burning goes away its really worrying .

  150. I had my first Pfizer shot on Apr 6. The same night, my half face on the opposite side of the arm that got the shot felt numb. And the next few days, the numbness/stiffness seemed to be traveling around my face, sometimes on my forehead, lip, cheek, nose, eyelid, eyebrow. I was extremely worried and went to a doctor. The doctor was not sure about it and referred me to a neurologist. I also contacted the vaccination distributor and one doctor got back to me saying it’s a ‘common side effect’ and is usually resolved within a week.
    And it did! After a week of extreme worries, it went away on Apr 13. What a relief, but I am so worried about how worse it would go when I get my second shot.

  151. Extremely anxious since I got my first shot and the next 4-5 days later. Now going much better but it was absolutely scary

  152. I’m so thankful I found this page. I had a lot of symptoms and couldn’t find anything on any of it. I do suffer from fibromyalgia and migraines
    I will note that some of these symptoms didn’t get until like 7 or 8 days after the 1st shot. When I got tye 1st Pfizer shot. I just got a migraine wave and feeling tired but then days later..The brain zaps were terrible. I also had the feeling of burning sunburn but I don’t have a sunburn. This was all across my chest and back and for days .It also seemed like any pain I had before it made it stronger. Honestly I dont know about the 2nd shot .

  153. I have had intense emotional dreams since shot #1 2 1/2 weeks ago – they are so intense I wake up exhausted. I normally dream here and there but never like this before. And I mean ALL KINDS of dreams (some I don’t want to wake up from!!). But this is really weird. I’m on Cymbalta and Wellbutrin and have been for over 5 years, wondering if there’s a reaction with antidepressants.

  154. More than 3 now i still have burning and tingling. Tingling/burning in toes both feet. Both feet also sweaty and cold than normal.
    Burning some parts of thighs.

    How long did yours last?

  155. 1st Pfizer full week of headaches, exhaustion and stabbing pain behind eye socket. Arm fine.
    2nd Pfizer no headaches this time but super sore arm, exhausted and two days after developed an eye twitch in left eye. 2 weeks later eye twitch is still here – has anyone else experienced this? Truly hoping it goes away.

    • Yes, I have developed an eye twitch Rt eyelid, also left cheek and Lt hand, not all the time, but also have itching and pins and needles mostly on back, and it’s been 5 weeks since second shot, this started about 19 days after 1st shot, I’m hoping it goes away soon, hope you feel better soon. It’s not debilitating but it’s super irritating, and worrisome

  156. Thank goodness I’ve found this site. Thought it was just me. I’ve never felt so ill. Had the Pfizer vaccine 1st dose end of January. Not too bad at first. Then gradually over the weeks I’ve been having weird symptoms of lower back pain with itching and burning feeling (Parasthesia ), tired and weak legs, lots of strong muscle and joint pains. Calf’s knees, foot bones, Needing to sleep all the time. Then on 5th April had 2nd jab. Ok for couple of days then it hit like a train. All the above mentioned side effects x 10. Worst two weeks of my life. Slightly better today but don’t know yet if I’m properly on the mend. Came across this site by chance and I’m glad I did. I’m relieved to see I’m not alone in this nightmare.

    • “Came across this site by chance … I’m relieved to see I’m not alone in this nightmare.”
      It’s the Being Alone in the Nightmare. I have lived with Chronic Migraine for a lifetime and for decades have had miserable reactions to scores of medications. It is the feeling of being alone. It is the rejection by the medical community. It is the scorn poured onto those who suffer, the Canaries in the Coal Mine, the “Just 2%” who have these reactions. We are continuously swept under the carpet. It affects our being able to hold jobs, to request assistance, to just get validation from our doctors and the rest of society. I’ve gone face to face with drug representatives over my concerns with adverse effects to medications. And they look at me as if I were an alien. And some of them just don’t believe that there is any such thing as an adverse reaction. You can read that every day in the news.
      I am one week in with my first Pfizer shot and I am miserable. And I am beginning to wonder if getting the second shot is a good idea. I had Hives last night. It finally occurred to me to take antihistamines, which helped. And today I have felt exhausted. I am glad to have found this website and all of you who are also struggling. At the very least, we are not alone. Now, we have to share this with the Medical and Pharmaceutical world. They need to know about us. We are not to be swept under the carpet. I hope you are doing better. — EH

  157. Hey everyone who has pins and needles in hands or legs or twitching in legs after Pfizer vaccine, hows it going. I am day 9 after shot #2 and have had a little pins and needles in the hands and some twitching in the lower legs with a little pins and needles as well. It started 4 or 5 days after the shot and comes and goes. Other than that, I had just a day of sleepiness from both shots. I don’t seem to have the weakness as have been able to run 10 miles on Friday, lift weights on Saturday, and run 6 miles this morning, hoping things only improve and don’t get worse. I am on no medications. Let’s hope we get back to normal soon folks!

    • I do. It started soon after the first shot (March 10th). It has been 2 weeks after the second shot (April 5th). The intensity got milder now compare to 5 & 1/2 weeks ago . It still comes and goes. But it just doesn’t go away.

  158. I didn’t have Pfizer vaccine. Had the J&J and had the same pins and needles and numbness as many of you describe. Considering it’s a different type of vaccine, I’d like to think it’s just another type of immune response that will pass. I’ve had weird pins and needles all over my entire body since the 2nd day. By the 3rd day my bad knee flared up and my leg below the knee flared up. Day 8, my left hand and arm and left face joined in with my left leg and left foot in the numbing sensation and pins and needles sensation. Blood work and brain MRI came back normal and was diagnosed with an unknown bakers cyst behind left knee. Everything was getting back to normal by day 9 other than the Bakers cyst. Still getting mild numbing sensation…right fingers as I type this on day 9.

    • Hi Sarah I had the J&J one also 4 week on still getting numbness down the right side. Have a Neurologist appointment tomorrow so fingers crossed. Hope you feel better soon

  159. i got my 1st s Phizer vaccine on March 31st. 30 min later my lips and teeth felt numb, like getting shot from dentist. numbness disappered within 1-2 hours. in the evening i noticed big lump ( size of egg) on my arm at injection site. it disapered next day replaced by huge bruise, which is still there . i have not get my second shot yet, wondwring if people may have similar experience and what happens after 2nd shot?

    • Numbness and pins and needles since Apr 09. I went to Urgent Care , everything was fine in the blood. I also visited immunologist and he told me to go to the emergency room asap for MRI and test from spinal cord. I visited emergency room and everything looks fine. Hope symptoms will disappear soon. Not sure if I will get second dose of Pfiser. I need to see neurologist too.

  160. hundreds of people post here saying that they had the pin and needle feeling after about 3rd day when they got the vaccine. I am in my 9th day now after got the Pfizer vaccine, and still suffering this pin and needle feeling. And I am now really concerned on whether I will get my second. Almost no one has post that whether their pin and needle feeling eventually goes away? And there is very few public document on this side effect, I think they really need to looked into this side effect and let us know whether this pin and needle feeling will go away. I think there is certain amount of people are suffering from this pin and needle feeling side effect, because it seems last a long time period and we even does not know whether it will go away.

    • Hi Justin,
      Yes, I agree, there’s no much information about the pins and needles and it seems a lot of people are having this problem. It’s been 6 weeks for me and still hasn’t gone away. I will provide an update if it Ever goes away. So far, it’s still hanging around and driving me crazy!

    • I agree with you that no medical personnel are saying much about these symptoms (pins and needles) even though it seems a lot of people are experiencing these side effects.
      It’s been 2 weeks since I got my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. Within 20 hours I started experiencing pins and needles in my toes, both feet, and left pinky finger. Occasionally experience a sensation running down my left calf & thigh. Sometimes have also been experiencing numbness on the left cheek. I got the shot in my left arm so it seems most of my symptoms are on the left except for the right foot toes. Saw my Dr about this but all I was told was to monitor the situation.
      I was feeling very frustrated & alone in this, as my husband only experienced the fatigue for a couple of days. Through a lot of research for answers, came across this site and it made me feel better knowing I wasn’t the only one experiencing these problems.
      Would hope a medical person would provide some insight into this as it’s frustrating wondering how long these side effects are going to last & is it safe to take the 2nd shot? If so, would we experience the same or will it be worse?
      Would love to hear from someone who experienced these issues with their first shot & then took the 2nd shot & what was the outcome?
      Thanks to all who have shared their experiences.

    • Are you better now, I hope people who posted the pins and needles side effects also post their recovery journey… or whether they are better or not… please it’ll really help others who are left alone with no medical support

      • I have been having the tingling for 3 weeks now. 474 people in Israel have had this paresthesia side effect and it is listed by the Italian Medical Agency (AIFA) as a side effect. Pfizer does not seem to be acknowledging this. Please everyone report this side effect to Pfizer and to VAERS.

  161. Received my first Pfizer vaccine on Sunday. Sunday night I slept with the windows open (45 degrees outside) and still sweat through the night, waking up from lucid dreams and then my hand went numb…pins and needles like when your limb “falls asleep”. It’s now Monday night and I was awakened with my whole arm (opposite arm from last night) numb or “asleep”. I moved it around thinking I need to get the blood circulating which seems to help the severe numbness/tingling a bit. My hands are also super sweaty/clamy and I have a few bumps or hives on the palm of my hands. I also have ringing in my left ear. This is so NOT COOL but I keep telling myself it could be worse and this is the lesser of the two evils—-the greater evil being actually having COVID. Hope this goes away soon! My second shot is scheduled for 5/9.

  162. On April 17 I got my first Pfizer vaccine in my left arm, the next day i had carpal tunnel pain in my right wrist and fingers, I can’t catch anything. Did anyone have the same?

  163. I got my 2nd Pfizer dose on March 12th. I began noticing the full-body pins and needles sensation a couple of days later. I thought it was my body’s reaction to eating too many salty pretzels so I cut back on salt. I continued to experience the full-body tingling but after a few weeks it started to taper off and as of the date of this post it is only slight and lasts for about 2-3 seconds.

  164. Had 2nd Pfizer in Feb in right arm. Hands seem to tingle, especially the left. Arms seem to fall asleep too easy. Knees and below feel like they have been asleep a little. I assume this is what people are describing as pins and needles. I’m healthy and I’m a little worried. I thought this may just disappear but IDK.

  165. I received my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday in my left arm, it wasn’t bad the site was tender which is expected. Now it’s been about 36 hours and the pain has subsided a bit it’s only sore to touch and some movement but barely noticeable, so I unintentionally laid on my side while in bed for a few minutes and my entire upper arm went completely numb ! I couldn’t sit up or move it for a couple seconds… then when I felt the area I had no feeling in my upper left arm up at all. I couldn’t feel myself touching my arm. The feeling didn’t last long but it concerned me because that has never happened before the shot. Is numbness/ completely lost of feeling a side effect?

  166. I had my 1st Pfeizer shot on April 10. My heart started racing about 15 minutes after the shot. My tongue and mouth got tingly and numb. My lips got swollen a little. It has been 10 days already, and my tongue is still constantly tingling, numb, burning and very painful at times. It is getting worse very day. I also had a red rash and swelling above my lips. It is still red, get swollen from time to time. Initially I was told that I had n allergic reaction, but now I am told that it is an adverse reaction. No one knows what exactly in the vaccine cased this, how long it is going to last, and whether it is ever going to go away. I am getting desperate here. My quality if life decreased significantly these past 10 days. Anyone else have these or similar issues with their tongue?

    • Yes, but not as severe. I also changed a brand of toothpaste at the same time so it could be that for me. The front of my tongue was red and sore and I figure I must have burned it drinking coffee. After the second dose, I realized by tongue still hurt and I tried gargling saltwater to heal it. After 10 days I figure it was the toothpaste and stopped it a couple of days ago. It still hurts and there is a lie bump that it swollen. I did not think it was an adverse effect until I searched for it online.

        • Hey JP, I got my two Pfizers in April 2021, so 15 months, and I have had sore and red front third of the tongue on and off since then. The papillae look swollen also. I have had many other side effects but this is the only one that won’t go away. Did yours?

  167. I have had the most severe pain in my jaw radiating to my ears, neck, throat and teeth. I’m now 4 weeks since my second vaccine and the pain is so debilitating despite being on high dosage of painkillers. I’ve been in a&e and been to my doctors 5 times and feel like no one is listening the pain is that excruciating. Asked to get referred to neurology and for bloods/mri to get done to be told they would consider this for two months! I’ve went from being young, fit and healthy to not being able to exercise, sleep and can barely function working from home and in wondering if this pain will ever leave me!! Has anyone had similar symptoms? I’m probably about 10 weeks since initial pain started

    • I am in a similar position – I had full blood work and all normal – am awaiting a head neck and spine MRI – I started with symptoms roughly 30 – 35 days post 1st Pfizer jab – felt progressively unwell – burning pain is less but can’t do much and get blurred vision and numbness up and down my body – terrifying but sensation so far returns – legs like jelly and can’t walk much at all – Docs seem very casual about it but I’d like to hear from someone whose symptoms have resolved!

      • Had Pfizer 6 days ago I left arm. I initially had pins and needles and a achy wrist and tingling in pinky and ring finger, jab site was quite sore but these symptoms subsided after 2 days, however day 6 I’m getting a feeling of numbness in right leg / foot not sure if it has any link but the leg / foot tingling is getting annoying now and also feels painful.

    • I am having this same jaw, ear and teeth pain. I woke in the night with it on the evening of the 2nd shot. It’s been 3 weeks and I have already been to the dr and dentist. No one knows what is wrong. My teeth no longer close together right and I have trouble chewing.

  168. Burning sensation pretty much gone in thighs and legs about 4-5 weeks.

    Whats left is tingling in toes and part of soles near the toes. When feet touches something stay in touch it feels like its hurting like soreness?

    Like when you have been standing for long time.

  169. Hi everyone 🙂 I posted up above after I had my first shot of Pfizer- 45 mins post shot had pins and needles feeling/extreme itchiness on both arms. Wanted to do a follow up after my second shot.

    Full experience so far:
    3/27- first shot of Pfizer in my left arm. 45 mins post shot I had sharp pin pricks in my ring finger of my right hand. Over the next 4 hours, both arms, shoulders to fingers had that pins and needles/tingling sensation as well as extreme itchiness. Arms were sensitive to heat and heat intensified the feeling. I went to the ER but they said I didn’t present the pattern for neurological diseases like guillain barre or transverse myelitis. They sent me home. The intensity lasted about a week and then became much less. Some days I barely noticed it, other days were worse. I agonized over getting the second shot. After a lot of back and forth, I decided to get the shot.

    4/18- had the second shot and took ibuprofen and a Zyrtec right after. Note: I am not a doctor, nor am I advocating for people to use the same medication I am/did. This is merely to tell you about my experience. Consult your doctor about any medication you’d like to take. About 6 hours after the second shot, I had a little bit of sensation changes – The majority of the tingling went to my thumb and index fingers, as well as on the top of my hand. It was also more of an mild ache like when you slightly bump your funny bone than the surface tingling/prickling before. That subsided after 24 hours. Now it’s a very mild tingling. 36 hours post second shot I did develop a lot of sinus pressure and pressure in my ears (it felt like I was in an air plane) and very very slight tinnitus. It’s allergy season here so it could be that and completely unrelated to the shot. I took/have been talking what I usually take for bad allergies- ibuprofen, Sudafed, Flonase, and Zyrtec. That has helped the pressure and the ringing. Again, not recommending you take this. Talk to your doctor about any medications you want to take- especially combinations.

    I would say my reaction to the first shot was worse than the second shot. Overall, I’m happy I went ahead with the second shot. I will update if anything changes 🙂

  170. I am having the same side effects, and so happy to finally learn of others experiencing this. I received my first dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine on April 8th. Within a few hours my arm became sore. Then about 24 hours later, I broke out with hives on my chest, and then starting experiencing the weird pins and needle sensation. I have never experienced this before in my life. It is now April 22nd and I am still experiencing this pricking sensation in my extremities. It may go away for a few days, then it come right back. I am due to get the second dose on May 6th and am extremely afraid to do so. Any ideas if this goes away, or how to stop it?

    • Hi JA,
      I’ve had the pins and needles and itching since the second shot on March 10, some days are worse than others, now I have some twitching of my hand, eye and elbow, I didn’t have any of the common side effects with either vaccine, just this weird nerve sensation, it hasn’t gone away yet and it’s been over five weeks, it’s not horrible but super irritating and I have had to use lidocaine and menthol rubs on my back.

      • Hi Melinda,

        Thanks for the insight. I totally know how you feel. It seems like I have a few good days now, before I have a really bad one, where the pins and needles sensation is more unbearable. I am feeling it all over my body. I am now just afraid this will never end, and keep checking the internet for recovery stories. I have an appointment with a doctor next week and hoping to learn more.

        • Hi JA:

          when is your really bad one happen? I had my first Pfizer shot on April 9th, then I developed this pins and needle feeling after 3rd day of the first shot. It seems getting better in the second week after I got the vaccine. I thought it will disappear later, but when I entered the third week, it actually getting worse. Today is about 18th days after my first shot, the pins and needle feeling sometimes is unbearable and it is worst feeling so far. I am not sure does anyone has similar experience? when it is getting better, but all the sudden, it is getting worse

          • Hi,

            Same symptoms here in right hand and foot. Since 7 weeks. It became slowly better, however did not disappear. Though, I am unsure whether it became actually better or i got more used to it and cope with it better. For me, no treatment had actual results so far unfortunately.

            If you have any tips, I would much appreciate them. Thanks.

        • Are you better yet?? My symptoms are somewhat better, not as much itching or pins and needles, but my eyelid still twitch’s at times, some days worse than others, March 10th was my last shot, how are you feeling?

          • Hi Melinda:
            It is weird for me. Some days I feel I am improving and getting better with little pins and needle feeling. But some days the pins and needle feeling get intense. It seems that after I play badminton, the following several days, it getting worse. I am not sure sometimes it getting worse is due to I play badminton. I guess I may need to stop playing badminton to see whether it keep improving. But it is now fourth week after my first shot, the pins and needle feeling still did not completely go away. I am not sure did anyone feel the pins and needle feeling increase after some intense excercise?

          • I have had tingling since January 15th (3+ mo; first shot Pfizer) and also notice it’s worse after intense exercise. I still wonder if it’s a reaction to something in the vaccine , something related to shingles/chicken pox reactivation as has been documented or a positive immune system response.

  171. I had the Pfizer jab last Friday 16 April, after 11 minutes of feeling normal came over dizzy/lightheaded and developed left sided dull headache and for a couple of minutes my tongue felt weird and spongey, like when you eat chillies but without the burning. I drank water, tried to breathe through nose to calm but dizziness and headache persisted so eventually alerted staff 40 mins after the jab . I was sent by ambulance to hospital. Dizziness improved but at hospital my hands went pink like bad sunburn and then were quickly normal again, dull headache persisted a few hrs but was discharged after obs. That night woke up dizzy and my left hand dead and next day had no energy and foggy brain but otherwise am since ok. I am 39, have Hashimotos. I am now very scared to get 2nd jab but need to travel a lot for my work. Will see an allergist next week. Has anyone else experienced similar? Want to believe its just syncope or anxiety as want to be vaccinated fully but scared to have a worse reaction next time. I have minor allergies history otherwise to codeine, pineapple, hair dye once, some cleaning products causing eczema. The worst I have experienced is skin rashes, flushing for hair dye or swelling of uvula in throat. If anyone had similar experience first time, pls comment if you went for second jab.

  172. I had the Pfizer dose jan4/21 within 24 hours I had inflammation on my spine and knee pain which ultimately led to a baker cyst in my right knee, one of the side affects listed is a complete joint breakdown which I think would classify as. Second shot on jan25/21 and same, within 24 hours I got left knee pain thru ultrasound I was diagnosed with a left baker cyst. It is now April and I can finally find my knee cap. I just found this site now, and that you can call telehealth and tell them your symptoms. But for the first two months I suffered in silence doctors told me it wasn’t the vaccine but how did I wake up one morning with only what I can explain as sever arthritis like pain

    • I have severe joint pain in both elbows, diagnosed as tendinitis ( tennis elbow ) after my first shot. I don’t use my arms repeatedly and it just started after the first dose. It’s been almost a year and it’s not getting better

      • I also developped the tennis elbow 1 month after the second dose and it’s getting worse. Now my second arm feels like my tendons or muscles are getting calcified :/. To hell with Pfizer !!!

  173. I had my first jab of Pfizer vaccine on April 12th. After few hours I felt a bit tired and had mild sweating and frequent urination. After two days I started having muscle weakness and generally not feeling well. It was like that for next seven days, it got better but the muscle weakness and some tingling in my body still persist even two weeks (as of today) after the first vaccine. It is mostly the worst in the mornings and it last for 5-6 hours a day. It is usually better at night after 7-8pm when I feel ok. That tingling and kind of weakness is still there and I will contact my doctor in Monday. Hopefully this will not last too long but what I see from other people it could last for months. I have scheduled my second vaccine on April 30th and not sure if I should get it. Will post updates every few days. I am hoping everyone here will finally get completely better.

    • UPDATE May 2nd 2021.
      I had my second Pfizer shot on April 30th. First 8 hours after the shot did not feel anything. After 8 hours I had slight headache, took Tylenol 500mg. I slept ok that night, and then around 10am next day I started having mild body ache and skin irritation. During the day the body pain got worse, took 2 tylenols. Now it is 4am and the pain seems to be quite severe. It is something that I never felt before when I was sick with regular influenza. Not sure what to do but I might go to ER for this. Will keep posted.

        • Hi Sara. I believe yes, I feel better than I was feeling few weeks ago however, I still experience mild fatigue kind of sleepiness and some muscle/joint irritation. it is the worst in the mornings after 2-3 hours of waking up and then it mostly goes away around 3-4pm. I believe some people have strong immune reaction with inflammations unfortunately.

      • UPDATE May 9th 2021.
        After 10 days of the second Pfizer shot (April 30th) I am still feeling moderate muscle pain and weakness. I would say that there is a specific pattern to it. For instance, I would wake up in the morning sometimes with mild muscle weakness/pain which would increase in intensity after 2-3 hours. That feeling would last for about 5 hours total. However, I would also feel hot face flushes from time to time. It would subdue in the afternoon and sometimes after 6-7pm, and then I would feel fine till the next morning. Just thinking if my immune system is still building antibodies or is it overreacted immune response that maybe damages muscle tissues. I do not know, but will see my doctor soon. I will keep posting updates.

  174. I too am experiencing very bad Jaw pain at the joint of my jaw and the muscles and ligaments that connect the jaw. One week and one day from my first Pfizer vaccine dose, I took a nap and then woke up with severe jaw pain. I haven’t been able to eat solid food for two days now as I cannot touch my molars together; it causes extreme pan to try it. I can touch my incisor teeth a little but that’s it. Did Zoom Dr. appointment and was prescribed muscle relaxers, amitriptyline, and a steroid tapper pack. I was not able to sleep well the first 24 hours of the onset but the steroids and amitriptyline helped me sleep last night. I still can’t touch my molars together and it hurts really bad when I try but at least the severe ache is gone. Hope this helps. I have not received my second shot yet but I don’t think this will deter me from it unless it doesn’t go away before my next shot is due.

    • This is exactly my story. I’m on week 3. I can’t chew very well and my molars no longer touch. The pain is behind my ear, on the jaw line, and where the hinge of my jaw is where it opens and closes. That hinge is now jutting out.

  175. Had the first shot over three weeks ago. Had second one 48 hours ago in the afternoon. Here’s what happened:

    0-24 hours – no sides effects.
    32 hours – heavy chills in bed.
    40 hours – very bad headache on top of my head.
    48 hours – feel “wrung out” but no more chills or headache. Feel ok. Not sick at all. Hope the worst is over. I think it is.

  176. I received first pfizer dose and have been experiencing pins and needles in both hands and one foot. So far this has been going on for 30 days. Doctor believes my pins and needles are a a side effect from the vaccine, he says it’s a waiting game and there is no treatment for me at this time. Posting for everyone who have asked if and when pins and needles go away. I assume it will be different for everyone, however in regards to my experience over time episodes do seem to be less frequent with shorter duration. Unfortunately after 30 days they are still with me. The doctor says at this point he doesn’t have enough information on the vaccine and referred me to public health.

    • Hi Amber, I do have pin and needles and itchiness especially on my back and some twitching in various areas and zaps of stabbing pain, the itching started around 2 1/2 weeks after my first vaccine, the Pfizer. I had my last vaccine on March 10, and still have some itchiness and zaps, but not nearly as bad, it seems to be getting better now, but it’s been over a month and a half since my last vaccine. Anyway hoping it goes away completely very soon, but it’s been weird! Not sure my symptoms are from the vaccine but I never had them before, so I’m assuming that they are

      • Interestingly, I had the same kind of reaction. 2 1/2 weeks after my first dose developed pins and needles, fatigue and mild twitching here and there(head to toe depends on the day). Its my 6th week now and the intensity seems to be less, but I still feel it everywhere. GP has tested for major issues and they found nothing. I am seeing a neurologist later this month, hoping things will go away by then. This side effect is not listed anywhere and it is annoying that they will not comment on how to get rid of it. I have not had my second dose yet, since this side effect seems to be strange. Luckily found this site and knowing that this is related to vaccine helps- a bit. Hope we all recover from this soon.

        • I have your exact same symptoms and I had my last Pfizer vaccine on March 10 and I still have the itching on back, with zaps, and occasionally pins and needles on arms and hands, feet and legs, I had some twitching in my Rt eye that seems to have resolved, but I’ll really irritated with this issues

    • I would recommend taking Vitamin B12 and Lipoic Acid 650mg once a day. It will help fix the nerve damages. I had two doctors that I know that had the same reaction as we are having and they told they did that. I am buying now and starting..

  177. Has anyone gone to get their 2nd vaccine after all these side effects and was it a better experience than the 1st one . I have my 2nd one coming up and I just don’t know .

    • Hi Suzie. Even though I’ve had moderate symptoms since April 12th; fatigue, muscle pain and irritation , I did get my second shot today few hours ago. Not sure what my symptoms will be yet, I am hoping for less as possible but I decided to get it and try to get over with even though it may take some time to get back to normal. If you are experiencing some unusual symptoms that are not described on CDC or Pfizer website and are lasting linger than a week-two, maybe you should talk to your doctor first.

      • Hi Ivan
        Thank you for responding. How are you feeling today? Yeah I did contact my doctors they say to take the 2nd dose. But man that 1st one that had me with side effects for 3 weeks with the brain zaps and pins and needs . The other symptoms did subside like the burning feeling in my chest and back. I just hope if I do take 2nd one I will be ok .I hope you feel better asap.Please keep updating us .

        • Hi Suzie. Today is day ten since my second Pfizer shot. The first 2 days were pretty bad. The second night I did not sleep much since I was waking up a couple of times because of muscle pain and irritation throughout my body. On the third day my symptoms from the first vaccine kind of returned back (or never stopped). I am still experiencing on and off muscle weakness and hot face flushes which go away after few hours. So every morning after 2 hours of waking up, I start feeling symptoms such as: muscle pain (mild), weakness, just very irritated that last for 4-5 hours. I messaged my dr. so we can discuss about the symptoms and to do the blood work. I believe my immune system is overreacting and possibly igniting a whole spectrum of musculoskeletal and neurological issues. When I talk to other people who got Pfizer shots, 99% are feeling fine. I guess we are in that 3-7% group. I am hoping if you took the second shot, you are feeling fine. Please let us know how are you feeling.

  178. I received the J & J vaccine 3 weeks ago. Overall I was relatively fine after it except a light headache and a weird cold vein sensation almost immediately after the shot. 2-3 days after I started noticing at my feet/toes & hands a new sensation “pins & needles”. Three weeks after the localized pins & needles are less intense and the feeling is more of an overall more spreaded type of numbness (but not really numb), as if the pins and needles are spread out more but it is much less intense. I have shared the info with my primary care doctor, a cardiologist and a neurologist with no real input so far. I really hope this sensation goes away and no further side effect. If anyone has more info about it, please let me know. Thanks & wish you all to be back yourselves soon!

  179. I got the 2nd BioNTech jab and started having a tingling sensation the night after in my left thigh (same side of the injection). My GP doctor said that is not a thing reported as common side effect symptoms and referred mt to a neurologist. Will see what the neurologist find out next week. Will keep you all posted.

    • I saw my Neurologist at day 7 after the 2nd BioNTech jab as my nerve issues were getting worse in the past days from only a pain/tingling sensation in my left thigh to pins and needles running from head to toe (mostly in fingers, arms and legs on both sides), shortness of breath (mostly night time) and nausea, which made me unable to sleep. Dr said it could be a reaction from the vaccine and would normally go away in weeks, but also comment about a possible case of Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), for which the doctor actually tested and ruled out for now at least. He will see how things develop in another week to decide on treatment. Let’s hope all these nerve issues will be gone away in a few days, though no sign of going away at day 8.

      • Hi, I had similar symptoms.. pins and needles in left hand and foot… dermatologist recommended Allegra before bed time.. your immune system reaches it’speak at nitght so that’s why the tingling is more intense at night.

      • RJ,

        Maxim I too have been experiencing the same thing you are my second shot in arm was 7/23/2021 but from that point on I had no issues, then it set in just recently on August 09, 2021 I had a really bad reoccurance of my acid reflux and was not sure as to why other than it was because of this Phizer vaccine. Then it subsided, but what I have been experiencing since then is just something that I truly cannot understand. I was a very healthy 42 year old male and now I feel that this shit has made me sick!!!it is ruining me where do I begin from yes brain zaps, to all the systems you are mentioning this has been hell and I understand where you and everyone else is coming from. Now one should have to go through this, we did what this piece of shit government is asked us to do and these side effects are definetly not for the week at heart. They are exhausting I reported my case to the CDC. Let’s see if these pieces of shit will respond. Please keep me informed as I am experiencing the exact symptoms as you before the shots I was not having any issues like this now I’m sick and only hope that your issues as well as everyone else goes away, again I hear you and it’s not right!!!!please let me know what your dr. says I’m very concerned and only hope you your sysptoms get better.

    • Hi
      I received my 1st Pfizer shot May 6th. 5 hrs after shot, pins and needles in my legs and feet, then the next day, progressed to my arms and hands. No pain or numbness and 6 days later still having pins and needles in my legs and feet but it has subsided in arms and fingers.
      Are these symptoms worth worrying about? Thanks

  180. I had my second Pfizer shot on April 25th. 3 days later the right side of head, jaw, ear and throat hurts as it would if I have an ear infection. Has anyone else experienced this as a side effect?

    • Have your issues resolved yet? I’m having similar issues to facial pain ear pain ringing neck tightening and others received Pfizer shot April 2 any treatment info helps

    • Second jab two days ago and yesterday the same. Similar to ear infection where the ear and jaw hurt. Wondering how long it lasted for other people.

  181. I had the Ist Pfizer vaccine with no issues, but after the second vaccine that I received on 4/29/21, was concerning with in 10m in I experienced a dull headache and half hour later, then started experiencing tingling sensation of my lips, that lasted for about an hour and went away, I have been okay since, thank God.

  182. Tingling for me as well. It started 2 weeks after the vaccine. It feels like drops of water falling randomly on my skin everywhere. seems to come in waves. Some days are better than others. I have an existing neurological illness so i thought it was that, and went to the ER. Passed all of my neurological tests just fine. Having an MRI Thursday anyway to check for any damage. After reading this thread i’m almost certain the vaccine triggered something.

    • RJ,

      Jon, I too have been experiencing the same thing you are my second shot in arm was 7/23/2021 but from that point on I had no issues, then it set in just recently on August 09, 2021 I had a really bad reoccurance of my acid reflux and was not sure as to why other than it was because of this Phizer vaccine. Then it subsided, but what I have been experiencing since then is just something that I truly cannot understand. I was a very healthy 42 year old male and now I feel that this shit has made me sick!!!it is ruining me where do I begin from yes brain zaps, to all the systems you are mentioning this has been hell and I understand where you and everyone else is coming from. Now one should have to go through this, we did what this piece of shit government is asked us to do and these side effects are definetly not for the week at heart. They are exhausting I reported my case to the CDC. Let’s see if these pieces of shit will respond. Please keep me informed as I am experiencing the exact symptoms as you before the shots I was not having any issues like this now I’m sick and only hope that your issues as well as everyone else goes away, again I hear you and it’s not right!!!!please let me know what your dr. says I’m very concerned and only hope you your sysptoms get better.

      • Hello RJ. I feel the phizer vaccine has ruined my life. I have given up my business, can’t drive my car and was an avid bicycle rider and can’t do that either. I haven’t worked in 5 months because of my symptoms. I have a foggy brain, blurry vision, pins and needles all over, severe fatigue from time to time and pretty bad diagnosed short term memory loss that keeps me from working and driving. I have had every neurological test they have including spinal tap. Everything has come back normal accept neurological memory test and I don’t have spinal tap back yet. I have been in hospital many times as they have thought possible stroke-MS – als-and many others including I’m in the hospital now getting an epilepsy study for 5 days. I was completely healthy till the vaccine and after the first shot I thought things were going south and still got the second shot and with in 3 weeks my life has been ruined. I’m at a loss and don’t know what to do.

  183. I got my first Pfizer shot on 3/27/21, and my second on 4/17/21 (date of this post 5/4/21). I had some symptoms after the first shot. I mostly felt fatigue, jitteriness, muscle pain, and lethargy. After the second dose, I had a low grade fever which subsided after a few days, but the fatigue, lethargy, muscle pain, and “brain fog” have intensified. I have also been experiencing frequent chills/sweats, insomnia, heart pounding, and EXTREME anxiety. Both injection sites, while not red or raised, have not yet healed which I thought was odd. I am severely immunocompromised and medication sensitive. I usually experience some side effects with vaccines/medications, but not to this degree. I don’t know if going to a doctor would yield any result other than being told that “Not all side effects are known yet.” I am hoping these effects will subside with time, as they are quite disruptive to my daily life.

  184. Received one dose of Pfizer on March 11th. Experienced brain zaps, headaches, tingling in arms and feet. Inflammation in chest, doctor said costochondritis, inflammation in the esophagus shortness of breath. Got treated for heartburn. Palpitation first few days after the shot. Costochondritis still present, 8 weeks later. Changed my diet to healthier anti-inflammatory foods. Still experience pain in middle of chest. Still some tingling and numbness in arms. One doctor said not vaccine related, the other said it is, but says symptoms subside over time. I opted out of the 2nd.

    Anyone else experience costochondritis chest after the shot?

