Using AI solutions to assist clinicians and doctors in the quest for early cancer detection through software

WSK Medical is an innovative software company that is focused exclusively on developing leading-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions to assist clinicians and doctors in the quest for early cancer detection. The company aims to create the most advanced, flexible AI technologies to improve patient cancer care.

AI solutions for early cancer detection

WSK Medical’s mission is to bridge the gap between the medical community and AI research by developing easy-to-use, workflow-integrated, clinically valuable AI solutions for early cancer detection. The time has come to move AI out of the research domain and bring it into the general clinical environment. WSK Medical does this by translating complex, medical problems into solutions that assist doctors and clinicians in their daily work.

WSK Medical is currently developing AI solutions for Pathology, and Ears Nose & Throat (ENT) oncology. In the Netherlands, the company is collaborating with two renowned institutions, (Radboud University Medical Centre & Netherlands Cancer Institution / Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital) on both medical specialisms.

Double the power = double the success

WSK Medical was founded by Derick Montaque (CEO/CTO) and Marius Wellenstein (COO). Derick manages the development team and oversees WSK Medical’s strategy while Marius is responsible for the business development and daily operations. They met in 2018 and decided to set up WSK Medical because they both saw a lot of opportunities to innovate the healthcare industry with the use of AI.

Their joint goal was to develop AI solutions that assisted doctors and clinicians in their daily work without replacing them. Both Derick and Marius believe in human-machine collaboration to add value to cancer care and potentially save lives.

AI solutions
This picture demonstrates Zeno AI detecting an ‘Anomaly’ and ‘Carcinoma’ during a laryngoscopy.

Zeno Pathology, AI solution for digital pathology

Zeno Pathology, WSK Medicals CE-certified AI digital pathology solution, is now available on the European market and is beginning to build traction. Zeno Pathology provides users with a fully automated AI analysis pipeline that performs whole slide image analysis as a background task. It can be integrated into your existing workflow to achieve seamless integration to all relevant clinical/administration systems, therefore enhancing your overall workflow for H&E and IHC analysis.

Zeno Pathology is a flexible system that can be configured with the following modules: Mitosis counting based on Nottingham Grading, (H&E); Nuclei detection & heatmap of tumour probability (H&E), TIL detection (H&E), ER/PR detection (IHC), HER2 detection (IHC), and Ki-67 detection (IHC).

Zeno AI, throat cancer detection

Zeno AI, WSK Medicals AI throat cancer detection solution for ENT-surgeons (currently under MDR CE certification evaluation) focusses on detecting certain forms of throat cancers to assist ENT-surgeons during endoscopic examinations in the outpatient clinic.

Identifying and classifying (pre)malignant laryngeal tumours can be difficult for an ENT-surgeon. The expertise of Head & Neck surgeons is crucial for detecting head and neck tumours in an early stage. The problem with throat cancer detection is the fact that ENT-surgeons – when in doubt – have to call upon the Head & Neck surgeon for further investigation. Head & Neck surgeons are a finite resource within the Netherlands as they are typically found in academic hospitals. This can create problems when a non-academic hospital requires a specialist Head & Neck surgeon.

By aiding the doctor in the choice whether or not to perform an invasive procedure (i.e., biopsy under general anesthesia), patients can be spared the potentially unnecessary surgical procedure and associated general anesthesia. Furthermore, earlier detection of malignancy results in a faster time to diagnosis and time to treatment, with significant impact on survival. Current waiting times in the Netherlands are 2 to 3 weeks.

What Zeno AI offers

Zeno AI provides users with a ready-to-use, fast AI analysis platform to assist in the early detection of throat cancer during a laryngoscopy (endoscopic examination of the larynx). Zeno AI supports integration into your existing clinical workflow and thus reduce the time to analyse complex, medical data – Therefore reducing possible delays and improving patient care. This means by using Zeno AI, the time to diagnosis can be brought back from weeks to the same day. Faster throat cancer diagnosis can reduce healthcare costs and enables a faster care plan for patients.


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