What is the future of women in leadership?

women in leadership, sarah jones
© Monkey Business Images

Women in leadership are the future and they should push for career progress, according to seasoned Leadership Coach Sarah Jones

When it comes to careers, the amount of women in leadership positions remain just a fraction of men in similar positions. Currently, women are less than 7% of world leaders, and 25% of global senior positions in economics. 

Women in leadership deal with obstacles in career progression

Women in leadership face specific obstacles to their work, which are unlikely to experienced by the majority of men – like an undercurrent of constant sexual harassment, gender-based stereotypes, and a lack of career support for new mothers.

The COVID-19 pandemic shed further light on these discrepancies in the working world, as the divide between men and women in higher positions of leadership widened. In a growing body of evidence, it seems that the majority of “invisible labour” left to women working from home, slowing down their working output.

Sarah Jones, a seasoned Leadership Coach, has been working as an executive for over 25 years in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors. In discussions about viability of career advice for women in leadership, she confirms that she has an intimate understanding of the challenges that present themselves.

Reflecting on the changing conditions for women, Sarah commented: “The percentage of women in the workforce is on the rise and they are now earning more degrees than men. The change can be attributed to many factors such as a need for diversity, advancing technology, and globalisation.”

Can coaching help with some of these challenges and obstacles?

Sometimes, a person can have the best intentions for their own career growth but struggle to realise them. Besieged by obstacles and the daily grind of life, it can be easy to lose track of the bigger picture – leaving those who are struggling in a state of stagnation.

However, there are qualified professionals that can help with these periods of stagnation. Sarah, who has been working with individuals on a one-to-one basis for both personal and leadership coaching, also offers group work for businesses on a whole.

She has individually dealt with many of the roadblocks and challenges faced by people who are struggling to get ahead, while pushing to empower individuals when it comes to reaching their full potential.

Speaking about the benefits of coaching, Sarah said: “I’ve been coaching people since 2016, and I love it. I believe that having undergone several major transformations and changes in my life, it’s not just my certificates that prove I can help you.

“I know that having someone by your side, to listen, motivate, to not judge you, and help you find what you want – works. It sounds simple, but it’s true.”

To book a free consultation, click here.

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