    • Yes, I experienced Costochondritis from day 10 for 4 weeks after my 1st shot. It has now subsided but from week 5 post vaccination, I started suffering from chronic tension type headaches which are present all day every day and make me feel utterly exhausted and fuzzy headed (5 weeks and no reprieve). I’ve never suffered from headaches before and doctors don’t know if it’s related to the vaccine or not. I’ve gone from triathlon training 2 hours a day for 5 days a week to struggling to do anything at all. Haven’t felt right since having the vaccine. Usually very healthy 42 year old with no medical conditions/underlying issues.

      • RJ,

        Kery, I too have been experiencing the same thing you are my second shot in arm was 7/23/2021 but from that point on I had no issues, then it set in just recently on August 09, 2021 I had a really bad reoccurance of my acid reflux and was not sure as to why other than it was because of this Phizer vaccine. Then it subsided, but what I have been experiencing since then is just something that I truly cannot understand. I was a very healthy 42 year old male and now I feel that this shit has made me sick!!!it is ruining me where do I begin from yes brain zaps, to all the systems you are mentioning this has been hell and I understand where you and everyone else is coming from. Now one should have to go through this, we did what this piece of shit government is asked us to do and these side effects are definetly not for the week at heart. They are exhausting I reported my case to the CDC. Let’s see if these pieces of shit will respond. Please keep me informed as I am experiencing the exact symptoms as you before the shots I was not having any issues like this now I’m sick and only hope that your issues as well as everyone else goes away, again I hear you and it’s not right!!!!please let me know what your dr. says I’m very concerned and only hope you your sysptoms get better.

    • Yes, I have as described in my post above.
      I have an overactive/supressed immune system (Lyme Disease) and I think I have had an exaggerated immune response to the Pfizer vaccine compared to normal.
      All around my throat/lower jaw there is still nerve pain – numbness to the left of my face / jaw – and pain in my chest. All of this is intermittent and I am 10.5 weeks after the 1st dose. Won’t be getting the 2nd. The chest pain sent me to A&E and they gave me a chest x-ray and said bloods were all ok.
      The Dr diagnosed costochondritis, but there is a study in Israel suggesting the production of the “Spike” protein from the Pfizer jab is causing myocarditis, and I believe it is the inflammation from this causing my chest pain. Admittedly it is not as severe as it was weeks ago, but still worrying.
      I suspect it will be 9Months+ before these symptoms potentially go, as I read somewhere the immune response at 6xMonths to 1 x Pfizer vaccine was as strong as 2 Months post vaccine.
      I am also suffering very cold hands, and pins/needles in my hands/arms intermittently. Also getting strange sharp pains coming/going in my legs. Fortunately after nearly 11 weeks, I suspect I’m through the worst of it in terms of immune response.

    • Hi Erik. I too felt pain in my middle chest immediately after first jab – wondered if it was my heart. Had so many issues after the first jab – couldn’t sleep for 3-4 weeks, pain in bones, pain in hip joints, aching muscles, head pain. All went in for many weeks. Still had second jab as felt it was my duty and wanted to be covid protected. Same again. Feel very uncomfortable that there appears to be many many severe side effects which seems to be going unreported. I have told my GP, but whether any of this is fully being considered by Pfizer I do not know. I probably fear covid more than the side effects but I wish Pfizer would come clean. I have personally reported my side effects direct to Pfizer and I suggest more people do the same.

    • OK, I have had the chest pain and back pain and jaw & teeth pain. It seemed to be triggered after taking Advil &/or Tylenol. It took a few days to figure that out. And then a while longer, to try taking Simethicone, anti-gas. That did help. It seems however that I have to be really careful taking anything, even vitamins. Antihistamines for the itching and Hives. CA & MG for sleep. I have had many of these problems in the past, but gee, since that shot a week ago, I have had ALL the problems. Insomnia, hot cold, back chest teeth pain, itching, hives, headache. You are the first on the site to mention the chest pain. I am glad you did, because it is scary. Tomorrow I am going to talk to the pharmacist. Thank you.

    • Hi Erik,

      I have also been experiencing, amongst other things, what is considered by my GP to be costochondritis. I think it came on after7-10 days or so after my 1st Pfizer, taken on the 2nd of June, and has continued since. Have you had any improvements with your symptoms?

      • The costochondritis pain has gone away after almost 3 months. 2 week dose of PPIs and Aleve did the trick. I’m on month 5 and still have minor GERD and asthma type symptoms in esophagus. Sitting upright, and not slouching much has helped. I sleep better when lying flat now. I’m exercising more now (I couldn’t before because of the chest pain). I’m eating more almost anything (I couldn’t hold much food before).

        Seems like everything is subsiding little by little. All of this after 1 shot. Never took the 2nd. My job has said that I may need to still take the 2nd soon. I live in Los Angeles, California.

        Staying positive.

    • Yes – I got bad chest inflammation in the 2nd/3rd rib 8 days after my first Pfizer Shot. It is still there and visibly inflamed 8 weeks later although the pain has mostly subsided although it gets worse on occasion. It’s worth noting that I’ve been having major Gastro/SIBO problems for over 3 years and haven’t been able to beat it. I probably shouldn’t have had the vaccine but with my immune system going crazy with the SIBO I was concerned that I wouldn’t make it through if I got COVID. I wanted to get the second shot, despite the Costo but I’m rethinking now.

    • Yes also got costochondritis a day after my first Pfizer shot. Got better after 4 weeks.. I saw on a World Economic Forum Facebook post that the virus (and vaccine I assume) cause the immune system to overreact which in return causes inflammation issues like Costo and Myocarditis.

    • Yes. I’m not 6 months post second vaccine and have constant pain in my chest, which caused massive noughts of anxiety. Never experienced before. Heart all clear. I’ve suggested to my GP it’s costochondritis, but don’t get much interest from them. It’s ruling my life at the minute

  185. Started very light pin and needles on the non vaccinated arm about 4h after 1st Moderna shot. At night, the feeling was also on my head and cheeks. It then moved to my feets and back. Brainfog and migraine on day 2. Day 7, started a rash on vaccinated arm. Day 10, still pin and needles, mostly top of feet and on the back. It s very slight like the skin is burning. My GP advises taking vit B as it helps nerves tissues. Drink lots of water and try not too stress too much. Which is very hard. I am concerned taking jab 2 as I don’t want for these symptomes to get worst. I hope they subside soon.

  186. I’ve just had my second does of the Pfizer vaccine. First day my arm was a little tender. Had a headache and took paracetamol. A little fatigued and tired. Last night I had the worst nightmares. So vivid! Woke my partner up. When I went back to sleep I had another vivid nightmare. I can remember them both in so much detail!
    Otherwise I feel fine.

    I’m a 37 year old Black British African. Please do get the vaccine if you can. The danger of getting covid and dying outweighs the side effects.

  187. I’ve been lucky .I had a headache after the first jab apart from that bern fine ,my mum my husband ,husband mum, my friends nothing at all. What I would say anyone reading this site to see if they want it your only going to find people who have had reactions posting, people who didn’t won’t feel the need. So ask people you know you will get more varied opinions . I know 5 people who have died from covid do if I got reactions it would still be worth it. I am severely epileptic seizure daily and am always shaky so I understand people’s frustrations, it will improve for you and you will be safer

  188. shot #2 on Friday. Sore arm. Couldn’t sleep due to over-active imagination, finally dozed off after 3 AM Saturday morning. Woke up @ 8 am with constant tingling in both sets of fingers. Continued about my weekend, thinking it would just pass. Woke up this morning, left hand is now tingling and painful, right hand has the tingling, but not as intense. Contacted Family Doc and they did a quick blood clot question list and then said they had not heard of this as a side effect, but if not better in morning, call them and they want me to come in. Pain relievers do nothing. I keep smiling on the outside, but, the thought of this lasting more than a few days is frightening.
    I still would get the vaccine to protect others from me.

  189. Got 1st Pfizer dose yesterday, May 12, 2021. 5 min after, developed numbness and tingling in my hands and feet. That is still with me today. I hope it goes away … very annoying. I’m 41, female, in excellent health.

    • Hi.
      I had the same after Moderna 1st jab.
      Stayed with me for 2 weeks. Had them on face and toeso as well. Fingers crossed, feeling better for last 2 days. Take vit B (my Doctor said) and drink plenty of water. My neurologist told me not to worry unless weakness starts in the legs or strong numbness in face. Good luck!

  190. I got my Pfizer vaccine on May 11, 2021 at 2:00 PM. I only experienced a sore and tight left arm in the area I got the needle. However, at approximately 5 or 6 PM on May 12, 2021, my left arm felt like it is asleep. It is not as severe of a feeling like sleeping on my arm, but it does feel a bit weaker, numb, tingly (pins and needles), and a mild static-like feeling . I am only 18 and being a hard overthinker I like to make situations much worse by thinking I am having a stroke or a heart attack.

  191. 3 months after 2nd pfizer vaccine suddenly I had left side body mild numbness including my left face.. I went to ER CT,MRI and blood work came normal.. They diagnosed me as TIA. After that the numbness become migratory avery where on and off upper,lower.Rt and left mild tingling sensation.
    I still have these symptoms for 6 weeks on and off!?
    Any body feel the same things?

    • Hi, yes,.. after the 2d Pfizer dose I had left hand tingling one night during the first week… then no tingling at all … then around the 3rd week tingling started again in left and and left foot… Left hand got pretty numb and was hurting … now tingling has subsided but has this weird feeling in my thighs… similar to the sensation I have after biking for a few hrs.,.. some call it jelly legs..

  192. Started experiencing tingling on right thigh (opposite to vaccine side) about 3 days after 1st dose. Sometimes it feels like a crawling sensation and sometimes its like water dripping. Has been going on for almost 3 weeks now. Some days it’s better and some days it’s back. Also, have some occasional muscle twitches mostly in thighs. Has anyone with this seen it resolve?

  193. Had my 2d Pfizer dose on 4/22. in the left arm. My left neck lymphnode got tender and swollen for few days. Few days later had a headache and felt congested. Then I was fine for several weeks. Then on 5/9 I woke up with a headache and felt my lymphnodes in my neck and jaw somewhat swollen. I started feeling lots of pins and needles in my left hand and weakness in my legs. Felt some los sof balance when walking. The hand numbness and tingling lasted for 4-5 days. I slept 4 hrs last night. This morning I had rapid hearbeat 90 bpm while not doing anything. My blood pressure fluctuated from 132/82 to 109/78. Today the left hand tingling is greatly reduced, maybe a little in my pinkie. But I still feel weakness in my legs and somewhat off balance. Anybody else had such a delayed response ?

    • Hi.
      Cipi, if weakness comes in legs, you need to go to ER. It could be a Guillain Barre syndrome. It is rare but you need to get treated soon if it is GBS.
      I had GBS 5 years ago after a virus. You can get it from vaccines even if very rare.
      Tingling can stay a few weeks but serious weakness need to be seen by a doctor as soon as you can. It s what my neurologist told me 1 week ago when I started pin and needles after my vaccine.
      Maybe the weakness is nothing but you shoukd check it. GBS can be very serious if ledt untreated. Good luck

      • I thought of GBS myself and my GP, the ER doctors and the neurologist examined me and they ruled it out… however the neurolgist I saw told me it’s quite possible that my overexcited immune system responding to the vaccine may have attacked my nerves…

    • update:
      Last night I woke up around 4AM with tingling/ pins and needles in both hands and both legs. They lasted until I got up. Now I have tingling in left hand, left arm weakness and left foot and calf tingling.

    • Have you spoken to your doctor? Given the time elapsed, maybe it’s unrelated to the vaccine and warrants testing.

    • HI Cipi, did you resolve your problem,my husband feel the same.So I just try to figure what is happening because dr have no idea?

      • I have good days and bad days.. so not entirely resolved, but getting better……I take Vit B complex,., D3 and alpha lipoic acid supplem.. I alsom take Turmeric and dring Ginger tea to help with inflammation and calm down my tingly nerves.

  194. Has anyone had ongoing issues with the tingling/numbness in their hands??? I’ve been having weakness and some numbness in them since I got the vaccine 2 days ago, especially on the opposite hand/arm to the one I had the vaccine in. It’s particularly bad at night where I wake up with a dead arm and unable to even type on my phone.

    Noticed a lot of people have posted similar but there haven’t been any updates on whether it’s stuck around or resolved

    • Mine stayed for 2 weeks. It starts getting better. Fingers crossed.
      Don t worry too much unless the weakness/numbness goes to your legs or face. Some tingling is ok but weakness in legs could be GBS. Drink lots of water, take vit B and no alcohol. It s what my neurologist said. Good luck!

      • update: last night I woke up around 4AM with lots of tingling in both hands and feet. I was able to fallback asleep but still felt the tingling on and off. THis morning I have tingling in left hand, my left arm feels weak and asleep. I also have tingling in the left foot. Balance is better but not 100%.
        Is anybody from Pfizer or CDC reading these testimonials?

        • You can directly report these cases as “incidents” on the Pfizer website. In Canada it is “www.pfizer.ca/reporting-side-effects”, the US version probably has a similar URL. I have been experiencing similar symptoms as you and made a report a few days ago.

    • The pins & needles tingling has subsided from my feet and left hand but I still get it regularly in my right hand. It radiates from the tip of my middle finger and comes and goes. Never reaches further than the palm of my hand.
      I had the first Pfizer jab in January and the second on 2nd April.

  195. May 7 – Pfizer first shot in left arm
    May 11 – tingling / pins and needle started in right hand and leg
    May 12 – tingling extended to left side and face
    May 13 – visited family doctor, blood work conducted

    Will keep you all posted…good luck!

    • I experienced basically the same pattern, except it has not extended to my face. I imagine that the blood work did not find anything.

  196. 2nd Pfizer vaccine on April 6 had side effects.

    Day 2 sore arm
    Day 3-30 – Elbow and Shoulder Joints sore, stiff, pins and needle effect
    Day 7-35 – Lost feelings in same arm fingers and thumb, numbness effect loss of nerve response.

    Reported to GP and CDC website, no response. Very scary side effects with numbing

  197. I had my 2nd Pfizer shot on May 12 at 5pm and then biked 40 miles the next day. Felt unusually fatigued at 2hrs but just sucked it up and cranked the next 1/2 hr to finish, as I had no choice.

    • Also, felt cold after the ride, especially my hands, and had to turn on car heater even though it was 68F outside.

  198. Yesterday I had my 2nd dose of the Pfizer covid jab and today I don’t feel too cracking.

    Just had a nap a woke feeling yuk!

    I’ve just read some symptoms other people have had after having the Pfizer jab and they’re the same/similar as what I’m having so thats reassuring in a way…

    Ive a red went at the injection site which feels slightly hot.

    I’ve got a headache, and my eyes feel swollen and they hurt and so do my cheeks. They feel like they’re tingling, and ache like when you’ve been smiling too much.

    I feel a bit itchy, but that’s normal for me…allergies!

    I feel a little nauseous but haven’t actually been sick and I’m a little dizzy and it feels like my body is shaking on the inside.

    My arms feel sore and like dead weights and my elbows, wrists, hands and fingers joints have a painful ache which sometimes zaps down my whole arm right to my fingertips. It’s a bit like the pain you feel when you have carpel tunnel pain, which o know all too well having had surgery for it a few years ago.

    Other than that I’m okay, hoping the side effects wear off over the weekend. I’d cross my fingers if they didn’t feel so sore!

    I’m not complaining, super grateful to been able to have the vaccine. I’m just sharing in case anyone out there feels the same.

  199. I’m very fortunate. I got my 2nd pfizer vaccine Friday 5/14, and 3 days later the only side effect was arm pain (same as the 1st for me). I prepared for flu-like symptoms, but it appears that’s only an issue for 11% of vaccine recipients.

    For context, I’m a generally healthy, though out-of-shape 43-year-old woman (5’6, 160 lbs), no covid risk factors, vegetarian, & don’t really drink. I made sure I was hydrated, and had lots of fruits and veggies to ensure I had lots of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients. I also took iron even though it really only supports red blood cell production. Who knows if any of that helped or it was just good fortune?

  200. Had my first pfizer on 11th of may in right arm and within seconds felt intense pins and needles in sole of left foot which spread after one minute to my left lower leg and then sever burning sensation in dorsum of left foot. It then spread to my left thigh. It has been constant since 1st dode of the vaccine and worse at night, i also felt slight numbness in the left side of my face twice 3 days ago, i am freaking out and this pins and needles is annoying especially knowing it could be nerve related, i will get bloods done and take it from there, i dont think i will go for a 2nd shot

  201. Pfizer vaccine – I am 6 weeks out and continue to be winded and heart racing and fatigue easily just doing work around the house.
    1st day after 2nd shot- woke with excrutiating headache that got worse over time, by 10 am I was passed out till about 5 pm.- when I woke up momentarily several times during day, head in excruciating pain, itchy, pins and needles in hands and arms, nauseous. Took a tylenol and drank 4 oz of water which stayed down. 7:30 pm took two bites of food and super nauseous again. Slept till next day. I was very weak , heart pounding inside chest, nausea, fatigue. Hives on head and upper legs, loss of breath quickly. my eyes got slow, they had to catch up to my wanting to look somewhere. brain slow. nauseous all the time. Slowly getting better and better 6 weeks later….

    • I experienced the rapid heartbeat too.. this is what I do: take magnesium in the morning… that seems to regulate heart beat.. I gave up coffee and alcohol. If you wash ur face with cold water it stimulates a nerve that lowers your heart beat.. hope this helps

  202. I don’t know why my comment was deleted which i left 6 hours ago, so i had first dose of pfizer vaccine on 11th of may in my right arm and immediately had pins and needles in my left leg worsening over few minutes and felt left leg was heavy, unfortunately the pins and needles have persisted which is almost a week now, also twice i had tingling in left side of my face. Now my right leg has started with pins and needles. Today a red painful lump just appeared in my left thigh, i dont fancy getting a 2nd shop. I will check my bloods soon and take it from there

    • Hey Nina, its did to say, it seems to be up and down, but i will definitely let everyone know if it stops, any one got bruising, i seem to be getting it bit by bit which is more reason i need that blood check, also the back of my legs feel rock hard, funny

    • Dear Nina,
      My pins and needles stops.
      I have got my first dose Sinofarm vaccine and had pins and needles for about month ,then that reduce and completly stopped after two months.
      But I didn,t receive second dose because of this.

    • The pins & needles tingling has subsided from my feet and left hand but I still get it regularly in my right hand. It radiates from the tip of my middle finger and comes and goes. Never reaches further than the palm of my hand.
      I had the first Pfizer jab in January and the second on 2nd April.

  203. I am 8 weeks out after my first dose, and posted earlier about pins and needles. Over the past couple weeks, pins and needles have reduced but have developed muscle twitch in random parts of the body. Heart rate seems to be 95-100 all the time and always feeling tired/fatigued. Anybody with similar symptoms ever tested D-Dimer? this is the only thing that is slightly elevated but not severe for blood clot, not sure if others are seeing the same. Other blood work all is normal. But for people asking about pins and needles, it does seem to lower its intensity over time.

      • Hi Nancy, no due to uncommon side effect from first dose, I was advised by my GP to wait until things resolve. I would like to be protected from Covid but looks like my body is reacting to the vaccine differently. So will wait until I am better to even think about it. I did panic enough in the first couple weeks, but now I am ok. Hope it goes away completely. We just have to be patient and calm!

        • Hi Anna B,
          Wondering how you are going now.

          I had my first Pfizer shot 26 Sep and have experienced similar symptoms. Elevated HR and d-dimer led me to be checked for blood clots (by means of x ray, V/Q and leg ultrasound) – nothing found.
          Since then I have experienced weakness in the left arm, significant facial & body tremors, difficulty swallowing, pins and needles in various parts of my body, ongoing headache, pulsatile tinnitus, intermenstrual bleeding amongst other things. It’s been an awful experience so far and I am praying to get better. I had an EEG today & have an MRI scheduled for next week.

          Are you feeling better now?

  204. I just received my first Moderna shot yesterday. Immediately my arm felt like it was burning and hot Immediately to the touch. Within 15 mins I was having brain Zaps and I still am 24hrs later. And feel like crap

  205. I have had my 1st Phizer dose a week ago. It started with face and leg numbness..Then pins and needles , crawling sensations and a stinging sensation all over my body and veins, along with severe body aches that make me feel exhausted as I have been running a marathon. My body feels heavy. I am terrified and this has caused my anxiety to flare up. Everyone who has had their first dose is fully okay and happy. I am crying all day because I do not know what to expect and if I will ever go back to normal again. I am seeing a neurologist tomorrow. My pathologist said that I am just unlucky and my body reacted bad to the vaccine. Please someone tell me that this gets better. I am scared.

    • Hi Marina. I had the same. I am week 3 now and it seems to be gone.. hopefully as sometimes it came back after a day.
      Drink plenty of water, try to relax. It is time to worry if you start feeling numb or weak in legs. Good luck

      • Thank you for your reply. Are you taking the second dose? Still second guessing. I had so many medical exams about this

        • Hi Marina.
          Now week 8 post dose 1. I feel better, some days nothing, than sometimes a bit of burning for a day or 2. And some tingling..
          I am having a nerve conduction test in a week and a blood test some daus ago. Will know soon. We are checking how much antibodies I have against Covid. If enough, no second dose now. Only in a few months to let the nerves heal properly. I am 43 and I decided to know more about these side effects before second dose. My email if you like : nbodson@yahoo.fr

          • Hi Nancy,
            How did your EMG go? I’m planning on getting one soon before getting a second dose or maybe switching to J&J. I still have sporadic tingling some days and almost 6 months out from 1st dose. Thanks!

  206. Hey Nina, its hard to say, it seems to be up and down, but i will definitely let everyone know if it stops, any one got bruising, i seem to be getting it bit by bit which is more reason i need that blood check, also the back of my legs feel rock hard, funny

  207. yes, I didnt have any today… but last night they kept me up starting at 2 AM.. I hope they dont come back tonite.. need some deep sleep

  208. The 3rd & 4th day after getting my 2nd dose of Pfizer, I started sneezing- A LOT. I have seasonal allergies & the type of sneeze is similar to that. It doesn’t feel like the normal “cold virus sneeze” which for myself, is always accompanied by a sore throat & is a painful kind of sneeze-but more like an “allergy sneeze” followed by runny nose usually due to some irritant causing my nasal passages to itch.

    I had lower back aches which were moderate on the 1st day & are gradually subsiding (today is the 5th day since my 2nd dose).

    Ibuprofen, Organic MSM sulfur crystals (a supplement I take daily), a foam roller (for post-exercise muscle tension), & staying hydrated have been key to helping alleviate some of these side effects for myself.

  209. I had my first Pfizer dose on Mar 29 and second on April 19th. Sore arm for a few days with the first does, second dose was so much worse! Couldn’t even touch my arm or move it without pain. And Sooooo very tired after the second dose….about 5 hours later it hit me. Took about 4 or 5 days to feel right again….just felt weird, spacey, not focused, very frustrated and angry a lot because my brain was going so slow! But I didn’t connect the nightmare’s to the vaccine until I started reading the comments. Oh so awful, someone trying to kill me, screaming so bad I woke my husband…scared the heck out of him when he couldn’t wake me at first…I just kept getting more agitated. Never had such nightmares before, hope they don’t come back . But, I guess it’s all better than actually getting Covid. Thankful I only had the two nightmares, none since then. But still feeling some fatigue most days, like I don’t have the same energy, and I’ve always been a “get up early and get going” type.

  210. I had the Pfizer shot May 13th,10:30am and by May 14th, 6pm I had developed a severe UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). I was put on sulfer antibiotics and it sort off cleared up. The pain is gone but it still feels like a burning sensation. My husband checked the internet and there are women & men having this problem. I was told it’s a less common side effect but a side effect none the less. My arm wasn’t too bad. I exercised it with circular movements right after the shot and through most of the day.

  211. Healthy, woman, 27yo, pfizer 1dose on may 15: my arm was barely hurting and I got no symptoms at all.

    Same for most of my friends.

    Keep calm and go on with the vaccination.

  212. I’m a 51 year old female. Healthy weight. I had my 1st Pfizer vaccine on April 12th. Exactly one week after the shot I experienced a random without any warning excruciating electrical shock on my outer left ankle followed by 2 more that left me nauseated and on the floor. I consider myself to have a pretty high pain tolerance and these shocks were at a level 10! I’ve never injured my ankle nor sprained it. A whole week passed and I never had another episode until I did and continued to have on a daily basis. I couldn’t explain what was happening and everyone told me it was not vaccine related until I received my 2nd shot on May 3rd. That evening I ended up in the ER due to multiple severe electrical shocks deep inside my ankle. Xray of my foot showed nothing. Was told to take NSAIDS. I started a heavy daily does of Advil with no relief then Aleve for a few days, also no relief. I continued to experience all over body twitching, nerves in all of my limbs on fire with burning electrical shocks in my shins, arms and feet. I ended up going to a neurologist who ran blood work and performed an EMG. Other than a couple of markers in my bloodwork showing mild inflammation in my body everything showed relatively normal. No signs of neuropathy, RA, MS or blocked nerves. I am nearly 3 weeks out from my 2nd Pfizer vaccine and I’m still experiencing lower limb shocks and random body zaps which can be very debilitating at times especially because they happen without warning. I was prescribed Gabapentin which is an anti seizure medication to help me sleep at night when the flare ups are at their worst. I lived a pain free life before I had my vaccines, I’m regretful of having had the 2nd one since I clearly showed signs of a reaction after my 1st shot. I am praying that my symptoms go away, my quality of life has changed dramatically in the last month and a half.

  213. I received my first shot of Pfizer on 4/27 a couple days after I had some coughing and sneezing. 3 days after my shot is when the numbing pins and needs began on the side where my shot was injected. It lasted for a full week. After the pins and needles subsided I began to have a clogged ear on the side where my shot was administered. This feeling felt like sinus pressure. I treated it with sweet oil and ear drops. Because of these side effects I did not continue on with my second shot on 5/18. Its is now almost 30 days later and the tingling in my left foot has returned. My blood sugar and b12 was tested and came back fine. I think it’s just an abnormal side effect…. I hope it goes a way completely. Its not too bad… just annoying really.

  214. I received my first shot on 3/19/21 and my second 4/9/21 mild issues same as flu shot no fever though. However as of today may 22, 2021 I have all day random pin pricks and random skin burning just for seconds in my upper back nothing on the skin but it sure is uncomfortable specially the needle pricks all over my lower body.. anyone else having.

  215. TL;DR: experienced severe numbness, pins and needles feeling, and anxiety 9 days after my 1st jab. 39 days later most symptoms have subsided! Please read my full experience below.

    Hi everyone, wanted to take some time to post about my experience with the Pfizer vaccine in hopes that it helps calm some worries.

    I received my 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Thurs (4/15) and within 10 minutes started experiencing a rapid heartbeat, sweating, and dizziness/lightheadedness. Fortunately I recognized I was about to lose consciousness (vasovagal syncope) and was able to notify one of the site helpers before blacking out. I was awoken about 7 seconds later by a nurse on site and had my vitals taken – everything normal. I was given some water and cookies and was asked to lie down for additional 30 minutes to monitor my symptoms. After 30 minutes my vitals were taken again and everything was fine so I was allowed to go home.

    Within the hour I had already started to feel super tired and had a headache (which I never get) so I decided to lie down to rest. After a couple of hours I started sweating and experiencing shooting muscle pain on my legs, which made it hard to sleep that night. For the next two days I just felt tired and a general un-wellness feeling, which I just slept off for the majority of the weekend. By Sunday (day 3), I was pretty much back to normal.

    6 days later (9 days after the jab), I was woken up to completely numb arms and legs. I immediately started to panic because it takes a lot to wake me up and to be woken up by numbness and a tingling sensation/pain was quite alarming. My anxiety was also skyrocketing at this point, which only made the symptoms feel worse. After I was able to calm myself, I had a video chat with a nurse practitioner and explained my symptoms and what I was experiencing. Thankfully the NP didn’t seem too concerned and said the symptoms didn’t match a blood clot, which is what I was most concerned about. She advised I continue to monitor the symptoms and visit the ER if I started to experience a drastic temperature change or severe weakness or pain in my arms or legs.

    To explain the symptoms more, my arms and legs would go completely numb when lying down and I would just feel pins and needles all over with mild pain. As you could expect, this made it extremely hard to sleep and had me severely anxious. These symptoms persisted throughout the week until I finally decided to see my PCP the Monday (5/3) before my 2nd jab and 9 days after I first started experiencing the symptoms. This was also 18 days after my first jab. I told my PCP my concerns and asked if I should skip the 2nd dose, which I was scheduled to receive on 5/6. He advised me not to skip it but ordered blood work in the meantime. After much back and forth with myself, I decide to go through with the 2nd jab.

    First night I only experienced a mild headache and whole-body pain, which felt more like general soreness from after a gym workout than actual pain. No symptoms of numbness or the pins and needles feeling I had been feeling up until then. This lasted for about 4 days and by Monday I felt way better than I had in so long! My anxiety was also gone. Unfortunately on Wednesday the pins and needles feeling returned but was more mild than the first time. I also received my lab results later that day, which came back normal. I explained to my PCP that I had been feeling completely back to normal for the past two days until that day when the symptoms returned. He then prescribed me two vitamin B12 shots and to start taking a daily B12 supplement of 1000 mcg. While my vitamin B12 levels weren’t super low (306), he said the level could have something to do with why my nervous system was acting up. For reference, the vitamin B12 range is between 230 and 1050 pg/mL.

    As of today (5/24), the numbness and tingling has almost completely subsided. Some days I don’t experience it all and other days I will feel it very mildly while lying down. It’s not widespread (usually only my feet or random part of my leg or arm) and generally doesn’t bother me too much or cause me to worry. For the timeline, it’s been 39 days since my first jab, 30 days since I first started experiencing the symptoms, and 18 days since my 2nd jab. I’ve also received two B12 shots, a week apart, and have been taking a daily a B12 supplement for 13 days now.

    I know this is a lot to read but I wanted to share my full experience in detail to ensure others that the symptoms will subside! I went through a rough month with a lot of anxiety and finding this thread definitely helped ease my mind to know others were experiencing the same thing. While I’m not yet 100%, I’m almost there and hope everyone feels better reading this and makes a full recovery soon!

    • Hi Paul,
      Are you still only feeling mild pins and needles?
      I also have had this and it has been 2 months since first pfizer. I have days when i think i am improving and then it returns. I am anxious to hear of anyone where it has been very mild or nil symptoms for over a week or two at a time.
      Thanks so much

  216. Hi Paul, thank you for sharing your story. I actually had started taking vitamin B complex as I found out my symptoms, esp. pins and needles are pretty much like ones from alcoholic neuropathy, which can be caused by lack of Bs (and E as well). However, this wasn’t advised or prescribed by my doctor, but only from own judgement, while I saw a neurologist twice in the past month, who was still in a wait-and-see mode. Which specialist prescribed B12 for you? Neurologist or other specialists? Thanks

  217. Wow Paul. THANK you so much for taking the time to explain to us. It is a great positive experience and giving us hope. For sure. Thank you 🙂

  218. When I took the 1st Pfizer dose in January, I developed tongue and lip tingling which immediately resolved. A few days later, one leg bacame completely numb. I also had toe and finger tingling sensations. The leg numbness went away the next day and the tingling resolved 2 weeks later. After that, I felt intermittent numbness inside of my head. The head numbness finally resolved a few weeks ago. My PCP and allergist both advised me not to take the 2nd dose for now since there is so much that is still unknown about the vaccine. It’s good to know that I’m not the only one having vaccine related neurological symptoms.

  219. Had my first Pfizer yesterday (in 40-49 group), and I have had the craziest dreams I have ever had (that is saying a lot as I recall many dreams a night normally). Glad to know I am not the only one and is related to vaccine and how it works. I also have chills – like I thought it was freezing and I was shaking and then all of sudden I am hot and sweaty. Still much better than getting Covid or the AZ

    • Hi Amanda,

      I hope you’re well.

      Due to the flu-like effects that can happen after taking any COVID vaccine, the brain can create strange or intense dreams – as it would, if you were just experiencing a major flu.

  220. First off… thank you all so much for sharing your experiences, it is truly appreciated and helpful!

    I received my first Pfizer shot on April 17 and I have elected not to get second. This was not an easy decision considering I have issues that could make me a higher risk for covid. That being said, I’ve had a hard time since the first vaccine.

    It all started about an hour after I received it… nauseous, headaches, chest pains, racing heartbeat, and the pins and needles in my limbs many are describing. Few days later more symptoms came on… dizziness, a weird internal shaky feeling like tremors, and GERD. It is now 5 weeks to the day and not much has changed, and to be honest it’s quite frightening. The pins and needles (which I believe may be a form of neuropathy since it includes pains and faint itchiness) was subsiding slightly a week or two ago, has actually gotten worse lately migrating to other areas including my face and I just feel really unwell.

    I did contact my doctor, but unfortunately they have no answers and tell me to either wait it out or go to the ER. I will try alpha-lipoic acid supplements like someone else mentioned to see if that helps. I truly hope all of our side effects get reported because this needs to be known.

    I wish everyone well, and hopefully we all come out of this happy and healthy. I am grateful for the support.

    • I had my vaccine on May 6th (Astrazenica) and have had silent reflux since. I can’t remember exactly when it started but I’ve had it the best (or worst!) part of May and June this year. I’m trying to find everything I can online about it. My life has become.e unbearable. I was a healthy 43 strapping young woman and I’m like a skeleton now. No sleep. Can’t hardly eat especially anything I enjoy. No alcohol now for weeks and weeks which is depressing in itself.
      Ppis are not doing much of anything but make me sick.
      I’m sure it’s to do with the vaccine.

    • Hi Michele,

      Has your symptoms improved? I have the same symptoms, never away from the doctors. Before the vaccine fit and healthy, after the vaccine problem after problem – Started with heart problems then GERD.

      • Hi Richard,

        It’s been 3 1/2 months since first dose and while some things have improved, others haven’t. Chest pains have gotten better, including GERD. I have been to cardiologist and have done multiple tests (this does not include trip to ER) and all came back normal, which is good of course but not not explain the symptoms.

        I thought the pins and needles were subsiding but strangely enough they have gotten worse the past few days…it seems to do that along with some leg and arm cramping. Things appear to come and go which no one can explain. Still dealing with daily headaches plus anxiety (who can blame me, right?!) and general feeling of unwell.

        Just have to hope this improves… not sure what else to do at this point. Good luck to you as well…wishing for better days ahead.

  221. I received my first shot 30th April in my upper left arm and for the next two weeks experienced slight numbness/heat/pressure in the sides of my head at the temples.
    During the first two weeks infrequent sharp pangs of pain like a simultaneous area of needles were felt in my left armpit and at times in my left arm and at one point in my lower left back. For the initial days after the shot I had tightness around my left armpit.

    This is now a month later and everything is fine apart from the slight numbness at my right temple.
    Still waiting for second dose.

  222. So glad to hear I am not the only one with strong side effects. I (female, 55) had my 1st dose (Moderna) on May 8. 4 days later I started to develop strong numbness along with sensation of pins and needles on the entire left side of my body, leg, arm (still hurts, can’t type well at all), face. On day 10 developed dizziness, fog head, anxiety. Symptoms persist, one day better, then worse again. Never had any reactions to vaccinations so far. This is really weird and somehow scares me. Will not have 2nd dose at this point. My neurologist thinks my immune response is good enough after 1st jab. Thank you for posting your stories here, it helps a lot.

  223. Got my 1st Pfizer shot 5 days ago. Pins/needles/crawling feeling in feet, legs, hands, face since. I notice most when resting. Please…could people who have had this and it has resolved tell us about it. It will be very reassuring for many of us, especially those with anxiety. Also, everyone needs to report this here: https://vaers.hhs.gov/ because it is not known as a side effect but from reading this comment section it is common. It needs to be recognized so it can be investigated.

    • i agree with you kim i receivedmy pfizer shot april 2 and have been dealing with symptoms starting april 5 with a pain under left eye april 7 ear pain partial loss of hearing came back next day ear pain stayed april 9 left side facial swelling went down over the next few days april 12 lymph nodes left side of face swelled up major tingling nerve sensations on left side of face then back of head scalp bp was up high and down nauseous and no appetite brain fog neck and jaw and left arm numbness constipation this continued for 5 6 weeks of night mare 2 ct scans blood tests 8 hospital visits doctors either didnt believe me or truly didnt know what to do thats why your so correct to report side effects so they can figure out how to treat or at least ease our symptoms im still dealing with muscle tightnes and pain in face and meck and arms and leg some twitching to hope this goes away its been 2 months of hell any help is always apreciated

      • Hi Rob

        I too have been having a myriad of issues since receiving first dose 8 weeks ago. Been to several docs including an ER visit and no one knows what to do… it’s maddening! It seems like some symptoms improve, then I develop others. Docs agree not to get second. This whole experience has been quite frightening. Best of luck to you and to all.

  224. Hi Kim.
    I had the same. It took 3 weeks to get better. I am now on week 5 and still feel tiny bit.
    It s a very scary effect. I had panic attacks for 3 weeks.
    I have 2 neurologists following me as I am a Belgian living in London.
    I had Guillain Barre Sybdrome 5 years ago and my feelings after Moderna were similar but not as bad. GBS usually gives you issues to walk. If any issue to walk arise, go straight to ER. Otherwise, try to relax.
    My UK neurologist told me to get 2nd dose and my Belgian neurologist told me not to.
    I will get a third opinion and make some research as so many things are unclear. This side effect should definitively be reported as it would be less stressing to know about it. However, I fear governments are unlikely to because it is a scary side effect… Good luck. PS: vit 12 can help but be careful not to drink any alcohol and no vit B6 as these can be bad for nerves.

  225. Hi there

    I’d like to share my experience as well hoping to help ease the worry for ppl going through the worst time of these side effects. I had my first shot of Pfizer on 25th Apr and felt burning sensation in my feet hours after. Next day found it difficult to move my left side of the body, struggling to bend my fingers. Third day i could my feet and fingers can move more easily but extremely tired. A week after I developed pin and needle sensations in fingers and feet. Prickly in random parts of the body. Nightmares started to overwhelm me all night and sometimes it was simply insomnia and awake whole night even though I was physically exhausted. During day time I felt very depressed, extremely fatigued and couldn’t Focus on anything. Third week I went to hospital to get various blood tests and CT scan- all fine. Started monitoring heart beats and they fluctuated quite a bit. Nightmares and pin/needle feelings continued into the 5th week and then eased a bit. I tried to do a little bit of exercise then the numbness in feet and fingers intensified. It is now the 6th week and I can say sleep quality has improved with less weird dreams. Pin and needle feeling got reduced.I feel my life is gradually coming back to normal. Occasional muscle weakness. Not taken second shot yet . Plan to see neurologist later this week.

    • Hi.
      Did you end up taking 2nd dose?
      I am so worried.
      Don’t know what to do as I would really want to be fully protected but also, I don’t want to risk long term neuropathy

  226. I am not new to this pins and needles issue. Some 15 years back i had this horrible pins and needles sensation then it was found my body was not absorbing B12. Caffene seemed to worsen it. SO i thought i would have to give up coffee for life. But with consistent high intensity interval training i managed to beat that. Some 7 years back i had a headache again. Severe headache. I noticed pins and needles. I started developing migraine. Over a period exercise put me back on track. I probably had mini strokes as well. I was all fine until i received Pfizer shot. After first shot it triggered my dormant migraine. Dizziness, headache all came back. After second shot i did not have much symptom. But after 2nd or 3rd week damn ‘pins and needles’ struck again. Having attacked by pins and needles i can make some suggestions to manage. Advil can help some what. But hydrotherapy is something you can try. Basically you have to wash (feet or hands) alternatively with hot water and cold water. It will provide relief. Water is another thing. Movement is essential. Don’t sit idle. Keep moving around. Most important thing is DIET. Some foods can trigger this sensation very badly. So no deep fried item, no processed food, no excessive salt. You can gradually return to normal.

  227. Hi there I want to thank everyone for sharing their experiences, because this has helped me a ton. I want to report that I had my Pfizer vaccine 8 days ago:

    Day 1: 6 hours after vaccine- arm was SORE! could not flap my “wings” or make big movements. Feet felt extremely cold from the inside, but on the outside if I were to touch them, they were close to a normal temperature to the touch.
    Day 2: woke up to numb legs from knee to the feet.
    Day 3: Numb legs, perpetual tingling in my legs now from upper thigh to feet.
    Day 4: Perpetual tingling remains, very uncomfortable, but not painful. I just do not like it because I’ve never had legs that have felt like they were “asleep” 24/7! It remains the exact same tingling sensation all day. Not better, not worse. Just the awful, non-normal feeling of legs that have fallen asleep. Took a Tylenol today- did not help the tingling.
    Day 5: Numb legs, and perpetual tingling not subsided. Took a baby aspirin today- did not help the tingling.
    Day 6: SAME PERPETUAL numbness and tingling. Will this ever go away? I’m reading the blogs on openaccessgovernment.org and it seems like folks have this for FIVE months or longer…. oh my gosh…!! This is only day 6 for me, is this something that I will have to get used to for life? Maybe TMI but my breast is also feeling numb now.
    Day 7: Numbness and tingling (pins and needles feeling) has not gone away. It has not subsided one bit. Took 2 benedryl before bed.
    Day 8: Today I share my plight on the blog. My numbness has not gone away from the Benedryl and it’s now been a good 9 hours of sleep. Not sure what is happening but I have perpetual tingling in my legs still from upper thigh to the feet. I walked up and down the hill in front of my house today, and it takes me double the time now because of how uncomfortable it is. I hope this goes away soon.

    If anyone here has had their numbness and pins and needles feeling go away, please let us know how long it has taken! I will be okay as long as I know there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Thank you SO much everybody for writing , seriously this comments section has made me feel like I am not alone, hence I share my story. Thank you.

    • Hi Vanessa,

      25mins after receiving my 1st shot I experienced the same numbness on the left side of my body, from the back of my throat and face right down to my toes. I also had a sunburn sensation on the lt side of my trunk.
      I had a CT scan and labs that where all negative.
      My symptoms lasted 12 days before subsiding and have not returned.
      I recieved my 2nd shot 1 week ago with zero side effects, a little bit of a sore arm was all.
      Every now and then I will get this sharp electric like feeling that will run up my leg and through my trunk, feels like it’s running up a nerve but will hopefully subside over time.
      I hope you are feeling back to yourself in no time.

    • Hi Vanessa, I’m on month 5 now and the numbness that I felt almost immediately after the shot is almost gone. I have forgotten about it. It appears once in a while. Some days I don’t feel it at all. So hopefully it goes away completely because it has been annoying for me too.

  228. I mainly felt tired and had a sore arm all day, so was ready for bed, BUT THE DREAMS. One just felt mundane but very real, but the second was awful. I slipped into water and got pulled into machinery and knew I couldn’t swim away, so had to make the decision to give up and I felt my own death happen. I was so relieved to wake up!

  229. Update: it’s been 11 days since Pfizer jab #1. After much research, I may have mast cell activation syndrome. Those with paresthesia may want to look into this. I started on a low histamine plan 2 days ago and my paresthesia has decreased a lot. Unfortunately, I have woken up the last 3 mornings with an adrenal surge that takes several hours to calm down from. Not sure if it’s POTS which others have developed along with possible MCAS after vax. Muscles are weak and I still have muscle pain and mild chest pain. Very fatigued. I’ve found others with the same symptoms who have seen NIH docs that believe the vaccine may have caused nerve damage but that they expect healing to occur in 6-12 months. It may be MCAS with or without POTS and/or nerve damage. I’m posting this to give hope to those who are worried about their paresthesia and to give you at least a pathway to look down. Hope we all heal soon!

    • Thanks for posting this, Kim. I too have been struggling but the pins and needles have subsided (for now) after about 8 weeks. I am now dealing with chest pains which cardiologist believes to be inflammation, panic attacks, and pretty severe dysautonomia. I have trouble functioning on a daily basis. Hope this improves because it seems when one symptom gets better another creeps up. Good luck to you and to all.

  230. I had my first Pfizer shot on May 4th. within 5 mins after receiving the vaccine my tongue went numb and my heart started racing. I was very scared. I just sat there and tried to stay calm and prayed for the lady to come out and check on me but she never did. It lasted about ten minutes, I tried to put out of my mind and left. I got ahold of my doctor and asked about getting the 2nd shot which I was told not to. I never had a problem with the injection site. My only allergies are to yellow flies and some preservative that is in most brand cranberry juice and some fruit wines. I was sick the second day but it was expected and it passed so it tells me the vaccine worked so I feel somewhat protected.

    • Hi Jodi, I had exactly the same. Did you get your second one in the end? Also any other side effect apart from the initial ones you described above? My left foot up to the knee is numb after 4 week.

  231. It has been 5 weeks since I had my 2nd Pfizer vaccine. I have been experiencing severe nerve issues in both my lower legs and feet but primarily my left. I’ve had severe muscle spams and twitches along with an electrical shock sensation in my left ankle. The shock comes out of nowhere with a pain level at 10. I am a 51 yr old healthy female with no prior health issues. I’ve been to the ER and also a neurologist for an EMG and blood work. They can’t figure out what’s wrong with me. Other than a mild elevated CRP protein in my heart (which they say could be due to the vaccine) all other labs & test results were fine. They put me on Gabapentin which I only took for a week. I hear it’s addictive. I take chelated magnesium at night which helps a little. I can barely walk 20 feet without leg, ankle and foot pain & muscle weakness. I have been inactive for well over a month. Nights are the worst, leg twitches, muscle spasms and burning shooting sensations mostly in lower limbs and feet but also twitches in the rest of my body. I’m convinced it is vaccine related. I have had no prior injuries or ailments to have caused these reactions. I experienced my first symptoms a week after the 1st vaccine and worse after my 2nd vaccine. I regret the decision. I’ve reported to VAERS. Not sure what else to do. My symptoms have not improved, in fact they have only evolved into other symptoms that I now live with on a daily basis. I pray that this is not permanent, this is no way to live.

      • Thanks so much for asking Deniz.

        Sadly I’m still in poor shape. Nights are the worst. Both my shins and feet get burning, tingling and electrical shooting sensations but the stronger ones are always in my left lower leg and ankle. I also still have twitches all over my body but thankfully those are probably about a 1/4 of what they used to be especially that 1st week after my 2nd shot. My left ankle feels weak but I can walk fine. Maybe the zaps make it weak, not sure.

        During the day I have a constant sensation in my left anterior shin muscle feeling like it’s going to cramp up. I can’t walk very far or do exercises that will put it under any strain. I decided to get back on Gabapentin 300 mg 2 nights ago. The 1st night I was able to sleep but not the 2nd night. I also wake up with hip pain too, which started a week ago. I was told by a friend to stay on the gabapentin because it can take up to 2 weeks to have a full effect. I have no plans to take it during the day though.

        I spoke with a Teledoc doctor by phone last week and he was HORRIBLE. He proceeded to tell me that all of my symptoms are indicative of ALS or MS. He actually said that I’m in for having a debilitating life and a disease that will slowly deteriorate my body. He said the vaccine is bad and that I should go onto YouTube and post a daily journal of what I’ve been experiencing so people can view it and see what the vaccine is doing. I was shocked to say the least that an actual Teledoc medical doctor would say that to me. He spoke so matter of factually it was insane. How can a doctor give you anyone a diagnosis like that over the phone???? I was told by family and friends that he could be fired for saying that to a patient without ever having medical tests results to prove someone has either of those diseases.

        Needless to say after that my days are sad for me, my mind keeps thinking I have something more serious going on and I’m getting bouts of depression. I try to start my day off every day with meditation and gentle yoga stretching.
        Reading about other people have similar electrical sensations, twitches, weakness and muscle spasms in their bodies gives me hope that maybe all of this will just pass in time and that we will all be ok. I’m trying so hard to remain optimistic. I am scheduled to see another doctor in person in the middle of July.

        • Connie.
          Don’t listen to this guy. It s ridiculous.
          I had Guillain Barre sybdrome 5 years ago. Mild case. I had twitching, burning. It went way.
          Unfortunately, the vaccind brought these back.
          I have seen 2 neurologist. Getting a nerve test next week and get a 3rd opinion. However, the symptoms are better. Not totally gone but better.

          First, ALS and MS are already completly opposite. Also, you seem more like having a acute polyneuritis, caused by the vaccine. It should get better in the next few weeks.
          Try getting a EMG and MRI if you worry too much. ALS and MS can be ruled out by these.
          It will get better. Don t worry. It can take 6 months for a neuropathy to get better.

          • Thank you so much for sharing and for your comforting words and advice Nancy, they really help me. I did have an EMG back in early May (the same week a few days after I had my 2nd Pfizer shot) because my symptoms were thru the roof. That test came back fine (although getting it done severely aggravated my symptoms).
            Now that I’ve been taking Gabapentin for the last week I’ve been able to sleep but now I’m also experiencing severe left hip joint and muscle pain (I’ve never had any of this before, nor any injuries to the area).
            I have another regular doctor appt in July so I’ll get more blood work done.
            Last blood work done in early May with neurologist only showed elevated CRP which he said was mild inflammation most likely caused by the vaccine. All other tests (B12, Folate, Thyroid, CBC panel etc) showed normal levels.
            I’ll decide in July depending on how I”m doing and my blood test results if I should get an MRI. I hear the contrast one is where they inject stuff into your system and that could cause nerve pain flare ups.
            I received a call from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio that I’ve been accepted as a patient in order to be able to schedule an appt with a neuromuscular specialist. If I don’t see improvement I’ll go that route.
            I hope your symptoms drastically improve Nancy and that your tests come back clear. Please post an update, take care.

  232. Along with the tingling in left hand and foot I also had redness on my face, more intense on the left and the feeling of sunburn. I went to dermatologist and he recommneded Claritin or Allegra. I took Allegra/Fexofenadine generic at night because the tingling was more intense at night. My tingling and face redness have greatly subsided. I still have occasional tingling but it’s much better.
    However I did experience eposidoes of dizziness and poor coordination. I am stillbaffled by the myriad of symptoms. Anybodyelse found a solution to the dizziness?

    • Im NOT a doctor but a friend got dizziness from the vaccine and ended up being Vertigo.
      The Epley maneuver is a set of movements that helps you get rid of the dizziness. You can just google it. I guess it can’t hurt to try.
      Let me know if it works!

  233. Hi everyone.
    After 6 weeks, I still feel a bit of pin abd needles in feet and hands. It was doing better but came back. Feeling it everyday.
    Wonder when it will go away. Some people on Mayo clinic also started a chat about Covid vaccines and neuropathies.
    Getting a EMG to check nerves damages in 2 weeks.
    Certainly not taking 2nd dose until a few months. Too scared.

  234. Hi everyone, thank you for sharing your experiences.

    I got the 1st shot (left arm) on April the 27th and 10 minutes after it I felt something on my chest, left side right under the nipple, very mild. I ignored it and went home.
    A couple of days after that, that mild something turned into pressure. 5 Days after the shot I started having upper back pain, again in the left side. This time the pain got stronger with the days until I started feeling cramps like 10 times stronger than regular foot cramps. I took some muscle relaxants and went better, no cramps but still very strong pain.
    3 Weeks after the shot I started also having pain in my arm, in the armpit and triceps area. I went to the doctor and they checked my heart, it was fine.
    4 Weeks after the shot the back pains were still there and the arm pains moved to the elbow area and the extensor muscle. The pain in that area got even stronger than in the back, but luckily no cramps.
    5 Weeks after the shot, back and arm pain are still there and on top I got wrist pain but also tingling in the index and thumb.
    6 Weeks after I got the second shot.
    Yesterday I also started getting fingernail pain on those same fingers.
    At this point I thought it was not related to the vaccine but to several months doing home office and bad posture. I had some neck problems in the past.  Since the tingling was still there and I was getting scared I decided to google it and saw here that many of you are having similar symptoms.
    I went again to the doctor and he sent me an MRI from the cervical spine. I will have the results next week.

    In case this might be important – genetic wise – I have spanish (Europe) background. 

    • Javier, I’ve not had any back pain but I share similar symptoms. The burning/tingling pain in my thumb and index fingers of my left hand have not gone away — it’s been 16 weeks now, but not as bad as when it started. The “shocking” pain radiating from elbow to wrist went away in 14 weeks so that’s a relief. Supposedly it has something to do with the vaccine affecting motor and sensory nerves which causes arm/hand peripheral neuropathy. My doctor ruled out cervical spine nerve damage, instead she said it’s possibly a side effect of the vaccine that could take up to 6 months to go away. Over the last 3 weeks, I’m also experiencing occasional weakness in my left leg and ongoing fatigue in the afternoon. I just hope this goes away and is not a long-term side effect as it is for some who have recovered from covid.

  235. Hi Nancy
    Could you please post a link to the Mayo Clinic chat you were talking about. I am having a hard time finding it on their site.
    Thank you

  236. I had Pfizer ink on Monday it’s now Saturday and woke up with a hot to touch swollen red ear and a lump below my ear (gland swollen I guess) this is only on the left hand side .. same arm I had jab in..
    is this is side effect?

  237. I got my first Pfizer shot on 5/29. Within 3 days I starting Feeling tingling in my lips which then proceeded to my left side of my face on and off throughout the day. 2 weeks in and still feeling it. Next stop the neurologist since the primary doesn’t know of tingling as a side affect.

  238. Has anyone else developed nerve pain in forehead. It only happens in forehead and daily – like a brief 2-3 second electric shock?


  239. I had my 1st vaccine yesterday, didn’t sleep at all during the night. Felt hungover all day today and have the usual headaches. I suffer chronic TMD so already live in pain around head, neck & jaw area so everything has been exasperated.

    Unusually though, I do have increased urination – like I go for a pee and less than an hour later, I need to go again. This has only occured since the vaccine – has anyone else had this as I can’t see it on the symptom list?

    • Yes, I had my 1st shot 5 days ago. The last couple of days I have had problems with frequent need for urination (male), and last night I slept 2 hours due to this. Have an appointment with a specialist tomorrow, so we’ll see if it’s something else. But given the earlier comments and the timing I am definitely suspecting the vaccine.

    • Yes, I had my 1st shot 5 days ago. The last couple of days I have had problems with frequent need for urination (male), and last night I slept 2 hours due to this. Have an appointment with a specialist tomorrow, so we’ll see if it’s something else. But given the earlier comments and the timing I am definitely suspecting the vaccine.

  240. My first Pfizer was okay, but the second was horrible. I experienced a lot of side effects. The one that worries me the most is numbness in right leg and foot. The numbness has lasted for 9 days after the 2nd shot and is still not gone. I have a high deductible healthcare plan, so I don’t really want to see a doctor. Does anyone know why the numbness happened? What is the science behind it? When will it go away? Thank you all!

    • Hi Ania, is your numbness gone? I am interested also as i had my pfizer 4 weeks ago and all of the sudden on the 5th week my left leg went numb and out of control ie could not even walk properly.

  241. First Pfizer vaccine…..It seems like it activated latent viruses in my body. Starting with an immediate UTI and ongoing cystitis (a week so far), followed by fever, vertigo, migraines, now coldsore. Also worsened insomnia but that’s likely because of the UTI pain & pressure.

    • Hi Angela,

      Are you feeling better? I have a vaginitis after 1st vaccination (visited doctor).
      Are you going to take a second shot?

  242. The burning/tingling pain in my thumb and index fingers of my left hand have not gone away — it’s been 16 weeks now, but not as bad as when it started. The “shocking” pain radiating from elbow to wrist went away in 14 weeks so that’s a relief. Supposedly it has something to do with the vaccine affecting motor and sensory nerves which causes arm/hand peripheral neuropathy. My doctor ruled out cervical spine nerve damage, instead she said it’s possibly a side effect of the vaccine that could take up to 6 months to go away. Over the last 3 weeks, I’m also experiencing occasional weakness in my left leg and ongoing fatigue in the afternoon. I just hope this goes away and is not a long-term side effect as it is for some who have recovered from covid.

    • Hi Renee,
      When you say 16 weeks, do you mean after your 1st or 2nd vaccine? Which one did you have (JJ, Pfizer or Moderna?) I’m going on 7 weeks after my 2nd Pfizer shot and while only a couple of symptoms have slightly improved I have a few others come into play. One of my newest ones has also been weakness in my left leg, mostly hip area (the joint) I also have left ankle joint weakness at rest but not when I’m walking. It’s all very bizarre. All of my issues are worse at rest but if I do any small tiny activity or take a short walk it seems my symptoms that night are much worse 🙁 Did your doctor recommend anything for the symptoms?

      • Hi Connie,
        Sorry to hear about your symptoms. I had my first Pfizer vaccine on March 6. My arm/hand symptoms started on March 14. I had the second shot on March 27. The doctor gave me a cortisone shot in the wrist since it seemed the symptoms were similar to carpal tunnel. When the shot didn’t work she prescribed lidocaine cream and told me to wait it out. On a scale of 1-10…my arm/hand pain started at 10 but now it’s at 5. Still annoying, though. Now I’m dealing with occasional leg weakness and fatigue… like you, I feel it more when I’m inactive. I’ve been taking vitamin B-12 and B complex supplements. Also potassium supplement for night leg cramps I get when I’m too active during the day. I’m just hoping nothing else comes up. This is the first time in over 20 years that I’ve had any type of flu shot. I’ve never had the flu even though hubby had flu and pneumonia around 10 years ago.

        • Hi Renee,
          Thanks for the detailed info. I’ve also been taking potassium via an electrolyte powder that gives me 1000mgs. I use a topical magnesium foam for leg cramps and muscle aches. I take gabapentin 300mg at night to help me sleep because after weeks of not getting enough rest due to the nerve, muscle and body aches along with constant twitching I needed something stronger. I was also prescribed a 5% concentration of lidocaine which does help at times.

          I also have no history (other than childhood) of getting the flu let alone flu shots themselves. I considered my self to have a pretty strong immune system before but now after having these symptoms after this vaccine I don’t feel as good about it.
          I received a call from a representative from the VSAFE dept yesterday. I was asked detailed questions about my symptoms and dr visits and tests. Not sure if they will keep me under their radar and continue to monitor my adverse reactions but I’m glad it’s all being documented and that someone took the time to reach out to me.
          I hope like with you that my pain at least gets cut in half soon. Some symptoms have gotten better but then new ones pop up so I really don’t want anymore of that. Thank you for continuing to post as I’m curious about your recovery time frame. Take Care

  243. Pfizer 1st Vaccine June 11th, 2021
    11Day 1: normal
    12Day 2: mild pain on inject site
    13Day 3: tired
    14Day 4: tired/weird dreams/night sweats
    15Day 5:fatigue/ dizzy/ nausea
    16Day 6:fatigue/ nausea/ warm/headache/night sweats (feeling dehydrated)
    17Day 7: fatigue/ sensitive stomach but feeling much better now that I don’t have any of the past symptoms

    Normal systems I always endure after receiving a shot. I still plan to get my second shot. This is a way my body tells me to strengthen up. Walks at the park or even sitting outside under the shade helped me feel better without needing to take medicine. For I am a person with a delinquent immune system. I have fibromyalgia & I am asthmatic to name the least.

  244. I had my vaccine yesterday. Was perfectly fine afterwards but in the evening I started to have arm pain and today I have a stomachache and sore throat. Anyone experienced those symptoms?

  245. What an amazing (and encouraging?) thread. Why doesn’t the CDC or pharmaceutical companies list these widely-attested, possible side-effects on their websites? Because they’re profiteering off this “vaccine” and this vastly over-hyped, manufactured “crisis” (the virus is real, but not the crisis). Sorry, don’t mean to get off into politics here…

    I’m 36 years old and only began feeling side-effects after my second Moderna jab. The nurse seemed to hit a nerve or something—my body “jumped” or “startled” when she injected me with the experimental drug. I felt a strong tingling, pins-and-needles in my right arm where I received the injection. That feeling subsided, and I felt totally fine for about 3 days. On day 4, I felt modern fatigue and cold-like symptoms (sore throat, congestion). On day 5, I felt nauseous and I vomited once. The pins-and-needles began to return—this time to all of my extremities. Day 6, started feeling less nauseous and less fatigue, except the tingling sensation remained, which I also began to feel in my chest. Day 7-8 or so, nausea and fatigue gone, but I began to feel some pressure in my chest that woke me up during the night a few times. Day 9, that pressure sensation subsided, but continuing tingling and pins-and-needles throughout body. Day 10-30 the pins-and-needles seemed randomly to come and go; one day I didn’t feel it, another did I did. Started taking vitamin B12, which possibly helped? Day 30, I went to see a physician. Blood work, chest x-ray, and EKG returned completely normal. Now, around Day 40, I still feel pins and needles occasionally and seemingly randomly. This sensation can also be described as a brief “electrical shock” or “zap” that usually lasts only 2-3 seconds, and usually I only feel it on the left-side of my body, legs, feet, arm, or hand. I have the notion that it’s somehow connected to my heart/heart-beat, but I may just be imagining that.

    Hoping these sensations disappear for all of us expeditiously. God forbid these are long-lasting side effects.

    • Hi Jack.
      At least, you got it on 2nd dose… I have the same after dose 1. Making me very worried about dose 2.
      My neuroligist in UK told me to get dose 2, my neurologist in Belgium told me not to get it. Seeing a 3rd one. I could not deal with more than what I have already.
      8 weeks now, better but still not 100% normal.
      Good luck! Let us know how it goes 🙂

  246. l have arrhythmia and insomnia for about two weeks. l’m very worried. Has anybody got arrhythmia and palpitations ?

  247. Hi can someone please give me advice I had my 2 Pfizer injection yesterday 19th June
    I’m in absolute agony I suffer from fybromyalga and muti level cervical degenerative disease with narrowing of the spinal cord disc deterioration c3,c4,c5,6,c7 I’ve got a temperature and so much pain in my back thighs with shooting pains in my shoulder neck the bottom of my back. I feel so ill a slight cough which I didn’t have before my jab I feel drunk head feels so heavy and I’ve had a lot of blood in my wee first thing this morning I don’t have periods I haven’t since 2007 since my sub historectomy any advice ASAP please

  248. I hope you are all over the side effects. My 1st Pfizer no arm pain or side effect except covid arm (tenderness/swelling/rash 8 days later, lasted 5 days. 2nd shot on the 9th of June, a Wed., , that night terrible aches, next day aches, fever that reached 103.4, heart rate 164. Heart rate eventually went down to normal, had no appetite for a day or so. Sat morning, fever gone. Morning BM normal, had my usual decaf coffee, 5 hrs later, urgent loose stools that went on every morning till this past Wed.. Two days of constipation. This morning, watery diarrhea and loose stool. Other than Twitter, I haven’t read anything on here with people having the latter issues. My dr. said it could take up to 2 weeks to go away. All my like I can count on 1 hand the # of times I dealt with this. This seems to happen at the time I would have my normal bm. Has anyone else dealt with this and if so, how long did it last. I am really wishing I didn’t get the 2nd shot.

    • Yes, I have also had heaps of trouble with diarrhoea following my first Pfizer jab seven days ago.
      I had the jab on Wednesday morning and the diarrhoea started Thursday night and has continued on and off since then. It comes on suddenly several times a day, which is inconvenient and embarrassing. Felt absolutely fine before the jab and know it is the result of the jab.

  249. I started getting tinnitus ringing in my ears 3 weeks after the Pfizer vaccine. I had the vaccine in my left arm. I also then started receiving tingling in my right hand which then started radiating up my right arm. A few days later I started getting tingling and pins and needles in my right foot. All these symptoms (tinnitus, tingling in arms and tingling in feet) have now continued for 18 days and show no signs of abating.

    I have seen a neurologist who is sending me for an MRI and some electrical node tests (not yet sure what that entails). Have reported to both yellow card and Pfizer. The neurologist did say he’s seen quite a few people with odd symptoms recently.

    Glad to hear it has abated for some people, but just hoping mine goes sooner rather than later and still not sure whether I should have second dose or whether I can push to have an alternate vaccine seeing as double dosing is needed to even leave the UK it would seem!

      • Still the same, though the symptoms of tingling are more sporadic. The tinnitus is there the whole time.

        Had my MRI this week and awaiting the electrode testing.

        • So just to update any of you reading this… both my MRI and electrical testing returned nothing suspicious. No inflammation in the brain or spinal chord at the top.

          However, the symptoms are still there so the neurologist thinks there is definitely some kind of inflammatory response that will hopefully go after a period of time. Based on this I’m going to have my second vaccine and see how I get on.

    • How did you get to see a neurologist? I’ve got pins and needles too and other weird symptoms like leg swelling but getting access to even a GP doctor is tougher than ever.

  250. I am 41 and had my first Pfizer almost 6 weeks ago. Symptoms are just about gone but still lingering.
    After the jab my left arm was so heavy but I was ok. 2 hours later I was getting pins and needles in my foot and lower leg and my left leg especially was very tight. The pins and needles spread to my hand intermittently and after about 30 hours I went down hill. Brain fog, severe anxiety, wobbly, weak, and what seemed like a blocked nostril or ear on the left side. Awful dreams waking in a sudden panic. I went to the doctors as I felt unbalanced and my left side still didn’t feel quite mine. Over the week I was still and achy and felt rotten. At night when relaxing my muscles would spasm and fingers would twitch. I took a lot of ibruprofen and after a few weeks, what was inflammation especially around my left leg, chest and neck went down and I could feel how swollen my glands were hence why my neck had been so stiff. I took antihistamines which brought the glands down quite a bit. I also had a bout of diarrhoea thrown in for good measure. Needles to say I was not a happy bunny. So almost 6 weeks on I feel bubbly again but I am left with waking in the night suddenly and still have a small tremble in my arms / fingers. I will give it another couple of weeks then head back to the doctors.
    Needless to say I am reluctant to have the 2nd one unless I can be given answers.

  251. DB.
    If you had a neuropathy, your GP can mention it. You can still leave the UK just by taking PCR tests. People cannot force you getting a 2nd dose if it hurt you. Neuropathy is serious and need time to heal.

  252. hello, i had my 1st dose of Pfizer last June 18th. Felt a little numb on my left hand after it was injected (i have the jab on my left arm). i think it lastee til day 3.
    day 3 felt something was on my chest the whole day. then on day 4 – got dizzy in the morning. had to sleep a little and got fine after that. then observed again something was on my chest mostly in the afternoon. has anyone experienced something like this?

  253. I got Covid in February but decided to take the shot since, frequently, do I travel. Unfortunately, after the 4th day of my 1st Pfizer vaccine shot on June 11th, my tongue started tingling and sometimes burning. Occasionally, I feel a slight burn in the back of my throat. I called my Primary Care and she said it will go away which I am uncertain that she knows the true answer. I am worried about getting my 2nd dose. Can anyone advise or tell me their experience?

  254. Glad, I found this website.

    Had 1st vaccine, dead arm for 24 hours.

    All good, then 12 days later I’ve got cold feeling in arms, 19 days later and there’s a bit of an ache where I had vaccination and slight pins and needles in my left foot.

    Doctor has said it’s my nerves but a lot of people on here seem to be having similar issues.

    Hopefully it’ll sort itself out soon

  255. Just got my Pfizer jab and my ADHD is going absolutely crazy… anyone else feeling this?
    Other than bursts of energy no other side effects.

  256. Ok my 5 cents:

    33 yo female, sport-ish, no health issues.

    5-7 hrs after 1st BioNtech shot: mild headache, fatigue. Took paracetamol and it went away after a couple of hrs.

    28-30 hrs after 1st shot: chills, mild aching in legs (like when going down with a flu), cold feet (not on touch, just the feeling, super weird), heart palpitations, frequent urination (every 15-20 min, no other UTI symptoms).
    No fever, very slightly elevated blood pressure (might be just an anxiety).
    These side effects got much better after a couple of hrs except for frequent urination.

    Will post an update in a few days if I don’t forget, mb will help someone.

    Oh, and the muscle where the shot was administered hurts on touch, but nothing extreme. Same as any vaccine pretty much.

  257. 36 y.o. and active and not overweight. Got my 1st Pfizer 3 weeks ago, and just a super sore arm for 3 days. Got 2nd yesterday morning, and by bedtime had chills so badly that my teeth chattered and whole body shook the bed. Got a fever of 101.5 during the night, headache, and need to urinate frequently (the only time I’ve had a UTI was during pregnancy over a decade ago). Woke up during the night with my legs rigid from muscle spasms—never had that before. This morning (day 2), also have tachycardia, every joint hurts, muscle pain especially in my back, severe fatigue, and need to urinate every 5 min if I’m not lying down. Temp is down to 100.5 without Tylenol.

  258. I got my first shot 6.9.2021 and 9 days later I suddenly felt need to urinate every 5min. Lying down seems to help a little and I can sleep well but days are really difficult.
    First few days I had bad abdominal pain but that is much better now. Went to doctor, urine tests are negative and no infection.
    How long you have had these symptoms, have you got rid of them? Has any medication helped? I’m starting to feel really anxious whether this doesn’t stop at all..

    • Hi, wondering if your urination symptoms have subsided? My 6yo is in the same situation now since the first dose 3 weeks ago, urination frequency has gradually increased to a point it disrupts sleep multiple times and night and even the school teacher called to inform of average 10-11 times permission to go pee during the day 🙁
      We will be seeing the doctor but suspect it’s similar to many who have posted here i.e. no infection, just vaccine side-effect but wondering if and when it stops…

  259. Anyone is peeing like crazy after getting the vaccine? I feel like I been peeing every 2 hours at night.

    I got mine Thursday and I feel tired, I woke up after a nap not remembering my password to my phone.

    • I felt like brain fog in the first few days.. now only left the tingling sensation which is annoying :/

      I think people should come more often here and report their improvements.

  260. Hi there everyone ,
    It’s been nearly 4 months since I had my first dose of Pfizer vaccine , i had swollen face in right side , numbness in legs , as well as breathing problems . Swelling is gone but numbness in my legs and Shortness of breath is still going on .can’t walk more then few yards , Iam 35 years old and was healthy before this covid episode
    Iam suffering with long covid too as I had minor stroke and vertigo when I had covid in last year October ,
    Now Iam unable to make decision about 2nd dose of vaccine, GP is not helping at all
    As delta variant is spreading fast Iam so terrified ,
    Just want to check if any of you had 2nd shot , and what was the reaction ?

    • Samia.
      It was said in Europe that 1 dose of vaccine is enough if you had Covid. Your response was very strong bcs you already had Covid. In Europe and Canada, we can wait up to 3 months for the 2nd dose. Maybe give your body the time to heal before the 2nd dose. These symptoms are linked to the vaccine but they will fade. Good luck.

  261. We are told that the vaccines are safe. The alarming concern for me that very few of these adverse events are being reported. An adverse event is anything that is different from baseline and it’s not up to your doctor to decide whether or not it’s related to the vaccine. This is a normal process of drug development. If prior to your vaccine you didn’t have for example, tinnitus, pins and needles in your extremities, but did following the vaccine, this is an adverse reaction! This is how we determine safety of a drug.

  262. İ had my first vaccine on 16 th june. After i get the vaccine i directly feeled the tingling on my left pinky and then my whole left hand started tingling especially at night. After a week my right hand started tingling as well. Now as of today the tingling on my feet knees and my forehead started. Nevertheless the tingling on my left hand decreased. I started using alcohol 5 days after the vaccine and constantly drank for the next 5 days. İ have stopped using alcohol yesterday and check how it goes.

    • Update after 3 weeks from the first vaccine

      Tingling on my hands almost gone but still i can still sense it. Tingling on my feet is also less.
      By the way i have started using B12 as of last week.

  263. I’m 51 years old and received my first dose of Pfizer Sun 27th June. The next couple of days suffered body, muscle joint aches and nausea. On the 3rd day after the jab I started to experience a tingling sensation sort of pins and needles but also a numbness dead leg feeling in my lower right leg from the knee down, anyone else had the same please?

  264. I had my 2nd dose end of April. It is now the beginning of July. I have been having the craziest, most vivid dreams. Still. No, it did not end in a few days. This started after second dosage. I have a coworker that is experiencing the same thing. Phizer also. I should write them down when I wake up. Some are incredible.

  265. A lot of you people need to sort your diet, exercise and sleep patterns out. Seeing grown men blame nightmares on a vaccine, wow! That is hilarious.
    They give you a leaflet explaining the side affects, maybe you guys should read it.

    As for the comment above, I think you might have an alcohol problem, nothing to do with a vaccine ffs

    • Aaron, your dismissive and condescending comments only reflect on your narrow mindedness and lack of empathy. If you dont have anything helpful to share, than keep it to yourself.

  266. hi i had my pfizer second dose and i feel so much numbness in my left side of my body including my eye and head . I had my MRI which shows lesions in the parietal lobes. Its been two weeks now but its not going. i actualy dont feel my left side is a pat of my body . its a strange feeling and i want to get rid of this . please dont take this vaccine.

  267. Anyone’s pins and needles subside? How long did it take? Did anyone go see their doctor and find out if this is normal? Pls help! Thanks.

    • Yes, they do subside in intensity and frequency… but I still have some 2 months after 2d dose. Neurologist opined it’s nerve inflammation from over active immunce response.

  268. I’m still having pins and needles / tingling. It started with both legs now it affecting my hands. It been a 5 weeks since I took my 2nd dose of Pfizer.

  269. Hi
    Thank you guys for sharing your experience
    I’m also facing the same problem 2 weeks after taking Covishield Vaccine. Numbness and tingling in left leg whenever I walk hardly I could walk 50 yards. Now its more than 90 days. still no sign of relief. If any one recovers/gets relief after taking medicine kindly share/suggest to me

  270. Can t believe it.
    Many of my comments get deleted when I try to share other serious links about adverse side effects and the comment from Aaron on July 3rd get posted?
    Someone accusing us these side effects are not real?
    Disgraceful. In some months, our adverse eggects will be recognized. My Doctors already recognize a link.
    Please hear us! I am a strong vaccine enthusiast but also an advocate for all people suffering adverse symptoms to be heard, in respect and dignity!

    • Hi Nancy
      I share your frustration. My post a month ago about a government research agency findings on the neurological effects of Covid-19 (the disease, not the vaccine) was deleted. I guess because I named the agency and quoted some of the findings. The agency’s website lists long-term neurological complications which include many of the side effects/reactions discussed on this blog.
      While information on Covid-19 long term complications are readily available, there seems to be no information on adverse reactions to the vaccine which has affected only a small percentage of the vaccinated population. There’s talk about needing a third vaccination (booster?) and maybe annual vaccinations because of the Delta variant and any subsequent mutation. With all that I’ve been through with the first and second vaccinations, I’ll have to think about getting any more vaccinations. The tingling, burning, numbness in my hand, leg weakness and fatigue have been ongoing (though now with less intensity) since March 14 (eight days after the second vaccination).

    • Hi Nancy & Renee,
      I too have heard that discussions and posts online from people having severe symptoms after vaccinations are being deleted. All social platforms (Twitter,Instagram, Facebook & Youtube) are making sure none of it shows up, they all get deleted.
      I received my 1st Pfizer vaccine on Apr 12 and my 2nd on May 3rd.
      A week after my 1st shot my symptoms started and then my whole body lit up after my 2nd shot. Starting with severe nerve pain in my left foot which then migrated to both lower legs and shins. Muscle aches, the feeling deep inside my lower limbs of charlie horse cramps but they never happen. It’s severely uncomfortable sensations that occur within the muscle and nerve tissues. I started out with muscle twitching and spasms all over my body. Now I’m up to Gabapentin 300mg (3) times a day in order to keep some of those symptoms at bay.
      Now nearly 3 months after my first shot I also have severe left hip, lower back and buttock muscle pains for the past 2 weeks. I’m losing muscle and strength in my lower body because I’m unable to walk further than a few yards without causing my shins’ and hips to feel like I climbed a hundred foot flight of stairs. Any activity causes nerve issues in my legs to flare up.
      Before my vaccines I was a very healthy 51 year old female, thin stature with no previous health issues let alone ANY kind of nerve or muscle problems whatsoever. I have a VERY high pain tolerance. I’ve had (2) ER visits, seen a neurologist, physician and (2) Teledoc appts. Multiple blood test, EMG, Xrays and Ultrasound. All came back inconclusive.
      Some doctors speculate that I may have Small Fiber Neuropathy. My immune system seems to be having a serious reaction to the vaccine, maybe it’s an ingredient in it that I was unknowingly allergic to or maybe my body is just fighting it. I now have an appt with a Neuromuscular Specialist at the Cleveland Clinic in early Aug.
      I’m currently taking Gabapentin 900mg per day and sometimes more to calm my nerves even though they can still cause unbearable pain. I’m on steroids for a week as well. High doses of Advil. I’m only 5 ft tall at 102 lbs what is going to happen with my kidneys with all of these medications??
      It’s so hard to imagine that all of us on this post are making this up and that there are people out there who feel that our voice does not matter because we are all a part of a very low statistic when it comes to the masses and the vaccines adverse reactions.
      Our voices NEED to be heard because we are the ones who need answers, we need a solution to our medical issues. How will we or the dr’s know what course of action to take with us medically if no one knows what is happening to us?
      Maybe the scientists that created this type of MRNA vaccine might have answers as to why we are experiencing these severe side effects. Are they putting any time or energy into figuring out why?
      If they created it then is anything being done with research into helping us find ways to get our bodies back to a normal state? Not just with medicating or masking symptoms, we need real data and I fear that it’s not being accurately documented because it may increase vaccine hesitancy. If ANYONE posting on this site has more information or specific links that could prove to be helpful for the rest of us please share it.
      Everyone: thank you for sharing your experiences!

      • Hi Connie,
        I had my first Pfizer dose (I’m 52- female) on May 11th. Started experiencing arm tingling on third day which then went on to both arms and legs, side of face, back of head.
        Severe skin burning feeling after that in arms legs, chest. Also like ice is running through my veins in legs.
        Saw a Neurologist and Rheumatologist. Saw nothing strange in blood work or EMG.
        Decided to get second shot yesterday (2 months later). Symptoms had somewhat subsided.
        But guess what?? NO ‘regular’ side effects (Fever, aches etc). Just severe tingling, burning, ice feeling AGAIN!! It’s 100% a vaccine reaction. Never had this ever in my life before .

        • HI Eleni,
          Thanks for sharing your experience. I also NEVER had any regular side effects (fever, headache, aches etc) after both Pfizer shots. Like you, I also had burning sensations in both my lower legs and shins. I don’t have that now BUT I have other very uncomfortable symptoms.
          I NOW (nearly 3 months after 1st shot) have severe hip and lower back pain which started a few weeks ago. I’ve never had any body ailments like these prior to my vaccine. My constant hip pain is very severe now and advil doesn’t touch it. I still get twitches and muscle spasms in all limbs but not as bad as the 1st week of my 2nd shot. I still get severe nerve pain and shocks in my left ankle out of nowhere without warning. Some days are so bad I just feel like I’m going to lose my mind, my body is so screwed up inside and I can’t do anything. If I walk more than 50 yards I pay the price, I tried yoga and stretching and it made my nerves worse. If I sit too long I’m in agony if I stand or walk too long I’m in agony. I can’t seem to find a solution on what to do physically in order to get better, I’m feeling so lost 🙁

  271. 2 days ago I took my first dose of Pfizer vaccine. Sore arm and Muscle aches were common and bearable.

    But it’s the acid reflux which has got worst. I was on 40mg Nexium before the vaccine. Now I am forced to have 2 x 40 mg to control the reflux.

    Will consult my GP tomorrow. I guess both Pfizer and Astra Zeneca (Nexium) are fighting in my body 🙁

    • Hi I got 1st pfizer dose on 1st July and have bad acid reflux since. Never had it before. Nearly 3 weeks with it now. I hope it passes

  272. I had my second Pfizer April 2, and woke up with burning and tingling in both arms and hands. This subsided to waking up with numbness and tingling, especially in my right hand and arm (the left is where I got the shot). It now goes numb every time I drive, and goes back to burning when I pull weeds or do anything physical with my hands. I have reported to Pfizer and hope to go see my PCP about it soon. I was hoping it would go away, but you all have convinced me it might not.

    • Hi Rachel

      My tingling, burning and numbness in my left arm and hand started March 14. It’s going on 17 weeks now and it has decreased in intensity. My doctor said it could possibly take up to six months to go away. So take care and hang in there. You’re not alone in this.

  273. – 2nd Pfizer dose received May 7th (no real effects from dose 1 save for slight flu like feeling for a few hrs)

    – Lymph node swelled under arm to golf ball size on injection side after 24 hrs. Lasted 4 days

    – Burning and tightness in lower legs started a couple weeks after. Calves feel pumped sometimes like I have done 100 calf raise, but no visible swelling. Sunburn, stinging sensation.

    – Progressed into upper thighs after a week.

    – have felt some of the same in forearms and top of hands, but not as severe

    – Primary care sent me to Neurologist. Neuro said paransthesis and probably reaction from shot, but no way to prove it.

    – Neuro said should subside over time. About 6 weeks and counting now, but level of discomfort remains the same.

    – Only taken ibuprofen, but does not seem to help. Seems to ease up at night once I get still and relaxed, back again in the am once moving about.

    – I am a very healthy person overall. Not knocking the vaccine as we have to stop covid and I took the shot for others and not myself, but will not take it again after experiencing these symptoms.

  274. Has anyone had second shot of pfizer after experiencing side effects in the first shot? numbness in the tongue and heart racing. I am not finding the right advise or information what to do, appreciate if anyone can share their experience if they’ve had the same. Doctor is not giving a clear answer and it’s saying ‘it’s a personal choice’!! Per Richard above I am also a healthy person and fit ie exercise daily so i am trying to help the community to take the shot however lack of advise is making me think twice.

    • Hi.
      Get your antibodies on vaccine tested. Mine are quite high already. I decided to postpone second shot for later. Just too scared as it took 10 weeks to feel normal after 1st shot. Once my antibodies will lower, I might get the second shot

      • I tested my antibodies, and I have None. I did not developed any. So all my suffering with tongue pins and needles, burning, dizziness, unbalanced high pressure, palpitations, elevated ANA antibodies and other issues I developed from the vaccine are for nothing.
        By the way, the tingling in my arms and legs went away, but now I have l lot of twitching, especially in my legs.

        • Hi! Did they check the vaccine antibodies or Covid antibodies. It s 2 different results. One check natural antibodies in case you had a asymptomatic Covid.
          Also, I had twitching after the pin and needles. For about 4 weeks. On week 10, everything stopped. Even the joint pains. But I also have damages to small veins visible on my skin and blood spots 🙁 Will need laser to remove these. I suffered cutaneous vasculitis because of the vaccine.

          • Hi! The antibodies that I checked are the antibodies against the spike protein, either form the virus or the vaccine.

      • Hi Nancy
        I appreciate your updates. I also have had intermittent pin and needles and muscle twitching since early april. Some days I feel I am improving and then relapse. If you get any more insight from your physicians please continue to update. Are you still feeling improved? I am starting to feel discouraged that this will not go away.

  275. Reading your comments made me feel better.
    I had my 1st Pfizer dose on June 10th. During the first 24 hours I just had arm pain and some chills. I took some paracetamol and slept well. After the 24 hours, this tingling feeling started on my legs, like a light electroshock that lasted 1 or 2 seconds. After that it spread all over my body, although I felt it more on my legs. 2 days after the shots I started having this burning feeling on my legs, it was like they were burning inside and were emitting cold air. Then this burning feeling spread all over my body as well.
    I went to the ER and they told me it was an allergy and they gave me IV for a couple of hours and told me to get antihistamine for a week. My blood test/ urine test and x-ray were fine.
    The feeling did lessen and then I went to do a test to see if I am allergic but it came out negative. So, it is probably neurological and I am going to see a neurologist. It is not as bad every day. There are days when I only had a burning tongue. It’s been 29 days now and I am still suffering. I am really frustrated. I feel like I am an internal fever.

  276. I never had any type of flu vaccination or the flu over the last 20 years. I took the two Pfizer vaccinations in March and I’ve been having adverse reactions to the vaccine ever since, though with less intensity now.

    My hubby and 22 of our relatives and close friends have always had annual flu vaccines. After taking the two rounds of the Pfizer vaccine, none of them experienced any of the symptoms described by me or other commenters. I’m the only one (1 out of 23!) I’m now wondering if my reactions occurred because I’ve not had any previous flu vaccinations.

    Is the vaccination for Covid the first “flu” vaccination you’ve had, or have you had any annual “flu” vaccinations before taking the Covid vaccine?

    • Nothing to do….I had tons of vaccination as I travel a lot..
      Bad reaction due to your genes… we are just inlucky

  277. Nothing to do….I had tons of vaccination as I travel a lot..
    Bad reaction due to your genes… we are just inlucky

  278. I got my first pfizer shot at the end of april, and about a week later I had ‘jelly legs’, tired, tingly, felt like I ran a marathon, but didnt do anything. My legs were twitching, and had muscle spams constantly, especially more so at night.

    My Dr. dismissed it being the vaccine, but I am pretty adamant it was. I’m early 30s, in good shape, and with no health conditions. I got several leg scans, even a cat scan and MRI of my brain to look for other medical reasons causing in the issue, also regular blood work as well, all tests came back perfectly normal.

    After about 2 full months, my legs are almost back to normal, I still get the feeling them being tired, or a little spasm here and there, but no where near what it was like before. I would say I’m about 85% back to normal.

    I have delayed my second dose, I wont take it until my legs are back to 100%. It is a very tough spot to be in, if this side effect gets medically published as a real issue, then we could all get taken more seriously, and be examined more closely.

    If you are experiencing when I have, then dont worry as much, it will very very SLOWLY subside, but take it easy, dont rush, relax, and wait it out. If you have any other questions, feel free to respond.

    • Hey Matt, I had the same symptom,,,, weak, jelly unsteady legs.thighs and felt like i was walking on a rocky boat twoo weeks after 2d Pfizer shot. Did you have any symptoms in the torso/ core muscle and arms? I did. I’m getting better w/ coordination, less and less tingling (used to be every day in left hand and foot) but still not 100% back to normal.

      • Hey, sometimes I felt a tingle or sensation in my arm/hand, but mostly just legs. It’s been about 3 months now and after many tests I’ve been all cleared for any disease, tumor or cancer, they can’t really explain it, but I will sale after all this time it keeps getting a little better. My legs still get random cramps or a feeling, but looks like it just takes a lot of time to recover.

    • Hey Mat,
      Thankyou for your update. Do you still feel improved? I also have these symptoms 3 month post first dose. I have had intervals of 1 to 2 weeks of improvement then a flare up. I will be so encouraged to hear of someone who has gone a month or more with complete resolution. Thanks

      • Hey, it’s now been almost 3 months, I do still feel better, but I still feel like my legs are different, the spasms are completely gone, and calf pain is also gone, now I just find that I have minor aches happening along my shins.

        Like you I sometimes feel okay for a few days, to a week, and then it comes and goes, when its happening it is really consistent. I would say my legs are 90% back to normal now, maybe by the end of 4 months they will be back to normal.

        I’ve seen a few Dr’s and have many tests just to rule everything else out, no tumor, cancer, damaged tissue or nerves, most Dr’s do not really blame the vaccine, but I have spoke to a few that said medically it cannot be ruled out, because of timing, and no other explanation available to blame it on after tests, especially since usually they said if it was a serious medical issue it would be progressing worse with time, not naturally getting better which makes it seem like my body had a bad vaccine reaction.

        I’ll still wait on getting the second shot until all symptoms have improved. I don’t regret getting the first shot at all though, with covid being so spread out at the time it was the right decision to make. Right now things seem better here, so I will wait to see how it goes. Hopefully my body is fully able to recove, I do still feel a little safer in regular life with 1 shot, but I really dont want to suffer through another 3-4 months of leg pain with a second shot, I am slightly worried I could have a worse reaction the second time around.

        • Thanks so much Matt for the update! It has been 5 months for me and pins and needles improving but muscle twitching is with me daily especially after activity. I only received one dose and its definately taken its toll on my nervous system. Hoping for a full recovery soon!

          • My pains have finally subsided ! I am now back to normal, my family Dr has advised if I wanted to not opt for the 2nd dose to stay clear of it. I’m now going to do some allergy tests to see if I am allergic to any ingredients in the vaccine.

            Hope you are back to normal as well! It took a long time for me, around 9 months

  279. I took my second phizer shot two weeks ago, I have no feeling in my pinky toe and the one beside it. It feels as if pins and needed are between my toes. I went to emerg and they couldn’t find anything wrong. I’m a fairly healthy male in his 30s, and I’m very confident this is due to the covid shot.

  280. Took Pfizer vaccine last June 26, 2021. After arpund 5hours, my tongue felt tingly but it went away after some minutes. However, my face became numb especially on the left side so I took Advil (Ibuprofen) once to lessen any inflammation since I read that some adverse effect like Bell’s Palsy or Facial Paralysis could happen. I was able to sleep and no numbness the following day. On the suceeding days, just had sore arm, back pains and left shoulder pain.

    After 5 days since 1st dose, I started having chest pains around my ribs and heart then had to extremely catch my breath (felt like I was having asthma) when I had just gone up 2 flights of stairs. I had asthma when I was young but never had an episode in my adulthood (just allergic rhinitis). But prior vaccine, I usually walk going to the office without shortness of breath even when wearing a mask. I wanted to get an ECG to check if it is myocarditis or something but our oximeter reads 98 Sp02. Torn going to any hospitals because of the increasing cases of covid so I feel like staying at home is better unless I really need to visit ER. I also had some palpitations but it goes on-and-off.

    My most recent adverse effect is frequent urination. I normally just urinate once/twice a day but now I even wake up in the middle of night because of the sudden urge to pee. It is different from UTI like the rest here said because there’s actual pee and not painful. Though some days I get abdominal cramps. I’m considering this as overactive bladder so I avoided drinking citrus drinks like pineapple juice and stuck with drinking water — this seemed to help.

    Another one is lack of concentration and fatigue. I am not sure if this is brain fog, but I tend to forget what I was doing and suddenly just go blank, I have a hard time listening to people and remembering things.

    I am about to get my 2nd dose next Saturday but all these adverse effects and reading the comments here make me hesitate. Sadly, most brush it off because they did not experience the same nor doctors linking it to the vaccine. I am afraid the 2nd dose will make things worse for me but because currently, they only honor fully vaccinated people especially in the “vaccine passport” system, I don’t know if I should just take it and hope I get better after some time. My question is, do these adverse reactions subside?

    • My husband had similar side effect of the first vaccination Pfizer(burning while peeing ,often urination ,dark urine ,smells as a cat pee((fever 38 ((started on the 4 day after vaccine and still having fever on the 10 day after (((

  281. This is a good thread glad I found you guys!

    I had astra 4 days ago, just got chills day after but now day 4 I’m getting very mild pins and needles in left leg, will monitor.

    How is everyone who had AZ feeling after first shot?

  282. I had the first Pfizer shot the second week of June, this week I will receive my second one. My arm was sore/itchy for at least a week, I wrapped it with a (tachyon energy) cloth I had and needed to wash that daily and used an alkaline cream the first days. I also got a sort of dizzy, I felt I needed to walk very slowly, a vegetable protein drink I had brought relief and since I had no one to bring me it I inched very slowly to the health food store to get another one dose bag of it, at the counter there was a rescue remedy candy which made the way back easier (it was as if normal pace walking produced too much of a swing to keep me standing. I also took a good probiotic pill (chew tablet) and tried to keep my system alkaline. My arm stayed `different` for almost two weeks, it was the muscle below the one that got the fluid in it. (Have have a mind to ask for the second shot in my buttocks but my arm is fully recovered and I may take it in my right arm again as I feel my left arm may be too weak.

    My {female elderly relative} had Moderna and got shingles at the injected arm, which before after an operation at another spot, she got two creams prescribed and things went well the second time around, a {female acquaintance} says she got Pfizer but I think she got the Oxford one a herpes outbreak and a little yellow complexion after both shots and was ill (fever, unclear eyes, `flue`, general mailaise), my {female relative} fainted from the first Pfizer shot and came through the second without trouble, my {male relative} had no problems after either Pfizer shot.

    In a couple of days I will receive the next dose and hope things will go smooth.

    • I also must say, I feel a lot less tired or have more energy than I have had for years since (and even while) recovering from the shot

  283. I had my 1st dose of Pfeizer/Comirnaty vaccine for about 17hours now. Woke up in the morning, had some numbness on my right ring and little fingers. It doesn’t make a difference if I massaged it, it just went away on its on. Currently still OKAY ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡

  284. 43 year old previously healthy female. I had my second shot of Pfizer already on February 20 and felt really bad for a long time. Symptoms included: muscle twitches coming and going, nerve inflammations and numbness in both hands, face, tongue, foot, heart palpitations, fatigue, anxiety coming and going, trouble sleeping at times etc etc. I’ve had multiple blood tests and MRI of brain, all normal. Neurologist have ruled out any severe neurological disease. I’ve managed to go in with life, work and take care of my family but it’s been a struggle. To comfort all of you fighting your side effects, I can say that it has become better and better. It’s been 22 weeks now after 2nd shot and I now almost feel like normal. I found that the different symptoms with time have gone away and come back, and then disappears for good (hopefully).

    What’s helped me is to be strict with sleep, eating regularly, exercising daily (e.g. slow jogging 15 min per day and a bit of yoga), be reasonable social and keep working in order to think about other things. For the heart palpitations and anxiety Inderal (beta blocker) has helped me. I’ve seen a physio therapist that has stretched and given massage. Hope my story can give some of you some hope and comfort.

    • Hi Charlotte,
      Thanks for posting your experience. I’m a 51 yr old female who was previously healthy prior to my 1st and 2nd Pfizer jab. I’m nearly 10 1/2 weeks out from my 2nd shot. I started out with severe muscle spasms and twitches as well (still have them but not as bad). I have A LOT of nerve pain in both legs but mostly left. My 1st symptoms started with a left ankle shock lasting a few seconds several times a day that has turned into a relentless chain of events. I still get them but every couple of days spaced out. 3 weeks ago severe left hip and lower back pain started out of nowhere (never had any of these issues before nor any previous injuries). I’m on gabapentin (600mg-700mg per day) and I’m afraid to know what my pain would be right now if I weren’t taking it. Been to ER twice, neurologist and have Cleveland Clinic appt in early Aug. So far all labs and EMG test came back inconclusive.

      I’m praying that what you say will be true for me as well as others posting here. I unfortunately am unable to exercise because it seems like when I have even on an easy level my symptoms get worse. I tried mild stretching and yoga but my body wasn’t happy with it and my symptoms flared up afterwards. At this point I’m unable to walk more than a few yards without experiencing discomfort in both my lower legs and shins. Burning, stabbing needle sensations. Also, radiating pain in my left thigh starting from the hip area. Sometimes it feels muscular and other times joint related. Sensations of cramping as well. All of these symptoms are creating weakness in my limbs. I’m taking really great supplements as well as high quality magnesium.

      How soon after your symptoms did you begin to see a physio therapist? Did you experience negative effects at first right after starting your therapy sessions? Just curious because often times they say that can happen. My life has changed dramatically after getting vaccinated, like I literally hit a brick wall.

    • Hi Charlotte, thank you for sharing. Are you still on the beta blocker? I am 8 weeks post vaccine and still having elevated heart rate ( not on beta blocker). Awaiting for my holter heart monitoring appt in 2 weeks.

  285. I got my 2nd Pfizer shot two days ago. I’m experiencing lots of sweating, shakiness, tingling and fatigue. Loss of appetite. I hope this goes away.

  286. So happy to find these comments. I have searched and searched for others who are experiencing brain zaps. I got my first Moderna vaccine in mid March. No bad symptoms. After my second dose in mid April, exactly 2 weeks after, I started with brain zaps. I thought I was having some kind of seizure. Never experienced anything like it before. This is mid July and I am still experiencing them each day. Not as severe as first week, but still there. They come on primarily when I am in early waking hours in morning. When I am starting to wake or on occasion when I am at complete rest during the day. It’s weird but I can somewhat control them, especially the ones during the day. I can “will” them to not manifest, as I get strange feeling of electricity building in my head/neck area right before they come. Or I can submit and let them come. They typically effect my head/neck/shoulders, but sometimes will effect one side of my body. I also sometimes vocalize a bit with them. Like a mild grunt. These zaps are really the only side effect except for mild fatigue from time to time and some dizziness, but not sure its vaccine or sinus issues I have struggled with my whole adult life.

  287. Got the first dose at the 8th of July. Read a lot of articles and people’s stories about the side effects and possibility of death after the vaccinaction. Can’t say that they helped. I think I mostly over-exaggerated any symptoms such as a mild allergic reaction to maybe pollen, plants or probably dust/bed bugs etc that I commonly gets my nose/throat congested.

    I think I can describe most of the side effects as a mild panic/anxiety attack, which I’ve had sometimes in the past and they were far worse than what I feel now.

    My doc told me to pre-emptively take some Xyzal for the allergies and to also do so before the second dose. I hope that all goes well for everyone. I don’t want to encourage or discourage anyone from getting the vaccine since it’s a personal decision and I talked to my GP that I trust before going through it.

    I’ve had some mild temperature but weirdly enough my temp also rises to that point when I get anxious or frightened. Some breathing/relaxation excercises helped me a lot and also a talk or two with a professional.

  288. I experienced tingling/pins/numbness in my limbs/face/scalp for 8 weeks after the vaccination. Got recommended for Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate 900mg (twice a day) and found it super helpful. Thanks!

  289. 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine, slight vertigo, spacey feeling right after for about an hour. Three weeks later upon waking and sitting up, obvious vertigo for about a minute. Lay down, same thing. Lasted some 5 weeks but appears to have gone away..

  290. I got my first pfizer jab on 1st July. Since then am itchy from head to toe. But main issue is acid reflux. Never had it before. I’m on 40mg tabs twice daily for it. Very uncomfortable pain in chest/back and difficult to swallow. I see some comments from people who experienced this also. Has it gone away for anyone? I’m nearly 3 weeks with it.

    • I have this too! I got it two days after my first vaccine in February and I still have it now. I stupidly didn’t take any medication for the first two months though which might mean mine is taking longer to go.

  291. Got first jab June 29th (Pfizer) got tingling tongue on the side I got the vaccine 10minutes after. Blood pressure 140-97 and tachycardia. No swelling or red spots got send home. Tingling all over for a few days after and sore arm for 24hours. Got my period 10days earlier. When I was tired tingling would come again for the day. Started magnesium and vitC and got the second one yesterday July 20th. Don’t know if the tingling tongue was there cause I made sure I was chewing a mint gum when I took it. Seemed to help get over the tongue feeling the first time. 24hours later I got really sore arm and the tingling comes and goes but no other reaction. Feels less than first time. Just need to get on a healthy sleep and food schedule. If you feel comfortable take number two. I had the option so went to the hospital to take it. Helped a lot to feel less stressed.

  292. Hi.
    Get your antibodies on vaccine tested. Mine are quite high already. I decided to postpone second shot for later. Just too scared as it took 10 weeks to feel normal after 1st shot. Once my antibodies will lower, I might get the second shot

  293. For everyone still suffering with side effects from these inoculation take a look at the FLCCC site, our side effects show similarities to long haul covid and there is alot of information on there and a doctor in London who could help doing zoom and phone calls

  294. There is a website called FLCCC which is offering advice to long haul covid and vaccine recipients, various drs are listed including one in London who offers zoom calls and telephone calls.

  295. Had extreme thirst and tiredness for 24hrs after first Pfizer shot, had my 2nd yesterday and just had to crawl back to bed. Getting up the stairs was a struggle, I am fit and healthy usually at the gym 3 times a week.
    My whole body is tingling, I have a headache and I feel a bit off! I’ve read up on it all while laying here, confident it just means the vaccine is doing its thing and this is my body’s response!
    Makes me wonder what reaction I could have had from covid!
    A couple of days out of action is a small price to pay, I feel for those that have had a bad reaction for longer!

  296. Got my first Pfizer shit on June 30th. Had shortness of breath and then it went away. On the 16th of this month I started haven’t really bad panic attacks thinking that I can’t breath. I have since realized that my nose is stuffy and I cannot breat through it. I have been to the ER 4 times and have gotten the all clear. I can breath through my mouth but that can cause hyperventilation (which I’m trying to avoid). I am now sitting in the hospital yet again cause I had a panic attack thinking I couldn’t breathe again (my PC switched my meds from Advian to a non narcotic) and I couldn’t calm myself. I have never had to be medicated for anxiety. I have had bronchitis a few times in the past but nothing that the meds couldn’t fix. Earlier today, I couldn’t walk from one side of the room to the other without feeling extremely winded, couldn’t catch my breath and felt like my throat was closed. Has anyone had this sort of issue and recovered????? My husband and my mom are both fine. I’m not having any other issues but I’m very scared and don’t want to be this way forever. I have a 6 year old and a husband that I need to be ok for. I will not be getting the 2nd shot.

    • Hey Rachel, just wanted to ask if you finally got better and how because I was having like similar symptoms although I’ve taken already the two shots. Thanks in advance and hope you’re doing great.

  297. Update from previous post:

    – Going on 11 weeks now with no real relief to the burning in legs (thighs, shins, and top of feet). Less intense feeling in forearms and top of hands, but those were not too bad from the start.

    – Taking B12, 600mg/day for past 3 weeks, seems to have no effect

    – Heat makes it worse

    – Relaxing helps a little, but life is busy

    – Still can find no real medical responses to the symptoms. Lots of people here have tried many different things. Just started 400mg of magnesium couple days ago.

    Just trying to wait it out. May got back to Neuro in Aug, but they felt like it would eventually subside. Still going! Energizer Bunny on vaccine.

    • I would like to add try Potassium to your Magnesium, Acid Lepoic 600mg. Apparently, what we have is a damage to the vagus nerve and he needs to be stimulated and healed. It can be related to the vaccine or can be related to the stress and anxiety being too high when we have the shots.

  298. Had my first shot of Pfizer 3days ago. First was numb around my mouth then had a metal taste in my mouth. That lasted probably a day. Now I feel really anxious like I just can’t sit still. It’s awful. I felt this way after I got a steroid shot. But the anxiety is Terrible and I feel short of breath too. I hope this gets better. Went to the ER and bloodwork and chest X-rays were good. It’s been 3 days now. Hope this improves!!!!

  299. I had my first Pfizer dose 28th february and had acid reflux start 2 days afterwards. Ive had mild heart burn before but this was different. I had and still have an awful taste in my mouth. I am on Omeprazole now for 2 months which has helped but I still have some mild symptoms – including mainly awful taste in my mouth and fatigue. Anyone else had the same.

    • Mine is the same as yours, Charlie. In addition to awful taste in the mouth and fatigue, I still experience bloating and shortness of breath from time to time which I did not have pre-vaccine. Did you find any solution? How are you feeling now?

    • I’ve had the same reaction. Doctors were ruling out the vaccine and are oblivious that this is a symptom 5 months ago. I experience GERD, Costochondritis, Esophagitis, and Asthma like shortness of breath. Everything has gotten better 5 months later, but not 100% yet. Getting back my conditioning. Omeprazole helped. When symptoms come back then I get back on it. Now, no medication, the symptoms are less, seems like body is healing itself. I have another doctors follow up in 2 weeks, let’s see if they have new information in this side effect or know what to do this time.

  300. I had my first Pfizer shot on 6/23/21 at the urging of my mom. I was against this vaccine because of the lack of research on it. I believe it was wrong to tell everyone that it is safe and that there are no severe side effects when they did not truly know this to be true. Anyways, I had diarrhea multiple times a day for 7 days beginning 3 days after my first shot. I did not make the connection with the vaccine and went to the ER. They barely ran any tests and sent me out the door telling me I was fine. The diarrhea ended up going away the following day so I didn’t dwell too much on it. In addition to the diarrhea, I began experiencing extreme fatigue, brain fog, nausea, lack of appetite, insomnia and headaches in the following days. These symptoms persisted for about 2 weeks other than the fatigue and brain fog, which I am still experiencing but vary by day. I got my 2nd shot on 7/12/21 and actually felt great that day and the day after aside from a swollen lymph node in my armpit which only lasted one day. However, the fatigue and brain fog came back again and have been fairly intense, but again, it varies day to day. Some days I felt like I was back to normal and then the next day I would be completely drained, unable to do any sort of physical activities and struggling to care for my 1 yo son. (I am 31 years old and am in decent health other than hypothyroidism, chronic UTI and occasional ocular migraines). One week after my second shot I began experience what I thought was a pinched nerve in my right elbow (the arm that I was vaccinated in). It felt like my arm was constantly falling asleep and there was partial numbness down to my pinky and ring finger. The following day it spread to my right thigh. It slowly began to spread to my whole body. I am now 2 weeks out from my second dose and I am experiencing what feels like a constant icy tingling in my face and limbs and my right hand and right thigh are almost always numb. I have never had covid, though it is possible that I had it asymptomatically as I was exposed a number of times though I did test negative after every exposure. I called my GP and I will be seeing her in 2 days, but she told me that my symptoms are “not emergent.” I really don’t have much faith in the medical community right now with how irresponsibly they rolled this vaccine out. I understand that it is saving lives, but to call it completely safe is utterly false. I am feeling very dejected, anxious and slightly depressed about my outlook after reading everyone else’s experiences. I understand stress can aggravate these symptoms, but it’s hard not to worry at this point. I will try taking B12 and I will update with any test results or insight from my GP, which I doubt will be anything helpful as the issue at hand here is nobody really knows what this vaccine is doing to us. Trying to stay strong though. I am lucky to be a stay at home mom and be able to lay down multiple times a day while my sons naps because I would probably lose my job due to these symptoms. I am supposed to be going back to work next month, but I am not sure if that will happen.

    • HI Nicole,

      I have posted my experience today (martina) and shared what seems to be helping me. Please read it and maybe you’ll find sth for yourself. Reading your post I could relate to that on so may levels!
      ps. supplement ZINC and D3- those 2 are the key ones!!!

  301. I have my 1st dose on 2nd July of AstraZeneca. I have heart palpitations till today since after 1st jab. Heart beat was went up to 120 to 130 on and off, especially after a meal or mid night around 3am.
    I hardly can have a nice sleep since after 1st jab.
    Heart palpitations still triggering me on and off.
    I also feel my acid reflux was getting worst since 1st jab.
    It have been bothering me and make me not able to work at day time and not able to sleep well.
    I checked with my friend surrounding and no 1 have such issues.
    Any 1 experience the same ?
    Will you still go for 2nd jab ?

    • Hi Sean, I had some rapid heartbeat out of the blue… I took magnesium supplements and gave up all caffeine, inlcuding green tea.. heart rate stabilized

    • Hey Sean, what you describe was what I experience after 1 shot of Pfizer. I didn’t take the 2nd, was waiting for my symptoms to go away. I am close to 6 months now, and the acid reflux is way better than before. Heart palpitations went away after about a month.

  302. I got my second dose of Pfizer on July18th, 2021. Today is July 27th, 2021 (9 days) and I still do not feel well. After taking the vaccine, I felt the usual flu-like symptoms and felt better after 48 hours. The day that I recovered from the “common” vaccine symptoms, I developed severe chest pain on the left side of my chest. I got my injection on my left arm. I went to the hospital five times and the only advice I got was to take Advil for my pain. Nothing unusual is showing up with my ECG, bloodwork, urine, ultrasound, or CT scan. I was told that I have inflammation of the left chest muscle from the vaccine and there is no cure, but pain meds. I was healthy before the vaccine with no medical conditions. I lost 10 pounds as I get nausea and loss of appetite with the chest pain. I feel more chest pain after eating especially later on in the day. It feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest. It comes and goes in waves or it stays for the day. I have no energy and cannot do any house chores as my chest pain gets stronger if I exert myself. I am also getting severe heartburn that adds to the chest pain. I’ve had chills, sweats, cold fingers and feet, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing due to chest tightness and pain. When you get serious side effects from the vaccine, you are left in the dark. You are sent home to deal with it. This is so scary. I should be in a hospital to monitor these symptoms. I met five others that have similar or mild symptoms like mine in emergency wait rooms. I was told that this usually happens to young males, but I am a female in my 40’s. There should be a hotline and team of doctors that deal with patients that have vaccine side effects that are serious. This is so scary. Please help if you know what should be done for this. I have begged and pleaded with the medical community and they have no answer for me as this is a “new vaccine”.

    • It looks like the vaccine might have triggered some anxiety from your nervous system. Try to take some Valerian tea daily and do some short walkings everyday. See if you doctor can prescribe something to anxiety until the levels go down.

  303. Hi all, I though I’ll share my experience in case this might help some people in here.
    I had my 1st dose of Pfizer on the 22nd May 2021.I was ok for the first 48h and the nightmare started. I wont go into the details as there is too much to write, but my side effects were: increased blood pressure, heart rate well over 100, restless legs, tingling/ burning right side of the head, tingling of the face, restless legs, buzzing feeling in the whole body (as if on the massage chair), vertigo, nusea, horrible pain behind my right eye , awful pressure in my right temple, hot flushes in different parts of body, twitching nerves in legs, eyelid, lack of appetite and excessive thirst for lasting for well over 3 weeks, lost of weight, diarrhea .
    Now it has been2 months after the vaccine and only now some of those are going away. It has been the worst time of my life. Never experiences sth like this before. In the meantime done comprehensive blood test (twice- 3 weeks after vaccine and 6 weeks after), hormones levels, stool samples, ECG, heart echo, 48h heart monitor (all came back ok), and most recently brain MRI+ MRI venogram (checking main vains in brain). Been checked by 3 GPs, referred to cariologist and neurologist and optician. Never had any health issues before, fit, 37 yo, eating well balanced diet etc.
    It has been 2 months since the vaccine and I have refused 2nd dose. Some side effects had gone away , some still there but seems to slooowly recovering (or at least I hope so)
    However, I wanted to share here what I was and still am doing to help my body recover, regenerate and get rid if whatever been put into it. Maybe this will help others who were as unlucky , as I was. Please note I am not a medical professional of any sort, all I’m sharing is part of my personal experience, research, doctors consultation etc and what has worked for me.
    First of all- vitamin supplements. It is very important with any virus or even after any type of vaccine to boost your immune system. Your body is amazing machine itself and trying to fight but in many cases ( this vaccine or covid esspecially) it needs your support. I Supplement vitamin D3 (in high dose) , C, ZINC (this one cleans the body from toxins), folic acid( this one was in a slight deficiency for me after 3 weeks of diarrhea, so GP prescribed it). In addition get chlorella and spirulina (powder or tablets) they also help to clean your body. Apart from that every single morning for the past 2 years I have been making green juice every morning and drink it on the empty stomach. This helps to clean your liver, supplement you with tons of natural vitamins, helps your immune system and provides what your body now really needs and wont do any harm. This can be any home made green vegies juice. I do mainly mix of spinach, celery sticks, kale, ginger, bit of apple, lime or lemon, few asparagus. Sometimes add cavlo nero or other green leaves. More green – the better. Also for my second breakfast I do smoothie : banana, avacoado, handflu of spinach (yes, again), bit of brocoli, handful of cashew nuts and top up with water. And this whole routine I repeat day after day.
    Currently, 2 months later I still have some light tingling on the head , but not all the time and not so intense and few other symptoms but also less intense and feeling like coming back to normal.
    This whole experience have been an absolute nightmare and would not want to repeat it. Maybe some of what has helped me , will be useful for others. Good luck all!

    • Thank you for sharing. May I know how long did it take for your heart rate to stabilise? I am 8 weeks pass my 1st dose and heart rate is still going above 100.

  304. Hi guys,

    I too have had both jabs, first dose of the phizer jab was back in May and the second at the start of July.

    I have to say I’ve not felt right since i’ve been vaccinated. I now seem to suffer from headaches all the time (which before the jab I rarely had any) and just generally feel weak and not my usual self. I have a very intensive manual labour job and find it harder than usual. I have recently come down with a mild dry cough but have been tested which came back negative and was wondering if it was related to having the jab.

    I’m starting to think I would have been better off without the jab. in all honesty I don’t think my body will be having any more booster jabs should they be offered as I’m worried it could make me feel like this permanently.

  305. l have met and heard many people who have chest pain, shortness of breath after eating. l had it after my first pfizer shot only for a day after 12 days after my shot. l had a very rapid heart race, weird anxiety like l ‘m going crazy, very strong brain fog and loss of apetite.lt was worse when l tried to eat smt lt lasted only one day but l felt like l’m dying. My palpitations are still with me after 6 weeks and a weird heart burn. l really am scared about the second jab but scared of corona virus too. Does anyone of you have an idea about what’s happened to me and what to do ?

  306. Hi.
    I live in the UK but I am a Belgian citizen.
    NHS didn’t take my SE seriously, I went private. Unfortunately, my private insurance in UK does not cover anything related to vaccine issues. So, I went back to Belgium.
    I am seeing neurologists, dermatologists, hematologists and have an appt to meet a specialist that specializes in Covid vaccine side effects. I won’t take my 2nd dose before meeting all of these people. I also found medical papers onvarious serious website. Medscape has a gteat SE page.
    My advise? If some Doctor refuses to believe you, go see others. One will. It only takes one to believe you and help you in the process. Good luck

  307. It took 10 weeks for my SE to disappear.
    Try cutting anything that brings inflammation in your diet. I took vit B12 and lipoic acid.
    There are some protocol given for people with very serious SE. FLCCC provides good guidance. Good luck

  308. I got my first dose on June 2 and my second dose on June 24.
    I am a very healthy 28 year old male kickboxer, 5’11, 145 pounds.
    I was able to workout for 4+ hours a day without a problem and had a very healthy routine and diet prior to the covid vaccine.
    Since then I have hardly been able to workout for an hour before becoming extremely sweaty and fatigued which is highly unusual. I had really bad night sweats and diarrhea for weeks leading up to tingling in my feet, which eventually progressed to full body tingles that are so painful that they could be described as shooting pain. I have noticed they come and go and are more prevalent if I eat sugary or salty foods.
    I have had extreme fluctuations in my appetite, earlier on I had little to no appetite and now I feel as if I need to eat an extra meal every day on top of eating more each meal than I usually would.
    I’ve had very vivid dreams and nightmares, probably due to my overheating and sweating during my sleep. For this reason I have slept with my fan on and feet and hands out of the comforter, which I never had to do before.
    I still have diarrhea and find myself going to the bathroom for this at least 5 times a day.
    The tingles seem to be getting worse and I’m now noticing decreased grip strength and numbness in my right arm. I have also been extremely fatigued lately, waking up feeling tired after 8-9 hours of sleep and having to nap for multiple hours during the day and still waking up tired. I’ve been taking multivitamins to make up for not drinking protein shakes with vitamin supplements like I previously did when I worked out significantly more. When I try to do kickboxing workouts lately I just don’t feel like I can use my hands and arms like I used to and it doesn’t feel good, so all I’ve been doing is walking lately (last week). I have been able to do some kickboxing workouts for 1-2 hours where I can basically do everything I used to be able to do, but it seems like intense workouts bring my symptoms back and I’ll notice them that night and the following day.
    I’ve looked online and think my symptoms fit that of GBS or small fiber neuropathy, but I can’t be sure. I have a phone appointment scheduled with my primary care doc on Friday since in person appointments aren’t available in my area for a while.

    I will be trying intermittent fasting or Autophagy in an attempt to clean out my body of damaged cells as I have received this advice from others online and it seems to fit with what I’ve been going through in that I notice my symptoms flare up when I eat food. Lately I’ve been having to nap for 2-3 hours every day after eating the same thing for lunch.
    I also notice my symptoms get worse with heat, and where I am in Northern California it’s been getting very hot in the middle of the day, right around the time I eat lunch.

    I will report back to let people know how Autophagy goes. I have also been trying probiotics but can’t say they’ve helped yet.
    To anyone else going through this, you are not alone and I wish you a speedy recovery. Hang in there.

    • Hi Josh, i had tingling in left hand and foot since May.. after Pfizer 2d shot.. it has subsided but I did develop unsteadiness and diminished coordination. I also noticed that heat flares up my symptoms and also certain foods, like saurkraut…I read it’s high in histamines.

      • Hi Cipi & Josh, I’ve had similar symptoms that I’m sure are related to the vaccine. I had my first shot of Pfizer in mid-April, the next day I had tingling in my hands, arms and feet that lasted three weeks. I also started getting a ringing in one ear at around the same time – but I’m not sure if it’s related. As the tingles subsided they were replaced with shooting pains and musle aches. The aches in my arms got progressively worse for 9 weeks then slowly subsided to the level they are now which is a dull ache that’s worse in the morning when getting up. My palms ache constantly but are much worse when I wake up in the morning, and I feel I have a slight weakness in my hand and slightly diminished coordination especially after sitting at a desk for a couple of hours. I had blood tests after 9 weeks of symptoms but all came back fine. Doctor isn’t sure what’s going on. When the arm pains were at their worst (weeks 6 to 9) I noticed that heat (particularly hot weather) and sugary foods would make the pain worse.

        I had my second shot at the start of July (11 weeks after the first) and I noticed a mild increase in the arm aches but it wasn’t too bad. Overall, things have steadily got better but my hand/palm aches seem to be staying and my hand coordination seems to be getting slightly worse. I still have a ringing in my ear.

        Curious to know if people suffering from these symptoms have previously had a Covid infection? I’ve never tested positive but suspect I had a possible infection early in the pandemic.

        I’m very worried that there might be something more serious going on as it’s now been 16 weeks and things have stopped improving, but I’m not sure how to get further help. But it’s reassuring to know I’m not alone in this so hopefully we’ll all get some answers soon.

        • I have arm pains as well after the shot. Tennis elbow the doctors said. Not getting better. I’ve been going for physio therapy and that seems to help. It’s been 10 months now.

      • Hi cipi, I had covid last march and have been on a low histamine diet ever since (it helps) was only just getting over that and the vaccine has given me almost identical symptoms 🙁

      • HI Toria, tingling subsided and almost gone, with occasional flare ups. Coordination is better too. However ,I still have an annoying brain fog that prevents me from concentrating when working on the computer for more than 15-30 min at a time.

  309. Got my 1st pfizer shot 10 weeks ago, Felt fine. 2 wks later ended up in ER twice with chest pain, pain shooting down legs burning shoulder, neck, collarbone tightness like nerve tightness- never thought it was vaccine related at the time.. Then frozen face numbness on left ear. Tests all negative, Still get chest compression feeling sometimes and neck constricted feeling comes and goes a lot. Doc said I may have had shingles (had strange blisters on finger last year) but she’s not sure if it was shingles or not but had put me on meds for it. She thinks I have post heightened covid 19 immunity response due to possibly having shingles before. Anyone else have shingles before and get a similar reaction?

    Due for 2nd shot in a few weeks and not sure if I should get it. I’m afraid as not fully recovered. Pfizer and docs saying it’s a personal decision.

    I don’t know know anyone else who has personally suffered from these side effects and am wondering just how common it is. My 2 docs said they had other patients experiencing heart palps and neuropathy .

    We are all in this together. Wish there was more support out there for us.

    • I read that in the UK they space the Pfizer shots 8 weeks apart.. you may want to test the level of antibdodies you have in ur system before the second shot.

      • Thank you for replying. Do you know the level of antibodies I should have in my blood test to be in need of a second shot? .

    • I had shingles too (in my late 20’s) and had significant tingling for 6 months post 1st Pfizer dose, but my reaction began within the first hour of the shot. I know there are several peer reviewed publications looking at the correlation of herpes zoster emergence following mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

  310. After 1st pfizer shot today 29th july 2021, right arm. (i was terrified after watching people being injected online) so far ive got Sharp stabbing pain that moves around my head neck and eye socket , its a pain when trying to watch netflix lol , aching knees and ankle left side within first 5 hours i vomited, after feeling quite nauseous. pressure in my chest sore injection point but i .popped a cold pack on my arm and its no longer sore . 21 days till next jab. stay safe lovely people , dont be afraid like i was, . i honestly didnt even feel it go in my arm ❤️

  311. Got my vaccine on the 18th of July, which i was very hesitant about beforehand Leading up to the vaccine i was healthy, fit and had no health problems. I would go out walking for miles on a daily basis but after the vaccine the idea on going on my favourite walk, seemed like so much more effort. I had every symptom on the list apart from allergic reaction and heart inflammation. well, I don’t think i have. Most symptoms went away after 48hrs . However for the first 7 days i couldn’t look, think or eat anything as I felt sick all the time. Personally, the worst side effect was the chest tightness, which is something I have never experienced before as the tightness travelled from my throat and down the left side of my body. Nothing could relieve the tightness and I still have it occasionally . I rarely ever go to the GP. This was the first time i just didn’t understand what was going on with my body. They just said it was side effects of the vaccine and initially said something to do with the ribs. after a few days i was told the tightness could be caused by acid reflux. Now, i have been given medication and another test is being done for a stomach infection., therefore resulting in more medication if the results are positive. I have never been on medication before. It is reassuring reading the comments to see that i was not the only one experiencing side effects beyond the estimated 48 hrs. Hopefully everyone telling their stories recovers 🙂

  312. Hi, my wife had Pfizer vaccine on the 25th May and was due to have her second shot on the 22nd June. We live in Spain. For a few days before the 2nd jab, she was complaining about headaches and neck aches. On the morning of the 22nd, she collapsed and was fitting. I called an ambulance and by the time she got to hospital she was in a coma. She was rushed to a neurosurgeon in Malaga, and a scan showed bleeding on the brain. She was operated on and seemed to come through it ok. Within a week, she had an unexplained fever and infection of the fluid on the brain and suffering further fits. She passed away on the 4th July from a major Vaseospasm. She had no previous illnesses and was only 53. I am still waiting on the results of the post Mortem so not sure if it’s related to this drug or not but I do not believe in coincidence.

  313. Hi, I Got my Pfizer 7 days ago…3 days after the 2nd shot on my left arm, I got a big lump in my right breast. It hurts when you touch it also. I went today get an ultra sound done and it waiting for the doctor to tell me what’s going on.

  314. Hi Julie. It s normal. I also had that. It went away after 2 weekd. They mentioned that this side effect could happen to some. Best

  315. Hello! I am here hoping to get some advice as I am panicking.
    First of all, I’ll see my GP in a hour so I’ll ask his opinion too.

    I got my 1st Pfizer shot on 14th of July, normal reactions (sore arm, low fever, blowel disorders) during the day after.
    After 11 days I started feeling tingling/pins and needles in my left leg and foot (same side where I got the shot), that the day after extended to the right leg and foot and in the left arm/hand.
    As well, my muscles are very sore and even walking the stairs is getting thought. I used to work out a lot and yesterday, after a very mild legs workout, I have muscle aches.

    I started feeling I can have a neurological illness but reading online, I discovered as well it can be connected to the vaccine.

    Did you experiences something similar? If yes, did you get the second dose?
    I am not sure what to do as my appointment is tomorrow, and I am scared. I’ll talk to my GP later today but I am sure he won’t believe me and he will recommend me to get the second shot even if it’s not the best thing to do.
    Can you please tell me your experiences?

    • Although not mentioned officially, tingling sensation seems to be quite a common SE, as you may see when reading through the posts here. It seems to differ from person to person as to how long it lasts. Taking magnesium supplements may help with the tingling and muscle ache.

      I’m also hesitant about my second dose after experiencing various SE after my first pfizer.

    • I had the same and would advise you wait before 2nd dose. Your nerves are inflammed due to the vaccine. It took 10 weeks for my symptoms to get better
      You can contact me here if you are in UK: nbodson@yahoo.fr
      I can advise you a neurologist in London who follows me

  316. Hi, I’ve had the same – 3 months after my first Pfizer and I’m still having numbness, pins and needles and am unable to exercise. I was extremely fit and active and I’m so depressed now. I have to sit down to rest even on short walks. I cancelled my second dose. My body has been so badly affected by one dose I would be insane to consider another.if you haven’t already been on medscape.com please read through over 1000 medical professionals reporting neuropathy on behalf of themselves and patients. I think it’s an absolute travesty that these side effects are being denied. My symptoms began on day 10 after the jab. There have been many others but the most debilitating is the muscle and joint pain (and constant weird taste in my mouth). I hope this helps.

    • Sorry to hear that you have been so badly affected by the vaccine. I too am not healed yet after 12 weeks. I am healthy middle aged with no underlying conditions. I have neuropathy in my neck and face which comes and goes still. I had many other side effects and went to ER twice 3-4 wks post-vaccination.

      I agree with you. I see the reports in my local area and there are next to nil being reported. Meanwhile, two of my docs told me they have seen other patients with neuropathy and heart palpitations. I think there are by far many more others like us out there. , I’m fearful of COVID and question whether I am making the right decision not to get the 2nd dose.

      I hope you feel better soon. Please read through the comments and see what others are taking (supplements) to heal.

  317. It’s been 1 day since I had the 1st shot of the Pfizer vaccine, and yesterday I only had soreness of my right arm (where I was vaccinated), however today the bottom of my left arm has also been aching all day.

    • Yes & yes. History of repeated shingles (related to immune system/lyme disease) had 1st Pfizer on 24/02 and been unwell since (exact details in posts above). Mri of brain/spine normal & got an appointment with immunology this Friday.

  318. When I had my 1st dose in June, I had a pain in the arm the next day and shooting chest pains. But they went the following day. I am experiencing issues with mental health since then, like as if my meds are no longer working. I’m having to increase the dose to see if that helps.

  319. Hi, as many of you I am having most of the SE mentioned here. Muscle twitching, heavy felling in upper thigh, itching,pins and needles,heart palpitations,panic attacks.
    Blood was OK,blood cloths excluded,Thyroid is OK,electrolites OK, EMNG was OK,complete cardiologic check was OK. Waiting for imunology appointment next month.

    I have been taking Vit B,Mg,Zinc,Vit C and D. Thinking of trying with Alpha Liopic acid as I saw it gave relief to some.
    I noticed that a lot of walking is helping. I am in 7th week now. The SEs have subsided a little,but still here.

    A lot of these SE are similar or the same as the one that Covid long haulers are experiencing. Don’t if these can be somehow connected.

    Is there anyone who completely recoverd or found out what was triggered by vaccine and causing this?

    Take care and speedy recovery all!

  320. Hello everyone,

    Italian, 34 y.o., male, with history of Guillain-Barré (14 years ago), generally in good health. I have been reading all the comments under this thread after experiencing some side effects of the Pfizer vaccine. I thought it was useful to come back and write more about my case. I wish to give hope to other people who are experiencing something like I did and are getting anxious about it.

    I took the 1st shot of the Pfizer on the 3rd of July. I completed my vaccination with on the 25th of July.

    The day I took the 1st shot I experienced pain in my right arm in the exact spot where I got the shot. This is a well documented and most common side effect. They recommended to take paracetamol for a couple of days to solve the issue. The day after, I started to experience weakness and numbness in my legs. This sensation was associated with a peak of anxiety. For the following 2 weeks, I have been having leg cramps (charley horse I think they call it). They come and go and moved from the right leg to the left one. I noticed that anxiety worsen the symptoms. After 2 weeks everything went back to normal. Occasionally, I feel weak in my legs (for a matter of seconds).

    I took the 2nd shot. I had a more intense pain in my arm than the first time. I took paracetamol as suggested from the nurse for a couple of days and solve the issue.

    I wish you all good luck and a prompt recovery from the side effects.

    • Hi Daniele.
      I had GBS 5 years ago. Got numbnrss, pin and needles, burning pain for several weeks. My Doctors got worried and told me not getting 2nd dose. Did you experience numbness again after 2nd shot?

      • Hi Nancy how are you going I have same symptoms as you was prescribed pain relief, prednisone and voltaren for inflammation. Where was your pain? Mine is in my arm it’s debilitating at times and ice helps.

  321. Hi,
    Got first Pfizer end of May, and had no issues till 12 days after
    started to get pins and needles/numbness in left arm and hand that eventually would spread to both legs and feet. worse at night with burning sensation on souls of feet. When I woke in morning my hands were going wild with pins and needles (not like you had just slept on your hand)
    Right arm and leg also had joint pain on movement, very weird and never had anything like this before. I was a strong 48yr old male. This went on and still got second dose but symptoms neither got worse or better. Pins and needles left hand and feet worse at night, intermittent joint pain.
    So far being going on 10 weeks, some days not too bad but to be honest have not been the same since got the vaccine. Even my eyes seem to water more than usual….
    I just hope these symptom’s resolve as its freaking me out and lack of sleep due to pins and needles not helping..
    Had bloods done twice and all good, MRI next but sure that will come back okay looking at other remarks here….
    I hold out hope it will settle down and my immune system will please get back on track, never again will I touch Pfizer vaccine
    Seems I am not only one with pins/needles all over going on over weeks and weeks

    • I’ve had pins and needles, burning sensation, muscle twitching for 5 months after the first Pfizer dose; it’s gone now finally but I’m nervous to get the second dose

  322. Italian male.35 yo.3 days after first pfizer shot I had most of the common SEs reported here: tiredness, headache, neck pain, insomnia but fever.Few days prior the first shot, I had high workload at work and I dunno if because of that but I developed panic attacks and short breath, stomach and intestine blocked. I never had before.SE lasted around 20days.Then I had second shot after 26 days from the first one.I regain all the pains with a day of fever. Now I still have shoulder-neck-stomach pain but controllable when lay on bed with diaphragmatic breathing, a hour a day of walking after eating.Lot of water.Magnesium and Potassium.Situation looks better but still there.I read in the comments here the possibility of vagus nerve interaction.Yes it can be.We will recover soon.

    • Update on 27 October: panicks attack gone without psycho medicine, rather natural herbs (valeriana). I kept healthy attitude. Insomnia left me after 3 months from the first jab. Now I am dealing with stomach issues (bloating ,pain and slow digestion). I am using prokinetics and they work quite well. I did vagus nerve exercises you can find online and they are top notch for insomnia recovery and muscle pain too.
      Recap: 1 month after 2nd jabs muscle pains and insomnia left. Vitamins and good life style accelerate recovery. Keep it up!

  323. I took my first dose of moderna vaccine on 12 August immediately after getting shot within an hour i started feeling pain behind my eyes ,muscle tiredness,fatigue. And fever started along with stomach infection and blood in sputum. No matter how much water i drink mu mouth is dry always. I go to doctor they gave me medication for lung and stomach infection.

    It has been 6 days and there is no change in my condition. I cant swallow any food and loss 6 kg in 6 days. Hope this will not last any longer i pray everyone gets better.

  324. Hi, I am from Spain and had my first Pfizer dose on June 29th. It was almost perfect (only a little bit of a sore arm where I got the shot) for the first 5 days. Then suddenly, I began to have weird awakenings in the middle of the night as if I couldn’t breathe normally. The after night was even worse so I went to the ER to report the case. I’m a 40 year old healthy female with no previous conditions or prescribed meds. They told me my blood pressure was high but the electrocardiogram was ok so they decided it was me creating some kind of anxiety because of the vaccine (which it seemed completely wrong for me as fortunately I am a calm/sporty person with none anxiety background before the shot). They gave me a low dose of meds for this and sent me home.

    Next days I wasn’t feel like myself but with some massages and relaxing at home at least they seemed not getting worse, so I decided to take the 2nd dose 21 days after the first to complete the vaccine and see if those weird symptoms could leave my body for good. First day I was good (sore arm only as in 1st) but since the next day the “supposed anxiety” worsened as ever. In the mornings I feel almost like myself but around lunch hours (2-3 pm here) my nose starts to feel stuffy and generate mucus all of a sudden as if I couldn’t breathe properly. I was having also neck pain -specially around the nape- and a sensation as of a numbness in the brain if I don’t take the meds.

    Never ever in my life it happened to me so it feels very scary. Doctors are doing me some complete blood tests -to see if something changed since my previous ones- but doesn’t look like they have any idea of what’s happening as this is new for them also. I was made lungs x-rays and everything is ok there.

    Someone with similar situation or any solution given to this problem? It seems like something related to the nerves but still wasn’t referred to the neurologist. Thanks in advance an good energies to all 🙂

    • Update: It looks like the vaccine caused me a mild thyroid disorder and I am starting a treatment to see if I can get fully better finally. Hope everyone is feeling fine!

      • Hi Mery, I also live in Spain and have had neurological effects ( pins and needles, insomnia, palpitations, fatigue..). What test did you have to diagnose the thyroid disorder? Did the doctor say It would go away on its own?

        • Hi Carol, I did a blood test where they chose also -besides the basic profile- the thyroid test (TSH, T3, T4) and the results showed that my thyroid levels were a bit lower than in my previous tests so given all my symptoms and the test, they decided to put me in a mild subclinical hypothyroidism treatment to begin with and see if I’m getting better. Only 5 days after and although I’m not 100% me, it looks like I’m going in the right direction. Yes, they think it’s a matter of time also but well, we need to help our system to get sooner there. I don’t know if your case is the same but in ER they told me the thyroid disorder was being detected as an adverse effect more than known or made public. Positive vibes in your way!

  325. Hello everyone,
    It’s been 2months since my second dose of Pfizer.
    I’m still having pins and needles / tingling to my both legs and hands.The problem is the heat I feel like Iam having a sun burn !!!It comes and goes ,especially if it is too hot outside !I take vitamin b , magnesium and zinc ,it helps but not all times .I used to swim a lot but now get tired to easily ,I hope it will go away !

  326. I had my 2d Pfizer shot at end of April and my numbness and tingling started first week of May. It’s been three long months and I am glad that the numbness and tingling has finally resolved. I tried Lecithin , Magnesium and B vitamin complex. I still have occasional muscle weakness in the torso and arms and slightly diminished coordination. Brain MRI was unremarkable. I tried Rhodiola extract for brain fog and anxiety spells. It worked for me after a few days. I had trouble concentrating while working on the computer. I am not a medical doctor and not giving any medical advice. I am just sharing my experience and what worked for me.

  327. 3 month update:
    Burning in legs and top of feet continues. In hot shower or exercise in heat calves feel swollen but are not.

    Heat and anxiety worrying about it exacerbates.

    Horizontal under cool air and light exercise in cool envirobment eases symptoms, but just temporary sensation respite.

    Have tried multi vit, 3000mcg vit b12, magnesium, cbd oil, antihistamine, ibuprofen. Nothing helps.

    Has anyone that has also experienced these symptoms had them subside yet?

  328. I had my 1st Pfizer vaccine at Tuesday and 5 days forward I am starting to feel little tingles in my fingers and behind my elbow (not sure if I have it in my toes). This started when I was sleeping on a Friday night and it still is tingly. This can happen sometimes during the day. I also had a pulses around my upper arm but it only happens a few times. I am starting to get concerned. Are these normal symptoms? Should I go to the doctors to sort this out? Is there a problem with this? Will it go away in a few days? Can you please give me any advice ASAP?

    • I also have a little tingle on my right hand. I also forgot to mention that all these side effects I am feeling are in my right arm and fingers.

  329. I had my first Pfizer vaccine 26th June , that night I woke after a nightmare having a panic attack (shooting heat going down my arms) & couldn’t get back to sleep for 3 hours. I had that on & off for a few weeks. Struggled to even get to sleep as my neck muscles would tense up & if jolt awake. Fuzzy feeling through my whole body. My eyes also went funny, my vision is bouncy, I still have that now as well as nausea & low appetite. I also have internal tremors which are really getting me down now. I just want to feel normal again like I did the day before I had the vaccine. I’m suffering insomnia as I’m constantly worried about all these things that are wrong with me now.

    • I forgot to mention my tinnitus got worse and I also had a week of intense pressure in my head. Felt like it would explode. The tingling feeling in arms is still there too. Everyone tells me it’s anxiety but I never had this before the vaccine.

      • Hi Kim, in the first weeks after the 2d shot I too had a heightened state of anxiety and restlessness like I have never experienced ever before in my entire life. I noticed that when I feel more anxious my tingling also comes back again in the left hand. Try to relax and destress as much as possible. I have been taking natural valerian supplements and drink lavender and chamomile in the evening. They seem to help. I stopped drinking coffee because the caffeine really got me jumpy and could not fall asleep. It seemed that the effects of caffeine were magnified 3x after the vaccine. Still grateful I am protected against the nasty Delta variant….thinking positive here..

        • Thanks for your reply. I am also avoiding caffeine & sugar. Have been drinking chamomile tea. Looking at other sites I am thinking the vaccine has done something to my nerves. I feel constant vibration inside , my arms & hands have burning tingling feeling & legs feel shaky & weak

  330. I had my second dose on 22 July. During 7-10 days I felt no side effects and then suddenly I had a feeling of sudden tiredness and fatigue. After a couple of hours, I had vomit and fewer 37.5 C in the evening. It is almost more than a month but I still feel mild tiredness and fatigue.

  331. I have had tingling and numbness in my face that moves and tingling/ itchiness mostly on my arms but travels around my body since my second vaccine with Pfizer.
    I have an underlying immune system issue where my body rejected my breast implants snd I got very sick. Have not had any health issues since getting rid of them 18 month ago snd finally got my health back so this is very scary for me as facial numbness and tingling was stage one before I had a myriad of other health issues including fatigue and heart palpitations if breast implant illness which didn’t resolve until I got rid of the source. I can not do that with a vaccine.
    Of course we need to get vaccinated and hope this is short term
    If anyone has any information about how long this may last I would appreciate it.

  332. Second day after my first vaccine, feeling a heavy numbness in my face, mostly around my left cheek, pain in my chest and head, dry tingling lips and tongue and very excessive thirst, mentally I feel normal. The first day I had a drop in energy, started feeling hot and unwell, very sweaty, lack of appetite, shakes, a pulse that was jumping up and down and chest pain. This started many hours after I had the vaccine and the symptoms weren’t steady, they were coming and going, aside from the chest pain that I still have that I don’t think has stopped once. It’s not intense, but noticeable enough to mention.

  333. Just wondering if anyone still went ahead and took the second shot even when you were still experiencing tingly sensation? If so, was the symptoms even worst? And did it ever go away? 2 months since my first dose and still feeling the tingly feeling on and off

      • Yes 🙁 doctors just say it’s health anxiety & treat me like I am crazy! I started antidepressants Mirtazipine last Friday so will give it a few weeks to see if helps! Arms & legs feeling very tingling & slight burning sensation nearly every day. I just hope it goes away in time. I am taking lots of different vitamins to try & help

        • I have resolved my anxiety (which was very excruciating at the beginning, over 3 months ago) with Lecithin (Cholic Acid) and Passion Flower (I use from Solaray). I also take Magnesiun+B6. And also, I started to eat a lot of walnuts and pecans, dark chocolate. I realized that I my anxious attacks which started at nigh with a nighmare/vivid dream, were tamed by eating food, or at least walnuts + dark chocolate. So now I take Lechitin + a walnut + a small piece of dark chocolate in one, the taste is better. The anxiety is from the nerves that are put at a lot of pressure. Passion Flower I take for pains of the nerves, all over the body, including for headackes. If I can’t sleep back at night, I use Sage (1/2 tea spoon of dried plant, chewed), the sleep comes in 30 minutes approximately. Take care!

        • Hi really sorry to hear this – my daughter has had lots of severe symptoms – including slurred speech; numbness; weakness; severe terrifying head pain; racing heart after having 1st dose of pfizer nearly 9 weeks ago. Now has just body numbness and v bad fatigue. She’s following a low histamine diet – it’s helped panic attacks and racing heart and severe headaches she was having and she has the feeling back in her mouth now. Her neurologist says that she’s having migrainous activity with aura from the vaccine (?) = news to us and a flared up immune response. She’s also currently taking Niacin; Magnesium; Riboflavin; Rhodiola; a whole array of B vitamins; high Vit C ; vit D; Quercitin; St Johns Wort; Pine needle. CBD to help sleep and nerves generally.

        • trust me it’s not anxiety they told me the same thing and i’m having the exact same symptoms and more for over a mounth now we are far from crayzy vaccines are causing this and it’s happening to thousands of people there is a forum called medscape and anothor called veda forum where people are discribing the same problem

  334. I’ve had many of the reflux, sinus, and especially awful /taste throat symptoms above. I had astra zeneca vax x 2. it has been 4 weeks since my second and 12 since my firat vax, symptoms peristing. But I have had an overwhelming chemical perfume smell as well, it comes in the late afternoon and evening most strongly, mst days and is often tied to the taste but not always, is trigegred by eating and drinling quite foten so seems to be “silent reflux” related. Has anyone experienced this? Have had brain scan and numerous tests to no avail… It is driving me quite mad!

    • I’ve had a constant weird taste around my back teeth since about 10 days post Pfizer jab (I’ve only had one). It’s been 4 months and I have the taste every day. Usually it gets worse as the day goes on. I don’t have the smell, thank god. I’ve had loads of other horrible symptoms but the taste drives you mad doesn’t it? I will not get the second jab. I hope every day for my body to go back to how it was before May.

  335. Hello, tomorrow will be exactly 4 weeks from the 2nd dose of Pfizer. I already started after a few hours of fatigue, muscle pain and lack of appetite, and large palpitations which made it difficult to sleep … after a few days I had needles, muscle spasms, tremors in my legs and brain … and a feeling of warmth … I live in in a small town I do not know how long I will wait for a neurlologist … I had blood tests of vitamins all ok and I do not have blood clots …. today I have these needles and warmth on my forehead … I beg you, is it dangerous? Will it go away … Please advice

  336. 31 years old, slim physique, no illnesses. Got 1st Pfizer dose on August 18th 2021. Everything was normal until about 4 days later. I started having an odd squeezing/cramping sensation throughout my entire left arm, the same one where I received the injection. (This was NOT the initial arm soreness at the injection site that most people experience. I had that too, but it quickly went away and was never a cause for concern.) The squeezing sensation spread into my left shoulder and left side of my neck. It only lasted for about a day, but then around the 23rd or 24th, the same arm started to fall asleep (numbness/pins & needles) in the middle of the night without any pressure applied to it nor sleeping in any awkward position. It would wake me out of dead sleep and I would have to point my arm down toward the ground and let gravity fill it back up with blood. This has been happening off and on in the few days since then. Last night it happened twice and now squeezing feeling is back. Also, even after the blood flow returns and the pins and needles go away, it still doesn’t feel completely normal. There is a slight tingling in my fingers and the entire arm is colder then the other one. In essence, it seems like my left arm does not have normal blood circulation anymore ever since getting the shot. This has me very concerned about either clotting or vasculitis. Of course it’s just speculation though as I have not seen a doctor yet because I don’t want to pay a bill just to be written-off as “anxiety” or “stress”. I am seriously reconsidering the second shot. I was against the vaccine to begin with, but changed my mind when my father ended up on ventilator with covid. It really feels like there is no correct course of action. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t.

  337. 31 years old, slim physique, no illnesses. Got 1st Pfizer dose on August 18th 2021. Everything was normal until about 4 days later. I started having an odd squeezing/cramping sensation throughout my entire left arm, the same one where I received the injection. (This was NOT the initial arm soreness at the injection site that most people experience. I had that too, but it quickly went away and was never a cause for concern.) The squeezing sensation spread into my left shoulder and left side of my neck. It only lasted for about a day, but then around the 23rd or 24th, the same arm started to fall asleep (numbness/pins & needles) in the middle of the night without any pressure applied to it nor sleeping in any awkward position. It would wake me out of a dead sleep and I would have to point my arm down toward the ground and let gravity fill it back up with blood. This has been happening off and on in the few days since then. Last night it happened twice and now the squeezing feeling is back. Also, even after the blood flow returns and the pins and needles go away, it still doesn’t feel completely normal. There is a slight tingling in my fingers and the entire arm is colder than the other one. In essence, it seems like my left arm does not have normal blood circulation anymore ever since getting the shot. This has me very concerned about either clotting or vasculitis. Of course it’s just speculation though as I have not seen a doctor yet because I don’t want to pay a bill just to be written-off as “anxiety” or “stress”. I am seriously reconsidering the second shot. I was against the vaccine to begin with, but changed my mind when my father ended up on a ventilator with covid. It really feels like there is no correct course of action.

  338. Hello, tomorrow will be exactly 4 weeks from the 2nd dose of Pfizer. I already started after a few hours of fatigue, muscle pain and lack of appetite, and large palpitations which made it difficult to sleep … after a few days I had needles, muscle spasms, tremors in my legs and brain … and a feeling of warmth … I live in in a small town I do not know how long I will wait for a neurlologist … I had blood tests of vitamins all ok and I do not have blood clots …. today I have these needles and warmth on my forehead … I beg you, is it dangerous? Will it go away … Please advice….

  339. Had my 2nd shot 08/28/2021. I was reading comments and noticed no one mentioned having diarrhea, which is one of my symptoms along with nausea, sore arm, stuffy nose, loss of appetite, throat filled with mucus and tiredness. My first shot I only had a sore arm at site of injection. I pray that I do not get any other symptoms. I am also wondering how does the Pfizer vaccine interact with my insulin and other medication . I am diabetic 65yrs old with sleep apnea

  340. I had the pfizer two weeks ago! Feeling so terrible now, numb left side of face, and pin and needles in mostly left side of body/ in both hands. Waves of nausea and hot sweats? Bubbly feeling in my chest especially at night, vision issues, vertigo and dizziness often, no appetite, anxiety . And I just feel unwell. I do have fibromyalgia and an athritic condition. Is anyone else getting these symptoms. I went to doctor and they are sending me for a brain MRI, as they don’t think the vax caused this . But seriously, very similar reaction as above? I’m scared, I’m angry, and disappointed at myself as I didn’t want to get this vaccine.

    • Ask for a EMG and nerve biopsy.
      It has been proven the vaccine can give that.
      MRI won t show anything.
      Advising you to check for the V neuro long haulers group on facebook. We are all helping each other across the globe and it s a wonderful group. It took me 10 weeks to recover! Take vit B12. Stop caffeine and alcohol until ALL symptoms go away. Good luck

    • Hi Marsha,

      I received my second biontech shot 4 weeks ago, since 2 weeks I am experiencing insomnia , loss of appetite and anxiety. Also my heart rate is elevated throughout the day. First checks showed nothing, blood seems ok, organs are ok as well. The first shot gave me digestive problems, which luckely resolved after 2 weeks. I hope the anxiety fades away soon, since I believe it triggers my insomnia.

      What about the others here? When did your anxiety start to fade away?

      Kind regards

    • Hi Marsha,

      I have quit the same symptoms as you.
      I did my first injection 1 mont ago. And since i have pin and needles sensations everywhere, nauseas, loss of appetite, i’m very tired, i have big hot sweat, burn skin sensation on the back, the chest, arms and legs, vertigo, dizziness…it’s aweful.
      I have to take CBD to relieve the pain.
      My MRI and blood test are very good. So i think it will be the same for you.
      Let me know how you fell and how it will evolve.

      I send you strengh.

    • Marsha – having had the vaccine yesterday morning I feel exactly like you write here – in a real state of anxiety and angry at having had the vaccine- same symptoms

    • I have the same issues. Cloudiness in my right eye that came on 48 hours after the vaccine, which I had on 2 September, 2021. I also seem to have numbness in the middle toes of my right foot, and this is becoming more noticable after 2 weeks. Sometimes it’s like my brain “aches”, but it isn’t a headache… it’s like a sore brain. I have the sweats, too… completely randomly for no reason and suddenly in the middle of the day, or at night.

      I have also been vaccinated with Sputnik V (2 jabs in May) which did NOT give me the same issues, though the 2nd Sputnik jab did leave me a little bit under the weather, and I get conjunctivitis every time. But conjunctivitis for a day ok… whatever… but blurry cloudy eye for 2 weeks?

  341. Marsha, look on VEDA website- there are thousands of people with dizziness and nausea post covid ‘vaccine’ sharing their stories on there.

  342. Hi everybody,

    I (38 years, male, good health) received my second biontech shot 4 weeks ago, since 2 weeks I am experiencing insomnia , loss of appetite and anxiety. Also my heart rate is elevated throughout the day. First checks showed nothing, blood seems ok, organs are ok as well. The first shot gave me digestive problems, which luckely resolved after 2 weeks. I hope the anxiety fades away soon, since I believe it triggers my insomnia.

    What about the others here? When did your anxiety start to fade away?

    Kind regards

  343. After the first vaccination I got tingling in both ankles and both wrists and both forearms in the evening. The skin under my feet burned. Very weird. Excruciating pain in both breasts. One day of spotting. Had no fever. I was occasionally dizzy, blurred vision sometimes. Weird kind of headache on one side. Very tired. Extreme need for sugar. This all lasted for 5 days and then it was all over. The tingling is also part of the complaints of a covid infection, so it is not surprising that these symptoms can also arise with the vaccine, but to a lesser extent than with a covid infection. But still I was very afraid to get the second dose. After reading messages here that I’m not the only one with these tingling sensations, and knowing that with a Covid infection these symptoms can be much worse, I decided to get the second vaccination. I was scared! But what is the alternative? That is getting covid without symptoms, but you don’t know that in advance. And if I react so strongly to the vaccine, how would my body react to a covid infection!?
    What also convinced me to take the second dose is that in the meantime, before I had to get the second dose, a friend of mine had contracted covid. She’s my age, around 45, and she had terrible pain all over her body. So much, she couldn’t take it anymore. Her oxygen level went down. And…. she had very bad tingling! She was very ill and now she has long covid.

    After the second vaccination I have had no tingling at all. This time I got chills without fever, muscle aches, general flu feeling. But that only lasted for 1 day. However, after the second dose I still have irritable bowels (I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)) and bladder problems. But with that I am also known if I have gone through something else that is an attack on the immune system. Just like any other flu virus or covid infection, such a vaccine can confuse the entire bowel flora if you are sensitive to it. That is now 6 weeks ago. I hope this will be over soon.

    By the way, I want to thank you all very much for posting your experiences here, because it has really helped me to make the right decisions and also to know that I am not alone in this with that weird tingling after the vaccine. Thanks!

  344. Hi Natalia, yes, I also had smelly urine after the vaccination and still occasionally. And symptoms of cystitis and fungus infection. See my comment of today.

  345. Hi. I also have severe reaction to my first injection.
    My main problem is a burning pain, like a sunburn feeling all over the top of my back, chest area, arms and legs.
    With also pins and needles sensations everywhere.
    All my medical checks are good.

    I did my first injection 1 month ago now. It doesn’t go away.

    Does someone has the same and can tell me if it goes away and how ?
    It’s very scary.

    Thank you

    • Hi.
      Did they do a biopsy of a nerve? Until they do, they cannit rule out small fiber neuropathy.
      I had the same as you. Take vit B 12. 1000mg per day. Stop caffeine and alcohol. It will take time to get better. Try and get a neurologist doing a nerve biopsy. You might need a treatment so the nerves don t get damaged

      • Hi !
        Thank you for your answer !
        I already saw a neurologist and he said all my checks are good, except it didn’t do a nerve biopsy, i will ask for it yes, but the appointements are veery delayed…
        I just started to take omega 3, curcuma and vitamines, and i’m waiting for all this to improve.
        How long have you been feeling it ? And how long did it take to start disappearing ?
        Thank you !

  346. Got the second, and got the crazy side effect of a horrible pain in my foot- between the heel and arch. Cannot put any weight on it. Slightly better on 3rd day. Is this common?

  347. This is my experience coming from a young 26 year old guy. I had to Pfizer vaccine on Aug 4 of this year. I was completely fine but I started to get the side effects after a week which it said on the warning printed paper that they handed to me. I woke up on Wednesday with almost all the side effects, except the swollen lymph nodes and the next day 90% of the side effects went away. I was only dealing with a headache and chest pain which was affecting me at my job since I have to do physical labour on the weekends. So I decided to go to the ER after my shift on Sunday and the doctor told me it was heartburn and I was like no way… Because I have never suffered from acid reflux before, I have a strong stomach (By the way I was very fatigue too). The dr gave me a prescription to buy Rabeprazole which was for acid reflux and took it for 1 week. I was feeling better but the following week I started feeling extremely cold feet and only my feet and I also had like this inner shakiness which I did not have before and also nauseous. I went to the ER on Sunday again after my shift because I was feeling even worse specially with the acid reflux. I had a feeling what the dr was going to say to me and yep … He said it might be anxiety causing the acid reflux which is false. I had anxiety in the pass and I know me symptoms but haven’t had anxiety like over 2 years and it magically appear after taking the first dose of Pfizer. About the cold feet, the dr wants me to get an thyroid test which I will not get because I know it is perfectly fine. After talking to the doctor which I felt like it was a waste of time , he prescribe me with more acid reflux pills but for 2 weeks and this time it’s called Pantoprazole. I am very depressed because I was completely fine without this vaccine and I will be starting tomorrow a new job and I am not feeling well. It’s been over a month now and I feel alone on this, well I mean alone where I live. I will not take the second shot at the moment till I get better , so I will not be taking it soon , need to get better first. I am really worried about the acid reflux, I am not eating as much as before , no more alcohol , and the inner shakiness sucks , feels like I am having a panic attack but my heart isn’t even going fast.
    I am not sure if this is related but my scalp feels really itchy too but that might be something different.

    • Hey David, as a 40 healthy year old woman fully vaccinated with Pfizer, don’t underestimate the thyroid test option. I started with the supposed anxiety 5 days after the first dose (first week of July) and though I’ve never had thyroid problems and less anxiety before, it looks like the vaccine caused me some subclinical thyroid disorder and I’ll have to take a mild treatment to see if my body improves finally. No acid reflux here tho but consider all tests possible till reaching your own answers. Hope you get better soon!

  348. My first comment got deleted , I don’t know why and I wrote a lot.

    Took my first pfizer shot over a month ago and I still suffer with acid reflux which I have never had before and internal shakiness.
    Not sure if I want to take the second shot. i will wait 2 months if I get better.

    • When I had my 1st Pfizer shot I had a terrible acid reflux flare, which I had never had before. It started very soon after the shot, after about an hour, and I also had really bad burping and finally diarrhea. It looked like my whole digestive tube was affected, The reflux even affected my voice. I calied the doctor and he also prescribed omeoprazol, which I took for a week. After that It started getting better but continued with other symptoms and the diarrhea would come and go.. I’m better now (2 months later) and also waiting for my second dose but very scared of taking it. The doctors tested me for PEG allergy and I’m not allergic to It.

      • I had the exact same 2 days after my 2nd vaccine I had a terrible flare up of Acid reflux which I have never had before. I was prescribed reflux tablets which didn’t really help… Nearly 2 mths on I’m starting to feel a bit better but I don’t know if I’m getting better or if its because I’m eating barely anything and have given up alcohol. I feel like my whole digestive system is in disarray.

  349. Hello, I am 5 weeks after the 2nd Pfizer vaccine. I am writing to give hope to people who burn the skin of their legs or have needles all over their body. I am 10 days without symptoms relapse. Some fears end, others begin. 3 days I had a dry cough and it was hard to breathe … passed … now I have dizziness for a few minutes and terrible fatigue … after about 3 weeks the anxiety passed me after about 3 weeks I took beta blocker drinking lemon balm, vitamins all … zero coffee zero tea , hot epso salt baths. Maybe it will help someone. I wish you much health for us here.

  350. I had my second pfizer shot August 26th and the very next day ended up with Covid. Bad luck for me. Now almost 2 weeks from the shot date, I am numb on half of my side. My right side will start tingling, my hand will shake and I feel like I can not move even though I can. I feel heavy. This happens like every hour or so.

  351. Some good news! I posted a couple of months ago about developing UTI-like symptoms after my second vaccination in June. I had three urine tests that showed no infection and I’ve been on two rounds of antibiotics that didn’t help at all. Three weeks ago my doctor put me on low dose amytriptilyn. It’s an antidepressant but it’s used in low doses for nerve pain. After two weeks on this drug my symptoms seem to be gone. I’ve been a full week without uti symptoms. It is such a relief, I sure hope it lasts!

  352. Glad I found this site – had vaccine 13 hours ago and am panicking – rapid heartbeat (missing beats) ear ache – pain from back of next and headache behind eye – like hepatic migraine – pain I arm – feeling of panic. Feel pain all way down to feet. Hard to describe and I am SO regretting having had this vaccine and so angry with gov’t for feeling forced to do so – to travel / go out etc. Facial neuralgia too. All just horrible and not worth it.

  353. I had covid back in October 2020. I ended up with Afib due to covid. After reading these side effects of the vaccine I’m very afraid to take the shots. I discussed the shots with my doctor and he recommended the Pfizer vaccine. He did say a rare side effect is inflammation of the heart. Well, recently there was a man talking on tv that his teenage son got the vaccine and now has inflammation of the heart. I also have been dx with fibromyalgia in past years, so having a compromised immune system and now having Afib due to having covid I will not be an experiment and get any of the covid shots. I have read and heard scientists say that people that’s had covid have just as much protection against covid and someone getting the shots no matter how long it’s been since a person had covid. So sorry for everyone above that have had and still such awful side effects and pray you will get better soon.

  354. I had my Pfizer vaccine (first dose) on Sunday 5th September. 2 days later got a chest discomfort. The doctor ran tests for my heart etc, all came back clear. I realised when I burped the discomfort went away. I seem to need to burp all throughout the day, sometimes inducing a bit of acid up the back of my throat. Currently managing it with OTC medicne. My sleep and exercise is not currently affected, which is good. But hopeing the gas/acid reflux goes away. Will consult my doctor before taking the second dose.

    Anyone that has had acid reflux from the vaccine, has it gone away yet?

  355. Aw man.. I’m so happy Im glad I found other people who know what I’ve been experiencing with the brain zaps also… I got my first Pfizer shot in May and the random brain zaps began. It felt like a pressure in my head with random jolts of pain and seemed to have affected my right eye somehow. Sometimes I felt like my right eye was almost dozing off in a weird way. The pain was every single day in short bursts until one day it happened again but didn’t leave for the rest of it.. constant sharp brain zap feeling. I was worried and so consulted my doctor who pretty much dismissed it with the “well I don’t see any signs of neurological issues based on our conversation” like -.- really? We’re not being proactive about people’s health now? Just reactive?

    It made me doubt getting the second and so I just booked an appt to take it months later on September 9th to observe.. the zaps eventually diminished which is great and so I went ahead and got my second shot as intended. Hours later felt the exact same thing, as well as the pressure in my head. This confirmed to me that it was caused by the shots. I’ll be calling my doctor back and pushing for any form deeper analysis 0.o . Thank you all for sharing your experience <3

  356. it’s been 27 days since i had the janssen shot but i’m seeing people here having the same problem with pfizer ,i had the pins and needles sensation ,the birning sensation and muscle pain ,yesterday and today the muscle twitching got more intense than usual but not for the whole day it comes and goes i realy wanna know from those with the same situation if they got better and how much time did it take and what did doctors say as doctors in my country have absolutly no clue that this is related to the vaccin

  357. Has anyone experienced Tinnitus, Chronic knee pain and lower back pain after the first Pfizer shot? if yes, did it subside? and how long did it take? did you take any medication ?

  358. Got my second Pfizer shot on 9/9/21. 15 minutes after felt a cooling sensation in my left arm (that’s the arm i got the shot in) and tingling down that arm and fingers for a few hours. Eventually went away.

    The next day, i noticed from my left kneecap down to my ankle that half of my leg has numbness going down it. When i itched it would then tingle. And sometimes it randomly tingles, too. Still having those same symptoms. Anyone else having these?

    Also, the last two night my head has felt “full” if that makes sense? And i will kinda feel dizzy then get a slight headache. Just want to see if anyone else is exhibiting these symptoms?

  359. 4 months now since 2nd Pfizer shot. Still burning/stinging sensations in both legs. No let up as of yet. Neurologist said should pass over time. Get yearly physical in 2 weeks. Doubt find anything based off of what I have heard here. Taking 3000mcg B12 daily but no impact.

  360. Good Day;

    Anyone able to suggest any help thanks to experience or help given in Regards to all the symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Pains ?

    20 days since my first shot of P vaccine . in need of a cure, relief or treatment . Any updates from anyone that their pain has ended or stopped ?

    No, never had any problems with the current tooth in pain, only since I got the shot

    • It’s from nerves… I had the same in one night, from a tooth that had a work 30+ years ago, where the dentist saved the nerve. Imagine, that tooth HAS NEVER posed me a problem in 30+ years, but with the Pfizer vaccination, one night I woke up in pains almost screaming. It was a short lived pain, I take Passion Flower (mild sedatif from Solaray) to relieve the pain of the nervous terminations. And yes, I get from time to time a very light pain in the wisdom teeth. I also take Lecithin (Cholic Acid) for the nerves, and eat as many walnuts and pecans I can. It looks we miss/need more fat into the brain now when the secondary effects of the vaccines hit out nervous systems so badly.

    • It sounds like you have developed something called Atypical Odontalgia. Google it. I have had this for 20 years. It is basically tooth pain with no apparent cause. It usually appears after a dental procedure but sometimes appears for no known reason. It is caused by nerve damage and can be helped with drugs -low dose antidepressants or anti seizure meds. I came to this conversation because I developed interstitial cystitis, an uncomfortable feeling in the bladder, after my second shot. What’s interesting to me is that this is also caused by nerves that aren’t working properly. And I think that the painful zaps that some are experiencing is also caused by nerves. It seems to me that this vaccine somehow causes some people’s nerves to be overstimulated.

  361. Hi all,

    Been reading all yours comments to help comfort how I’m feeling. I feel like I’m losing my mind.

    I’m a 30 yo female. Fit and healthy with no health issues.

    I had my 1st Pfizer dose and had a rapid heart rate and dizzy. 30 mins later my stomach got really upset and my bowels have not gone back to normal. Lots of burping, trapped gas in the right chest and going to the toilet lots. I’ve also felt my anxiety spiral out of control like never before.

    Had my bloods checked, a chest X-ray and a gastroscopy. All clear.

    If anyone wants to talk please let me know.
    This is a very difficult time for everyone feeling this way. We will get through this.

    • Hello Sam, how are you now? Your writing/symptoms and situation sounds similar to mine here. I too had 1st Pfizer vaccination and before that I was in excellent health and 30-40 minutes after the Pfizer my chest area started to tingle and burn and tighten with pressure especially in the right side (the vaccine in the left arm) and middle, felt I couldn’t breathe normal way like it was tightened. My whole chest are felt totally abnormal, as if it was shoot up with helium gas and my arms were powerless, not normal. Couldn’t do movements such as bending to pick a pen from the floor or turning body/looking to the left side. Then after some days came bad heartburn and acid reflux along. I have never had heart burn before. I had ibs before, but it has always been in the stomach and it’s manageable. Never had anything wrong with the chest, on the contrary I run in the winters 20 minus celsius weathers etc, and now after vaccination I have been not able to even function everyday things, also eating is hard cause the system is in irritation. I had to go to ER twice and they did EKg and lung emboli test, they were clear, now waiting results from x-ray, ultra and lab tests. I been using now 4 days Somac 40 mg and it has helped to stabilize the flaring up, but I still not in normal way. Get well ya’ll/we all, well wishes people!

  362. If you read through all the posts you will see you are not alone experiencing these symptoms. Luckily I did not have gastro issues, but had plenty of neurological and also heightened anxiety…like you described. I tried Rhodiola and Ashwaghanda supplements and my mood stabilized…I sleep better too.. I think our immune system are on high alert , super active as a result of the vaccine creating antibodies to fight the nasty corona virus ..

  363. Had pfizer end of June, it was a nightmare. Bearly 2 hours after the dose felt like I will pass out but didn’t. I had this tremor/fuzzy/ rushed feeling that would come and go. Both sensations were momentarily, comes and gies away within split second. For 2-3 days it was intense with less episodes and later it was less intense with increased frequency. I also use to get high pulse rate and heart beat. Lasted around 3 weeks, by then it was time for 2nd dose.

    Towards end of July I got my 2nd pfizer. Felt mild sensations like I did previously but 2 days after the shot my nose, chest and stomach felt like burning, it was so intense as if my organs are on fire. Nose burning stopped the next day and took 2-3 days for the burning sensation to stop. It came back again but only chest and abdomen part. Since then I am on Antacid medication. Burning has not returned but acid reflux is still their. It’s nearly 4 weeks now, it’s getting better but on and iff I need to take the medicine. I have done a lot if dietary changes too. Sometimes, on and off my intestine feels coldish and then it is ok by next day.

    BTW I had 2 ECG’s, blood tests, xray’s Holter monitor and nothing cane up, all reports were good. Even my blood report showed all vitamins, irin, ferratin, etc etc all within range.

    I do get anxious easily and I have never felt this way. But I am still alive but nit in my pre Vax form. I use to feel 100% but now there us always something going on with my body

  364. Hi, just wanted to see with the people who were experiencing numbness, pins and needles, shock sensations from the first dose, did you end up taking the second dose? And were the symptoms worst from the second dose? I’m still nervous and debating if I should take the second dose. It’s been 3 months since my first dose.

    • No, I did not. I have tomorrow 4 months since I vaccinated 1st dose and first appointment to a neurologist. Finally, the GP, set an appointent and finally the neurologist found the time for me. The systemic side-effects (neurological, vascular, endocrine, articular, muscular) experienced and the quality of the release papers of Pfizer vaccine (as of August 4th) released in Canada, were enough to NOT book/plan on any other vaccination, even when I will fully recover, which is still not the case now. I came a long way of pains and I am waiting this processes to finish and allow me to recover to my normal health and quality of life that I had prior vaccination.

    • I also experienced bad side effects to my 1st Pfizer dose in May beginning two weeks post dose including from heart compression, burning shoulder, leg and hip pain. Then, a frozen cheeks feeling although not actually numb. What is still lingering is a constricted neck feeling that comes and goes and discomfort going through my left ear and lower cheek. I have been told by my doc it is neuropathy caused by a heightened immune response due to possibly having shingles (had an outbreak on my finger last year that she wasn’t able to guarantee but thinks it was shingles) before.

      Still not fully recovered and after much going back and forth on decision, I got the 2nd shot. but chose Moderna instead. (I know it is probably no different that Pfizer but thought maybe I’d have better luck). It’s been over a month now and I still have neuropathy – it is now somewhat worse than before and I’ve been having hot flashes and night sweats but don’t know if it related to the vaccine or possibly perimenopause.

      I still think I made the right decision even though I am suffering. The thought of getting very sick or dying of COVID was scarier. I am also doing my part in protecting others by being vaccinated.

      • Hi Tam, I also had really bad side effects from the 1st Pfizer shot, I haven’t had the second but the doctor offered the possibility of getting Moderna as well. Do you think it gave you milder effects than Pfizer? The hot flashes ARE related to the vaccine because it happened to me with the first one ( I think because the hormonal effects on women), buf after a few months got better

        • Hi Carol, Sorry to hear you got bad reactions from Pfizer too. I think I did do better with Moderna as the only side effect that repeated itself was the neuropathy which is now somewhat worse. More discomfort than pain though.

          Interesting about the hot flashes. They seem to a little better lately but i am now taking evening primrose oil. I think maybe the vaccine propelled me into menopause as my period is very overdue.

  365. Got all my labs back from Neurologist. All within normal range. ANA test was on high end of spectrum but in range. He said would be concerned if 4x higher, but clearly there is something my immune system is upset about. Had yearly physical yesterday and my gen prac had little to offer. Getting nerve induction test end of Oct, but Neuro does not expect any significant findings. Struggle is real. All of the arguments back and forth in the media and attacking people for not getting vaccinated need to understand that there are people negatively effected by the vaccine albeit we may be in the minority. Will this burning in my legs go away? All TBD, but I have yet to find any information on what I should do about it. 4.5 months if this has been intolerable.

  366. I had Pfizer first vaccine in July and almost immediately my arm that got the injection spasmed like my muscles were being flexed hard. It went up into my neck shoulder and face on that side and went tingling then numbish( like if you get a filling at the dentist). Then, within 2 minutes my breathing slowed way down and I got so sleepy I could barely keep my eyes open. Went home and slept for two hours( after peeing a million times!) and had bizarre dreams. Numbness in arm and face slowly faded but neck stayed spasmed fir over a day. Slept more and the fatigue improved. My slowed breathing seemed more like from exhaustion . I had my smartwatch on and monitored my pulse oxygen, blood pressure and heart rate. Had allergy testing to rule out allergies to fillers but cane back negative. Aside from arm soreness, all symptoms stopped within a day- fatigue lasting 4 days. I’m not sure I’m getting the second . Just trying to find out why I reacted this way and doctors are dismissing it as anxiety.

  367. Hello everyone,

    So sorry to see all of us being effected by the vaccine.. I am looking for natural treatments for neuropathy (either creams/supplements/CBD oil / gummies- do they work?) . I don’t want to be put on Lyrica or Gabapentin again for it.

    If you anyone can help, please let me know.


    • Tam, I am NOT taking CBD or anything the like, as it can create addiction. Instead, I was using ONLY naturopathic ailments for all my problems (neuropathy, vascular, endocrine, muscular, articular). For neuropathic problems, I am using: Passion Flower (Solaray) product, which is very efficient against pains and a mood enhancer. It DOES NOT CREATE dependency. If you need less, you will see that you sill start to use less. I am already 3 months on it and I am using less now, 1 capsule, 1 1/2 capsules at the most per day. For sleeping I use Sage, it is very good, I use the dried plant like 1/2 teaspoon and it enough to get me sleep in 30 minutes, I chew the dried plant. For anxiety, I have been using Lecithin (Cholic Acid) from Jamieson, and was very good for me. Other people are also talking about Gluthatione orally, and/or patches applied. I have been just started using Gluthatione orally once 1/2 tablet of 150 mg, it clears very many things very fast, on the nueropathy, vascular, muscular, articular, endocrine but for me, I have seen that it also triggers the thyroid, as I was with hypothiroidism before and went into remission. Also, what helps me a lot is Omega 369 for heart and neuropathy, but from a good brand (at least Jamieson) and Astragalus (Natures Way), for clearing the endocrine system. I also use Arnica Montana (Boiron), gel and cream (1x-4x strengths) for swallowness onto legs/pains and Circulegs (Solaray) for vascular clearing veins issues (similar to Quercitin). Take great care!

  368. Hello everyone,
    It’s been 6 months since my 1st Pfizer vaccine ,unfortunately I never got the 2nd one. I went through a lot of the same side effects like on here . Some of which have finally calmed down like the pins and needles and other ones. But the main one that hasn’t is inflammation all over my body and bouts of costochondritis. It has very painful. I wanted to see if anyone experienced it? Sadly I don’t have many antibodies left from the 1st vaccine . So now I’m stuck ..

    • Hi Suzy,
      I have a burning pain in the chest, neck, muscle pain, sensitive skin. In becomes intense when I do exercises.
      Do you still have the pain? How did you solve side effects?

    • Hi Suzy, I only had the 1st one too because of the side effects, pins and needles, brain fog, fatigue, diarrhea, burping and reflux, insomnia, extreme thirst.. I had antibodies but I don’t know for how long. Are you getting the 2nd shot now? My doctor said when they go down I must get the 2nd dose but I’ m terrified of getting it..

      • Hi Carol
        Unfortunately even though I want to get the2nd one I don’t think I can . My body is still having these bouts of inflammation especially in the chest .My doctor told me he can’t reassure me of what will happen if I take it. Obviously I understand what he is saying because there are days when different parts of my body are swollen and painful. They don’t know if that is a reaction of the vaccine. They checked my antibodies through a blood test and it said I now have 74 antibodies. We just went through the scare of our lives when my fiancee got covid thankfully he is fully vaxxed but the idea of me catching it terrified me. I had everything you had except the diarrhea For months . it’s been 6 months now . I dont know how to feel anymore. I really wish I could have a definite answer. When did you get yours? The muscle pain is continuous and some other things I still have. I dont regret it . But I also don’t like what happened to my body .

  369. I had my 1st Pfizer COVID-19 shot on March 15, 2021. Just prior to receiving my 2nd Pfizer COVID-19 shot on April 1, 2021, I experienced severe pain on the lower right hip and lower back pain. The pain was so severe, I couldn’t use my legs to stand up. I had to push myself up using both arms and use a cane. I didn’t have any problems as described above until I received this COVID-19 shot. To this very day, I continue to have migrating pain: 1st a headache, then pain in my heart, then it moves to my right and left flanks and then it remains in my lower back. When standing from a seated position, I have difficulty walking due to pain in my lower back and legs. You would think I was a 90 year old man standing up and walking and I am only 58. My PCP ran a full CBC and I am awaiting the official results from my PCP but the report shows my “inflammation” level is .5 over the maximum. Next, I have an order from my urologist to check my kidney (I only have one); and next I will request my PCP to have imaging of my lower back to see if any issues may be found there.

    • I’m a 51 year old female (thin, was active prior to my vax). I had no pre-existing health issues or conditions prior to my vax. I was on no prescribed meds either. I had my 1st Pfizer vax in April and the 2nd in May. Exactly 1 week after my 1st jab I started to experience intense electrical shocks in my left foot. I had not injured my ankle or foot but yet was getting nerve pain. I dealt with it and proceeded 3 weeks later to get my 2nd shot. That same day 8 hours later I ended up in the ER. More intense and frequent nerve shocks, all over body twitches, muscle spasms, tinnitus, whole body vibrations. ER dr’s did not think any of it was vax related. Told me to go home and take NSAIDS. Later that week saw a neurologist, had labs done, ultrasound of leg and EMG. Other than a slight elevated protein in my heart which the dr said was normal after getting vaccinated all other tests were inconclusive. Over the next few days on top of the other symptoms I developed severe calf and shin pain and burning. Over the next couple of weeks hip and lower back pain. I’ve NEVER had any kind of hip or back pain in my entire life until then. I’m still dealing with it along with SI joint, glute pain, sciatica type pain as well. I had 5 weeks of PT that barely helped. I cannot walk far and forget about climbing any stairs! Today I FINALLY have an MRI scheduled. I’m praying for answers, I’m praying for it to be nothing serious but something that I can get treatment for. I feel like my body has been hijacked by someone or something in these last 7 mos. My life has been turned upside down and everything changed like hitting a brick wall exactly one week after getting my 1st shot 🙁

  370. Hello everyone. I’ll tell you my odyssey with the vaccine. A week after the first dose, the doctor found a perimeter neuropathy. It brought heartburn and paresthesia in my legs and face. After a week, however, the worst came. I have been suffering from no erection for two days. It appears to be inflammation of the pelvic nerves. Has anyone else been through it and then healed? Please, I’m very worried.

  371. I had my first shot of Pfizer 4.5 months ago and still have numbness in the right side of my face, right hand, and part of my right foot. It’s faded a little bit at times, but came back. Started to feel like I was the only one going through this until I found this thread.

  372. I had awful experience after first jab which made my heart flutter and race causing me to have very little sleep! I couldn’t bring the rate down! I also had stabbing pains in my head and my vision would suddenly go like I was drunk or something! I also had extreme fatigue which lasted for days! I wasn’t keen on getting my second jab but by week 3 I started to come good! I had my second jab at around week 4, within 10 mins of the jab my heart started racing and I was taken into a private space and monitored as I felt faint! Luckily it subsided and my heart has been fine since! Afterwards I felt ok, but a few hours later my head was throbbing (worst headache of my life, no pain killer helped). Had an early night and luckily fell asleep and woke in morning and headache had gone! Day 2 I felt fine but then started getting leg cramps! They got worse and worse and I had to again take pain killers which seemed to help a little! Day 3 I felt fine all day then in the afternoon I had a sudden sharp stabbing pain in my right calf which led me to not be able to put any weight on it! I literally couldn’t walk for 2 hrs until the pain started to subside! Today day 4 I’ve had the same pains in leg but not as stabbing I’ve managed to go for my usual walk but I do have pins and needles in leg and foot like there is pressure on blood vessels! I’m hoping this will go soon as I am very active and love to walk and exercise and it’s hard for me to sit still!!

  373. My body temperature went up to 36.9C on every night after I had my Pfizer’s vaccine on the 1st Oct.My eye vision are effects too.I had to get a new spectacles.My left hand always feel warm on every night.It’s had been eleven days now.And my lips always dried up.

    The symptoms which I had on the first day were headache,vomitted once,and keeps drinks a lots of fluids.The headache only went off after the 4th days.Does anyone here had simillar symptoms like mine?.

  374. I had my second vaccine two weeks ago tomorrow and since i got it I have been experiencing waves of heat in my lower right leg. There is no discolouration or swelling. I went to see the doctor today who didn’t even look at my leg, said it would not be vaccination related and it is probably related to a back problem. I just know this is not the case. It started the afternoon of my vaccine and comes and goes ….a heat sensation through my lower leg. It is annoying. I did want to get the vaccine and I am glad I did as I work in a school……but it is disconcerting to experience this feeling in my body.

  375. I also have tingling in my vax arm from Moderna dose 1. I feel the sensation from my shoulder blade down to the palm of my hand. It doesn’t hurt but it feels obviously different to my other arm. It’s been 2 weeks since the jab.

  376. Glad I’m not the only one. Got reflux a few days after my 1st dose of Pfizer and 4mths on it’s still ongoing all the time. I’m super healthy 50 year old and only had reflux twice in my life. Been on nexium for 6 weeks and I don’t think it’s doing much. Driving me crazy. Looking at alternative treatments as medical doctors don’t want to believe it’s vaccine related.
    Also got tinnitus in one ear and insomnia as a result.

  377. After the second Pfizer shot in April, my wife has developed severe ringing in her ears which has not gone away. Any suggestions?

    Thank you

  378. Has anyone had a mild twitching sensation in the face below the eye, on the side of the booster Pfizer jab. This is 4 days later and still getting this sensation.

  379. I had some of the symptoms state here after around 12 days of getting the 2nd Pfizer vaccine (Sep 7). It started with tiredness, like I was coming on with something. Then after 2 days I got really weak and couldn’t stand up without feeling faint. It got to the point that I went into A&E. They checked my ECG and saturation and everything was normal. The doctor (a nice guy) concluded that it might have be some inflammation from vaccination due to its proximity (I also had Covid in Jan 2021).

    That week I had extreme fatigue on my legs, below knee, and felt like I had been running or cycling for hours. This passed after a week. Second week I started to get pressure on my head and a very slight vertigo type feeling. Its like walking around with a hangover in my head. This was concerning and I am thankful that I found this and other forums where people are sharing their symptoms.

    It is now week four. Most of the symptoms have subsided, but the head pressure is slightly there. I do take vitamins and magnesium, which may have helped. The only thing left over is insomnia. It started about 1 week ago. Its still there but I can see improvement from this as well. I am hoping in a few weeks time I am back to 100%.

    This has been a very strange, scary and worrying four weeks. I have never felt the fatigue such as this in my life and even having Covid was nothing compared to this.

    • Also, in between 3rd and 4th week I had some anxiety issue. This was strange. I was on edge and felt like my heart was racing all the time. I believe this was the reason behind the insomnia. I will jolt awake every time I fade off to sleep. It was like my body was afraid to sleep or something. Scary!

      I also had continuous vivid dreams. This is probably because I wasn’t sleeping properly and due to the worry and anxiousness.

  380. Received in early 2021 the Pfizer shot #1 (no side effects), Pfizer shot #2 (chills, aches for one day). Received the Pfizer booster (3rd shot) on 8/31/21. Around 3am the next morning was hit with muscle & joint pains, chills and more.
    A day or so later, those side effects passed but now 49 days later, I still have fatigue, ear ringing, a b.p. of 89/65 compared to my normal 130/79 along with anxiety.
    I am a 72 year old male taking cholesterol meds daily along with baby aspirin who walks his dogs and rides his bike daily without too much effort.
    I am not blaming the booster directly for these troublesome issues but I did not have these concerns until a few days after the booster.
    I currently have seen an Audiologist, Cardiologist, ENT Specialist, Sleep Apnea specialist, received B12 injections, getting gut bacteria lab work & a MRI, had chest x-ray, heart stress test, EKG and 3 blood workups done all to eliminate possible causes of my constant fatigue, ear ringing & the occasional troubling anxiety.
    I also am taking an anti-anxiety workshop to help me deal with all the above.

  381. Had Covid19 infection in March. Headache, tiredness, two days in bed, loss of smell, mild coughing, three nights without sleep. Recovered completely within two weeks. Nothing serious.

    Six days ago, got the first dose of Pfizer vaccine. Five nights of almost no sleep, hearth palpations, elevated RHR, feet needles when walking. Terrible experience. Last night slept OK and I hope that thing are improving.

    This is my first and the last dose of Covid19 vaccine.

  382. First shot of Pfizer the 17th September.. localised pain at injection sight & dizziness.. few days later BAMM!! Vertigo, chest pain, heart palpitations.. pain radiating through to back… extreme & constant panic attacks, immense pressure in head & ears.. temps on & off…. Fast forward 4 weeks, very little improvement, still constant chest pain, palpitations & constant shaky feeling… medication for the vertigo has somewhat settled it…. Terrifying feeling & certainly won’t be having the 2nd shot…. I can’t function for my family or work

    • I hope you have reported this to to VAERS web site.
      Our friend had the shot and seven days after had a life threatening blood clot in her heart and had two stents out into her heart. This was just a month ago. She was pressured into taking the shot because of her teaching position. She knew of the risks but felt she was healthy and would be fine. We had another friend just die after developing ALS type symptoms after a week or two of second vaccination. ALS does not develop and kill anyone this quickly. Family has doctors and nurses and they are heating of this being another symptom from the shots. After reading these reactions for 30 minutes and not getting through an 1/8th if the discussion—seems pretty clear that we must conclude there is something seriously wrong going on people!!

      • Hi…
        Sorry to hear what happen for u …it seems close to my symptoms after taking 1 st injection of Pfizer…those lasted for 3 month now for me till now….
        What about u ? Are u better now? Is it stopped?

  383. Hi…
    I have my first injection of Pfizer on 27/8/2021 …since that date till now (about 3 months) …I have shorten in breathing which is affect my daily activity seriously…I couldn’t take the second injection because that …and my symptoms still continue …no body help and no doctor directing the right prescription…even pfizer site no answering …
    just I want somebody answer me and inform me that those symptoms will disappear after some period and I will be patient..

    • sorry to hear this. You are correct no one at Pfizer even answers the phone as I need answers about the problems I experienced with the first shot before I even get the second shot. Very sad that they are wanting everyone to get it but NO ONE will assist you with side effects that you are experiencing after the shot. I hope you get better!

  384. HI I had my first Pfizer shot on 09/28/2021 and had pain at the injection site soon afterwards. The next day it was painful to lift my arm and my bones started hurting-I have spinal stenosis and I manage the pain was strong indicas because I do not like prescription drugs. However the strong indicas no longer work and I am forced to take pills to manage the pain. It feels like I have gone back a year in time as far as recovery from the accident that caused the spinal stenosis. My back can not hold my weight standing up and feels like it is going to buckle over. Basically it has intensified my normal symptoms (of numbness, shooting pains, intense joint pain, pins and needles, difficulty lifting, climbing and walking) instead of managing 4-7 on the 0-10 scale of pain. I am at 8-9 except first thing in the morning, where I still can not lift a jug of water without hurting my back. So those of you who are also experiencing this, yes… it is the vaccine. A vaccine that we have been mandated to take. 90% protection from Covid-19 is enough for me. I will not knowingly lose anymore of my mobility.

  385. 3 weeks post second shot Pfizer, I have the following:
    – heavy full head and headaches (some migraines)
    – fatigue
    – brain fog & blurry vision
    – reflux despite having a fundoplication wrap
    – pressure in my ears
    – brain and face zaps
    – apathy / depression / anxiety
    – shortness of breath with climbing stairs
    – aches in my veins
    – tingling toes at times
    – feel a bit “off” like I did during pregnancy.

    I have started Thiamine and have ordered Black Seed Oil. Covid and the vax depletes B1 severely hence the neurological issues. Watched medical doctors discussing side effects of the vax and it sadly mimics long haul Covid.

    They say these symptoms are vascular inflammation. The full feeling in your head is from the dilation it causes .

    39, mostly healthy, now looking at having to quit my job if I dont get better. I can’t crunch numbers like this 🙁

  386. Update: Still burning in legs after 5 months. Sometimes upper body, but more severe and constant in lower body. Just completed nerve induction test today and the results from that combined with various blood tests ruled out neuropathy. Next step they said would be nerve biopsy. Losing patience for sure. I did have 2 days two weeks ago where I thought it might be the beginning of the end as symptoms seemed to lessen, but it came back with a vengeance and is back as it was before. I’ve tried rest, extreme exercise, many different vits, cbd oil, nothing seems to alter it in any way. Just constant.

  387. I got my covid booster( Pfizer)m and are experiencing some of these other complaints, but, what is really bothering me this time is the constant running to the bathroom to urinate. I don’t remember that problem during the first round of shots, just this recent booster

  388. Hi all, many of the symptoms being described in these comments including racing hearts, waking up in the night, feeling drunk, dizziness, blurred vision, tingling and numbness, tight breathing, anxiety, hot flashes, hormone changes, digestive upset, rashes, itching, aching, cramps, burning, pain, and reflux are mast cell reactions – caused by histamine and other chemicals released by mast cells overreacting. Please look up mast cell activation syndrome online or on facebook groups for more info. Many non specialist doctors have not heard much about it and are reluctant to diagnose it so you may have to do your own research or look for a mast cell specialist. The mast cells are part of the innate immune system that is triggered by the jab so makes sense that it could set these reactions off. Mast cell stabilisers and histamine blockers will help with the symptoms. I had these symptoms before the jab caused by other things had got them under control and found they got worse after the jab, though after a few weeks got them under control again. Good luck everyone! I know it can be so scary when they are happening and you have no idea what it is and it feels really serious and worrying so I wanted to comment in case it helps. You will start feeling better very soon once you take some mast cell stabilisers and histamine blockers!

  389. Hi everyone. Wow lots of comments on here. Anyone else had tremmor or shaking? I’ve had shaking at night since the first shot of pfizer. Also had pins and needles in my feet, especially heels.

    • I got tingling feet a week after vaccine & internal shaky feeling from about 1 month after & finally settled down a few weeks ago. I had my first Pfizer 26th June & have been put on antidepressants as they thought I got major anxiety after so not sure if that’s helped or if it’s just worn off.

      • Just wanted to say I am still having problems, I must have had a good day when I wrote the previous message. My first Pfizer was 26th June. I still get the tingling in my hands, arms & legs, as well as prickling & cool &/or burning & a tight skin feeling. I had full blown body tingling a few weeks ago which disappeared after stopping vit d3 which was odd… The severity of what I still have is up & down throughout the day & moves around my body… if I’m keeping busy it’s not as noticeable so I wonder if mine is more anxiety now. Was it always anxiety? I’ve searched so many websites looking for answers & found anxiety can give you neuropathy feelings. Could be why nothing is found by specialists on any tests & scans etc. and medications not working. There are hundreds of people all with the same issues as I’ve had so it’s hard to believe it’s anxiety related. We have all been on hyper alert since covid came about & even more so since the short tested vaccine was injected into our body’s. Consider We are constantly body scanning & this can cause viscous cycles… anxiety can cause dizziness, tremors, tingling, neuropathy pain. Sounds crazy I know. I personally am focusing on that now coz no doctor would take me seriously when I thought I had ms etc a few months back. Try and stay positive & hope your body will feel how it did pre vaccine again soon.

  390. To All with crazy symptoms, Id like to offer what I did. I was unwell for 19 days my first shot, then about a week my second. Tbh since then ive been quite depressed. Im not a doctor. I just have heart condition and slow immune system. This is what i did to combat. Hope it helps.
    Dehydration and Heart Palpitations: Sparkling water (nothing fancy just needs potassium etc in it) with LIME juice. Game changer.
    Headaches and Tingles: this was hard but i used a soft tennis ball or MELT ball to roll out my feet gently ONCE A DAYA. For headaches only: buscapan with paracetamol helped.
    Memory: this is still a problem but i take a breath and dont try to remember. It comes back to me. Keeping a pen handy is great too.
    OVERALL: MINT tea really helped. Or grating w cheese grater, ginger w lemon and honey in hot water

    All the best

  391. I had my Booster vaccine on 6/10/21, I had Pfizer and a few hours after having the jab I had some bruising that appeared on my middle and ring finger, it wasn’t painful and only lasted a few days
    Now I’m itching in numerous places on my body and feel a little tight chested. Has anyone else had these symptoms?

  392. Hi Everyone….I am Rudy from Melbourne, Australia.. Got my 1st pfizer dose on Oct 6th, 2021 and 2nd one on Oct 27th, 2021….After the 1st dose, I started to feel tired / sore on my right arm especially at night and this was getting worse by the time I’ve received the 2nd dose (mentioned it to the doctor who gave me the 2nd jab), but she went nevertheless ahead with that….

    After that, the numbness on my right fingers started (never got such an issue like that before)….

    I am a 48 yo male, was always healthy, with good blood test results, used to do 3-4 hrs cardio every day (!!! – in the last 3 years – as substitute to seating in the couch) and never had problem in that years with my arm…

    When to the another doctor shorty after the 2nd dose with the issues, and just told to take aspirine, before coming againg few days later (because can’t sleep restlessly in the night due to the right arm pain), to be given meloxicam, which is not helping to reduce the pain. He told me, that this is due pinched nerves and should heal itself within 12 weeks (I can’t accept this, as one night sleep is a struggle for me now)…Was given sedative, but refuse to take it (although already bought it from pharmacy)…

    Have visited Osteo clinic twice in the last 10 days, but helps little….

    A bit desperate now…..

    • Hi Cipi,
      I know you have the nymbness and tingling since 1st week of May after the 2nd dose. So, it has been slightly more than 6 months since your first onset of tingling. How is it now? Are you still have this tingling? What are the supplements you have taken? How is the Antihistamines?

      I also have the numbness and tingling sensation on the whole of my right side of the body, especially the toes and leg, my right arm, neck and face (like Bell’s Palsy), since 13 days after the 2nd shot 0f Pfizer on June 30, 2021, almost coming to 6 months. I am concerned of whether it will go away. Would apprciate your sharing of how you get rid of the numbness and tingling.

      • Hi TongG, the left hand tingling has mostly resolved, I have sporadic episodes, less intense and shorter span. But over the past two months I’ve developed left foot and toe numbness, when walking more than 15 min. I also had my left eyelid twitch randomly and had episodes of muscle weakness, enough to feel less coordinated. I tried fish oil, lecithin, D3, B12 MagnesiumB6, Holy Basil tea and the antihistamines.

        • Hi Cipi,
          Thank you very much for your reply.
          May I ask what is the dosage of B12 (mcg) and Antihistamines (mg) you take? How many times per day?

        • Hi Cipi,
          Thank you very much for your reply.
          May I know what are the dosage of B12 (mcg) and Antihistamines (mg) that you take? How many times per day for each?

  393. These side effects are shocking and need to be investigated properly. Our local vacc centres are offering Pfizer for the booster but I am too afraid to have it. The AZ was bad enough. I had three weeks of miserable symptoms after dose 1 of the AZ and twelve weeks of the same after dose 2.. I filled in a yellow card and complained both times but was informed that the data works on an ‘algorhythm’ so only the commonest reactions will ever come to light. The commonest reactions are the ones displayed on news and health websites. You have to search very hard for the less common but worrying side effects. Any remarks on this topic in mainstream media are promptly removed!

  394. I had my first dose of Pfizer on 11-18-2021 and two days later one side (left side) of my face is bright red and my neck also. I did get the shot in the left arm. I do have a lot of allergies and sensitivities that is why I waited so long. An allergist gave me a Rx for Hydrocortisone ointment and had me take Claritin and Benadryl. The redness and stinging pain has gone down but I am terrified to get to second shot. Anyone else get severe facial flushing from the vaccine?

  395. 2nd shot: hallucinations, high fever, arm pain couldn’t move it, fasciculations on both legs, couldn’t eat for a day, couldn’t walk. Vertigo after 7 days, that’s still partially ongoing (since June) and vaginal bleeding once on day 3 after dose. Slightly heavier periods for about 3-4 months

  396. Three months since second dose, palpitations still exist touching 137bpm at rest for almost 1 hour. I am on sick leave since two month since i am unable to focus on work due to frequent arrhythmias, mild chronic chest pain and chest heaviness since vaccine. Not being able to sleep face and chest down or rest on my elbows as i develop chest and nasal congestion and Shortness of breath immediately. Unable to rest with some peace of mind coz at some point i jolt out of sleep with shortness of breath and high heart rate and feeling of no blood circulation on my chest and shoulder. I have completely lost it. Everytime the ECG, CBC and echo came normal. Finally diagnosed with sinus tachycardia using holter test. Have been prescribed 1 tablet of beta blocker for 15 days and 1 vitamin D and vitamin b12 supplement every week. Can someone who experienced all this, is this something permanent as i have never experienced any of this my entire life. Neither have a family history of heart problem. I am 30 yr old male.
    Also my creatinine crossed the borderline with foamy urine which subsided after a month.

  397. Has anybody had any Booster vaccine yet? Dr. Fauci explained last night on CNN that booster give you substantially more antibodies. My concern is that the Booster may cause even more side effects than the 2d shot.

  398. I had my booster a week ago. I originally had two Astra zeneca shots, 6 weeks apart. The first one just left me with an aching arm for 24 hours and I lost my taste buds for a couple of days. Second shot and my arm, left shoulder and all along my left side of my chest hurt daily. It felt like a sore trapped nerve feeling and went on for six weeks. I mentioned this when I went for my Pfizer booster and it happened because the nurse put the needle too high on my arm and is quite a common complaint. I do remember seeing it after and thinking she had gone too high up. Maybe it was because I naturally raise my shoulders when tense and the thought of someone jabbing me makes me tense.. But the annoying pain that went on for weeks made me certain I would lower my shoulder and arm if I had another jab. For the Pfizer booster I did that and just got an achey arm for 24 hrs. I slept a lot the following 4 days and now a week later I feel fine but have no taste buds again. I’m thinking this will last a couple of days like last time they went. So all in all the booster is not as bad as the last time (I also went for the other arm, right arm, on the booster because of the weeks of pain from the last one)

  399. Hi LJ, I have been experiencing similar symptoms after my 2d Pfizer shot and it’s been over 7 months now. Have you got a diagnosis?

  400. Hi everyone, It sounds like I’ve been experiencing similar side effects from the Pfizer to many people on this forum.. for me, the effect has mainly been severe stomach inflammation.
    I wanted to share three things that have really helped with ongoing stomach inflammation from the vaccine.
    – the thing that has helped the most has been following what my GP calls a “bland” diet. If I’m diligent enough with it, then the stomach pain almost entirely goes away. No raw foods, porridge, white bread, rice, stewed apple, well cooked veggies.
    – If I do eat something that causes the stomach pain, then either a cup of hot turmeric with honey (half a teaspoon of turmeric powder from any kitchen spice packet in hot water with soy/oat/milk and honey)
    – Or drinking a herbal tea with lemon balm in it ( I have one with chamomile and lemon balm and passionflower in it).
    These help alot.
    Just wanted to pass this on in case it helps.
    I hope everyone’s pain goes away quickly!

  401. Hi everyone. So many people here are reporting about insomnia, heart palpitations, anxiety and vivid dreams at night. My husband got his first Biontech shot on November 27th. He slept well for two days. On the third day it started with strange dreams and premature awakening. Same thing the next day. Since then he has not been able to fall asleep, despite being tired. When he falls asleep, he is woken up by a strong palpitation of the heart. His doctor prescribed trimipramine. Falling asleep works now. He woke up last night and had to go to the bathroom. When he got back to bed and fell asleep, he felt as if someone was shaking his arm awake. After that he was wide awake and his heart was racing.

    Have the symptoms gone away or does the problem last forever?

    • I had very similar symptoms except the vivid dreams. It’s been 6.5 months since I took my 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine and things have gotten better so I don’t believe any of these symptoms are permanent. Having said that, do take steps to manage these symptoms well so that there are no indirect/second level of symptoms that may be hard to reverse.

  402. Hi all, I am a 23-year-old and it has been just over a week since my first dose of Pfizer. I have been feeling really fatigued and was sick for a few days, but my main concern is insomnia. Since about day 5 I have suffered extreme insomnia that is preventing me from sleeping and I only get about 2-3 hours per night. I had no issues sleeping prior to the vaccine. I have had a look and seen that so many people have reported insomnia. For those who have, can you please tell me whether it went away and if so how long this took? I’m also interested in if you got the second dose and what effect this had on insomnia? Thanks all.

    • I used to sleep very deeply. Three days after the 1st pfizer jab on June 2021 I started to havce insomnia. Like I cannot fall asleep entire night. This was about 20 days. I took supplements to avoid benzodiazepine and friends, It helped me a bit. After the second dose in July all my symptoms restarted. I had insonnia until September. Now I can sleep on my own but by body changed. Now I wake up once per night but then I fall asleep again.

    • It took me a few months to get my sleep pattern back. I tried Ashwagandha and Melatonin in the evenings and seemd to do the trick for me.

  403. I had my first Pfizer on the 4th February and had a painful arm only but 8 days later went to bed and suddenly rapid heart rate, seizure ( alert and awake couldnt stop while body shaking for around 20 mins) then started to having lightheadedness further rapid heart rates, feeing sick, didn’t eat for two days, crawling feeling in left side of body, back amd chest and this was ongoing with severe anxiety alongside it. This happened ongoing and on second Pfizer on 22 noay this all started again but not quite as severe with no seizure or lack of appetite. I was due a booster in November but so scared to have it. Bloods ok, chest exray and ecg in November but still not feeling right? Not sure what do

  404. Hi all, I can relate to most these posts.

    So I work in the nhs. Had all my three Pfizer vaccines. I had my booster Pfizer vaccine end of October. Two weeks after I had the flu vaccine. And almost immediately after my flu vaccine I felt tingling like pins and needles in my left hand (vaccine was in left arm), this then spread to my left toes , left outer calf. A week and a half later I was referred as urgent to hospital for tests for suspected Guillain barre. By this point I had calf ache in the evenings as well as tingling in my right hand and forearm.

    Blood work showed raised d -dimer a sign of infection or clot. MRI normal . Neurologist said unlikely vaccine related which I found hard to believe as like many others here it was pretty instant after the flu vaccine. He said symptoms might last 4/6 weeks but could not give me an answer and didn’t seem too worried. Told me to stop looking on the internet….

    Fast forward to week 10 since flu vaccine i still experience tingling in fingers, hands, feet but mainly left side. I have also been having aches in neck, shoulders, lower back, calves and sore knee joint and elbow joints. These sensation can last up to a day and move around the body. For example tonight no ache but last night my lower back ached, it seems random. I have not had these symptoms ever in my life! It’s so weird.

    I don’t know if the flu vaccine kicked started something from the Pfizer jabs . I regard myself as healthy and have never had a reaction to any vaccine before.

    I do hope it passes soon. Wish you all the best in finding some answers and having a safe Christmas x

    • Hi Maisie,

      I experienced almost exactly what you are going through. Had 2 Pfizer vaccines back in May, and the flu vaccine sometime in Sept. 3 -4 days later I started feeling the tingling, pins & needles sensation that started from my left hand and spread to my feet and entire body. I also feel out of breath and higher heart rate sometimes. I thought I had a heart attack, so I did a full check up – echo, EKG, CT scan, head MRI. I also checked for an autoimmune disease. All came back normal, except for the elevated d-dimer from my blood test. I thought about a possible reaction between the covid and flu vaccines, but havent heard anyone else experiencing this symptoms until I read your post. It’s been 3 months since I first felt the tingling. And although it’s milder I still feel it today. It comes and goes.

      Like you said, I hope it passes soon. Looking forward to having a healthy normal life again. 🙂

    • Hi Maisie,
      My wife is experiencing similar symptoms to you. But it all happened after getting the Pfizer jab back in May. Within 24 hours, she had numbness, tingling and muscle weakness. She still experiences it now, and although it got a bit better and was managable for the most part, it comes and goes in waves. Right now, it’s pretty bad and she doesn’t have full control of some of her limbs. It coincides with being a little ill with a head cold etc, so perhaps it is all linked to her immune system. Her GP thinks it might be a functional sensory issue, and she is currently on a 15 month waiting list to see a neurologist. I’m worried that it’s not, Guillian Barre. It’s all very distressing and it feels as though no one is listening or willing to listen.

  405. Hi Myra

    Sorry to hear you are experiencing strange symptoms too. I don’t know if you read someone’s message here who spoke about these symptoms as possibly a mast cell activation syndrome to the vaccine? It’s some kind of immune response. I took a look and found this site which describes many symptoms people seem to be having like heart palpitations, joint pain , pins and needles and many others.


    I might ask my GP I refer me to an immunologist rather than a neurologist to see what can be done especially since the neurologist couldn’t come up with much after a normal MRI.

    Thanks for replying to my post, whilst it’s a mystery im finding some comfort in knowing im not alone. X

    • Hi Maisie, thanks for sharing the link, how did you go with your immunologist any luck getting to the bottom of this? and how you feeling now couple months later?

  406. Hey everybody, would be grateful on any suggestions on what I might do. Im 38 and had my first doze in April – Astazeneca with mild adverse effects, then in July I had my second shot – Pfizer. After that I had a 14 day brain-fog experience (a feeling of being trapped in my brain, confusion, not being able to concentrate, a totally new feeling whatsoever, but extremely unpleasant) that wouldn’t go away. Also a lot of anxiety as a result of not anticipating this and being afraid it will last forever. It (thank the universe) went away after 14 days, but as a vivid memory, now, as the time is up for the 3rd shot – what should I do, should I take Pfizer or switch AGAIN to Moderna or not take it and risk getting Covid? Thank you for your time everybody!

  407. My symptom log was something like this:

    2nd Pfizer vaccine 31st July 2021

    2nd August 2021 – band-like headache around forehead, which went away with paracetamol – since this no headache pain has been relieved by paracetamol

    8th August 2021 slight headache discomfort briefly before exercising, which went away with exercise

    10th August 2021 – in the evening top of scalp / head felt like sunburn / burning, then with stress this turned into constant dull pain on right side of head – this got to the point it was so bad I had to lie down and close my eyes, and could only hear ringing in my ears and had quite a bad pulsating (not throbbing) headache (but not impacted/affected by light/movement, or relieved by ibuprofen / paracetamol) (extreme stress seems to have caused this)

    10th August 2021 – to this day: Pain can be top of head; right temple (feeling like pressing your finger into your temple); back of head or bottom of head (sometimes just discomfort other times like a pulled muscle pain/strain); or discomfort briefly left temple but this is not as common as the other areas.

    Having a hot shower / sitting on the toilet / pressing on head can make the discomfort go away, albeit temporarily.

    Nothing seems to trigger it or make it better / worse. I did think moving might set it off e.g. when moving after waking up- but am unsure of this.

    The discomfort comes and goes / moves around my head but will last for most of the day. Once I wake up I’ll feel okay but can feel the headaches coming on (this can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, to an hour or two). The headache will move in location. If I get engrossed in an activity I will not notice the discomfort, but stopping an activity / resting I will.

    Sleeping during the day will make it go away while asleep, but headaches return soon after waking up. Amitriptyline after 5 weeks of use has greatly lessened my headache discomfort although not completely eliminated it all the time, it has however removed it most days / most of the time / if I am not stressed.

    I seem to get the discomfort again during the evening (note that I take the 1 10mg amitriptyline tablet around 8pm) so this could be the dosage relief waning. Or if I am very anxious / stressed it doesn’t seem to cut through the additional ‘stress/burden’ which may add to the headache discomfort and hence is unable to reduce this from the baseline headache discomfort it has already reduced/removed.

    During this time additionally my tinnitus seems to be slightly worse than it has been before although as I understand it the vaccine can cause this. I did also briefly experience pressure/vertigo from right ear, however this has resolved itself.

    Prior to this I was a healthy 28 year old with no prior conditions or issues known about, except needing prescription glasses (short-sighted), tinnitus and occasionally suffering hayfever / anxiety (propranolol on prescription, taken as/when needed).

    Looking into it people seem to think there may be a link between the mRNA vaccines and vasodilation / something to do with blood vessels, others point to nerves / injection site and links to the central nervous system / brain. Others say if you had Covid you may get a worse vaccine reaction / vaccines mimic long Covid / Covid can cause these issues.

    I have had many visits to Doctor’s about my symptoms and only 1 suggested it could be the vaccine having seen similar persistent headache symptoms in young people after the mRNA vaccines. She suggested the amitriptyline which I am finding has helped. I haven’t been able to have an MRI scan as I have a heart clip, and when asking for a CT scan have been refused this as not having a clear medical need according to the Dr’s (to limit radiation exposure)

  408. Hi I had the phizer vaccine Dec 21, 2021 and 2nd dose January 11th I believe. I didn’t get tue booster yet. No symptoms from vaccine I went to work same night after getting vaccine. My problem having is terrible knee pain never had knee pain before. Hot to touch , sore , it’s hard walking up the steps sometimes. Artritis on-site , is that a symptom from the vaccine. I have a MRI scheduled for Jan 12th 2022. Healthy never had health problems but now I’m worried my knees are hurting soo bad

  409. Hi, I’m now 14 days post Pfizer vaccine and have been unable to get more than a couple of hours of sleep each night. Seems to have been since the vaccine as I always slept very well before. Could this be related and did it resolve for anyone else? Thanks

  410. Hello all, I’ve posted a few times here, updates, 3 months on post vaccine and still experiencing…
    -pins and needles in left side arms and legs and feet
    – muscle ache which moves around body
    – joint pain in left knee
    – on and off foggy head

    I’ve been noticing that these symptoms and other peoples symptoms here like palpitations seem to mimic the long covid symptoms which also seem multi systemic and varied and can come and go.

    I’ve asked for an appointment with the gp to see if I can get a referral to long covid clinic.

    Am feeling so fed up and want my body back and just to feel normal again.

    How are people doing? X

  411. Hi all,
    My daughter aged 13 had her first covid vaccine in mid October. Her symptoms started about 5 days after
    -difficulty breathing
    -heart beating fast and loud according to her
    -pins and needles in arms and legs
    – weakness in arms and legs that she needed help to stand up and could only walk a bit

    Took her to GP and hospital emergency many times. Only thing they could find was she’s low on vitamin d which she’s now getting a big dose of.
    She still has:
    -headaches which she says is now worse
    -Pins and needles in hands and especially legs
    -weakness in legs
    -exhaustion (she sleeps so much!)
    She can walk a bit but is exhausted afterwards.
    She’s seeing paediatric department in hospital towards end of this month. I really hope they find out what’s wrong with her and help. She hadn’t been to school since vaccine and it’s difficult to get her out of the house and take her for a walk. She gets exhausted from a small outing.

  412. Hi everyone, my husband also struggled with insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, depression (as a result of the sleeplessness) for several weeks. Sleep was only possible with sleeping pills and sedating antidepressants. He had to keep increasing the dose. Someone here gave the hint about mast cell activation syndrome. He was treated with drugs (H1 blockers and H2 blockers). After a few days it got better. My husband hasn’t got his old sleep pattern back yet. Sometimes he has trouble falling asleep and he needs earplugs for a quiet environment. He feels good about it because he is able to sleep again without sleeping pills and sedative medication. Please research mast cell activation syndrome to see whether this may apply to you. I wish everyone that the symptoms get better soon.

    • Dear Marike

      Many thanks for your post. I’m sorry to hear this too, it seems many of us here are experiencing similar constellation of symptoms that are difficult for doctors to make sense of even after lots of investigations. I had an MRI and bloods and all normal except for elevated d-dimer suggestive of inflammation.

      I agree I think the mast cell activation syndrome makes sense and I’m seeing my gp about this. I have posted here before with symptoms of pins and needles, aches in muscles and joints that come and go and now since my vaccine 12 weeks ago and just in past week heart rate is faster on and off it’s shaky 60 but now can reach up to 90, still in normal range but not normal for me, I can feel my pulse in my body!

      Did your partner get prescribed the histamine blockers from his gentle practitioner (I’m not sure if you are based in UK), or did he get seen by a specialist?

      Many thanks for sharing your experience and I’m glad to hear that this helped resolve things a little. Do keep us posted if you have any updates.


      • Dear Maisie,
        I hope you are feeling better in the meantime. Unfortunately, not many doctors know about mast cell activation syndrome.
        Complications can also occur with vaccination and of course with a Covid disease, which make the doctors feeling helpless. It is all the more important to have a public dialogue in order to help those affected. My husband has only been vaccinated once and his doctors do not recommend further vaccination with currently approved vaccines. The H2 blocker was prescribed by his family doctor. In Germany, where we are living, H1 blockers are available over the counter in pharmacies. My husband is fine again, except for the occasional tinnitus and heartburn, which he already had before vaccination.

        • Hi Mareike, my symptoms are similar to your husband’s. I’m now six months past second Pfizer shot and I’m better, but I still jolt awake at night, have twitching in my legs and difficulty swallowing. I’m seeing a neurologist in a couple of weeks. GP has said it’s psychosomatic, due to stress, peri menopause etc. I’m convinced it’s not. I was a healthy sporty 46-year-old before this. I will look into MCAS as well. Do you know if there are any side effects to taking the blockers? And do doctors think he will have to be on them for the rest of his life?! Is MCAS reversible? Many thanks! Charlie

  413. Hi everyone,

    I’ve noticed quite a few of my symptoms are overlapping with the comments above. I had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and had no side effects apart from sore arm and a minor temperature. I got my booster on the 23rd of December 2021 and two days later started to get uncontrollable jerking in my leg muscles. This has lasted until this very day and has improved slightly in the evening time.

    I have had chronic heartburn and have had to get PPI tablets which have stopped the burning sensation. I was sleeping fine until 4 days ago when I started to notice I was waking up frequently and it wasn’t due to the jerking. When I wake up it feels as though I’m having an out of body experience and there is a weird sensation in the left hand sid Eid my head.

    Two nights ago I went to sleep at 11:30 and woke up at 12:30 feeling as though I had had a full nights sleep. I was able to go back to sleep but continued to wake up. Last night I woke up after an hour and a half and did not go back to sleep after that. Each time I closed my eyes and neared falling asleep I would jolt awake quickly, this occurred dozens of times as I tried to fall asleep.

    I suffer from anxiety but at this moment in time I’m very calm and feel as though this is all vaccine related. Can anyone give me some peace of mind?

    • Hi, I also suffered insomnia as well as panic attacks soon after my first vaccine last June. I would be wide awake & not feel tired at all. Other nights when I was drifting off I would jolt awake. It was awful. I was prescribed diazepam, I only took 1/2 when I really struggled which helped . I was then prescribed mirtazapine (antidepressant) which helps me sleep. Have you tried an antihistamine?

  414. I had very mild flu reactions, but odd reactions in my eye areas, after both shots. They were very puffy, and had blisters all around them, ranging in size from tiny pin point to about one and a half cm long. This came and went for three weeks after one shot and about a week for the other shot. My doctor said she’s heard of a few people experiencing this, but I’ve never seen it mentioned anywhere. I had my eyes tested out of curiosity, and it hasn’t effected vision at all.

  415. Hey, just wanted to update, finally 9 months after my first dose, all the leg spasms and twitching is over. I was seen by several Dr’s, neuro specialists, and no one could say anything definitively, I am just glad its over. All the Dr’s however say to still get the second shot, even though they still suggest it was most likely related to the vaccine. My family Dr said to not get to the 2nd shot if I didnt feel safe getting it (which obviously I don’t), the only bad part was they dont want to sign off on a medical exemption form cause the government doesnt want Dr’s easily giving them out with medical proof…. so now I am stuck between not being able to go do stuff, no indoor dining, or travel, but I am not an anti-vaxxer, just someone who ended up having a bad reaction, I do believe it works for most people, but not everyone is equal and a one size fits all doesnt work. I hope everyone gets better though, it took me long time but I feel finally normal again.

    • Matt thankyou for sharing. How long has your twitching been resolved? I am also a fellow twitcher but have yet to have resolution. My advise is DO NOT get another shot of anything! I had one jab in april and had covid in november and the covid experience was nothing worse than a mild flu for me. They simply just dont know enough about side effects from the vaccines right now. I would wait until there is definitive information on these reactions.

    • These Covid vaccines create ALL micro/blood cloths, especially for those who vaccinate in several doses. My cousin who did not reclaim any adverse effect from Pfizer, 66 years old, was OK until it ended at the cardiologist after the booster. They found her with blood cloths close to the heart. Myself, with adverse effects multi-system, after dose 1 and a hand-full of vitamins and supplements and going to ER 3 tims, blood taken 6 times deprecated even more after each blood taken, seen 3 neurologists, seen 1 allergist, seen 6 times my GP, I CAN NOT advise anyone to ever take these vaccines. In month 9, after first dose I will fight for my health and I am still left with: micro-blood clothing, neuropathies on and off, vascular inflammation onto the vaccinated part of the body, but especially legs and right arm, inflammated part of the face cheeks, trigeminis, eyes still with spider blood veins, although they got better in the last 2 months. Still eating at 70% a bland diet, which means most things boiled, almost no dairy, no coffee, almost no sweets.

  416. Guys, were anyone able to do more diagnose the side effects properly? Especially the ones who has described about Mast Cell activation? Also did anyone recover? 5 months into the vaccine and still have occassional chest pain, palpitations. Also please avoid all dairy products like Milk especially which will bring down the symptoms to a mere manageable extent. But my stuffy nose and post nasal drip keeps triggering to some kind of air/food/ Dont know what is causing it.
    Please post if anyone recovered from this.
    Also i have stopped having milk which helps a lot from the symptoms worsening and you can manage to do your daily activities.
    Also i read somewhere that this is a strong immune response to COVID after the vaccine. But not sure if this will cure itself or if we need to do something about it.
    Please take a serum tryptase test immediately when u dont feel well. Elevated tryptase levels means you have Mast cell activation.

    • Hi AK,
      do you have burping, feeling wind in your stomach?
      coz i feel it, sounds like gastric, it is not pain, but it’ s uncomfortable.
      i cannot push myself to do house chores, coz it will trigger stomach acid, and feel tired.
      do you have this symptoms?
      i have been 5 months too since my last vax last year august.

      • Hi Suzaini,

        No burps or wind in stomach now. Most of the symptoms have subsided over time. Gastric problems subsided after a month. Sinus tachycardia i still get occasionally but manageable. But what is irritating me a lot is that i keep getting mucus dripping on back of throat which never stops throughout the day and feeling of dehydration even after drinking a lot of water sometimes.. Tight breathing with stuffy nose, but i can breath normally while i am in office like environment where there is centralized AC/ air purifier. I have learned to live with it as there is nothing much i can do as i have lost a lot of money at several hospital departments who are just ignorant that vaccines can’t cause this. For me no supplement helped. I keep doing breathing exercises and slow jogging in the morning which helped me with the arrhythmias to a greater extent. For me the heart issue was funny coz it used to hurt only while at rest. While i move/workout, it never hurts and i feel absolutely normal during workout. Recently i contracted covid with mild symptoms and the symptoms subsided greatly after recovering from covid.. But i still feel that tight breathing and nasal congestion at times and also occasional high blood pressure occur out of nowhere for no reason. I have decided to wait it out. If it is a vaccine induced autoimmune disease, then it should resolve itself atleast within 6-12 months (atleast i hope so)

        • For sinuses take SINUPRET, it helps. At least it helped me to abate the Pfizer sinuses adverse effects. Unfortunately, I finished the SINUPRET and have taken something else which is not that helpful and the bad symptoms returned in a revenge. I have never had any Covid. I had only adverse effects of Pfizer vaccine in dose 1.

          • This is interesting. After I had my first shot of Pfizer I had a bad Sinus infection about two weeks after. Never experienced anything like it. I haven’t had any sinus issues since. Plenty of headaches though.

  417. I took my 2nd phizer shot on july 25, one week later i had a chest pain with a vertigo and tightness of breath, i thought i was having angina so i went to the er done all the tests and everything was perfect, now i am suffering from a chronic gerd and sudden vertigo attacks which feels like i am heavily drunk, i am 34 years old and never had any health issues before

  418. I got my first shot in August, second in september. My arms feel like carpal tunnel/tennis elbow and been hurting with lack of strenght since both shots. Doctors dont know anything, this is effecting me both mentally and physically. Anyone still suffer from this shit?!

  419. It’s coming up to 8 months since my 1 & only jab of Pfizer. I can’t believe I am not back to how I was before I had it. I’m having a down day thinking about it all. I was a lot worse then I am now but still not 100%.
    My story…
    The night of my jab I woke having a ‘funny turn’ or panic attack even though I’ve had a panic attack before & this felt 100x worse. Heat flashes going down my arms & overwhelming feeling of panic. I had this for a few weeks.
    6 days after jab I got tingling in my hands & feet that soon spread all over, on my skin & an inside shaking feeling, felt like all my limbs were buzzing including inside my head & my eyes felt shaky. Felt like a vibrating phone in lower tummy & in chest area. Legs & arms & side of face had a prickly skin feeling & sometimes I’d get a icy hot / cold feeling in my arms & legs & lower back. Adrenaline surges & insomnia.
    Thankfully the on skin tingling died down at 5/6 months & the internal shaking lessened… I still get that every now & then but nothing as severe as before. Today my head still feels a bit fuzzy, my shaky eyes aren’t as bad but I still have a hot prickly feeling on my arms & legs & very mild buzzing in feet. The worst I’m suffering is aching muscles…. in my thighs mostly, like I’ve done 100 squats but also in my arms. I take so many supplements & rest a lot. I don’t know what else to try.

    • Dear Kim H,
      I had similar symptoms as yours. gastric, panic attack, anxiety, after the 2nd jab.
      internal shaking happened when i am closed to menstrual. I am not sure if you had your period.
      my menstrual changes these 2 months, very less blood. How is yours?

      • Hi, it turns out I was 3 weeks pregnant the day of my jab… 4 weeks later found out it was an ectopic 🙁 so my hormones would have been all over the place at the time of jab. Took a couple months to settle after surgery but have had no problems since. I have read somewhere about the histamine reaction from the vaccine can disrupt cycles. Not sure if a daily antihistamine would help.

    • Kim, my symptoms were quite similar to yours. I recently saw a rheumatologist who ordered a Cytokine panel test and found that Interleukin 10 serum was elevated indicative of systemic inflammation. He prescribed dexamethasone

  420. UPDATE: I hit the 9 month mark since my 2nd Pfizer shot and posted in greater detail several times above. It has been a long painful road. My symptoms have been extreme burning in feet, shins, and thighs. All tests for diabetes and neuropothy game back negaitve and my Dr’s essentially told me nothing they could do for me. I am very fit and active and have never had any health issues, but this has been very debilitating. I tried large doses of vit B supplements, rest, ibuprophen, massage, and scoured for info wherever I could. Some decent readings about Mast Cell issues so I tried antihestimine daily for a month. 2 weeks ago I noticed the burning sensations were starting to fade. It felt like such a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders to be pain free and normal again. I went to the gym and did one light set of legs I had done nothing save for walk for months prior to then trying to rest. The burning came back slowly and then after 2-3 days was full onslaught again and as bad as the begining. No idea where to turn. Can find zero solid info anywhere. Just keep grinding, praying, and hoping for answers.

  421. I just wanted to acknowledge everyone who mentioned costochondritis! Thanks to the comments section of this page I know I’m not crazy. My costochondritis was caused by the Pfizer booster shot. Since it lasted almost exactly two weeks it was most definitely this cartilage inflammation, rather than a more potentially dangerous heart inflammation. Thanks again!

  422. Is anyone on here still having symptoms 9 1/2 months post second vaccination? Mainly involving pronounced ringing in the right ear, light headedness – although not dizzy, occasional bouts of excessive amounts of gas in the digestive system, intolerance of excessive noise. Earlier symptoms included the above with tension headaches, gas in the digestive system and fatigue.

    • Hello, it’s actually been exactly 9-1/2 months for me as well. I believe I took the second shot on May 22nd. I was hit hard after the second shot, severe dizziness, blood pressure shooting, heart racing, high anxiety, hyper-sensitivity to radio frequencies which made me dizzy being around wireless devices/wifi, severe insomnia, intense gas, throbbing pulse from the back of the head down my spine/stomach, moderate depression, constant fatigue, brain shutting down almost completely at 8pm or so, disinterest in daily activities, confusion, burning sensation on the top of my head as if it’s exposed to sunlight, etc. Doctors just said I’m stressed out so I need to relax and gave me anti-depression medication which I never took. I just kept exercising – weight training/cardio when I could, ate super healthy diet – walnuts/blueberries and other fruits/veggies and started getting more rest. Sleep came back to normal cycle after ~60 days.

      Fast forward 9-1/2 months, dizziness has pretty much gone, rest of the symptoms have mostly gone as well. I still feel pulse in my body but the intensity is down 80% or more. I don’t know why I can feel my heart beating…I never felt it before but my pule is normal ~60. Gas is still there but the intensity is significantly lower. I feel alive once again and want to engage in my daily routine. Still exercising as much as possible. Eating healthy as well. Hope the remaining symptoms will go away soon as well. I did not take booster and will likely never take mRNA vaccine again. I’m not an anti-vaxer but my body just doesn’t take mRNA vaccines well so I’ll likely never give up mask in public places and find other ways to stay safe. Hope this helps.

  423. I got the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in November and it took me over 3 months to fully recover. On the second day of taking the vaccine I started experiencing stabbing pains in my arms and legs, muscle twitching, chest pains and a throbbing sensation in my right ear. The pain moved around and sometimes it would go away for a day or two but then come back. I had 3 blood tests but the doctors couldn’t find anything unusual. After various attempts they prescribed me antidepressants which only worsened the muscle twitching. I went through a very difficult time and I really thought that the pains would never go away. I found that having hot baths and regular walks helped with my symptoms. I feel extremely lucky to have recovered eventually and I hope this comment gives hope to people still struggling with the side effects of the vaccine.

  424. I received 2 Moderna vaccines in January 2021 without any significant side effects. I only had mild dizziness and chills for 1 day. On November 1st, 2021, I received a Pfizer booster shot and the same day my husband received a text message from me that I was having some anxiety and was going to purchase valerian root for that. After that the thing were getting progressively worse. I had a couple of panic attacks the same week, started having severe anxiety, insomnia, tremors, muscle pain and jerkiness in legs/arms, light and sound sensitivity, GI issues, weight loss 7 lbs in 1 month, brain fog, impaired judgement and comprehension, slow speech, throat tightness, excessive post-nasal drip, inability to cry, delayed or absent periods, increase of pain and tremors with exercises. My blood pressure would jump to 160/90 without significant increase in heart rate. I had never previously had any of these issues, never was on medication or even supplements except for occasional vitamin D or multivitamins. At my 46 y.o. I always had normal BMI, used to exercise regularly, worked in a hospital as a clinician, two teenage children. After the booster I missed about 3 weeks of work, could barely work until the end of the year 2021. Started taking some medications: for BP, antidepressant, sleeping pills (antihistamines) and vitamin B1, B12, Folic acid. I had medical check-ups with primary, ENT, endocrinology doctors, 3 urgent care and 1 ER visits. All lab and ECG results, including autoimmune disorders were negative. I decided not to see the neurology or rheumatology doctors, because the symptoms started to subside in mid-January. I started sleeping through the night with occasional brief waking up, got off BP meds and sleeping pills, was able to walk long distance but not ran (running increased muscle pain), improved cognition, concentration, memory, able to work full-time. Today, 5 months since the booster shot, most symptoms have resolved except for the intermittent deep muscle pain and mild skin tingling in legs (all muscle groups). I can do mild cardio exercises on a bike (20 min), continue with muscle stretching, massage, meditation. The leg pain comes and goes and seem to increase with physical exertion and stress. D-ribose powder supplement, hot bath and massage gun are helping manage the leg pain.

  425. 8 months update:
    1. Excessive Post nasal drip stopped ( stopped after i got omicron and recovered, big relief)
    2. Occasional tachycardia (got better without any treatment)
    3. Frequent viral infection ( once every 2 weeks) started after 6 months since vaccination (still an issue)

    4. Unexplained chest pain in the middle of the chest while resting stopped (got better after i got omicron and recovered)

    5. ESR of 28 in blood test indicating some inflammation but still not able to diagnose.

  426. 10 month update:
    Things are nowhere near as bad as they were but I still have:
    Buzzy / pins & needles / tingling in feet & leg
    Occasional prickly skin in patches
    Burning inside on/off
    Fuzzy feeling in head
    Vision slightly jumpy
    Feel shaky inside on/off
    Feel like head bobbing/wobbly when walk
    Jolting awake when drifting off

    Really hope this was just my nerves getting upset with the poison put in my body & now they are healing

  427. I had my first Pfizer shot the end of October. Just a red raised area on the injection site. The next day after receiving my second shot, I had electric like shocks down my whole arm. I continue to have sporadic jolts of discomfort on my arms, hands, scalp, and tooth pain. Even nipple sensation. I am 64 years old. I regret even getting the vaccine. NO more.

  428. Shortly after I had the second Pfizer jab I started getting muscular twitches which grew in intensity over several weeks until they became severe involuntary body jerks which would come without warning whenever I was sitting quietly or lying down. My shoulders would do a violent shrug or my hands and forearms would shake violently or my legs would start pistoning up and down, sometimes violently.
    Sleep deprivation set in as a result because every time I tried to go to sleep or rest, these jerks would start up and the only way to stop them was to get up and walk. You don’t get much sleep that way.
    After a few months I contacted my doctor who prescribed an epilepsy drug (Ropinirole) and instigated further investigations including EEG and consultations with neurologists. These ruled out ruled out epilepsy and identified my condition as a ‘functional movement disorder’. No-one was prepared to say it was caused by the Pfizer jab, although some admitted that the jab could have acted as a ‘stressor’ which triggered an underlying condition. However, in my whole 75 years I had never had any such tendency. I have now been put on a drug (Clonazepam) which dumbs me down for most of the night (45 minutes after taking it I rapidly fade out, very much like having an anaesthetic!). Unfortunately, its effects extend into the daytime too!

    • Hi Anne, I have taken many supplements over the last year but I feel that high dose magnesium and Glycine has helped me with muscles twitching/ tensing up, jerks/shocks awake. Magnesium helps relax muscles & glycine helps nervous system for a good nights sleep. Could be worth a try for you too.

  429. Approx 1 year update (2nd Pfizer injection in May 2021). In April burning in feet and legs was still there, but not as severe. Early May it subsided almost totally for approx 3 weeks . Actually got covid in May and although not that bad, I was low energy for a couple of weeks and rested alot. This past week after about a 3 mile hike with dogs on one day, 5 hrs on feet coaching (6′ 2″ 155lbs so not that much stress on body you would think) another day, and some heavy duty yard work another day its back again with a vengence. Been taking Nervive for a month so maybe it helped and the activity aggrevated it again. No clue once again. After a year you would think whatever reaction to the vaccine was would be over now or whatever damage was done would be healed. The summer heat also seems to aggrevate it so there are probably additive factors. Still unable to find any public info about it even though tons of messge boards talk about the burning legs/feet aftermath.

  430. I have tingling on the left side of my body . This is my 3rd shot Pfizer and it also destroyed my platelets. I was in the hospital for 4 days. It’s been 10 days and I still feel the tingling it’s the only thing that bothers me and its only on my left side , the side where I got the shot! Any idea on how long this will last I can not work like this it’s very uncomfortable!

    • 13 months post 2d Pfizer shot .. still have occasional left foot and left hand tingling/burning… not as bad and not as often but still present… I tried Alphalipoic Acid and antihistamines.. seems to reduce the intensity of the tingling

  431. Hi All
    We r all suffering so many of the same symtoms … I had my 2nd Pfizer last July 2021 and still suffering with my head, feeling out of it daily and always feel like I’m on a boat. I have a sore arm where the 2nd needle went in and always having jolts awake and trying to sleep. I have a feeling like my head is constantly under water. I’ve had an mri scan and all clear, awaiting to see nurology in October. I also have a circulation feeling in my legs at night and pins. I would never ever recommend this jab to anybody.. I had covid In november 2020 losing my taste and smell and survived it and only suffered since this was put into my system. I hope you all feel better soon. Take care!

  432. Is anyone on here still having symptoms 14 months post second vaccination? Mainly involving pronounced ringing in the right ear, light headedness – although not dizzy, intolerance of excessive noise, feeling like you are on a boat. Earlier symptoms included the above with tension headaches, gas in the digestive system and fatigue.

    • Most of my earlier symptoms like intense dizziness, burning sensation in the head, heart pounding, BP shooting up, etc. have subsided for the most part. I do get occasional light headedness but not that frequently. I do have gas but not sure if it’s vaccine related but it could be…no unusual fatigue as I follow an intense exercise routine. I have developed some abdominal pulsation which may be related to my diet and I’m working on addressing it. Not sure if anyone here is experiencing it. My 2nd Pfizer dose was on May 21, 2021. Have decided not to take any boosters given the side effects I experienced after the 2nd dose.

      • A few clarifications.
        – The abdominal pulsation is from vaccine as I had nothing of this sort before the 2nd Pfizer shot. It used to be very strong before but it has lowered in intensity and I’m praying to God that it goes away completely soon.
        – After reading a few posts here on excessive gas/bloating, I think it may be related to vaccine cause I never had this before.
        – My wife has developed anxiety/shortness of breathe especially while lying down on bed. The intensity seems to have improved but it has not gone away.

        I’m seeing someone at Stanford next week so I’ll likely have more to share then.

        I read on yahoo comment board that the vaccine induced/generated spike protein left over in the bodies may be to blame for some of these lingering symptoms. It is unclear if this would have further long term effect on our bodies. The frustrating part is that no one in medical community wants to talk about this for the fear of being labeled anti-vaxers.

      • I still appear to have the abdominal symptoms, not good but overall I seem to be getting better – I’m sure the symptoms will go entirely over time, it just takes a long time to get there.

    • Hi Mark,
      I just wanted you to know you’re not alone. It has been 16 1/2 months since my first and only vaccine shot and it was a Pfizer. To date I am better but I am still having issues pretty much daily. I still am unable to work because of brain fog, high anxiety, and vertigo. Chances are the boat feeling you are having is vertigo. I am also still experiencing digestive issues which include bloating from gas buildup. Fatigue is still a problem just not as bad. The doctors test all show no problems and have told me it is from the vaccine and to basically go home and wait it out. This Pfizer vaccine is destroying my life. I am 58 years old in good health and have never had any issues with anything especially vaccines before. Also to this day I have never had covid.

      • It looks like the symptoms will go over time and are doing, but it’s a problem whilst you have them. Mine are still here and seem to come on and off but they do seem to be getting better – just taking a long time about it. I rather foolishly had the Vaccine – shots just within 4 weeks of each other last year (May / June) – prior to having recovered from a bout of Long Covid in the January. I had Covid, at least I am very sure it was that, in January – March 2020 and possibly as early as October / November 2019, cannot confirm for sure but the research I have done suggests that, and then Long Covid from March 2020 – Jan 2021 which is what I think it all was. I could be wrong, but if I have had Covid before that may explain the reaction I have had to the Vaccine so my point is that you may have had Covid, just not understood it as Covid at the time.

  433. My first symptoms of ALS occurred in 2014, but was diagnosed in 2016. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn’t walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Tree of Life Health clinic. It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com ). I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others. ]

  434. I was probably the most unlikely candidate for Covid-19 vaccination[but in Australia there were no unlikely candidates. Its perfectly safe shouted from the rooftops], aged 72 stented heart, and with an orphan kidney. In Oct 2009 I had suffered 2 x catestrophic strokes, leaving my left side Paralysed,
    but physically recovered well after a year.Mentally in 2017 I was phychiarist diagnosed severe PTSD. Result at that point , a palmful of drugs morning & night.
    And ,of course, Every medical practioner advisin (because of my “co-morbidities” I should I should get vaccination ASAP. At that time, my fault, I should have said “hold on”
    Now tell me again: considering my many powerful prescription drugs & “co-morbidities” what level of assurance can you give that the vaccination is safe for me? none of course.
    My First Pfzier jab was on the 24th August 2021. The side effect that has continued over 12 months occurred almost instantly. The time it takes
    to walk 3mtrs from the injection room to recovery room. My right foot was full of “pins & needles” and numb. Well I made the excuse to myself that
    I had just taken a 20minute public transport trip to the doctors, so maybe it was my inactivity causing a “gone to sleep” feeling. Released from recovery
    I had that same 20minute sitting time back to my car. I was now limping on my right foot. Back in my car, driving was difficult because my right foot had
    lost the ability of fine modulation on the accellerator. On getting home I lay down & fell asleep for 2 hours. But I awoke with still a “pins & needles”
    feeling in my foot. for the weeks following my body learned to “put up with” the inconvenience of my Right foot symntom.
    But , of course, the date for the 2nd shot came around. A drop dead crazy decisiob considering I was still suffering from the first jab. But if I didn’t get the 2nd;
    the first was in vain. And so, after the 2nd jab- the same intense numbness came back into my right foot. (I know, the definition of insanity – doing the same
    thing over again and expecting a different result. but had I not had the 2nd the “non vacinated” damning would have continued.
    So, in the past 12 months my Neurologist has tried to eliminate GBS as a cause. This has included Brain & Spine MRI’s and electromyography testwhich have revealed no obvious cause.
    Now the numbness & pins & needles has spread to include my left foot and leg up to the hip. My neurologist has now ordered another MRI for my lower spine. My pfyzir vaccination has cost the Australian Health system a fortune.
    And the request now is strong that I need to have 1 (or more) boosters. No; not going down that definition of insanity path further while I’m still suffering
    lots of pain still from the first one a year ago.

  435. Hi everybody!
    I’ve been suffering several symptoms since 7 months ago; 2 after the first dose of Pfizer (2 previous doses were Sputnik).
    I started with a specific pain in my back, just in the dorsal spine, the two months after my feet started to tingle and burn, and sometimes a kind of needles in the fingers.
    Some days later the hands started the same, with an electricity sensation like ants walking through my palms.
    Two months with intense burning feet and feeling like discharges of burning sensation in the lower back, entire legs and belly.
    Then intense dizziness, blurry vision, palpitations and since ten days so far I feeling my mouth cold, the middle of my palate en tip of the tongue cold as ice, and bitter taste in some moments.
    I went through a brain and spine MRI, electromyography, blood tests, spinogram, and all results were normal.
    At this moment I can’t stop to think that Pfizer dose pushed me into this hell. I have no other explanations.

    Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina

    • Welcome to the forum. I assume you’ve read other posts that report similar side effects. At this point, it is my belief that majority of these symptoms resolve by themselves over time. For it first 6 months very difficult with acute insomnia, dizziness, anxiety, palpitations, and even mild depression. Most of these have subsided. I’m at 17 months from second Pfizer dose. I still have some anxiety left in my system but I’ve learnt to minimize it and hope it will be gone soon. Exercise has been a life safer for me though. Blood circulation with 4-5 days/week of 20-30 mins. cardio-vascular exercises has been super helpful. Good luck!

      • Thank you, Sammy.
        Yes, I read most of the posts. I hope this is just a bad dream.
        In the meantime I have to repeat the EMG because a new neurologist I’m consulting says that if you make the EMG soon after the first symptoms it is possible not to show any abnormalities. I did it 24 days after the first tingling/burning feet, so 7 months later I will do it again.
        Furthermore she prescribed me a lot of lab tests to rule out any autoimmune illness and vitamin B12 deficiency. Next month I will know.

        Thank you!! Good luck for you too!

  436. Hi,
    I would like to check with those who got Pfizer shots and are experiencing hair loss. I’m noticing thinning of my hair at scalp and also receding front hairline at a pretty rapid rate in the last 6-9 months. I got the second Pfizer shot in May 2021. Would like to hear from others who might have experienced hair loss after the vaccine and how they remediated the situation. Thank you!

    • Hi, Sammy!
      Here! I’m experiencing hair loss too, mostly on the right hairline. I ask my doctor about it and she didn’t give it too much importance. I didn’t solve it so far. I’m still losing hair but slower than before, fortunately.
      Started one month after the first shot.

      • Thanks Eugenia. Sorry to hear you’re experiencing hair loss as well. I went to a local dermatology clinic last week and the doctor just said it’s genetic without giving it much attention. Genetically, I am blessed with dense hair so I know it’s not genetic as it happened very suddenly. I’m trying to schedule an appt. with Stanford and UCSF but they are all booked for next 6 months. I have to keep calling them to find a specialist. I hope this condition is reversible. Will share what I learn.


      • Hi Eugenia, I went to see a dermatologist and they did a biopsy on my scalp. The diagnosis is some form of alopecia. They have put me on steroid/topical solutions. I’m 100% certain that this is vaccine related. The dermatologist did say that I’m at a very early stage of this so it’s good that I acted quickly. I suggest anyone having any hair problems to see a dermatologist asap before the problem gets worse.

    • I don’t have any issues with hair loss, that’s totally new on me. I’m still suffering with a dodgy Digestive System and slight dodgy heads although these are not nearly as bad as previously. It seems that the Symptoms are still there – just not as bad.

  437. I received my second shot of pfizer “vaccine” in Jan 2022, shortly after I started getting a burning, tingling, pins and needle pain in my left cheek (cheek bone basically). Not long after that it has spread around the left side of my face, still most of the pain on the left cheek bone. Sometimes the tingly numbness feeling reaches the right side of my face and down my neck, which only has been coming and going, not like the left side which is there constantly. A few months later the tingly feeling has now been noticed in the right breast area. I have been to emerge twice for the pain, and they simply saw its nerves and nothing they can do. My family doctor is a little more sympathetic (assuming has seen similar issues from patients), but still has zero idea of a remedy, and only offered to prescribe pain medication to help make it more comforable… I did not accept any pain meds as that’s the last thing i need in my life (being dependent on pain meds).
    I see there’s a few people with very similar symptoms. Has anyone found a remedy to help them? Getting desperate to get some comfort back, I mentally cannot do it any longer.

    • Just wanted to add, sometimes it feels like something is being pushing through my cheek bone, sometimes I get a crawling sensation beneath the skin. For the most part, its like a pressure pain.

  438. Folks, I am pretty sure what I had developed after the 2d Pfizer shot in May 2021 was a version of mast cell activation syndrome. Google videos by Dr. Tina Peers and Dr. Afrin on Youtube ,, they explain it very well. Low histamine diet, antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers : Vit C, Quercetin, Nettle Leaf, Tulsi seem to help and lessen my symptoms….

  439. Hello

    Is anybody still having issues 22 Months Post Second Vaccination (June 2021 in my case). I’m still suffering from occasional Indigestion and Gas Buildup along with the occasional dodgy Head.

    Don’t know for sure what is causing this but the Symptoms do appear to have lessened considerably over time.

    • Hi Mark,

      I started to burp 3 days after 1st shot of pfizer vaccine on Aug. 2021, 7-8 times per hour(not per day, per hour!), on average. And it has been 1 year and 9 month! Do you also have this problem? Since you mentioned gas buildup. Mine is also related to gas. Tried prebiotics/antibiotics. No sign of getting better in the long term…

      My email if you like: 2017528581@qq.com

  440. I’m the same with the burping. Several times per hour – giant burps to the point I need to sit up. It’s sending me crazy. Over 12 months.

    Lymph’s also were swollen to the size of tenis balls straight after where they took biopsys.

    Had auto immune reactions they thought were gout.

    Prior to this I’d never even get the cold.
    30 fit and healthy now I’m f…..ed

  441. Had an almost immediate reaction to the first dose of Pfizer. Lymph node swelled up and was painful. Same with the second shot. My lymph node has gotten better but never been the same, it’s still enlarged, just not painful. Soon after that, I noticed my heart was pounding all the time. Not fast, just absolutely pounding and if I tried meditating, I would compare it to your heart pounding after sprinting, literally. Things were strange after that. This was may and June of 2022.

    I’m 21 and have had to withdraw from college. Things were strange after that but I didn’t pay much attention. Got Covid in august 2022, wasn’t nearly as bad as my first Covid infection (January 2022). Slowly things just got worse and worse. It’s now august 2023 and I don’t even know how to describe it anymore I’m so messed up. I could hardly have a conversation last December and january because I couldn’t really understand what my parents were saying and couldn’t respond. It was like I was drugged. I wouldn’t fall asleep until 8 in the morning I would lay there all night feeling poisoned is the best way I can describe it. I’ve had a relentless crushing pressure in my head now for almost a year, which means I’ve also had vision issues 24/7 for that time as well and other things like tinnitus. I have like 25 symptoms at least. I feel absolutely destroyed every day. I was in peak health before this, used to do multiple workouts a day, be with friends all the time, just living life.

    Even after my first Covid infection, I felt sick for a few days really bad, then was fine. I really think the vaccine played a large roll in my total dysfunction now. I’m 21 and have absolutely fallen apart health wise. I’ve lost everything, I feel so disconnected from everything. My brain feels destroyed. I could go into more detail but you probably get the point.

    • My sympathies for you, Matthew. I had severe reaction to the second dose of Pfizer vaccine I took in May 2021. Without going into too much detail, I can tell you first hand that things will get better over time, just don’t lose hope. I can’t promise you will be back to the same level of health, but your life will most certainly get back on track. I’m close to normal but there are a couple things that I still have to manage – low level of pulsing through the body (i have self diagnosed it to be anxiety induced by the vaccine), excessive gas build up at times/burping – much better than the initial days right after vaccine, some hair loss on my scalp – there’s some regrowth though, etc. I’m an athletic 49 year old and never had any health issues in my life before taking covid vaccine. Stopped going to doctors after getting disappointed from lack of specific diagnosis. I eat well and exercise and am resigned to the fact that someday one of these symptoms may flare up again and cost me my life. I don’t stress about it anymore though. I have accepted it to be my new normal and live my life to the fullest. I decided to take the vaccine so I have no one else to blame but myself.

  442. I found this article really informative. It’s crucial for people to understand the potential side effects of the Pfizer vaccine so they can make informed decisions about their health. Personally, I received the Pfizer vaccine a few months ago, and my only side effect was a sore arm for a day or two. It’s reassuring to know that most side effects are mild and short-lived. It’s also great to see the article emphasize the importance of vaccination in the fight against COVID-19. Let’s all do our part to protect ourselves and our communities!


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